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    AJR:196 , April 2011 773

    [5], who used the term bronchiolar emphy-

    sema, considered their cases to be a special

    type o pulmonary emphysema.

    The term honeycomb lung rst appeared

    in the English literature in 1949 in a study by

    Oswald and Parkinson [9]. Sixteen clinical

    cases o honeycomb lung were presented in de-

    tail. The cases included, as interpreted by cur-

    rent medical knowledge, Langerhans cell histi-

    ocytosis, lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM),

    and probable chronic interstitial pneumonia,

    which was not a disease diagnosed in that era

    [9] (Fig. 2). In the denition by Oswald and

    Pakinson, honeycomb lung was descriptive o

    the appearance o the cut surace o the lungs

    as being thin-walled cysts distributed uni-

    ormly throughout the substance o both lungs,

    varying in sizes up to a maximum o 1 cm in

    diameter. A more comprehensive report with

    a pathologic description ollowed in 1956 by

    Heppleston [10], who in his practice dealt with

    a wide variety o diseases and clinical back-

    grounds (32 patients were coal workers). In

    this report, most cases were probable chron-ic interstitial pneumonia, which also included

    a small number o those with sarcoidosis, be-

    rylliosis, eosinophilic granuloma, LAM, giant

    cell interstitial pneumonia, scleroderma, and

    even tuberculous bronchopneumonia.

    Thus, beore the 1960s, honeycomb lung

    was considered the macroscopic appearance

    o lung diseases comprising various histo-

    pathologic processes and causes, partly be-

    cause physicians had little idea o identiy-

    Honeycomb Lung: Historyand Current Concepts

    Hiroaki Arakawa1

    Koichi Honma2

    Arakawa H, Honma K


    Department o Radiology, Dokkyo Medical University,880 Kita-Kobayashi, Mibu, Tochigi, 3210293 Japan.

    Address correspondence to H. Arakawa

    ([email protected]).

    2Department o Cancer Center Pathology, Dokkyo

    Medical University, Tochigi, Japan.

    Cardiopulmonary Imaging Review

    AJR2011; 196:773782


    American Roentgen Ray Society

    The term honeycomb lung origi-

    nated in the 19th century in Ger-

    many where medicine was highly

    developed in that era. We can go

    back as ar as 1858 when Kessler described a

    case o congenital bronchiectasis [1]. Since

    then, the honeycomb appearance o the lung

    was named, variously by dierent authors,

    Wabenlunge (honeycomb lung), Zystenlunge

    (cystic lung), Schwammlunge (spongy lung),

    and Sacklunge (sacculated lung) [1, 2]. In the

    German literature, honeycomb lung was usu-

    ally considered a congenital malormation or

    anomalous development o the lung with bron-

    chiectasis [2] (Fig. 1). It seems that the term

    honeycomb lung was not applied to chronic

    interstitial pneumonia in Germany.

    In the rst hal o the 20th century, the

    idea o idiopathic pulmonary brosis (IPF)

    was not yet established, and only occasional

    case reports were ound, in which the authors

    called their cases dierent names or only re-

    ported the clinical and pathologic ndings

    [36]. The amous report by Hamman andRich [3], which initially appeared in 1935,

    did not use the term honeycomb lung. In

    the subsequent English literature, cases o

    presumed IPF were reported under the name

    bronchiolar emphysema [5], pulmonary

    muscular hyperplasia [4], or cystic pulmo-

    nary cirrhosis [6]. Originating in the Ger-

    man literature, these names were translated

    into English and were discussed as a rare and

    new disease entity [7, 8]. Sibert and Fisher

    Keywords: CT, honeycomb lung, idiopathic interstitial

    pneumonia, interstitial lung disease


    Received April 29, 2010 ; accepted ater revision

    August 28, 2010.

    OBJECTIVE. Originally used to describe the macroscopic appearance o various patho-

    logic processes with multiple cysts, honeycomb lung is now the term used to describe end-

    stage pulmonary brosis. The purpose o this article is to discuss the history and imaging o

    honeycomb lung.

    CONCLUSION. Honeycomb lung is considered one o the important CT ndings in

    usual interstitial pneumonia. An additional challenge or radiologists is that dierent patho-

    logic processes can mimic honeycomb lung. Thereore, a precise understanding o honey-comb lung is necessary.

    Arakawa and HonmaImaging o Honeycomb Lung

    Cardiopulmonary ImagingReview

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    774 AJR:196, April 2011

    Arakawa and Honma

    ing the diseases in the way we do now and

    partly because o the macroscopic similar-

    ity o various cystic lung diseases. It was not

    until 1965 that honeycomb lung was limitedto chronic interstitial pneumonia when Mey-

    er and Liebow [11] suggested honeycombing

    as the end-stage o chronic interst itial pneu-

    monia no matter what the etiology.

    Pathologic DescriptionIn the initial detailed description o honey-

    comb lung, Heppleston [10] stated that the es-

    sential change is the obliteration o bronchioles

    by brosis or granulomata and compensatory

    dilatation o neighboring bronchioles, which

    orms the honeycomb appearance [10]. Thesechanges were the consistent pathologic nding

    o honeycomb lung, irrespective o the cause.


    Fig. 157-year-old womanwith bronchiectasis.A, Thin-section CTimage shows extensivebronchiectasis involving wholeright, lower lobe, simulatinghoneycomb lung. Note thatcysts are lined along bronchial


    B, Photograph showsmacroscopic appearanceo surgically resected rightlower lobe. There are multiple

    thin-walled cysts occupyingmost o lobe. Note that somecysts contain mucous material(arrows). Appearance wascalled Wabenlunge inGermany in late 19th and early20th centuries.



    Fig. 224-year-old woman with lymphanigoleiomyomatosis (LAM).A, Thin-section CT image at level o tracheal carina shows multiple thin-wall cysts, which are mostly discrete and not subpleural, although some cysts are clustered.Appearance is not typical o honeycomb lung by current denition.B, Photomicrograph o surgically resected lung tissue reveals clusters o thin-walled cysts in subpleural area. Fibrosis is limited to area o cyst wall (arrows) and it isobvious that cysts are not result o end-stage pulmonary brosis. (Elastica-Goldner stain)


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    AJR:196 , April 2011 775

    Imaging of Honeycomb Lung

    In another study, honeycomb lung in scle-

    roderma, dermatomyositis, Langerhans cell

    histiocytosis, tuberculosis, lipoid pneumo-

    nia, sarcoidosis, and IPF was studied by con-

    tinuous sections o three resected lungs and

    eight autopsy lungs, which were displayed in

    three dimensions through photographic re-

    construction [12]. The authors ound that thepathologic process in the honeycomb area

    was independent o the original disease and

    was undamentally diuse saccular or cystic

    bronchiolectasis involving the whole lobule,

    especially the terminal and respiratory bron-

    chioles. The other bronchioles showed ab-

    normal changes in direction, branching pat-

    tern, and abrupt amputation, and there were

    anastomoses between anatomically indepen-

    dent bronchioles. These authors insisted that

    the primary abnormality o honeycomb lung

    is the brous or granulomatous process o al-

    veoli and ducts, which causes the bronchi-

    oles to dilate or amputate.

    Radiologic Description

    The early radiologic description o honey-

    comb lung also indicated the various causes

    and pathophysiology [13]. Honeycomb lung,

    dened by visualization o multiple lucent

    shadows rom 2 to 10 mm in size on a chest

    radiograph, included not only diuse inter-

    stitial brosis but also bronchiectasis and

    even bullous emphysema [13]. The radiolog-

    ic concept changed later than the patholog-

    ic one. In the 1970s, the concept gradually

    changed. Reed and Reeder [14] listed cys-tic bronchiectasis, eosinophilic granuloma,

    pneumoconiosis, and sarcoidosis in addition

    to idiopathic pulmonary brosis (Hamman-

    Rich) as the common lung diseases in their

    gamut o honeycomb lung. However, Felson

    [15] emphasized interstitial brosis as the

    basis o honeycomb lung and excluded cys-

    tic bronchiectasis and bullous emphysema

    rom its denition. Genereux [16] discussed

    honeycomb lung rom the standpoint o the

    end stage o interstitial lung disease o vari-

    ous causes. This idea coincides with that o

    Meyer and Liebow [11], who believed that

    the lung can respond only in a stereotyped

    manner to a variety o insults. Thereore,

    various lung diseases can result in end-stage

    lung (honeycomb lung), which is charac-

    terized by cystic spaces o variable size and

    extent and is caused by alveolar septal dis-solution, bronchiolectasis, and obstructive

    emphysema. Signicantly, these descrip-

    tions were in the era o the chest radiograph,

    when the macroscopic appearance o the

    lung was imaged imprecisely and thus had

    substantial limitations.

    Recent Denition of Honeycomb Lung


    The Fleischner Society has recently re-

    vised its glossary terms, in which the patho-

    logic denition o honeycomb lung ollows

    that o Genereux [16] as destroyed and -

    brotic lung tissue containing numerous cystic

    airspaces with thick brous walls, represent-

    ing the late stage o various lung diseases,

    with complete loss o acinar architecture

    [17]. Katzenstein [18] stated that honeycomb

    lung has a characteristic gross appearance,with relatively uniormly sized cyststhat

    Fig. 362-year-old man with brotic nonspecicinterstitial pneumonia (NSIP). Thin-section CT imagereveals mixture o consolidation and ground-glassopacity with traction bronchiectasis (arrows).These ectatic bronchi simulate appearance ohoneycombing. However, they can be tracked back

    to bronchial tree with accompanying pulmonaryartery on contiguous images. Lung tissue intervenesbetween ectatic bronchi and cystic spaces are

    not clustered. These eatures are dierent romhoneycomb lung.


    Fig. 478-year-old woman with idiopathic pulmonary brosis (IPF).A, Initial thin-section CT image reveals multiple clustered cysts o up to 10 mm in lower lobes.B, Follow-up thin-section CT image obtained 15 months later shows obvious enlargement o each cyst, largest reaching 20 mm.

    (Fig. 4 continues on next page)


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    Arakawa and Honma



    Fig. 4 (continued)78-year-old woman with

    idiopathic pulmonary brosis (IPF).C, Photograph o lungs obtained at autopsyperormed 2 months ater B shows cobblestoneappearance o lung surace.D, Photograph o coronal cut surace o resectedlungs shows honeycomb lungs, closely resemblingCT appearance.E, Photomicrograph at area o honeycomb lungshows multiple cysts with dierent sizes inbackground o dense brous scar. Note presence obronchial epithelization o some o cysts (arrow). (Hand E)


    Fig. 545-year-old woman with Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Thin-section CTimage shows discrete cystic spaces in center o right upper lobe. Some cystsare thin-walled, whereas others just look emphysematous. Most cysts sparesubpleural area and are predominant in upper lobes, which is di erent rom

    typical honeycomb cyst in usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP).

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    AJR:196 , April 2011 777

    Imaging of Honeycomb Lung

    are set in a background o dense scarring

    and microscopicallyhoneycomb lung is

    characterized by enlarged airspaces sur-

    rounded by brosis and lined by bronchio-

    lar or hyperplastic alveolar epithelium. The

    combination o parenchymal collapseand

    collagen deposition accounts or the major

    maniestation o this lesion. According toKatzenstein, honeycomb lung is nonspecic

    as to cause, and a diverse group o diseas-

    es can lead to honeycombing (idiopathic in-

    terstitial pneumonia [IIP], diuse alveolar

    damage, asbestosis, interstitial granuloma-

    tous diseases, and eosinophilic granuloma),

    which corresponds to the previous under-

    standing [11, 18]. In another pathology book,

    Churg [19] described honeycomb lung as a

    variable combination o thick-walled cysts,

    which may range rom a ew millimeters to a

    ew centimeters in diameter, and intervening

    solid brous tissue. He continued, In ad-

    dition to specic diuse diseases, localized

    scars o many causes can appear as honey-

    combed lung, which indicates a rather non-

    specic pathologic condition [19].Pathologically, the Fleischner Society de-

    nition indicates, the cysts range in size rom

    a ew millimeters to several centimeters in

    diameter, so they are macroscopically iden-

    tiable [17]. Some researchers use the term

    microscopic honeycombing to describe 1-

    to 2-mm dilated bronchioles surrounded by

    airless brotic lung on a pathologic specimen

    [20]. On thin-section CT images, the area cor-

    responds to markedly increased lung attenua-

    tion with dilated bronchioles and is thereore

    dierent rom the macroscopic honeycomb

    lung. Whether the pathologic process that oc-

    curs in the microscopic honeycombing has

    a similar clinical and pathophysiologic signi-

    icance to that o (macroscopic) honeycomb

    lung is still to be determined.


    A recent denition o honeycomb lung in

    radiology is based on thin-section CT, which

    can image the lungs close to their macroscopic

    appearance [21]. The initial denition by the

    Fleischner Society, which was published in

    1984, stated that honeycomb lung is a num-

    ber o closely approximated ring shadows


    Fig. 668-year-old man with combined emphysemaand chronic interstitial pneumonia, who developedsquamous cell carcinoma.A, Thin-section CT image o lung tumor revealsmultiple thin-walled cysts and emphysema. Ground-glass opacity is noted adjacent to cystic area(arrows), indicating presence o chronic interstitialpneumonia. Cystic spaces are confuent and arelarger with thinner walls than those o honeycomblung. This is considered coexistence o emphysemaand chronic interstitial pneumonia and nothoneycomb lung.B, Photograph o cut surace (corresponding to CT

    slice) o surgically resected let lower lobe showsmultiple cysts o various sizes, giving appearance ohoneycombing.C, Photomicrograph o cystic space showsdestruction and brosis o pulmonary parenchyma,with varying-sized cyst, which is separated romnormal lung by interlobular septa (asterisks). (H and E)D, Photomicrograph shows presence o broblasticoci (arrow), which is compatible with interstitialbrosis. (Elastica-Goldner stain)


    C D

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    778 AJR:196, April 2011

    Arakawa and Honma

    representing air spaces 510 mm in diameterwith walls 23 mm thickwhose occurrence

    implies end-stage lung [22], which is in con-

    cert with the statement by Meyer and Liebow

    [11] and Genereux [16]. The second statement

    by the Fleischner Society, which was published

    in 1996, said, Clustered cystic air space, usu-

    ally o comparable diameters on the order o

    0.31.0 cm but as much as 2.5 cm, usually is

    subpleural and characterized by well-dened

    walls, which are oten thicka CT eature o

    diuse pulmonary brosis [23]. These earlier

    denitions, which were in the era o the chest

    radiograph in the rst version and o CT in the

    second version, are almost the same exceptor the size and location. In the latest version

    rom the Fleischner Society, honeycomb lung

    is dened as clustered cystic air spaces, typi-

    cally o comparable diameters on the order o

    310 mm but occasionally as large as 2.5 cm

    usually subpleural and characterized by well-

    dened walls [17]. The size and wall thick-

    ness o the cysts vary among the authors who

    use the term. However, the cystic air spaces

    o honeycomb lung tend to share walls [24].

    This means that traction bronchiolectasis with

    intervening lung should not be called honey-

    combing (Fig. 3). Because o the small size o

    the cyst, diagnosis should be perormed with

    thin-section CT [25]. Although dierent dis-

    ease processes result in the same pathologic

    and radiologic appearance, recent understand-

    ing indicates that honeycombing is oten con-

    sidered specic or pulmonary brosis and is

    an important criterion in the diagnosis o usu-

    al interstitial pneumonia (UIP), and thus the

    term should be used with care [because] it may

    directly impact patient care [17].

    The latest denition emphasizes the im-portance o honeycombing as the diagnostic

    criterion o UIP. This emphasis originated

    rom the recent consensus statement about

    idiopathic pulmonary brosis published in

    2000 by American Thoracic Society and Eu-

    ropean Respiratory Society, which empha-

    sized the clinical relevance o discriminating

    UIP rom other IIP [25]. Among idiopathic

    interstitial pneumonia, IPF is a progressive

    disease, oten with acute exacerbation, and

    shows ar worse prognosis than other chronic

    interstitial pneumonia [26]. Although a new

    antibrotic drug has emerged as a possible

    treatment option or IPF [27], the prognosisis still regarded as poor [28].

    Progression of Honeycomb Lung

    Because honeycomb lung is the end stage

    o interstitial pneumonia, there must be an ab-

    normality that precedes it. In the case o UIP,

    honeycomb lung is preceded by the presence

    o patchy ground-glass opacity and reticu-

    lation within a secondary lobule [29]. Over

    time, intralobular reticulation increases and

    traction bronchiolectasis gradually appears in

    the area o the ground-glass opacity while the

    ground-glass opacity diminishes and nally

    results in honeycombing [29, 30]. The earliest

    CT abnormality o UIP is poorly understood.

    In one report o 14 cases o silicosis that de-

    veloped chronic interstitial pneumonia with

    honeycombing, the earliest abnormality was

    aint ground-glass opacity or, less requently,

    coarse reticulation [30]. However, this study

    was perormed with 10-mm slice thickness.

    The speed o progression o honeycomb

    lung is poorly understood. In a series o 29 IPF

    patients, the progression o honeycomb lungranged rom 0% to 11% o the lungs per month

    (median, 0.4%) and was astest in the low-

    er lobes [29]. In another series o 14 patients

    with chronic interstitial pneumonia and silico-

    sis observed or a median o 15.4 years, nor-

    mal or near-normal lung progressed to hon-

    eycomb lung within a median o 12.1 years

    (range, 3.719.1 years) [30]. It is presumed

    that a long asymptomatic period exists beore

    honeycomb lung develops and the patient be-

    comes symptomatic. With the common use o

    CT examinations in this era o MDCT, cases

    o IPF without honeycomb lung are expected

    to be increasingly ound, which challengesradiologists in CT diagnosis.

    Although most cases o honeycomb lung

    are seen in chronic lung disease, it can also

    occur in a minority o patients with acute

    interstitial pneumonia and diuse alveolar

    damage [31, 32]. This disease is progressive

    by the day or week, and the result is oten a-

    tal. Honeycomb lung is not the initial eature,

    but it can occur as early as 1 week ater the

    onset o symptoms [31].

    The size o the honeycomb cyst usually in-

    creases during ollow-up [33]. In two autopsy

    series o patients with honeycombing o UIP,

    stenosis or abrupt angulations o bronchioleand slitlike structures between the cysts and

    bronchioles were ound, which were regard-

    ed as the causes o progressive enlargement o

    honeycomb cysts [12, 33] (Fig. 4). In another

    study o 97 patients with end-stage lung dis-

    ease, patients underwent paired inspiratory

    and expiratory volume scanning o the lung,

    and the size o honeycomb cysts was evaluated

    using multiplanar reormation [34]. The large


    Fig. 756-year-old man with emphysema whodeveloped interstitial pneumonia during ollow-up.A, Thin-section CT image shows emphysema inperiphery o right lower lobe. There is minimumincrease in lung attenuation associated withemphysematous area.B, Thin-section CT image obtained 5 years latershows cluster o multiple cysts in area o previousemphysema. This appearance mimics honeycomb

    lung. However, it is not end-stage o chronic brosinginterstitial pneumonia but superimposition o ground-glass opacity on emphysema.


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    AJR:196 , April 2011 779

    Imaging of Honeycomb Lung

    honeycomb cysts (mean, 20.6 mm; SD, 10.7

    mm) tended to have thinner walls and did not

    communicate with the airways and thus did

    not change in size during orced exhalation,

    whereas the small cysts (mean, 2.7 mm; SD,4.3 mm) did have communication with the air-

    ways and their size changed on expiration [34].

    The data suggest that the progressive enlarge-

    ment o honeycomb cysts is partly due to air

    trapping by the check-valve mechanism.

    Honeycomb Lung as the CT Criterion of UIP

    Honeycombing is oten considered spe-

    cic to pulmonary brosis and is an impor-

    tant criterion in the diagnosis o UIP [17]. By

    denition, however, it is not the specic CT

    nding o UIP, although honeycombing is

    the common nding o UIP.

    In previous literature, honeycombing wasidentied in 41100% o UIP, depending on

    the reported series [3544]. In one report o

    168 cases o suspected IIP, the sensitivity and

    specicity o the presence o honeycombing

    in the diagnosis o UIP were 90% and 86%,

    respectively [45]. Nonspecic interstitial

    pneumonia (NSIP) and desquamative intersti-

    tial pneumonia (DIP), which are the chronic

    interstitial pneumonias o IIP and are the im-

    portant dierential diagnostic considerations,

    show honeycombing in 030% and 4.339%,

    respectively [37, 38, 4648]. In acute intersti-

    tial pneumonia, the requency is lower, rang-

    ing rom 6% to 14% [31, 32, 49].Honeycomb lung in UIP is usually subpleu-

    ral and is predominant in posterior and lower

    lobes [29, 35, 50]. This characteristic distri-

    bution distinguishes UIP rom other diseases

    with honeycomb lung. In a study o 61 various

    end-stage lung diseases (26 UIP, nine sarcoido-

    sis, eight Langerhans cell histiocytosis, ve as-

    bestosis, our silicosis, our chronic hypersensi-

    tivity pneumonitis, three LAM, one berylliosis,


    Fig. 864-year-old man with silicosis and chronic interstitial pneumonia.A, Initial CT image shows slight increase in lung at tenuation in both lung bases (arrows).B, In CT image obtained 8 years later, ground-glass opacity is obvious and multiple lung cysts are identied in area o ground-glass opacity, giving appearance oemphysematous cysts (arrows).C, CT image obtained 5 years ater B shows urther progression o ground-glass opacity and increased number and size o lung cysts. These cysts are thin-walled andspare subpleural zone, although some cysts are clustered. CT nding is dierent rom honeycomb lung o usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP).D, Photomicrograph o lung specimen shows multiple lung cysts in area o interstitial brosis (arrowheads). Appearance is dieren t rom honeycomb lung in UIP.Pathologic diagnosis was also dierent rom typical UIP pattern. Arrows indicate pleural surace. (Elastic-Goldner stain)


    C D

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    Arakawa and Honma

    and one talcosis), the characteristic distribution

    o honeycombing made it possible to diagnose

    UIP in 88% o the cases, with a high degree o

    condence in 67% [51] (Fig. 5).

    In addition to the distribution, the extent

    o honeycomb cyst is another important con-

    sideration when diagnosing UIP. It has been

    reported that the extent o honeycombing

    ranged rom 3% to 21% o the lung parenchy-

    ma in UIP [3544]. On the other hand, the

    extent o honeycombing in NSIP and DIP is

    reported as 0.33.7% and 0.710% o the lung

    parenchyma, respectively [37, 38, 4648]. In

    these reports, both the requency and extent

    are signicantly higher in UIP than in DIP or

    NSIP, although there seems to be no thresholdthat discriminates UIP rom other IIP.

    Problems in Diagnosing

    Honeycomb Lung

    There are several diculties in the diagno-

    sis o honeycomb lung. One is the denition

    o the terminology and the others are asso-

    ciated with radiographic diagnosis with CT.

    The problem o diagnosis originates rom the

    historical change o the concept and the di-

    erent circumstances in which it is made. In

    the previous literature, honeycombing meant

    nonspecic cystic pulmonary conditions, in-

    cluding bronchiectasis and congenital cysticlung disease. However, in the recent litera-

    ture, its use is limited mostly to the end-stage

    lung with interstitial brosis.

    Other problems aect the CT diagnosis o

    honeycomb lung in cases with chronic interst i-

    tial pneumonia [52]. Although the denition is

    straightorward, diagnosing honeycomb lung

    in IPF or UIP is sometimes not easy or radi-

    ologists. For instance, in a study o 314 cases

    o IPF, the interobserver agreement regarding

    the presence o honeycomb lung ranged rom

    0.21 to 0.31, which indicates rather poor agree-

    ment [36]. This variation could originate rom

    the varied appearance o cystic structures in

    chronic interstitial pneumonia, in which there

    can be traction bronchiolectasis, subpleural

    cysts or bulla, and emphysema, especially o

    the paraseptal type. Located in the subpleu-

    ral area, all these structures appear cystic and

    oten have walls. The coexistence o emphy-

    sema is reported in the subset o patients with

    IPF, which is rather a common phenomenon

    because both diseases are associated with cig-

    arette smoking [5356]. Although emphyse-

    ma is pathologically dened as loss o lungparenchyma without brosis, brosis can co-

    exist in the area with emphysema [57] (Fig. 6).

    Although such brosis may be dierent rom

    UIP [58], the presence o this brosis can be

    a risk actor o acute exacerbation during cy-

    totoxic drug treatment [59] and ater pulmo-

    nary surgery [60].

    Emphysema and cystic spaces can be

    challenging in the presence o overlapping

    ground-glass opacity [47]. In a study o 34

    patients with either UIP or NSIP and em-

    physema, emphysematous lung or cystic ar-

    eas were misdiagnosed as honeycombing

    in three cases [47]. This situation can oc-cur with pneumonia in emphysematous lung

    but more problematic is the development o

    chronic interstitial pneumonia in emphyse-

    matous lung during ollow-up (Fig. 7). NSIP

    and DIP, which show predominantly ground-

    glass opacity, might show a honeycomb ap-

    pearance i the abnormality involves the em-

    physematous area and thus would likely be

    misdiagnosed as UIP [47].

    Furthermore, emphysema and interstitial

    brosis develop and progress simultaneously

    in the same lung area [61] (Fig. 8). The end

    result is similar to honeycomb lung, which is

    oten relatively thin walled and presents a di-

    agnostic challenge to radiologists.

    Finally, paraseptal emphysema, which is one

    o the types o emphysema, has denite walls,

    is located subpleurally, and is oten clustered

    (Fig. 9). Pathologically, paraseptal emphyse-

    ma is oten accompanied by brosis in its walls

    [62]. There are cases that show paraseptal em-

    physema in the upper and middle lobes, al-

    though there is typical honeycomb lung in

    the lower lobes. In these cases, these dier-

    ent pathologic processes are oten continuouswith each other in the subpleural zone. Thus,

    dierentiating the two is almost impossible.

    It should be kept in mind that honeycomb

    lung is the end stage o pulmonary brosis.

    Thus, the development o ground-glass opac-

    ity in the area o emphysema should not be

    called honeycomb lung. However, in cases o

    the simultaneous progression o brosis and

    airspace enlargement, it might be dicult to

    reject the term honeycomb lung.

    Future of CT Diagnosis of

    Honeycomb Lung

    Because the term honeycomb lung is close-ly linked with the concept o the disease and

    with the classication o idiopathic interstitial

    pneumonia, the denition and clinical mean-

    ing o honeycomb lung have changed and may

    change rom the present denition in the uture.

    In the meantime, it is important to use the term

    in consensus, and when it is used, interpreters

    should have a unanimous opinion and image o

    what is meant by honeycomb lung.


    Fig. 962-year-old man with emphysema andchronic interstitial pneumonia.A, Thin-section CT image at lung base showshoneycomb lung.B, Thin-section CT image at tracheal carina showsparaseptal emphysema with varied thickness o cystwall. Most anterior cysts appear similar to those olung base, showing similarity o honeycomb cyst andparaseptal emphysema.


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    Imaging of Honeycomb Lung

    Disagreement concerning the CT diagno-

    sis o honeycomb lung could partly be ex-

    plained by the lack o prespecied consensus,

    and thus reerence images, such as the Inter-

    national Labor Oce classication o pneu-

    moconiosis, are considered to improve the

    interobserver agreement [36]. Actually, reer-

    ence images should be used so that we have aunanimous CT diagnosis o honeycomb lung

    in diagnosing IPF. Because the nal goal is

    to identiy those patients who are likely to

    show progressive disease and die within sev-

    eral years, the prespecied pattern o honey-

    combing should be revised on the basis o the

    results o the prospective observation that will

    be undertaken, depending on the prespecied

    consensus. The revision is an urgent task or

    radiologists considering that the presence and

    extent o honeycombing is the most important

    thin-section CT nding in the correct diagno-

    sis o UIP [3941, 43, 44, 47].


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