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Page 1: Home []...2016/08/23  · Kære Christine Gro Norup Jeg er meget forundret over, at I allerede har lagt afgørelsen offentligt ud, før sagen afgøres den 26.08.2016. Samtlige af de
Page 2: Home []...2016/08/23  · Kære Christine Gro Norup Jeg er meget forundret over, at I allerede har lagt afgørelsen offentligt ud, før sagen afgøres den 26.08.2016. Samtlige af de
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Fra: Stig Gerdes Sendt: 23. august 2016 08:23

Til: [email protected] Emne: Sagsnr. 5-8011-79/2/

Til Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed Embedslægeinstitutionen Syd Nytorv 2, 1. 6000 Kolding

Fredericia, den 23-08-2016 Kære Christine Gro Norup Jeg er meget forundret over, at I allerede har lagt afgørelsen offentligt ud, før sagen afgøres den 26.08.2016. Samtlige af de efterhånden 300 patienter jeg har behandlet fra hele landet, har henvendt sig til mig, fordi der ingen hjælp er at hente i det offentlige sundhedsvæsen. Patienterne vidste på forhånd, at de svært syge kunne hjælpes med intravenøst C-vitamin samt behandling efter "Behandlingsmanual for HPV-vaccineskadede", de lettere ramte kunne nøjes med at følge behandlingsmanualen, nogle blev helt raske, nogle bedredes betydeligt og en mindre gruppe forblev uændret dårlige. Journalføringen har været efter devisen, patienterne først og journalføringen sidst. Jeg har efter bedste evne prøvet at rette mig efter Jeres påbud af 09.09.2015, og Jeres nye påbud er blot en chikane fra Jeres side. Jeg skal slagtes. I demonstrerer Jeres magtfuldkommenhed. Det er tankevækkende, at I er mere interesserede i journalføring end i patienternes tarv. Min påstand er, at I kan finde fejl og mangler i alle landets lægejournaler, hvis I vil. Hvis I mener, at den behandling jeg giver HPV vaccineskadede er til fare for patientsikkerheden, synes jeg, I skal revurdere lovgivningen. I rammer helt ved siden af den egentlige problemstilling. Der er større evidens, for den behandling jeg giver HPV vaccineskadede, end der er for HPV vaccinen og for funktionelle lidelser, så hvis I gennemfører et angreb mod mig, så skal I også gøre det mod medicinalbranchen samt "Center for funktionelle lidelser" i Aarhus. HPV står i et brydningsfelt, hvor alle undtagen Sundhedsmyndighederne har erkendt at HPV vaccinen har bivirkninger, og at den behandling, jeg er fortaler for, er helbredende. Sundhedsmyndighederne hævder fortsat, at der er evidens for HPV vaccinen, og at behandlingen er funktionelle lidelser - BDS. Hvis jeg skal følge Jeres vanvittige påbud, må I bevise, at der er evidens for HPV vaccinen og funktionelle lidelser - BDS. Jeres problem er, at I skal forsvare HPV vaccinen og funktionelle lidelser, og det gør I ved at vende problemstillingerne på hovedet. Hvorfor? "Korruption", mener formanden for Borgerretsbevægelsen: "Korruptionen i Danmark er på højde med lande som Grækenland, vi taler blot ikke om det. Jeg nævner blot fire synonymer for korruption, som alle er rigt repræsenteret i HPV skandalen.

Page 6: Home []...2016/08/23  · Kære Christine Gro Norup Jeg er meget forundret over, at I allerede har lagt afgørelsen offentligt ud, før sagen afgøres den 26.08.2016. Samtlige af de

1. Korruption er misbrug af betroet magt for "egen vindings skyld". 2. Korruption er moralsk fordærvelse eller bestikkelighed. 3. Korruption er erhvervelse af fordele mod betaling eller ydelse for tjeneste i strid med gældende

regler. 4. Korruption er forvanskede tekststykker i tekstanalytisk sammenhæng."

Jeg vedlægger tre mails, der underbygger mine udsagn, og det er ikke konspirationsteorier. Jeres sag imod mig er en skueproces, fordi jeg ikke vil indordne mig under Jeres vanvittige bureaukratiske regler. Hvis I fortsætter denne linje, skal I have ansat flere hjerneskadede psykiatere, genindføre Omniscan, Boneloc samt indføre Gardasil 9 vaccinen, så kan I rigtig føle Jer godt tilpas. Jeres brev til mig og mit svar vil blive offentliggjort bredt. Det er fuldstændig vanvittigt at stoppe den behandling, jeg benytter mig af, som har vist sig at være effektiv mod HPV vaccineskader, ikke kun i Danmark men worldwide. Venlig hilsen Stig Gerdes Formand for Borgerretsbevægelsen og Speciallæge i almen medicin -----------------

https://truthkings.com/newly-leaked-emails-prove-who-suppressing-hpv-vaccines-harmful-effects/# ---------------



Page 7: Home []...2016/08/23  · Kære Christine Gro Norup Jeg er meget forundret over, at I allerede har lagt afgørelsen offentligt ud, før sagen afgøres den 26.08.2016. Samtlige af de

Chronic Symptoms After HPV Vaccine: Part of Wider Syndrome?

Zosia Chustecka

August 11, 2016

Another case series of rare chronic symptoms among young females seen after

vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV) has been reported in the medical

literature, this time from Italy.

The paper was published online August 9 in Immunologic Research. This latest case series joins other similar reports from other countries that have been published in the medical literature, aspreviously reported by Medscape Medical News. However, a causative relationship between chronic symptoms and HPV vaccination has never been established. As Eduardo L. Franco, DrPH, professor of oncology and director of cancer epidemiology at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, commented on a previous case series, "When you have many millions of girls and boys receiving a medical intervention and then paying attention to them, you will have lots of cases of poor clinical outcomes. This does not mean causation." Official medical bodies, including the European Medicines Agency, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the US Food and Drug Administration, have said that there is no causative relationship and have repeatedly emphasized the safety of the HPV vaccine, as also previously reported by Medscape Medical News. What is new in the latest report is the authors' speculation that the symptoms fit in with a recently described phenomenon known as autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA syndrome). The theory behind the syndrome suggests that heterogeneous postvaccination conditions, which are rare but have been chronicled among multiple individuals receiving different vaccines, might be the consequence of some immune dysfunction, putatively activated by the adjuvant rather than by the antigenic vaccine fraction, they note. Long-Lasting Impairment In the latest paper, a team led by Beniamino Palmieri, MD, from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Medical School, Surgical Clinic, Modena, Italy, report a series of 18 females (aged 12 to 24 years; mean age, 15.2 years) who were referred to the Second Opinion Medical Network for the evaluation of ''neuropathy with autonomic dysfunction'' after HPV vaccination. These girls had received the HPV vaccine (9 with Gardasil [Merck & Co], 9 with Cervarix[GlaxoSmithKline]) when they were aged 11 to 12 years. All the girls in this series reported long-lasting and invalidating somatoform symptoms (including asthenia, headache, cognitive dysfunction, myalgia, sinus tachycardia, and skin rashes), the Italian doctors report. They add that the symptoms were consistent with severe fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndrome, according to the literature criteria.

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"Because of these symptoms, at least 10 of these eighteen young girls developed a long-standing social impairment (school absence, sport suspension and daily activity impairment)," they comment. "Previously, all these girls declared excellent fitness and wellness, including sport practice. No significant co-morbidities or previous relevant diseases were reported before the HPV immunization," they note.

"Our study highlighted some important post-vaccination phenomena temporally linked

to HPV immunization, which needs further epidemiological analysis and biological

investigations in order to establish or exclude a causal relation, Dr Palmieri and

colleagues comment.

Details of the Reported Symptoms

In their paper, the doctors provide details of the reported symptoms, and these are

reported below because Medscape Medical News readers who have commented on

previous stories have asked for further detail.

The symptoms occurred after the first intramuscular injection of the HPV vaccine in 4

girls, after the second dose in 8 patients, and after the third boost in 8 girls. "As

expected, the first two groups refused the following doses of the HPV immunization

protocol," Dr Palmieri and colleagues comment.

On the basis of the time interval between vaccination and symptom onset, the team

divided the girls into three groups:

1. Girls whose symptoms appeared 1 to 5 days after vaccination (n = 11); the systemic reactions

observed include low-grade fever (n = 9), headache (n = 12), recurrent syncope (n = 7), persistent

convulsive hunger (n = 1), irritability (n = 3), epileptic seizures (n = 1), transient speech loss (n = 1),

lower-limb paresthesia and paresis (n = 1), hot flushes (n = 1), severe stomach pain (n = 4),

insomnia (n = 5), hypersensitivity reactions (eg, itchy skin rash, rhinitis) (n = 1), muscle pain (n = 5),

severe gait impairment and orthostatic intolerance (n = 1), excessive sweating (n = 1), and vomiting

(n = 1).

2. Girls whose symptoms appeared 5 to 15 days after the vaccination (n = 5); here symptoms included

asthenia (n = 8), excessive thirst (n = 3), severe itching of hands and feet (n = 1), and optic neuritis

(n = 1).

3. Girls whose symptoms occurred 15 to 20 days after vaccination (n = 2), with symptoms including the

following: amenorrhea (n = 1), skin rashes (n = 2), tachycardia (n = 2), difficulty breathing (n = 1),

and weight loss (n = 3).

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Dr Palmieri and colleagues comment that among the most common and persistent

symptoms, the girls reported memory and concentration impairment (n = 17), muscle

pain (n = 13), finger and toe vascular abnormalities with skin color and temperature

changes (n = 13), headache (n = 12), asthenia (n = 9), dizziness (n = 6), abdominal

pain (n = 4), low-grade fever (n = 3), sinus tachycardia (n = 2), and skin rashes (n = 1).

The symptoms cover a wide spectrum, the team acknowledges.

They comment that most of the girls showed an ''acute phase'' characterized by a

variable combination of clinical manifestations, including low-grade fever, skin rashes,

muscle pain, headache, and sensorial disturbances. Its onset occurred at a variable

time after HPV immunization, ranging from hours to days.

"Then, this acute phase subsided in some weeks, but the girls developed some chronic

and/or recurrent symptoms resembling chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia or other functional

somatic syndromes. The clinical pictures displayed by each patient were actually

polymorphous, except for asthenia, concentration problems, sensorial impairment

(related to temperature perception, especially), recurrent or persisting muscle pain,

paresis and headache," they comment.

What Is Happening?

The team speculates about what might be happening. "The description of our case

series aims at analysing clinical phenomena, being putatively immune mediated and

arising after HPV immunization," the Italian doctors write. "The latency of the onset of

symptoms is quite variable, but it can be consistent with the occurrence of cell-

mediated and/or antibody response against some neurological/neuromuscular


The Italian authors suggest that cases they describe fit into ASIA syndrome, a term

coined by Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, from the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune

Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, and chair for Research

of Autoimmune Diseases, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, and colleagues.

Dr Shoenfeld elaborated on ASIA syndrome in a 2013 interviewwith BioMed Central.

"The idea of ASIA as a new syndrome developed after some studies on Gulf War

syndrome reported that soldiers who had not been deployed to the Gulf area were

suffering from symptoms such as severe fatigue, cognitive impairment, myalgias and

arthralgias. This raised the question of whether it was the vaccines administered to the

soldiers that induced these syndromes," Dr Shoenfeld commented in that interview. His

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team first used the term "ASIA syndrome" in a report of 93 cases of what was being

described as Gulf War syndrome in individuals who had received hepatitis B

vaccination (Lupus. 2012;21:146-152).

Dr Shoenfeld noted that the most common adjuvants are silicone implants (such as

used for breast augmentation) and aluminum in vaccines.

He emphasized that he is "definitely not against vaccines! Vaccines are the best

medical development that humankind has had in the last 300 years, and have helped

to bring about almost complete eradication of some viral diseases. However, it should

be considered that when you give millions of people an active substance, and vaccines

are active substances, then some may suffer from adverse events. After all, vaccines

contain viral or synthetic particles emulsified in adjuvant, which is supposed to

enhance the immune reaction."

"So, we have to identify the people who are at risk of suffering from side effects due to

the chronic stimulation of their immune system," he continued. "First of all we have to

diagnose them, to treat them — and some of them should be compensated, because

the vaccines are quite often imposed on them either by the state, the government, or

by the employer."

"With regard to the ASIA syndrome, prevalence is higher in subjects that carry the

gene HLA-DRB1," he noted. "Maybe in the future with further advances in personalized

medicine, we will be able to screen those at risk based on their genetic composition,

and therefore avoid onset of autoimmune diseases by avoiding administration of

vaccines containing adjuvants that are known to be associated with the ASIA


In their paper, the Italian team writes that "ASIA is thought to represent an infrequent

side effect of vaccinations due to an adjuvant or adjuvant-like stimulus acting on a

predisposed, but not well-defined, genetic background. Because of its rarity, its

heterogeneous clinical expression and the frequent absence of objective pathological

lesions and immunological signatures, ASIA might have escaped to pre-clinical and

postmarketing safety studies on vaccines.

"Among commercialized vaccines, those against HPV have received a lot of

descriptions of medical conditions being consistent with the diagnosis of ASIA,

regardless of the type of vaccine," they write.

The point about the aluminum-containing adjuvant has also been raised by the Nordic

Cochrane Research group. This group questions the assessment of safety that has

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been based on clinical trials of HPV vaccines, as they point out that "in all the vaccine

trials apart from a small one, the control group was given a placebo that contained an

aluminum adjuvant, which is suspected of being neurotoxic."

Dr Palmieri and colleagues also cite a paper from another group of Italian researchers,

published in 2015 (Immunol Res. 2015;61:90-96), which presents the first systematic

estimation of ASIA incidence.

Those authors analyzed HPV vaccine-related ASIA epidemiology in the Vaccine

Adverse Event Reporting System, a large database collecting almost 30,000

postvaccination adverse drug reactions (ADRs) per year. Pooling the data until the end

of 2013, these authors reported more than 26,000 ADRs after HPV vaccine. Of these,

2207 cases (about 8%) were labeled as being probable or possible ASIA, according to

Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin's guideline for the diagnosis. The most common clinical

manifestation observed were pyrexia (58%), myalgia (27%), and arthralgia or arthritis

(19%), and the estimated reporting rate was 3.6 cases per 100,000 doses of HPV

vaccine distributed (95% confidence interval, 3.4 - 3.7).

Call for Further Investigation

In their conclusions, Dr Palmieri and colleagues call for further epidemiologic and

genetic investigations to clarify the existence and pathophysiology of HPV-related

syndromes. "Hopefully, this approach might lead to a screen test for this risk and,

eventually, to prevent it," they comment.

"Last but not least, a proper treatment for these somatoform syndromes is urgently

needed," they add, because current analgesics, including opiates, are ineffective or,

paradoxically, even enhance the pain.

Immunologic Res. Published online August 9, 2016. Full text

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Plus link til studiet http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12026-016-8820-z