hopefully, she will be walking well enough that whenapr 03, 2012  · the snow is done she can start...

1 April, 2010 Volume 4 April Newsletter Our pictures this month were taken right around our home. The first one is Red Butte, which is, practically, in our front yard. The other two pictures are of a vortex that is just across Baldwin Creek Rd. from our home and about a mile hike up into the red cliffs. The figure on the Goddess Rocks is our friend Margo who passed away last year. Here we are to April and Easter. Spring is beginning to show herself here and there. The Magpies have been nest building for almost a month now. The goldfinches and house finches are beginning to turn bright yellow and red. Soon the cedars and junipers on our land will begin to “green up” and we will, once more, have tiny, bright green buds on the trees. Spring is an awesome time of renewal when everything is being born again. The time of winter’s gestation is over and life is vital. I got the results back on my biopsy and everything is looking good. The doctor said that things are a little better. I am pursuing several new avenues of healing. My six month goal is to be cancer free. Dorian has gotten good reports on her ankle. The surgery went well and healed quickly. She will begin rehab soon to get the ankle working well again. Hopefully, she will be walking well enough that when the snow is done she can start her daily walks again. I am excited about going to my fiftieth class reunion in the fall. The plans are going forth and those who are planning to come are getting in touch again. Time is a funny thing. It seems like years ago when I was in high school yet I don’t remember getting any older. I look at the things that we are taught about the aging -process and we are programmed to begin feeling old and getting old around fifty. It does seem that there is more care and maintenance of the vehicle than before, but I feel good about life and living it. I think of people who put in hours taking care of a vintage vehicle and it seems taking care of my body has become a hobby. The planet is in crazy times, we don’t know what is coming next, but it is still invigorating to experience all of it. People send me jokes and articles about being old--so many of them are sad, sarcastic, and bitter. St. Germain says that getting old happens when the emotions get rigid. When there is more fear than fun, we get old. He says, “It must have been something you thought”. It is a challenge at times for people of any age to see the bright side when the “gloom and doomers” are touting “the end of the world”. I just know, that St. Germain keeps saying, “No matter how the situation looks, ain’t nothin’ what it seems!” I am watching my great grandson growing like a weed. He is almost sixteen months old now. He is walking more each time I see him, but he still crawls a lot because it is so much faster. He is beginning to say a few words, but no sentences yet. His half brother Bradon is just as cute and sweet as he can be. He is almost three and a half. Bradon started pre- kindergarten this year and is very proud of being such a big boy. It seems that only a year or two ago, my granddaughter was learning to walk. She just had her twenty-first birthday in February. It puts things in perspective when my oldest son is only three years younger than the president. Amazing!

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Page 1: Hopefully, she will be walking well enough that whenApr 03, 2012  · the snow is done she can start her daily walks again. I am excited about going to my fiftieth class reunion in


April, 2010 Volume 4

April Newsletter

Our pictures this month were taken right around our home. The first one is Red Butte, which is, practically, in our front yard. The other two pictures are of a vortex that is just across Baldwin Creek Rd. from our home and about a mile hike up into the red cliffs. The figure on the Goddess Rocks is our friend Margo who passed away last year. Here we are to April and Easter. Spring is beginning to show herself here and there. The Magpies have been nest building for almost a month now. The goldfinches and house finches are beginning to turn bright yellow and red. Soon the cedars and junipers on our land will begin to “green up” and we will, once more, have tiny, bright green buds on the trees. Spring is an awesome time of renewal when everything is being born again. The time of winter’s gestation is over and life is vital. I got the results back on my biopsy and everything is looking good. The doctor said that things are a little better. I am pursuing several new avenues of healing. My six month goal is to be cancer free. Dorian has gotten good reports on her ankle. The surgery went well and healed quickly. She will begin rehab soon to get the ankle working well again.

Hopefully, she will be walking well enough that when the snow is done she can start her daily walks again. I am excited about going to my fiftieth class reunion in the fall. The plans are going forth and those who are planning to come are getting in touch again. Time is a funny thing. It seems like years ago when I was in high school yet I don’t remember getting any older. I look at the things that we are taught about the aging -process and we are programmed to begin feeling old and getting old around fifty. It does seem that there is more care and maintenance of the vehicle than before, but I feel good about life and living it. I think of people who put in hours taking care of a vintage vehicle and it seems taking care of my body has become a hobby. The planet is in crazy times, we don’t know what is coming next, but it is still invigorating to experience all of it. People send me jokes and articles about being old--so many of them are sad, sarcastic, and bitter. St. Germain says that getting old happens when the emotions get rigid. When there is more fear than fun, we get old. He says, “It must have been something you thought”. It is a challenge at times for people of any age to see the bright side when the “gloom and doomers” are touting “the end of the world”. I just know, that St. Germain keeps saying, “No matter how the situation looks, ain’t nothin’ what it seems!” I am watching my great grandson growing like a weed. He is almost sixteen months old now. He is walking more each time I see him, but he still crawls a lot because it is so much faster. He is beginning to say a few words, but no sentences yet. His half brother Bradon is just as cute and sweet as he can be. He is almost three and a half. Bradon started pre-kindergarten this year and is very proud of being such a big boy. It seems that only a year or two ago, my granddaughter was learning to walk. She just had her twenty-first birthday in February. It puts things in perspective when my oldest son is only three years younger than the president. Amazing!

Page 2: Hopefully, she will be walking well enough that whenApr 03, 2012  · the snow is done she can start her daily walks again. I am excited about going to my fiftieth class reunion in


I look at the children of today and I am so impressed with their passion, their brilliance, their inventiveness and their wisdom. I feel that the future is in good hands. It will go in directions that I might have never considered and that is good. It seems to be taking quite a while for the old ways to clear out so that the progressive new ideas can show how well they work. There is so much fear around change, yet change has always been for the best—it is growth. In “The Order of the Phoenix” (Harry Potter) a character called Dolores Umbrage who worked for the Ministry of Magic got up and made a little speech at the beginning of the school year. She said, among other things, “Progress for the sake of progress should be prohibited.” That is taking fear to a whole new level. My thought is that limitation for the sake of limitation would best be forgiven. Never have finger-pointing, judgmental attitudes and criticism been so over-worked. If the energy of conflict were gasoline, the wasted fuel could be seen and a movement for greater fuel efficiency would be made. If people put as much effort into positive, allowing attitudes as they do into attempting to stop others from creating new things, they would be dynamos. I marvel at what Love is bringing up to be healed, in myself and in others. Our May intensive, “Questing into the Mysteries of LOVE: Finding Your Way to Joy!” will be here in Lander at the Rainbow Center on May 14-16. We invite you to join us for this exciting week end plus Friday evening. The evening is $45, but if you pay for the week end the evening is free. The intensive is $350 or $400 at the door.

Rainbow Center News Our next group, “You Are Masters, also” will be April 11 at the Rainbow Center, 4th & Lincoln in Lander. CD’s can be purchased on the website at www.voiceofthegatekeepers.com/2010groups.html We will resume filming of the “Know Thyself” series as soon as Dorian can manage the camera again. Look for “The Desire Nature”, “ Beauty--Inward and Out ward” and “The SOUL: Temple of God” soon. Both CD’s and DVD’s of the Know Thyself series will be available. To order CD’s or DVD’s www.voiceofthegatekeepers.com/evenings.html Our next intensive, “Questing into the Mysteries of Love: Finding Your Way into Joy!” will be May 15, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and May 16, 1 p.m.-6 p.m. at the Rainbow Center in Lander. The evening “Playing with Faeries” will be 8-10 p.m. on May 14.

ASTROLOGY NEW MOON The New Moon for April falls on the 14. Each New and Full Moon brings a powerful download of evolutionary energy, focalized by the planets, stars and galaxies. These frequencies of light stimulate the pineal gland, associated with the “third eye”. On a physical level, the pineal gland regulates circadian rhythms (sleep, sex, aging); on a metaphysical level, the pineal gland operates as a cosmic GPS, locating our consciousness in time, space and dimension. Aries, being the first sign of the Zodiac, initiates the new year of the horoscope. It brings new directions, new goals and shows us new expressions of the Divine as life springs forth. It requires a “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”—to observe without preconception or prejudice, to be curious rather than critical, to be open and ready to receive and embrace the newness. This New Moon squares the degree of the January 15 Solar eclipse at 25 degrees Capricorn. A square is a turning point, where we must change or be changed. There is no turning back. We are breaking new ground. The nature of Aries demands that we be courageous and face the future without the old ways restricting us. What were you dealing with three months ago? Where do you require to take a leap of faith now?

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Whenever another planet aligns with Pluto the transformational aspects increase. Mars, the ruler of Aries, is quincunx Pluto (6 degrees Leo-Capricorn). This is like an ever increasing echo of the admonition, “Go forward and never look back!” We must release the things in our lives that no longer serve us.” This aspect is forcing us to question our desires, motivations and strategies. Where you do draw the line in the affairs of your life? Where do you require to reclaim your personal power? Mercury begins its second retrograde this year on April 17 at 12 degrees 38’ Taurus, retracing its steps to 2 degrees 40’ Taurus. It turns direct on May 11. This retrograde will keep Mercury in Taurus for more than two months (April 2 to June 9). When planets are retrograde they offer us an opportunity to rethink our priorities, reexamine the way we live and look at core-level values. Chiron enters Pisces on April 19. This is the first transit of Pisces for Chiron this century and it will remain in the sign until 2019, other than a few brief retrograde into Aquarius. The last time Chiron was in Pisces was 1960-69: the decade of civil rights and anti-war protests, Flower Children, rock and roll, John Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Chiron will join Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, which underscores our requirement to find peace, first within ourselves and then with others. The Sabian symbol for 25 degrees Aquarius, where the New Moon takes place is: “The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being; the revelation of new potentialities.” It is time to revamp our internal hard drive and expunge the excesses of judgment, disagreement and disharmony. The new components that must be added are peace, love and unity. Once these are installed in our system then it is to put them into effect in our lives daily. The intellect collects knowledge, but the Soul shows us the wisdom or folly of our choices.

FULL MOON The Full Moon in Scorpio falls on April 28. The Sun in Taurus seeks security in the things that we require for living. Scorpio shows us our desire nature and can vividly highlight the things that we fear the most. The good news is that fear is an indication that we have passed a mile stone and we are ready to embark on new adventures. We are confronted by the unknown and we feel out of control. When we put our attention

and intentions on what we desire rather than on the things that we do not want we empower the highest and best good in our lives. Scorpio is a dynamic manifestor but the outcome depends on where the energy of thought is moving. We have, over life times, repressed and/or suppressed many fears and judgments about ourselves because we just couldn’t face them. Our evolution depends on transmutation, transformation and transcendency. In the light of Truth you are just fine. In the “Game of Separation” you have downgraded yourself through each life time. This Full Moon points out two of our major fears: food and money. We are not only short of the energy that sustains life physically, but we are fighting to have enough time and we are allowing ourselves to become more emotionally estranged from ourselves, each other and Source all of the time, thanks to cell phones, television and computers. We have to care about the health and welfare of our bodies and our relationships or we can lose both. Where are your priorities? When your family and friends are more important than your job you will know that you are on the right tract. When you are present in your body you will recognize that good food is neither to expensive or too time consuming. The family that cooks together and eats together is fed on many levels. There are actually restaurants that are beginning to look for food that is grown without pesticides and meat that is raised without hormones or antibiotics. They cost a little more—are you worth it, is your family? Even in cities there are “back to the land” movements. Money has become a God in the lives of many. They worship at the altar of the “Lord God of the paycheck”. Considering the common good is a trend of the Aquarian Age. The changes have to start within. We have been indoctrinated with the fear of not enough. Money has been manipulated to create fear and limit. When you remember that money is a symbol of the currency flow of God, it is not a God, but a reminder that there is plenty and plenty more where that came from. Saturn and Uranus form the fourth of five exact oppositions 29 degrees Virgo-Pisces on April 26. This will once more clarify where we are holding on to outmoded concepts and beliefs. This is amplified by Jupiter’s approaching opposition to Saturn on May 22 and conjunction with Uranus on June 8. The continuing revelation of the corruption of business and government will be in the spotlight more than ever. As Saturn quincunx’s Neptune (Virgo to Aquarius) on May2 we are put on notice that we must be awake, alert and attentive in order to redirect our personal affairs—monetary, health and future creation.

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The Sun cojoins Mercury at 8 degrees Taurus just hours after the Full Moon. This conjunction trines Pluto and facilitates investigation and reform. A square to Mars in Leo calls for bold action in areas where we have been holding back. It is simply to make sure that our actions are guided by wisdom rather than impulse. Venus will quincunx Pluto (Gemini-Capricorn), bringing a warning to get to the truth of things, rather than just accepting hype as fact. Are you taking wise action or just reacting? The Sabian symbols remind us to light a candle rather than curse the darkness. The Sun at 9 degrees Taurus: “A fully decorated Christmas tree; the ability to create inner happiness in dark hours.” The Moon at 9 degrees Scorpio: “A dentist at work; overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings.” How are you letting the past limit your future? What old fears are holding you back? “A movement of a quarter of an inch on Earth effects a thousand miles in space.” Every act is important. (St. Germain)

CRYSTAL CORNER It looks like spring has finally sprung! The winter was full of changes and shifts, both within us and within the earth. I can hardly wait to see what happens next! This column is going to seem a little random but I’m talking about the quartz family and the variations within that. Also, some of the shapes that have been created, both by humans and the earth, are quite intriguing. A lot of these crystals deal with the imbalances we’re experiencing at this time.

The natural Blue Quartz

brings tranquility and soothes the disturbed spirit. There is a lot of disturbance in the spirit water now because of the conflicts in the healing of the separation and so much of what has been called ‘right’ must be forgiven. In God, those things have no place. There is no right or wrong so this will assist them who have disturbed spirit to walk more peacefully their own path and not be in so much conflict when they find others are not in agreement with what they are becoming.

Lavender Quartz is a wonderful natural crystal that could be used either in the solar plexus to help bring a peace there or in the area of the head or crown chakra to bring the violet flame into the awareness of the physical. In these times of chaos, as the Rose Quartz would bring the energy of love to a chaotic one, the Lavender Quartz would soothe the warrior.

The Scepter Quartz is a natural formation that is totally wonderful. This indicates a drawing up of energy or a creating of foundational information and then capping it with the energy and properties of what the stone is. The vast majority of the power or strength is in the base or stem of the Scepter. When pointed, it has much the same effect of a laser except, rather than cutting into the etheric to remove questionable matter, it penetrates with information. It would bring the properties of transformation, the properties of healing fear, the properties of clearing illusions and information on how that might be accomplished.

The Sixteen-Sided Quartz wand or Vogel cut crystal is cut in such a way as to optimize the energy. This is a scepter of power that says, ‘I AM THAT I AM’. Imagine that you are a vessel being filled with the energy of the divine. This is transmuting the energy as it enters you so that you are filled with oceans of divine light. This will wash every cell and you can dive deeply into the waters and they are filled with the primal power, the magik. The magik is that you are unlimited. That is such a terrifying concept to the ego and yet, this will help you to bring in the essence of unlimited and integrate it gently. When you would

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desire to offer up a prayer, to send a blessing or to emanate true good will, use the small end pointed up.

And, for those of you who would like a glimpse of just where the energy is going, check out the Titanium enhanced Quartz. This is a Quartz crystal that has layers of Titanium fused to it. As the robes of flesh begin to fall away, what would be revealed would be something very much like this stone. This would continue to elevate until it became progressively golden in its color. But the shimmer of starlight, moonlight and fairy dust would be very much the beginning of the luminescence as the vibrational frequency elevates. This is a dense form but it gives you a visual of the truth of yourself beyond the physical. It brings in the essence of stars that you can see and those you cannot. It brings in assistance from ancient civilizations to assist in the elevation to the point that you remember being this. For more information on the stones, feel free to contact me. Don’t forget to sign up for Crystal Healing I coming up on May 22nd and 23rd if you would like to learn more about the crystals and ways to use them. Linda Thomas Eternal Ice Enterprises (307) 754-4396 or (800) 757-8478 www.eternal-ice.com Love, Light & Laughter!


Part I

Linda Thomas, instructor

May 22nd & 23rd 10:00 AM-5:00 PM Cost: $200.00 due in full by May 10th, 2010. Complete crystal information will be mailed when paid in full.

You will: * Explore ways of using crystals for yourself and others * Receive information about the stones and their uses

* Observe basic layouts and energy balancing * Receive a certificate to display

For more information, contact:

Linda Thomas 894 Lane 11 ½

Powell, WY 82435 (307) 754-4396 or (800) 757-8478

I have an extensive inventory of exquisite stones and

you will love the prices!!!

Please let me know if you require a place to stay. I do have some extra beds available.

Crystal Healing II may be offered on May 24th & 25th.

Call me if interested. Credit Cards Accepted



It is that time of year when all the seed catalogs have been rolling in and cabin fever has hit. The weather has been teasing us and we are anxious to start seeds and get that garden planted. That is why I like lettuce! It likes cool weather and can be started indoors or directly sowed depending on your zone. I live in a zone 3 so I start my lettuce seed indoors and transplant out in the garden around the middle of April. One thing about lettuce is it likes the cooler weather. The night time temperatures need to be at least 45 degrees for the lettuce to grow steady. I put hot houses over my beds to hold in the warmth. I like to plant different kinds of leaf lettuce for color and texture. It is very appealing to the palate and looks good on the plate too. Some of the leaf lettuces to

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consider would be; Red and Green Salad Bowl, Red Sails, and Oak Leaf. These types are also a “cut and come again” (meaning you can cut a harvest, then harvest again in a few weeks). Lettuce is very easy to plant and grow. If directly seeding in the garden, just sprinkle seed on the ground and lightly rake it into the soil. Keep it damp. Lettuce takes a lot of water to keep it from becoming bitter. When transplanting the seedlings, make sure to water the area you will transplant to the night before and water the seedlings good the night before. Lettuce does not have deep roots so don’t plant to deep. In about 30 to 48 days you will be able to cut your first harvest. You can enjoy continuous harvests. Lettuce is full of nutrients in a compact package, including iron, folate, and vitamins A and C. It‘s these reasons that gardeners should let lettuce be their first step in their journey to delicious, homegrown self-reliance. Spinach can be grown in the same manner and greens can be directly seeded in the garden. They are also “cut and come again”.

Enjoy and Happy Spring! The Garden Fairy Ronda McLean

Master Gardener, Herbalist, Reiki Master [email protected]



Our card for April is the Ace of Worlds—Success. Success is your magikal ability to fulfill you goals and

achieve what you desire. As we move into spring and life is coming alive after the winter it is time to consider new goals and objectives, but also to turn our attention to the acceptance and allowing of those goals to come to pass. The Ace of Worlds is a wonderful card on which to meditate. It is filled with excitement and joy, as well as, expansion. After the containment of winter, spring lets us spread our wings and fly to new heights. The Success card is grounded in the Earth way and yet is free to reach for unlimited possibilities. What is your idea of success? Is it something that others already have, but you must work very hard to achieve? Perhaps it is time to change your perspective on what you are capable of accomplishing. Success is what makes your heart sing. To succeed, you must first believe that you are a success and that you will continues to succeed. Success is about allowing your goals and dreams to come to pass. The old way of doing things involved making plans and then seeing to it that things followed a prescribed course. Allowing also has a plan or specific idea of what you want to bring about, but allowing is not so rigid or structured about how the objective is achieved. In order to succeed in the allowing mode, you take a deep breath and be still, waiting for the moment of potential when everything begins to move. One reason this is so challenging is that it requires that you be clear and present about how you are using your energy. Battle strategy and war plans create hard or harsh energy that uses force to get what it wants. Allowing is much softer, gentler and, therefore, more receptive. As the old order passes the ways of conflict are rising up to prove, one last time, that they still work. Less and less success is coming from the push and demand of old ways. Many, that have appeared to be successful in the past, are being revealed for the unscrupulous actions and activities that gave the illusion of success. Real success is sustained by a heart-ful involvement in the creation. This kind of success is flexible and able to move and flow with the changes that life brings. Part of success is overcoming adversity, the willingness to let go of old ways of doing things and following a completely new course. Recognizing you full creative potential at the core of your being allows you to rise above the illusions of failure and accept continued success. Whether it is money, health or loving relationships you are capable of having what you desire as soon as you stop trying to make it happen.

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When the Success card turns up in your reading you are on the brink of something Magikal. Good news is on the way. Feel the opulence, the richness, the texture and scent of success and let yourself breathe it in. There are times when success comes out of what appears to be disaster. Maintaining hope in the midst of apparent misfortune keeps the way open for your very best good to demonstrate itself. Nothing is what it appears to be, so don’t be so quick to give up on yourself. Stay open to connecting with the people and ideas that will further your successes. The worst possible thing that anyone can say about themselves or another is, “Oh, you poor thing”. Remember: YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL! YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN ALLOW SUCCESS TO BE A PART OF YOUR EVERY DAY LIFE.

ST. GERMAIN’S MESSAGE FOR APRIL Beloved Masters, the juices are flowing as spring awakens in the hearts and minds of the Northern Hemisphere. With the new energy is a flow of excesses that you have not been allowed

on Earth in such a long time that they are exploding out into the world. With the Love that we are sending to you, the memory of how it is to be unencumbered and totally free is emerging. FREE WILL is alive and well on the planet! When you first came to Earth you carried the essence and clarity of all that you are in your daily experiences. You lived by the standards of love and the wisdom of Soul guided your creations. Slowly the memory of Love faded until it became a myth and the “game of separation” took hold. What is emerging now is the absolute terror of what is going to happen to you as everything is changing. It is as though the tiniest spark of fear can ignite a raging maelstrom of anger and bloodlust. The Egoic mind is working over time, as you come to the end of separation. How terrifying it is to be confronted by the fact that you are totally One with everyone on Earth, that you all come from the same Source. You are one with the drug dealers, the Taliban, the terrorists every where, as well as the powerful, beautiful, loving Souls that seek to support you through these changing times. Separation has invented many Gods, but all the names are still the One.

A health bill is passed and people go insane with fear and rage that they may lose something, even if they have no idea what it may be. Some feel that they will lose money. Some actually believe that they might lose their life, as though lives have not been being lost in the old ways. There are the ones who are so determined to be “right at all costs” that the good of anyone, including themselves, has been lost in the righteousness of striving to gain control. The Shadow is everywhere and that Shadow is called illusion. The fear brings out the lowest vibrational frequencies and binds those that are caught in it to what has been defined as Hell. I did not say they are going to Hell. I said they have created their own private Hell by clinging to the ways of separation when it is time to release those ways. Free Will gives a choice in each and every situation. Divine Law was set in motion at the beginning of this game. It has governed the ways of humanity all along. It has held a point of balance so that after all this time you still exist and have not wiped out the human race. Now you are remembering the ways of Love and it seems so foreign. You have yearned for love. You have written poems and books and songs about Love. You have set limits on Love and the mind has attempted to decide what Love is and what it isn’t. At every turn you have attempted to keep Love outside of you. Beloved Masters, Love is. It is so much greater than the finite mind can comprehend that it has no boundaries or limits. There is amazement, for many, that something so wonderful as Love could possibly bring such adverse reactions. There are so many who still believe that they are operating in the privacy of their own mind, behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes of society . These beings are fear mongers and they want to continue their sway of control that paralyzes the minds of the sick, the elderly and the uninformed. They gleefully call the uneducated, the old and the impoverished “weak” and they want to keep them that way. If your life and prosperity have depended on staying as far away from love and compassion as possible, the emergence of overwhelming amounts of Love is quite disturbing. The Love calls forth, from the depths of each being, ancient echoes of the goodness of who you truly are. You have not had to live up to that goodness in so long that it seems overwhelming to think that now all that you have created in separation must be re-evaluated. You, honestly, are not your income or your job or your goods. God designed this Earth as an

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abundant, fulfilling place that all might enjoy. God would not take away your abundance or curse you for having it. The guilt and shame of life times of mis-creation have brought about these times of crisis that some would attribute to God or God’s will, but God (Love) does not seek to punish anyone. You have done that well enough on your own. What is occurring on Earth is an up spiral of energy and even though it is bringing to light all of the actions and activities that have gone on in the darkness of separation, this crisis is truly is not a judgment of the Divine. Difficult as it may be to take in, you have created these outcomes through the laws of cause and effect. A mind in separation will contrive to do ill and then hope that the laws of the Divine will not apply the situations that it has created. Take a deep breath and let yourself connect with the feeling of your most heart felt desires. Make sure that those desires are worthy of a Master in loving and clear ways. If your desires are based on the downfall of others, they will visit you first. The timing of outcomes has dramatically speeded up and you will reap the outcomes of your creations, what ever they are, much more rapidly in the increase of energy. A mighty part of the changes that are happening is that the law “like attracts like” is operating at full force. Those who feel justified in making the lives of others miserable just because they can will find that their own lives become more difficult. If they may attempt to find the offenders and punish them. This pattern have been in existence for eons of time. The more the assertion of human will is brought to bear the more the difficulties of adverse, destructive actions will be revealed. Domination must be replaced with personal dominion over ones own life. Despotism must be transmuted into a unified consideration of the value of each life. Superiority, of necessity, would be brought to see the full and equal importance of each and every Soul on the planet. God does not measure your worth by status, money, education or works. When you genuinely Love you create an energy vibration that lifts you into higher understanding. You cannot pay your way into this vibration with money, force or coercion. What you know is only important if you understand what the knowledge means on other than just intellectual levels and how that information may serve you and others wisely. You only achieve this point of wisdom through Love. Some of you might read this and say that this sounds like a threat. There is no threat in it. We are simply defining what is going on on Earth from the perspective of our dimensions. As you let the Love in

and allow it to guide you, you will experience the raising of your vibrations. You cannot make your frequency rise with thoughts, affirmations or mantras that are made in fear or the determination to get to a spiritual place before anyone else does. The very essence of striving is a deterrent to evolution. That is an old, combative energy that will not serve you in the on going. I say this again and again and you hear the words, but have not allowed the deeper meaning to sink into the fertile soil of your Divine mind. “Ain’t nothin’ what it seems!” The ‘bad” is just change away from a life style that is no longer sustainable. The “good” that you were hoping for is actually better than you might have imagined, but it is waiting in a different vibrational space. You cannot measure what is going on by an old system of weights and measures. You create your future by what you are affirming now. If you keep saying things are bad and getting worse, Beloved Masters, you are absolutely right. If you are waiting for the “bad times” to blow over and then you can go back to the “good old days” that order is passing away. If you are willing to have faith in things that you cannot, yet, see and trust that Love will show you the way into the life you have dreamed of throughout separation it is already yours. The “New Earth” is the same planet in a higher dimension. You aren’t going anywhere. You are just transcending the energies of what has been. Ascension means rising up, over-coming what was. You are in the process of Ascension right now. Don’t miss it by trying to make it happen by some outmoded PLAN. YOU CANNOT DO ASCENSION!! The New Earth, the New Order, the new day begins within YOU. Nothing happens in the World that does not first occur within you. The mind plans, but emotions provide the fuel of creation. Are you the Master of your emotions? You cannot control your emotions with your mind, do getting in touch with your Soul self is required for the understanding of shift to higher levels of awareness and life. Forgiveness, compassion and true Love evolve out of a Heart/Mind/Soul trinity. This (w)holy union within brings goodness and equality to all. And so it is, Beloved Masters, We are with you, through all of the changes, in the greatest of Love. Until We meet again, in what ever manner that may be, I remain your most humble servant. I AM the Lord St. Germain. Adieu!

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Here is a communiqué sent to a man named Ryan DeVries regarding a pond on his property. It was sent by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality, State of Pennsylvania. This guy’s response is hilarious, but read the State’s letter before you get to the response letter. State of Pennsylvania’s letter to Mr. DeVries: SUBJECT: DEQ File No. 97-59-0023; T11N; R10W. Sec 20; Lycoming County Dear Mr. DeVries: It has come to the attention of the Department of Environmental Quality that there has been recent unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel of property. You have been certified as the legal landowner and/or contractor who did the following unauthorized activity: “Construction and maintenance of two wood debris dams across the outlet stream of Spring Pond” A permit must be issued prior to the start of this type of activity... A review of the Department’s files shows that no permits have been issued. Therefore, the department has determined that this activity is in violation of Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, being sections 324.30101 to 324.30113 of the Pennsylvania Complied Laws, annotated. The Department has been informed that one or both of the dams partially failed during a recent rain event, causing debris and flooding at downstream locations.. We find that dams of this nature are inherently hazardous and cannot be permitted. The Department therefore orders you to cease and desist all activities at this location, and to restore the stream to a free-flow condition by removing all wood and brush forming the dams from the stream channel. All restoration work shall be completed no later than January 31, 2010. Please notify this office when the restoration has been completed so that a follow-up site inspection may be scheduled by our staff. Failure to comply with this request or any further unauthorized activity on the site may result in this case being referred for elevated enforcement action. We anticipate and would appreciate your full cooperation in this manner. Please feel free to contact me at this office if you have any questions.

Sincerely, David L. Price District Representative and Water Management Division Here is the actual response sent back by Mr. DeVries: Re: DEQ File No. 97-59-0023; T11N; R10W, Sec. 20; Lycoming County Dear Mr. Price, Your certified letter dated 11/17/09 has been handed to me. I am the legal landowner but not the Contractor at 2088 Dagget Lane, Trout Run, Pennsylvania. A couple of beavers are in the (State unauthorized) process of constructing and maintaining two wood ‘debris dams across the outlet stream of my Spring Pond. While I did not pay for, authorize, nor supervise their dam project, I think they would be highly offended that you call their skillful use of natures building materials ‘debris’. I would like to challenge your department to attempt to emulate their dam project any time and/of any place you choose. I believe I can safely state there is no way you could ever match their dam skills, their dam resourcefulness, their dam ingenuity, their dam persistence their dam determination and/or their dam work ethic. As to your request, I do not think the beavers are aware that they must first fill out a dam permit prior to the start of this type of dam activity. My first dam question to you is:

(1) Are you trying to discriminate against my Spring Pond Beavers, or

(2) do you require all beavers throughout this State to conform to said dam request?

If you are not discriminating against these particular beavers, through the Freedom of Information Act, I request completed copies of all those other applicable beaver dam permits that have been issued. (Perhaps we will see if there really is a dam violation of Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451of the Public Acts of 1994, being sections 324.30101 to 324.3-113 of the Pennsylvania Complied Laws, annotated.)

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I have several dam concerns. My first dam concern is, aren’t the beavers entitled to legal representation” The Spring Pond Beavers are financially destitute and are unable to pay for said representation—so the State will have to provide them with a dam lawyer. The Department’s dam concern that either one or both of the dams failed during a recent rain event, causing flooding, is proof that this is a natural occurrence, which the Department is required to protect. In other words, we should leave the Spring Pond Beavers alone rather than harassing them and calling them dam names. If you want the damed stream ‘restored’ to a dam free-flow condition please contact the beavers—but if you are going to arrest them, they obviously did not pay any attention to your dam letter, they being unable to read English. In my humble opinion, the spring Pond Beavers have aright to build their unauthorized dams as long as the sky is blue, the grass is green and water flows downstream. They have more dam rights than I do to live and enjoy Spring Pond. If the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection lives up to its name, it should protect the natural resources (Beavers) and the environment (Beavers’ Dams). So, as far as the beavers and I concerned, this dam case can be referred for more elevated enforcement action right now. Why wait until 1/31/2010? The Spring Pond Beavers may be under the dam ice by then and there will be no way for you or your dam staff to contact/harass them. In conclusion, I would like to bring to your attention to a real environmental quality, health, problem in the area. It is the bears! Bears are actually defecating in our woods. I definitely believe you should be persecuting the defecating bears and leave the beavers alone. If you are going to investigate the beaver dam, watch your dam step! The bears are not careful where they dump! Being unable to comply with your dam request, and being unable to contact you on your dam answering machine, I am sending this response to your dam office. THANK YOU, RYAN DEVRIES & THE DAM BEAVERS

Nature governs itself! It will be awesome when humanity achieves the grace and consciousness to do the same.


ENCHANTED ART BY LINDA LUBE Our friend Linda Lube is designing tunics, vests and other wonderful pieces of clothing. Here are the promised pictures. Call Linda at 828 777-8540 for more information. Truly, these are the most delightful and mystical garments. Anyone who loves Lemuria, faeries or the magik of childhood will love what Linda is creating.

PACKAGES OF JOY Hello Everyone, EASTER is a week away - I hope you'll check out the Easter gifts on my new website for all the special people and also all the special pet lovers you know. NOTE - The bakery that decorates the cookie bouquets is on the East side of the country so plan on at least 7 days from when I can place the order EST for them to arrive to your recipient. They make very beautiful as well as delicious holiday decorations and gifts. The cookies are 4 inches to 6 inches tall and 1/4 inch thick.... they freeze well and are just as soft and delicious when you thaw them as they are when they arrive. http://www.packagesofjoy.com/

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KEYS TO REMEMBERING Donna Ing has her card deck and book KEYS TO REMEMBERING available at amazon.com and through her website. She and St. Germain spent almost ten years developing this amazing tool to assist us in the remembering process. Watch for a video on YouTube about the book and

deck soon. http://www.RememberingInsights.com.

Annalaiya is an iridologist, flower essence practitioner and natural healer, who has a background in chiropractic medicine. She can assist in physical, emotional and spiritual healing through the music table, color box, nutritional counseling and many other offerings. Call 307 332-7861 for appointments and information,

Shaylinn Kaiser dba Subtle Impressions offers Craniosacral Therapy blended with Reiki, Kinergetics and Energetic Rewiring. She is located at the Rainbow Center for the Humanities, 177 N. 4th, Lander. For appointments or information, please call 307 332- 4471 or 307 349-9837. Gift certificates are available.

Dream Pillows by Linda Emter

[email protected] Christmas is past, but there are birthdays and other occasions to give someone special sweet dreams. Microwave for 35 seconds and place on sore neck, shoulders, knee, head. Also, place under bed pillow for Dream Recall. Aromatherapy Dream Pillows $18.00@+S&H

Page 12: Hopefully, she will be walking well enough that whenApr 03, 2012  · the snow is done she can start her daily walks again. I am excited about going to my fiftieth class reunion in


Kimberly Rae Hansen Digital Artistry Kim does computer generated fractal art. We have one of Kim’s pictures and it is most amazing. Do check out her website! www.kimberlyraehansen.com

Delphinia Bey, 150 South 2nd. In Lander, offers many interesting and therapeutic modalities. Delphinia Bey does massage, hot rock therapy and deep tissue work. Delphinia also teaches Reiki classes. Call 307 332-6262 for appointments.

Delores DeVore owns Sound-Works, healing with voice and tuning forks. www.sound-works.biz Delores is an excellent website designer who has an extensive background in web design. She is very conscientious and works quickly. She is excellent at problem solving web site situations. www.ddswebdesign.com or call Delores DeVore 678 634-1249

“The Pot Of Gold” is a monthly publication created by Molly Rowland. Graphics by Dorian Zumwalt. If you would like to advertise in “The Pot of Gold” ads are $10 per month for up to six lines and $2 per line after that. Contact us: [email protected] or 307-335-8113