homes; state; m^^'i^^y nation; volume saturday ......marriage hnil funeral notices, not ex ¬...

HH'Jtl-'tlC IM'«.».. !l ' r'-' »f>i.- \.t h-fr-.l » 'ig/ 1 ..!''-- t ¦ i K .H i.M^r.'i EJRST OUR HOMES; THEN OUR STATE; M^^'i^^Y THE NATION; THESE CONSTITUTE OUR COUNTItA' VOLUME 1. _<_Li_l-Ll SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1867. NUMBER 5. ME ORANGEBURG NEWS. .:o: if? ._ .^Ü&LISHED,-AT ORANGEBÜRG, S. ,C Ever}' Saturday Morning:. ¦>">.'.. ; " $ v ! SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor. CHARLES H, lixALL, l\iblisher. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Oha Copy for one year......... $2.00 .!.# Six Months. 1,00 n .i Throe «« ........ GO Any one ranking up a CLUB of FIVE ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS will receive an extra copy FREE OF CHARGE. '.:0:.¦* RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Square 1st Insertion.$l.f>0 " 2d .'...I.V.. 75 A Square consists of DO line* Brevier or one inch of Advertising space. Contract Advertisements inserted upon the most liberal terms. .:o:. MARRIAGE hnil FUNERAL NOTICES, not ex¬ ceeding one Square, inserted without charge. v&- Terms Cash in Advance, "©a .:o:. For further particulars, apply to Mu. Cuddles II. Hall, or address Iii!- SAMUEL DIBBLE, '' Editor OnAsoxurud News. 1 ' Orangeburg, S. C. ' <W»2J!'! o iy CARDS. BTJLX, <& BCOVILL, AGENTS FOR THE Efjitablc Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK, "POLICIES NONFORFEITABLE, piviileiid Declared Annually to Policy Holders. Mi 23 td _,T> AV.. I I. DUtCJOH, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Offers lti-s Services FOK ALI« SALES IN THIS DISTRICT, At Reasonable Rates. fe>» 1Ü1 * tlm IZLAB & DIBBLE, Attorneys and Solicitors. RUSSEL-STREET. ORANGKBXJBG, B. C. JAMES V. 1'/LAtt. SAMUEL DIBBLE, fub 23" * l.v E, C. DMAUX, WATCH MAKER , AJtO., | H,,jJ j JEWELLER, Work Neatly Rej>oired and .. Warranted, RUSSELL-STREET, ;(Opposite Cornolson, Kramer & Co.,) feb 23 c 6m TAILORING. D $ h i e 1 W. Robinson, Markel~&trr.ct, next to Miss Wise's old stand. i ORANGEBURG, S. C. Respectfully informs the citizens of this District that he is now prepared to do all work in his line of business,1 with neatness and despatch. ,|..Icb 23 o Ini. W^OTO TRADE 18 6 7, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS, CLO'lUING, JJOOTU AND SHOES, OROOBRIES, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC.. Comer Russell and Miirkc>Strcet«. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO their Stock, which is «nUreiy New, weji Select¬ ed and will be sold ut a SHALL ADVANCE ou the Original Cost. EMANÜEL EZEKIEL.THEODORE KOHN. fob 23 y lo WILLIAM WILLCOCK WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO all bi> friends and customers that ho has on band a large and well selected stock of TIN WABE, Manufactured by hinwdf, wldoh bo will soli at very low RATES, also AN ASSORTMENT OF STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WHICH ARE SOLD AT C HA R L E ST 0 N FR / CE S.' REPAIRING! and other Work done to order at the Shortest Notlco. Call aad see for Youi'sclns, Af WlLLCneiCS. feb^'3 ' « Urn B POETRY. It is not Your Business Why. .j;) .¦.*i i. r.n;ii; »K f.i The following lin^s ore not limited |o«ny particu¬ lar locality,'but arc applicable to every neighbor¬ hood : , Would you like to know the secrets Of your neigt>''or'-s house and life? I How he Hvc*:or how he doesn't. And ju'< how lie treats Ids wife? HowJi" spends his time of leisure, I Whether .sorrowful or gay, And where be gocn for pleasure, To the concert or the play. ' If you wish it, I will tell yort. Let mo whisper to you sly. If your neighbor is but civil, It is not your busine«» why. 'iy i '.- , '.. ¦ - In abort instead of prying, Into other men'* «flairs, If you ilo your own but justice, You will have no time for theirs. Be attentive to such mutters As concern yourself alone. And whatever fortune flatter*, Let your business he your own, One word by way of finish. Let me whisper to you sly.¦ If you wish to he rcvpectcd, You must cease to he a pry. LITERARY. [From Fräser'« Magazine.] THE TEST OF THE BITTER WATERS. A IIK11UKW TALK, TUANijLATKD FltO.M TIIK MODKHX SANt&IUT. CHAP. Ill.TIIK BANKS OF THE KED- RON. But long before, tinybreak, A.ssir. the hjgli- priest, and Iltiphin, chief of the tribe <d" Naphtha!:/ were slowly walking on tbo margin of the Kedron, or -Dark Rivulet," which wiinL it* darkling way ti» "i-h the Valley of Ii in u du. l'res«iug u);uost Ci**.vn...!. VV hi.- companion's arm, Ifoplint öa-.crly asked.- -1 -But is the */irW '<*/ the Utter tenter.*' infallible." j .*J.iifallible beyond tin: shadow of suspicion." J "Aly reavm re'Ai.- s t-» believe it." d .ma::-. '. la-e . v:u?.sj. ''The power of Jehovah \? infinit'*." the' priest bowed low. "And yet, if Ezela should prove innocent." ! in used Hophiu. '.She would appear more beautiful from the ordeal," complimented the priest. "But if guilty?" '.Her body would soon become swollen) and death would instantly .succeed." '.Assir-!" Haid the husband, easting a gloomy glance on the dark waters, rolling at hi« feet. "Ezela must die! You understand inc." "Justice shall be done on the guilty," and the priest bowed again. "Assir, you are a doctor of the law, and even so am I. But you are also a priest, and so am not I. Speak we undisguiscdly. Speak not as a high-priest to an Lnorant Lcvitc, but as man to man." So saying, he sat down upon the trunk uf a storm-uprooted c dar; and, approaching his lips towards the cars of the high-priest, whis¬ pered in a bis« of torture,.'"Assir, I am be¬ trayed ! Ezela loves Atnniiel! You sec this poignard. Last night it was within u hair¬ breadth of drinking the life-blood of the wan¬ ton and her paramour. You shuddvr. Assir. and you arc right. The deed.were brutal, so I cheeked myself to enjoy a sweeter vengeance. Assir, Ezola must die, yet not in the darkness of night, hut in the glare of noon-day.not as¬ sassinated by my slaves, or by own hand, but by thine, good Assir, by the draught of the 'bitter waters' in the midst of tho temple, and before the face of all Israel. Thou under- staudest V "To no.uo but the guilty are the waters terri¬ ble," solemnly replied the. priest. "Aiid yet, had I been high-priest, good As¬ sir, they sh«.'uhl be terrible to whomsoever 1 pleased," insinuated Hopbin. But- the hint fell sLilbborn, apparent iy, for the priest's uyc was imperturbable »n the tomb.' "Tbo snnd which 1 mix with the waters, i.- collcctcd from the floor of the nanctuary: I mis with tho sand eertain burnt herbs and prepare two <?up», ouo . for tho wife, the other for her husband." "You mark one. of thoso cups, good Assir. Their eyes met, A flash of demon-joy gleamed for a moment, in tho eyes of tho high- priest, then left them more lurid than boforo, as darkness After lightning. A fiendish through prophylaet, mid burning into the brain. ''The laboror deserves his hire," muttered A.ssir. Hophin drew from his bosom a gold-ombroi- dorod purse, and presented it to tho high-priest. "But, be fore I net," remarked the latter, 'T must previously ascertain whether E/.ela- de¬ serves the death you doom her to. I desire to b.uc an hour's converge with her alone " "2\over!" exclaimed Hophin, starting at (lie thought, "Thon neck from Homo other 'the ordeal of the bitter--waters,' prepared in the manner yon wish thcio tu bo. Peace be with you." And tho priest arose from the prostrate cedar, as if about to depart. '.'Hold! Assir," groaned Hophin", struggling with his passions; "you have my secret. When would you wish to ppcak to Ezela?" "When the evening prayer is tuiid."' '.Then bo it so." And, without word, look, or salute, they separated. \ CHAP. IV.THE DKPABTUIIE. While the machinations of Snthauas were thus' cbucocting by the waters of the Kedrou, the rays of the rising sun found E/.ehi and the young Israelite clasped in each other's arms, on tlfe terrace where the scene of* the last evening had passed. "My brother, my dear and only brother, all must be revealed to Hophiu. Ainmiel. you must not be sacrificed!'' And Ezela sobbed bitterly. ' Put the dying Words of our mother must bo obeyed. Ezela,, she knew not at first that I lived, that 1 VCtHwSfcvcd from the shipwreck where our father perished"; otherwise she would nut have willed you the property, halt' of which was legally^ mine." '. \ ct, Ainmiel, when she knew you were alive, why did she conceal your existence, and rob you of your just patrimony?" ''Hush! my sister. A mother's pride, ami she was most proud in having Hophiu for her son. led her to this error, besides the disgrace of llophin's refusal: had you only half the dowry proposed. I regret not the loss. Your marriage was celebrated, and vim accompanied your husband to .Jerusalem.''' .And you. my poor brother, are cast penniless on the world for my account. i)U ! Amiuicl. let me ivad once more the injunctions of our mother. They may strengthen nie in this hour of trial." Animicl took ¦; ..!' of parchment his ,ii..>H'iipraiid ,Emd»i«ua<l with surrowJ'ul ngitathni. her mother's letter: to a >';.:; ..-.: . My Atomic!, .»hon you return to the home ..f y «.'.:. !'i!o iv. yo i ... ! i it d rsnlate. \ our mother -onfe-sc- she has robbed you. and addc 1 to the rubbery a lie. Forgive me. my son ! »'nun the grave I implore your forgiveness. Let not my memory bo brought to shame, nor your sister to reproach, by revealing the secret which weighs heavily on my heart at this iny dying hour. (Jo to thy sister; tell her all. May the God of Israel support thee and her to keep inviolate the secret of thy mother. ..s!ü:i.\z." ..Thus, Er.ehi," liighed An.miel. t.ikin- back the parchment, "our met hers secret must be kept, even to the de.*.i!5." "But. Ammicl, my bftjlhcv,.hcar me. Lc.v . not Jerusalem this morning, n >rovon to-morrow. 1 implore you to grant me this favor. Sonic horrible presentiment chills me as with a death- stamp. Stay, Ammicl," she repeated, enfold¬ ing him in her arms. "Wait till to-morrow evo near the tower of David. 1 shall either conic myself, or send a slave to thee." ' Well. I promise th e. Kzela. Trust thy brother!" A shadow crossed the sunshine on the terrace. Ainmiel started, and suddenly dis- engaged himself from his sister's farewell em¬ brace. Hophin stalked forward. "Pardon our tears and our last farewell. m\ lord. Ezda has bcon a sister to nie; to her 1 owe the protection you have so nobly granted to a poor orphan, lie hut offended at m grief," and Ammicl turned ; side in sorrow. . .Wherefore should l ?" coldly responded Ilophin. "Hut enough of this. Take you these three purses of gold, you will find my best horse ready caparisoned in the court-yard. Depart for the army. Farewell!" Ainmiel was about to refuse the gifts of Ilo¬ phin, but it look from Kzela altered bis inten¬ tion. Receiving the purses, and casting one look on Kzela. be uttered. "My lord, 1 accept these gifts as from a brother; and now the (Jod of Israel watch over you." Ammicl rapidly departed. "And now, woman, lor thydestiny !" hoarsely tnuiterod Jlcphin, leading his wife to her apart¬ ments. ( To bti Contimit tl.) [CONTBimjfkd.] Whiffs and Whims. No. 4. .'] am glad I ain't a horse." Wind/ did you say.-Two of us so." Perhaps you are too fay/.?, Is that, tho reason yon would'nt be a horse? That's not my case; for "I have'nt a lazy bone in mo," as Mousey Kahl, when she spied old Tabby's teeth. Think I tiui «uMUif an r.j,->#utial quality to valuation in that animal. Wore 1 Blich u creature, they'd put a curb bit in my mouth, and a martingale, round my vocal organ:.and prdsto, I would rear and pitch, and prance and twitch, and just would'ut stand that. Yet, perhaps I might if Lou or Carrie came uenr, and odnxtngly soothed my dislike to an order. WU1 ncoplc ever learn .the power of persuasion. Would'ut I hate the whole tribe of bipeds, that girtjjbdut bragging of their ability to command and control;.and would'ut 1 give some of thom the benefit of a pause, (paws). Misericordin .' To see how power is abused . There's that street omnibus, with its live cargo, ahyitt a dozen persons;, and two half fed- (1 mean half-starved) horses to draw them along, and trot they must. They arc whipned or gpndcd to that gait, till they can stand it ub longer. Then, poor worn-out Dobs, completely exhausted, stops to pant; he can't get up vitali¬ ty enough, to start afresh. The driver says, .. lTnUc,-*.h" tj ?'[ Out he gets and beat's Dobbin with a <duh. He rears a little, starts..backs and falls down. * * Come on, Scavenger, get your cart and throw Dobs into the river. Thjfft's Scene the first. Alas poor Dobbins!! Detter even be in Paris, where they have a mast for old horses; who are systematically kiUttd and cooked into potash, or evaporated into a valuable coloring substance that helps to form Prussian Dine. 'Iben there's that deacon's horso. The owner's a good man ; so they say. an f;w*y no shir" person. What feeds his horse? What? Why. corn. "Jim, you fed Bunny?*'.(how sigmfiennt) 'Yes. sir!" "Watered Buona- parÄ.» Ves. Sir." Then, yes feedsv him. not <.>)& hi it any wonder that Baruuin would hid for him.-the living skeleton. Why drajVun to the stable? I lit eh the creature at the front dour, and you need no better hat- rack. Try it, Deacon! Why his shoulder and thigh banes are as protuberant as pegs, and,,your cloaks and shalws will hang securely. and greatly comfort his ill covered poverty. .V* * N,,w, "I've said my say." These Magcppas won't thank me, 1 know ; but really, some people don't know the difference between M'.vtaud öliHSCf and it is the slights, or iudiffer- ir.iTC VifiWod tii nur daily drpendontflj that aug¬ ments or curtails our continttetl satisfaction. '1 power, is detestable ; and miserable is the life of him', who wishes to sway us by /ear, rather than by luce. ..A willing heart ndds feather. t«< the heel. And makes the clown, a winged Mercury.'' DAISY DABK. Kami View. M 1 S C K Ii L A NK <> C S . AlbtTl Sidney Jolmstoii. A correspondent of tho Hichmond Disputelt furnishes the following "Oration of a recon¬ structed Kebel over the body id' Albert Sidney Johnst »n," which lie allctlges he . picked up ill jhv'Strv'H." It is god; My Futi:.\Tsi .T .. .:: to bury Johnston, not to praise him.sii our masters have ordered. The Savior of the world teaches tts to render unto Ctosar the things that are Ctesar's, and obedience to the coiKjueror is the duty of the computed. Let, then, no lengthened cortege, no moitrn- I'ttl trappings, speak of a people's woe. Let us haste to hide from the eyes of men these poor remains, which speak in tones that frightened our lords and masters. I'pon this plain marble slab that shall mark his last resting place in¬ scribe no panegyric.inscribe no name.for that name is itself a panegyric, 'i would re- mind you of the affectionate husband, the loving fathtor, the devoted friend, the gallaut cbieftian, the noble Christian gentleman ; and all these things you are commanded to forget. On the plains Of Mexico he shed his precious blood for his country, and won the plaudits of his admiring countrymen. He died in what we believed to be si just cause; and lives in the hearts of those for whom he died. But Untier Bay's be was a traitor, and surely Butler is an honorable man. It is not the custom of Christian nations to deny funeral honors to a lallen foe, but this man's forms an exception, flis uamo is so dear to an enslaved people that they are forbid to .-peak it. This is an honor that was not accord¬ ed to liampdcii or hhumctt. It is monument enough; he can dispense with marble iusorip- tiun or storied urn. Let. us, then, silently, sad- lv. and seeretli/.for bo it is ordered.bury our ! dead. Pu.-t to dust, itsllCS to asbes! -. .H-.- y Validity of »face marriages. Opiniun of Hon. Jambs \\. Buadwei.i., Probate .lodge. 23 pages. Chicago: K.1L Myers and Chand- ler. Isiiii. In this opinion, delivered at September Term, 18G(», of the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, the following point is de- cided : . Two slaves went through the ceremony of marriage with the consent of their masters, and had a child; the mothcr'dlcd in slavery; ihc t'j'hor «ud child were emancipated; the father afterwards died. Held, that the child was legitimate,-and was his father's heir. The class of questions, one of which was ,prcseuted in this case, is of great -importance, but is beset with difficulties, both of theory and practice. Of previous cases the one which seems to have gone farthest in sustaining the validity of slave marriages is Girod v. Lctcvt, (J Martin, f)50,j but there the cohabitation con¬ tinued after emancipation. This case takes another step, for bore the mother died in slave¬ ry. A practical difficulty in carrying out the doctrine of this case seems likely to arise from the number of connections of this sort to which the same slave was often a party: they can hardly nil be legal marriages, and yet there seems no reason for selecting one rather than another.' That the first of such connections has no greater validity than a hitter has been decided in the somewhat analogous case of Mormon marriages, in tin able-opinion by Sir James Wilde, in the ease of Ifyde v. Wuod- inOnxec, in tho English divorce court, reported in Law Rep. 1. P. & D. 130..American Law lleeieit. A Valuable Hint From an Insect. Itthas been said that the operations of the snider suggested tho arts of spinning and weaving to man. That may be doubtful, but it is quite certain that to a hint from an insect was due the invention of a machine instrumen¬ tal in accomplishing one of the most stupend¬ ous works of modern times.the excavation of the Thames Tunnel. Mark Isambard Brunei, t lie great engincor, was standing one day,about half n,century ago, in a ship-yard, watching the movements of an animal known as the Teredo Xitr<de.-i.-in English, tho naval wood-worm. when a.brilliant thought suddenly occurred to him. lie saw that this creature bored its way into the piece of wood upon which it was operating, by means of a very extraordinary mechanical apparatus. Looking at the animal attentively though a microscope, bo found that it was covered in front with a pair of valvular shells; that with its-lout :is a purchase, it com¬ municated ä rotary motion and a forward im¬ pulse to tlui vulvo*.whvioh, actingiipoifcJd>fc wood like a gimhlct. peue tratet! its substance; and that as the particles of wo id were loosened, they passed through a fissure in the foot, and thence though the body of the borer to its mouth, where they were expelled. Here, said Brunei to himself, is the sort of thing I want. Can I reproduce it in an artificial form? He forthwith set to work, and the final result of his labors, after many failures, was the famous Hol ing Shield, with which the Thuines Tunnel was excavated. This story was told by Brunei himself, and there is no reason to doubt its truth. Tho keen observer can draw useful less >ns from the humblest of the works of Clod" [Lrdyer What tiik South Musi' Do..Our hope, says the Baltimore Gazette, is that they will stand firm.not defiant, not recalcitrant, but quiet, passive.apathetic, if you will.and let the evil thing come. It will come more cer¬ tainly if they consent to eat dirt at the bidding of their oppressors than if they refuse to groV- cl at their feet. They were brave and enter¬ prising in war. Let them now exhibit to the world the grander spectacle of steadfast endu¬ rance under defeat and subjugation. It is a hard lesson to learn, but it has its uses. It has also its compensations. The fortitude that meets oppression calmly, balHcs and confounds the oppressor. Where men have moral stamina to confront the worst without faltering, they are strong even in their weakness. There is a limit to the bitterest persecution which cannot safely be overpassed. There is a hero¬ ism in patient suffering that touches more near¬ ly the sympathies of civilized nations than the horuwni of the battle-field. Nut an Inch Should nil COxckded.. Not an inch should be conceded, says the Phil¬ adelphia Ayr. to this march of usurpation. Concession will not satisfy the greedy appetites of the men who are now leading the assault upon the rights of the States and liberties of the people. Ninety-nine points given up without a contest, and still the party in power would use force to tear the remaining right or liberty from the grasp of a reluctant people. It is now the confessed intention of the Radical party to destroy the Southern States, and and govern the territory by military power. Is that un not which should be accepted or applauded? If not. then the means must be taken to prevent tho mischief. One ofthese means is an appeal to the Supreme Court, and the Enquirer is right in urging that duty upon the people of Virginia aud the South. We loarn, from the highest authority that, since tho status of the South has been some¬ what defined, and there is no practical cvidouco oPnh immediate chango in the civil authority of the »State, our bills receivable have apprceia- tod in value and in a fair way to attain their formerMandard - -Columbia Carolinian. AGRICULTURAL, &~C. Protecting The Peach From Spring Frosta, The only obstacle We have to contend whit, or ever do have to really endanger'-our peach crop, is late spring frosts. A'£aih»t 'these, a porfect protection is found in Binokel which, first recommended in Gardening for the .South, has now bebn tried in this vicinity fo'j/ovbr ten years, without a failure. It is mrf necessary to do anything generally, in'the way of protecting the fruit, before the last- of M rch. It is the late March and April frosts that are to be feared. It is a dense smoke, not bent, that is required. Prepare some fat lightwocd, split np very^ fine, also some billets of dry wood, -out- quite short, all kept under cover until needed. Prepare also, in advance, piles of wet tan chips, saw dust or othor damp combustibles, where fires aro most likely to be needed. The wood should be distributed the- evening- -previous. About two or three o'clock in the' morning, have all hands up aud start fires,- about two rods asunder, all over the orchard; the windward ones being nearest. Three or four 'Stüdes are aro required for each fire, which, whert well started, should have a stick or two 'of green wood added. Then put on and nearly smother the fire with the wet tan or tradL If any pile breaks, out iuto a flame, apply -more trash, tu. keep up, from dampened, smouldering fires, a curtain of moist, heavy smoke over the trees, until the sun is well up, and the-frost-fully ex¬ tracted. The smoke from fires of dry wood is so light and rises so vapidly in a cold, fronty night, that it really affords no protection, while while that from damp material, loaded with uioisturc, hugs tho ground and dk*>ipates very slowly. If your fruit rsfrozen s/Mid before you begin, or while you are at work, do not despair, but make all the smoke you cau, and as light a. protection as it seems, looking through it when; the sun i* rising, we have bad it so fully protect the frozen fruit from rapid thawing, that the frost was all extracted without injury to the fruit. In our first trial, wewerc about giv'eriupiu despair, the cold was so mtense at day-break, , but our success was "perfect. At 'this* pktte, the fruit is very seldom, iiideed, destroyed before April, iu which month net move than one or two frosts arc tobe expected, tindagaiust these it is well to provide..Snuthrru Cultiuator Melons The melon has been cutivatc-d for centuries. It is a Untivo of Persia, and draws its rich and luscious juices from her arid and barren sands. To have the Melon here irs perfection, it must be grown in a sandy soil. New laud. fmlfi from the woods, suits them best. A piece of new land that has been trod by cattle, will pro¬ duce the water-melon of monstrous size. All melons, to be kept pure, should not be planted in the immediate vicinity of Squashes. Cucum¬ bers or Gourds, as1 the seed saved from these, raised in close proximity, will produce" Mchfis partaking of the nature and flavor of all the squash tribe.the mixture of the pollen pro¬ ducing new varieties, but rendering all worth¬ less, causing the Melon to be insipid, the* Cucumber overgrown and hollow, the Sqiwsh to be watery, and the Gourd shell soft. Water and musk melons may be planted from the- middle of March, through the month »n~ April, riant water-melons ten feet apart each way. sonic eight or ten seeds to a hill, nntLsvhen they show four leaves, thin out to four plant* tu a hill. Musk-melons may be planted about five feet apart, and thinned out in the same manner. Tho Nutmeg or Citron Musk-mclou is the finest variety cultivated. When grown in per¬ fection, it combines the flavor of the Straw¬ berry and Pine Apple, but this variety should not bo grown in the vicinity of any other melon. To save seed, select the earliest and \*cA inciting dry in tho shade, and put them away in paper hags. Water-melon seed improve with tijgey and may be kept ton years to advantage.. Cnmminucutal by Dr. Ctririiilt, from Trtttmtc- ttonnof the Southern Centra/ Afj/H Socirfy. Liquid Honey..The following rcoipe. fm- a beautiful liquid honey, is taken from 3Ir. Langstroth, who says tho best judges have pronounced it one of the most luscious articles they over tasted. Put two poundsof the purest white sugar in as nmchhot writer-its will dissolve it; take or.o pound of strained white clover honey .any honey of good flavor will answer.ami add it warm to the sirup, thoroughly stirring together. As refined loaf sugar is a pure aud inodorous swoot, ono pound of honey will give its flavor to two pounds of sugar, and the com¬ pound will bo freo from that smarting taf'o that pure honey often has, and will usually agree with those who cannot eat the latter with impunity. Any desired flavor can be added to it. * '_ Some ex-Froderieksburg darkies voted at ihe election in Georgetown. Ono old fellow, how¬ ever declined, saying "They jiät put the names down, and the next thing is lax on every nig- ::cr thit voted.

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VOLUME 1._<_Li_l-Ll




.^Ü&LISHED,-AT ORANGEBÜRG, S. ,CEver}' Saturday Morning:.

¦>">.'.. ; " $ v !SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor.CHARLES H, lixALL, l\iblisher.

TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION.Oha Copy for one year......... $2.00

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ceeding one Square, inserted without charge.

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For further particulars, apply to Mu. Cuddles II.Hall, or addressIii!- SAMUEL DIBBLE,

'' Editor OnAsoxurud News.1 ' Orangeburg, S. C.

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AGENTS FOR THEEfjitablc Life Insurance Company


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, AJtO., | H,,jJ jJEWELLER,

Work Neatly Rej>oired and .. Warranted,RUSSELL-STREET,

;(Opposite Cornolson, Kramer & Co.,)feb 23 c6m

TAILORING.D $ h i e 1 W. Robinson,

Markel~&trr.ct, next to Miss Wise's old stand.i ORANGEBURG, S. C.

Respectfully informs the citizens of this Districtthat he is now prepared to do all work in his line ofbusiness,1 with neatness and despatch.

,|..Icb 23 oIni.

W^OTO TRADE18 6 7,



Comer Russell and Miirkc>Strcet«.

INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TOtheir Stock, which is «nUreiy New, weji Select¬

ed and will be sold ut a SHALL ADVANCE ou theOriginal Cost.EMANÜEL EZEKIEL.THEODORE KOHN.

fob 23 ylo


all bi> friends and customers that ho has onband a large and well selected stock of

TIN WABE,Manufactured by hinwdf, wldoh bo will soli at verylow RATES,




REPAIRING! and other Work done to order at theShortest Notlco.

Call aad see for Youi'sclns,Af WlLLCneiCS.

feb^'3 ' «Urn

B POETRY.It is not Your Business Why..j;) .¦.*i i. r.n;ii; »K t« f.i

The following lin^s ore not limited |o«ny particu¬lar locality,'but arc applicable to every neighbor¬hood : ,

Would you like to know the secretsOf your neigt>''or'-s house and life?

I How he Hvc*:or how he doesn't.And ju'< how lie treats Ids wife?

HowJi" spends his time of leisure,I Whether .sorrowful or gay,

And where be gocn for pleasure,To the concert or the play.' If you wish it, I will tell yort.Let mo whisper to you sly.

If your neighbor is but civil,It is not your busine«» why.

'iy i '.- , '.. ¦ -

In abort instead of prying,Into other men'* «flairs,

If you ilo your own but justice,You will have no time for theirs.

Be attentive to such muttersAs concern yourself alone.

And whatever fortune flatter*,Let your business he your own,

One word by way of finish.Let me whisper to you sly.¦

If you wish to he rcvpectcd,You must cease to he a pry.

LITERARY.[From Fräser'« Magazine.]





But long before, tinybreak, A.ssir. the hjgli-priest, and Iltiphin, chief of the tribe <d"Naphtha!:/ were slowly walking on tbo marginof the Kedron, or -Dark Rivulet," whichwiinL it* darkling way ti» "i-h the Valley ofIi inudu. l'res«iug u);uost Ci**.vn...!. VV hi.-

companion's arm, Ifoplint öa-.crly asked.- -1-But is the */irW '<*/ the Utter tenter.*' infallible." j.*J.iifallible beyond tin: shadow of suspicion." J"Aly reavm re'Ai.- s t-» believe it." d .ma::-. '.la-e . v:u?.sj.

''The power of Jehovah \? infinit'*." the'priest bowed low."And yet, if Ezela should prove innocent." !

in used Hophiu.'.She would appear more beautiful from the

ordeal," complimented the priest."But if guilty?"'.Her body would soon become swollen) and

death would instantly .succeed."'.Assir-!" Haid the husband, easting a gloomy

glance on the dark waters, rolling at hi« feet."Ezela must die! You understand inc."

"Justice shall be done on the guilty," andthe priest bowed again.

"Assir, you are a doctor of the law, andeven so am I. But you are also a priest, andso am not I. Speak we undisguiscdly. Speaknot as a high-priest to an Lnorant Lcvitc, butas man to man."

So saying, he sat down upon the trunk uf a

storm-uprooted c dar; and, approaching hislips towards the cars of the high-priest, whis¬pered in a bis« of torture,.'"Assir, I am be¬trayed ! Ezela loves Atnniiel! You sec thispoignard. Last night it was within u hair¬breadth of drinking the life-blood of the wan¬

ton and her paramour. You shuddvr. Assir.and you arc right. The deed.were brutal, so Icheeked myself to enjoy a sweeter vengeance.Assir, Ezola must die, yet not in the darknessof night, hut in the glare of noon-day.not as¬

sassinated by my slaves, or by own hand, butby thine, good Assir, by the draught of the'bitter waters' in the midst of tho temple, andbefore the face of all Israel. Thou under-staudest V"To no.uo but the guilty are the waters terri¬

ble," solemnly replied the. priest."Aiid yet, had I been high-priest, good As¬

sir, they sh«.'uhl be terrible to whomsoever 1

pleased," insinuated Hopbin. But- the hintfell sLilbborn, apparent iy, for the priest's uycwas imperturbable »n the tomb.'"Tbo snnd which 1 mix with the waters, i.-

collcctcd from the floor of the nanctuary: I miswith tho sand eertain burnt herbs and preparetwo <?up», ouo . for tho wife, the other for herhusband.""You mark one. of thoso cups, good Assir.Their eyes met, A flash of demon-joy

gleamed for a moment, in tho eyes of tho high-priest, then left them more lurid than boforo,as darkness After lightning. A fiendish throughprophylaet, mid burning into the brain.

''The laboror deserves his hire," mutteredA.ssir.Hophin drew from his bosom a gold-ombroi-

dorod purse, and presented it to tho high-priest."But, before I net," remarked the latter, 'T

must previously ascertain whether E/.ela- de¬serves the death you doom her to. I desire tob.uc an hour's converge with her alone "

"2\over!" exclaimed Hophin, starting at (liethought,"Thon neck from Homo other 'the ordeal of

the bitter--waters,' prepared in the manner yonwish thcio tu bo. Peace be with you." Andtho priest arose from the prostrate cedar, as ifabout to depart.

'.'Hold! Assir," groaned Hophin", strugglingwith his passions; "you have my secret. Whenwould you wish to ppcak to Ezela?""When the evening prayer is tuiid."''.Then bo it so."And, without word, look, or salute, they


\ CHAP. IV.THE DKPABTUIIE.While the machinations of Snthauas were

thus' cbucocting by the waters of the Kedrou,the rays of the rising sun found E/.ehi and theyoung Israelite clasped in each other's arms, on

tlfe terrace where the scene of* the last eveninghad passed."My brother, my dear and only brother, all

must be revealed to Hophiu. Ainmiel. youmust not be sacrificed!'' And Ezela sobbedbitterly.

' Put the dying Words of our mother must boobeyed. Ezela,, she knew not at first that Ilived, that 1 VCtHwSfcvcd from the shipwreckwhere our father perished"; otherwise she wouldnut have willed you the property, halt' of whichwas legally^ mine."

'.\ ct, Ainmiel, when she knew you were

alive, why did she conceal your existence, androb you of your just patrimony?"

''Hush! my sister. A mother's pride, amishe was most proud in having Hophiu for herson. led her to this error, besides the disgraceof llophin's refusal: had you only half thedowry proposed. I regret not the loss. Yourmarriage was celebrated, and vim accompaniedyour husband to .Jerusalem.'''

.And you. my poor brother, are cast pennilesson the world for my account. i)U ! Amiuicl.let me ivad once more the injunctions of ourmother. They may strengthen nie in this hourof trial."

Animicl took ¦; ..!' of parchment his,ii..>H'iipraiid ,Emd»i«ua<l with surrowJ'ul ngitathni.her mother's letter:

to a >';.:; ..-.: .

My Atomic!, .»hon you return to the home..f y «.'.:. !'i!o iv. yo i ... ! i it d rsnlate. \ our

mother -onfe-sc- she has robbed you. and addc 1to the rubbery a lie. Forgive me. my son !»'nun the grave I implore your forgiveness.Let not my memory bo brought to shame, nor

your sister to reproach, by revealing the secretwhich weighs heavily on my heart at this inydying hour. (Jo to thy sister; tell her all.May the God of Israel support thee and herto keep inviolate the secret of thy mother.

..s!ü:i.\z."..Thus, Er.ehi," liighed An.miel. t.ikin- back

the parchment, "our met hers secret must bekept, even to the de.*.i!5."

"But. Ammicl, my bftjlhcv,.hcar me. Lc.v .

not Jerusalem this morning, n >rovon to-morrow.1 implore you to grant me this favor. Sonichorrible presentiment chills me as with a death-stamp. Stay, Ammicl," she repeated, enfold¬ing him in her arms.

"Wait till to-morrow evo near the tower ofDavid. 1 shall either conic myself, or send a

slave to thee."' Well. I promise th e. Kzela. Trust thy

brother!" A shadow crossed the sunshine on

the terrace. Ainmiel started, and suddenly dis-engaged himself from his sister's farewell em¬

brace. Hophin stalked forward."Pardon our tears and our last farewell. m\

lord. Ezda has bcon a sister to nie; to her 1owe the protection you have so nobly grantedto a poor orphan, lie hut offended at m

grief," and Ammicl turned ; side in sorrow.. .Wherefore should l ?" coldly responded

Ilophin."Hut enough of this. Take you these three

purses of gold, you will find my best horseready caparisoned in the court-yard. Departfor the army. Farewell!"

Ainmiel was about to refuse the gifts of Ilo¬phin, but it look from Kzela altered bis inten¬tion. Receiving the purses, and casting one

look on Kzela. be uttered."My lord, 1 accept these gifts as from a

brother; and now the (Jod of Israel watchover you."Ammicl rapidly departed."And now, woman, lor thydestiny !" hoarsely

tnuiterod Jlcphin, leading his wife to her apart¬ments.

( To bti Contimit tl.)

[CONTBimjfkd.]Whiffs and Whims.

No. 4..'] am glad I ain't a horse." Wind/ did you

say.-Two of us so." Perhaps you are too

fay/.?, Is that, tho reason yon would'nt be a

horse? That's not my case; for "I have'nt a

lazy bone in mo," as Mousey Kahl, when shespied old Tabby's teeth.

Think I tiui «uMUif an r.j,->#utial quality to

valuation in that animal. Wore 1 Blich u

creature, they'd put a curb bit in my mouth,and a martingale, round my vocal organ:.andprdsto, I would rear and pitch, and prance andtwitch, and just would'ut stand that. Yet,perhaps I might if Lou or Carrie came uenr,and odnxtngly soothed my dislike to an order.WU1 ncoplc ever learn .the power of persuasion.Would'ut I hate the whole tribe of bipeds, thatgirtjjbdut bragging of their ability to commandand control;.and would'ut 1 give some ofthom the benefit of a pause, (paws).

Misericordin .' To see how power is abused .

There's that street omnibus, with its live cargo,ahyitt a dozen persons;, and two halffed-(1 mean half-starved) horses to draw themalong, and trot they must. They arc whipnedor gpndcd to that gait, till they can stand it ublonger. Then, poor worn-out Dobs, completelyexhausted, stops to pant; he can't get up vitali¬ty enough, to start afresh. The driver says,.. lTnUc,-*.h" tj ?'[ Out he gets and beat's Dobbinwith a <duh. He rears a little, starts..backsand falls down. * * Come on, Scavenger,getyour cart and throw Dobs into the river.Thjfft's Scene the first. Alas poor Dobbins!!Detter even be in Paris, where they have a

mast for old horses; who are systematicallykiUttd and cooked into potash, or evaporatedinto a valuable coloring substance that helps toform Prussian Dine.

'Iben there's that deacon's horso. Theowner's a good man ; so they say. an f;w*y no

shir" person. What feeds his horse? What?Why. corn. "Jim, you fed Bunny?*'.(howsigmfiennt) 'Yes. sir!" "Watered Buona-parÄ.» Ves. Sir." Then, yes feedsv him. not<.>)& hi it any wonder that Baruuin wouldhid for him.-the living skeleton. WhydrajVun to the stable? I liteh the creatureat the front dour, and you need no better hat-rack. Try it, Deacon! Why his shoulderand thigh banes are as protuberant as pegs,and,,your cloaks and shalws will hang securely.and greatly comfort his ill covered poverty..V* * N,,w, "I've said my say." TheseMagcppas won't thank me, 1 know ; but really,some people don't know the difference betweenM'.vtaud öliHSCf and it is the slights, or iudiffer-ir.iTC VifiWod tii nur daily drpendontflj that aug¬ments or curtails our continttetl satisfaction.'1 power, is detestable ; and miserable is thelife of him', who wishes to sway us by /ear,rather than by luce.

..A willing heart ndds feather. t«< the heel.And makes the clown, a winged Mercury.''


M 1 S C K Ii L A N K <> C S .

AlbtTl Sidney Jolmstoii.

A correspondent of tho Hichmond Disputeltfurnishes the following "Oration of a recon¬structed Kebel over the body id' Albert SidneyJohnst »n," which lie allctlges he . picked up illjhv'Strv'H." It is god;My Futi:.\Tsi .T .. .:: to bury Johnston, not

to praise him.sii our masters have ordered.The Savior of the world teaches tts to renderunto Ctosar the things that are Ctesar's, andobedience to the coiKjueror is the duty of thecomputed.

Let, then, no lengthened cortege, no moitrn-I'ttl trappings, speak of a people's woe. Let us

haste to hide from the eyes of men these poorremains, which speak in tones that frightenedour lords and masters. I'pon this plain marbleslab that shall mark his last resting place in¬scribe no panegyric.inscribe no name.forthat name is itself a panegyric, 'i would re-

mind you of the affectionate husband, theloving fathtor, the devoted friend, the gallautcbieftian, the noble Christian gentleman ; andall these things you are commanded to forget.On the plains Of Mexico he shed his precious

blood for his country, and won the plaudits ofhis admiring countrymen. He died in whatwe believed to be si just cause; and lives inthe hearts of those for whom he died. ButUntier Bay's be was a traitor, and surely Butleris an honorable man.

It is not the custom of Christian nations todeny funeral honors to a lallen foe, but thisman's forms an exception, flis uamo is so dearto an enslaved people that they are forbid to.-peak it. This is an honor that was not accord¬ed to liampdcii or hhumctt. It is monument

enough; he can dispense with marble iusorip-tiun or storied urn. Let. us, then, silently, sad-lv. and seeretli/.for bo it is ordered.bury our

! dead. Pu.-t to dust, itsllCS to asbes!-..H-.- y

Validity of »face marriages. Opiniun ofHon. Jambs \\. Buadwei.i., Probate .lodge.23 pages. Chicago: K.1L Myers and Chand-ler. Isiiii.

In this opinion, delivered at SeptemberTerm, 18G(», of the County Court of Cook

County, Illinois, the following point is de-cided :.

Two slaves went through the ceremony ofmarriage with the consent of their masters,and had a child; the mothcr'dlcd in slavery;ihc t'j'hor «ud child were emancipated; the

father afterwards died. Held, that the childwas legitimate,-and was his father's heir.The class of questions, one of which was

,prcseuted in this case, is of great -importance,but is beset with difficulties, both of theory andpractice. Of previous cases the one whichseems to have gone farthest in sustaining thevalidity of slave marriages is Girod v. Lctcvt, (JMartin, f)50,j but there the cohabitation con¬tinued after emancipation. This case takesanother step, for bore the mother died in slave¬ry. A practical difficulty in carrying out thedoctrine of this case seems likely to arise fromthe number of connections of this sort to whichthe same slave was often a party: they can

hardly nil be legal marriages, and yet thereseems no reason for selecting one rather thananother.' That the first of such connectionshas no greater validity than a hitter hasbeen decided in the somewhat analogous caseof Mormon marriages, in tin able-opinion bySir James Wilde, in the ease of Ifyde v. Wuod-inOnxec, in tho English divorce court, reportedin Law Rep. 1. P. & D. 130..American Lawlleeieit.

A Valuable Hint From an Insect.

Itthas been said that the operations of thesnider suggested tho arts of spinning andweaving to man. That may be doubtful, butit is quite certain that to a hint from an insectwas due the invention of a machine instrumen¬tal in accomplishing one of the most stupend¬ous works of modern times.the excavation ofthe Thames Tunnel. Mark Isambard Brunei,t lie great engincor, was standing one day,abouthalf n,century ago, in a ship-yard, watchingthe movements of an animal known as the TeredoXitr<de.-i.-in English, tho naval wood-worm.when a.brilliant thought suddenly occurred tohim. lie saw that this creature bored its wayinto the piece of wood upon which it was

operating, by means of a very extraordinarymechanical apparatus. Looking at the animalattentively though a microscope, bo found thatit was covered in front with a pair of valvularshells; that with its-lout :is a purchase, it com¬municated ä rotary motion and a forward im¬pulse to tlui vulvo*.whvioh, actingiipoifcJd>fc woodlike a gimhlct. peue tratet! its substance; andthat as the particles of wo id were loosened,they passed through a fissure in the foot, andthence though the body of the borer to itsmouth, where they were expelled. Here, saidBrunei to himself, is the sort of thing I want.Can I reproduce it in an artificial form? Heforthwith set to work, and the final result ofhis labors, after many failures, was the famousHol ing Shield, with which the Thuines Tunnelwas excavated. This story was told by Bruneihimself, and there is no reason to doubt itstruth. Tho keen observer can draw usefulless >ns from the humblest of the works of Clod"


What tiik South Musi' Do..Our hope,says the Baltimore Gazette, is that they willstand firm.not defiant, not recalcitrant, butquiet, passive.apathetic, if you will.and letthe evil thing come. It will come more cer¬

tainly if they consent to eat dirt at the biddingof their oppressors than if they refuse to groV-cl at their feet. They were brave and enter¬

prising in war. Let them now exhibit to theworld the grander spectacle of steadfast endu¬rance under defeat and subjugation. It is a

hard lesson to learn, but it has its uses. It hasalso its compensations. The fortitude thatmeets oppression calmly, balHcs and confoundsthe oppressor. Where men have moralstamina to confront the worst without faltering,they are strong even in their weakness. Thereis a limit to the bitterest persecution whichcannot safely be overpassed. There is a hero¬ism in patient suffering that touches more near¬

ly the sympathies of civilized nations than thehoruwni of the battle-field.

Nut an Inch Should nil COxckded..Not an inch should be conceded, says the Phil¬adelphia Ayr. to this march of usurpation.Concession will not satisfy the greedy appetitesof the men who are now leading the assault uponthe rights of the States and liberties of thepeople. Ninety-nine points given up withouta contest, and still the party in power woulduse force to tear the remaining right or libertyfrom the grasp of a reluctant people. It is nowthe confessed intention of the Radical party to

destroy the Southern States, and and governthe territory by military power. Is that un notwhich should be accepted or applauded? Ifnot. then the means must be taken to preventtho mischief. One ofthese means is an appealto the Supreme Court, and the Enquirer is rightin urging that duty upon the people of Virginiaaud the South.

We loarn, from the highest authority that,since tho status of the South has been some¬what defined, and there is no practical cvidoucooPnh immediate chango in the civil authorityof the »State, our bills receivable have apprceia-tod in value and in a fair way to attain theirformerMandard - -Columbia Carolinian.

AGRICULTURAL, &~C.Protecting The Peach From Spring

Frosta,The only obstacle We have to contend whit,

or ever do have to really endanger'-our peachcrop, is late spring frosts. A'£aih»t 'these, a

porfect protection is found in Binokel which,first recommended in Gardening for the .South,has now bebn tried in this vicinity fo'j/ovbr tenyears, without a failure. It is mrf to do anything generally, in'the way ofprotecting the fruit, before the last- of M rch.It is the late March and April frosts that areto be feared. It is a dense smoke, not bent,that is required.

Prepare some fat lightwocd, split np very^fine, also some billets of dry wood, -out- quiteshort, all kept under cover until needed.Prepare also, in advance, piles ofwet tan chips,saw dust or othor damp combustibles, wherefires aro most likely to be needed. The woodshould be distributed the- evening- -previous.About two or three o'clock in the' morning,have all hands up aud start fires,- about tworods asunder, all over the orchard; the windwardones being nearest. Three or four 'Stüdes arearo required for each fire, which, whert wellstarted, should have a stick or two 'of greenwood added. Then put on and nearly smotherthe fire with the wet tan or tradL If any pilebreaks, out iuto a flame, apply -more trash, tu.keep up, from dampened, smouldering fires, acurtain of moist, heavy smoke over the trees,until the sun is well up, and the-frost-fully ex¬tracted. The smoke from fires of dry wood isso light and rises so vapidly in a cold, frontynight, that it really affords no protection, whilewhile that from damp material, loaded withuioisturc, hugs tho ground and dk*>ipates veryslowly. If your fruit rsfrozen s/Mid before youbegin, or while you are at work, do not despair,but make all the smoke you cau, and as light a.

protection as it seems, looking through it when;the sun i* rising, we have bad it so fully protectthe frozen fruit from rapid thawing, that thefrost was all extracted without injury to thefruit. In our first trial, wewerc about giv'eriupiudespair, the cold was so mtense at day-break, ,

but our success was "perfect. At 'this* pktte,the fruit is very seldom, iiideed, destroyedbefore April, iu which month net move thanone or two frosts arc tobe expected, tindagaiustthese it is well to provide..Snuthrru Cultiuator

MelonsThe melon has been cutivatc-d for centuries.

It is a Untivo of Persia, and draws its rich andluscious juices from her arid and barren sands.To have the Melon here irs perfection, it mustbe grown in a sandy soil. New laud. fmlfifrom the woods, suits them best. A piece ofnew land that has been trod by cattle, will pro¬duce the water-melon of monstrous size. Allmelons, to be kept pure, should not be plantedin the immediate vicinity of Squashes. Cucum¬bers or Gourds, as1 the seed saved from these,raised in close proximity, will produce" Mchfispartaking of the nature and flavor of all thesquash tribe.the mixture of the pollen pro¬ducing new varieties, but rendering all worth¬less, causing the Melon to be insipid, the*Cucumber overgrown and hollow, the Sqiwshto be watery, and the Gourd shell soft. Waterand musk melons may be planted from the-middle of March, through the month »n~ April,riant water-melons ten feet apart each way.sonic eight or ten seeds to a hill, nntLsvhen theyshow four leaves, thin out to four plant* tu a

hill. Musk-melons may be planted about fivefeet apart, and thinned out in the same manner.Tho Nutmeg or Citron Musk-mclou is thefinest variety cultivated. When grown in per¬fection, it combines the flavor of the Straw¬berry and Pine Apple, but this variety shouldnot bo grown in the vicinity of any other melon.To save seed, select the earliest and \*cA incitingdry in tho shade, and put them away in paperhags. Water-melon seed improve with tijgeyand may be kept ton years to advantage..Cnmminucutal by Dr. Ctririiilt, from Trtttmtc-ttonnof the Southern Centra/ Afj/H Socirfy.Liquid Honey..The following rcoipe. fm-

a beautiful liquid honey, is taken from 3Ir.Langstroth, who says tho best judges havepronounced it one of the most luscious articlesthey over tasted. Put two poundsof the purestwhite sugar in as nmchhot writer-its will dissolveit; take or.o pound of strained white clover honey.any honey of good flavor will answer.amiadd it warm to the sirup, thoroughly stirringtogether. As refined loaf sugar is a pure audinodorous swoot, ono pound of honey will giveits flavor to two pounds of sugar, and the com¬pound will bo freo from that smarting taf'othat pure honey often has, and will usuallyagree with those who cannot eat the latter withimpunity. Any desired flavor can be addedto it.


'_Some ex-Froderieksburg darkies voted at ihe

election in Georgetown. Ono old fellow, how¬ever declined, saying "They jiät put the names

down, and the next thing is lax on every nig-::cr thit voted.