homeroom warm up 11-3-2014 november 3rd is “national sandwich day.” use a paragraph to describe...

Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich.

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Page 1: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

Homeroom Warm Up11-3-2014

November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich.

Page 2: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

Academic Enrichment Warm Up


Which of these is a characteristic of a mineral?

a. It has a noncrystalline structure

b.It exists in a liquid state

c. It is a natural substance

d.It has a varying chemical composition

Page 3: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

Science Warm Up11-3-14

The way a mineral reflects light is called its

a. Texture


c. Luster


Page 4: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich


Diagram of the rock cycle on a poster board with the 3 types of rocks and all the processes that drive the cycle. Due Thursday 11/6/14 worth 200 pts

Page 5: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

rGLE 0707.7.2 Summarize the basic events that occur during the rock cycle. ocks

Page 6: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich


A rock is a naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals and organic matter.

It might be hard to believe but rocks are always changing…..

Page 7: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich
Page 8: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich
Page 9: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich
Page 10: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

Which rock will it stay?

Can you Figure it Out?

Page 11: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

From One Rock to another


But never in a hurry

Page 12: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich




The Rock Cycle

Page 13: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

What is tWhat is thhee

RRoocckk CCyycclle ?e ?The rock cycle is a sequence of events involving the formation, alteration, destruction, and reformation of rocks as a result of natural processes such as magmatism (melting of rock into magma), erosion, transportation, deposition, lithification, and metamorphism.

Glossary of Geology, Bates & Jackson, AGI

Page 14: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

The mantle, crust and surface of the earthcan be thought of as a giant recycling machine;rocks are neither created nor destroyed, but redistributed and transformed from one rock type to another.

http://www.science.ubc.ca/~geol202/rock_cycle/rockcycle.html March 2000

Page 15: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

The RRoocck k CCyyccllee involves the recognition of three main classes of rocks.

The three rock types are …

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IgneousRocks Right?Right?

Page 17: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

MineralsMinerals combine to form combine to form


Page 18: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

Some RocksRocks are made up of just

one mineral - like rock salt (made up of the mineral halite)

Others RocksRocks are made up of many minerals - like the

granites and gneisses (made up of feldspars, quartz, and other minerals)

Page 19: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

RocksRocks and Natural Natural ProcessesProcesses make up the

RRoocckk CCyycclleeweathering




, hea


Sedimentary Metamorphic


Page 20: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich


The Rock Cycle

Igneous means “born of fire”

Page 21: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

The RRoocck k CCyyccllee


Sedimentary Metamorphic


Igneous Rocksform from molten rock or magma cooling in the subsurface or from lava extruded at the surface

Page 22: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

But then theEARTH’S elements

Won’t leaveThe poor rock alone!

Page 23: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

•Ice•wind •Water ice



Page 24: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

They break up the stone

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Page 26: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

The RRoocck k CCyyccllee


Sedimentary Metamorphic


Rocks are weatherederoded,Compactedand cemented formSedimentary Rocks

Some common sedimentary rocks are Sandstone,shale,limestone,halite, andgypsum

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The Rock Cycle


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Page 29: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich



Page 30: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich



, hea


Sedimentary Metamorphic


The RRoocck k CCyyccllee

Heat & Heat & PressurePressureand fluidsand fluids cause preexistingmaterials to becomeMetamorphic Metamorphic RocksRocksiron ore, staurolite schist, slate,quartzite,marble andgneiss

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, hea


Sedimentary Metamorphic


The RRoocck k CCyyccllee

The Rock CycleRock Cycle does not go in just one direction. Any given rock can go through any part of the cycle any number of times.

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The Rock Cycle

Page 33: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich
Page 34: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

always changing…

Page 35: Homeroom Warm Up 11-3-2014 November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite type of sandwich

Science Closure 11-3-14

Which best describes one way igneous rocks form?

A.Sedimentary rocks erode.

B. Sedimentary rocks are compacted.

C.Metamorphic rocks are melted, then cooled.

D. Metamorphic rocks are deposited and cemented.