home remedies for menopause

Home Remedies for Menopause Symptoms Beth Nicastro, BSN, MS Women’s Health Educator

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Page 1: Home Remedies for Menopause

Home Remedies for

Menopause Symptoms

Beth Nicastro, BSN, MS

Women’s Health Educator

Page 2: Home Remedies for Menopause

Stop Smoking

Catholic Health WomenCare l WomenCareWNY.org 2

Smokers reach menopause earlier than non-smokers.

After you reach menopause, smoking makes hot flashes worse!

New York State’s Smokers’ Quitline (1-866-NY-QUITS)

• Offers medication and information to help you quit smoking.

• Visit them online at www.nysmokefree.com.

Page 3: Home Remedies for Menopause

Move 30 Minutes Every Day

Catholic Health WomenCare l WomenCareWNY.org 3

Exercise Options

Walk the dog



Do yoga, pilates or tai chi

Try an exercise video

Take a water aerobics class

Climb stairs

Lift weights twice per week

Work out on an elliptical or treadmill

Jump rope

Consult with your doctor before starting an

exercise program.

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Catholic Health WomenCare l WomenCareWNY.org 4

Paced breaths every 5 - 7 minutes can help with

stress and ward off hot flashes.

1. Find a quiet place to lie down or sit.

2. Take a normal breath in.

3. Put your hand on your abdomen below your

belly button.

4. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose

and into your lower belly.

5. Feel your hand rise as you inhale and lower as

you exhale.

6. Let your belly fully expand.

7. Breathe out through your mouth or nose.

8. Repeat several times.

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Catholic Health WomenCare l WomenCareWNY.org 5

Due to hormone fluctuations,

women with menopause may

experience tingling in the hands

and feet, fluid retention, hot

flashes and fatigue.

Massage can help to invigorate

you by promoting circulation.

It eases tight muscles and

strengthens the immune system.Massage is available at Sisters Hospital.

For hours and cost, go to


Get a Massage

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Acupuncture may relieve hot flashes, headaches, low back

pain, and fibromyalgia.

Acupuncture inserts extremely thin needles through your

skin at strategic points on your body.

More information about acupuncture is available from the

National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine.

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Avoid Trigger Foods

Catholic Health WomenCare l WomenCareWNY.org 7

Change Your Diet

Hot food or coffee may trigger a flash!

Other common triggers are red wine, vinegar, spicy

foods, alcohol, and caffeine.

Avoid high glycemic index foods, such as bread and


Know your triggers. See what foods bother you and

avoid them.

Smoking, stress, hot showers, hot weather and diet pills are

also common triggers.

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Foods to Eat

Strong Bones

• Salmon

• Oranges

• Green leafy vegetables


Phyoestones are estrogen-like substances found in cereals, legumes and some vegetables.

• Yams

• Walnuts

• Fiber

• Flaxseed

• Pineapples

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Foods to Eat


Have 1-2 servings of soy daily; this can help with hot flashes.

• Tofu

• Soy milk

If you have a history of breast, uterine or ovarian cancer, do not change your diet without the advice of your oncologist.

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Catholic Health WomenCare l WomenCareWNY.org 10

Watch Your Portions

Women who are overweight have more hot flashes!

To watch your portions, measure your servings, read labels carefully and do

not guess.

Consider tracking your food intake in a journal or use an online tool like

Fitness Pal.

Fill up with 5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day.

Aim for eating heart healthy fish twice a week (salmon, tuna).

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Get Enough Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium: Women ages 19-50 need 1,000 mg calcium. Women ages 51-70 need 1200 mg calcium.

Vitamin D: Women ages 19-70 need 600 IU vitamin D.

Read food labels:

If one serving is 30% calcium, drop the percent and add a zero. For example,

30% Ca is equal to 300 mg calcium.

For vitamin D, drop the percent and multiply by 4.

Talk to your doctor if a bone density test is needed. A Vitamin D level greater than

or equal to 30 is adequate for bone and overall health in healthy individuals.

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Avoid caffeine close to bedtime

Keep a fan by your bed to stay cool

Go to sleep at the same time every day

Cc Health WomenCare l WomenCareWNY.org 12

Get Enough Sleep

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Try a warm lavender bath.

Sip on chamomile tea.

Turn off TV and computer before sleep.

Listen to classical music.

Roll your shoulders.