horror film moodboard

Horror Film Moodboard

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Horror Film Moodboard

Colour schemeI chose black because it’s a strong colour and when I use it, I intend to mainly use it for the background. Black is a colour we know for fear and death.

Red is a sign of danger, blood, death, excitement and passion because I mainly want to use this for a Miko costume, blood and persona colour.

I chose blue because it means peace, colour of the sky and ocean, good will, calm and justice.

I chose grey because it’s a neutral colour that doesn’t make a character good or bad, dullness, gloom and fog.

I chose purple because in Japan it’s a symbol that represents itself in a bad way, an evil sign which I would use for the Japanese doll.

I have white because the ghost girl’s skin in pale and a title colour to fit with the black background. It’s a colour of good, will, peace and hope.

FontsDemon miku’s wrath CF Night of the Damned. I chose this because its powerful, the letters are slightly deteriorated that gives a damaged and creepy feeling.

DEMON MIKU’S WRATH aracnoide. The reason why I picked this is for is spooky thin presentation. It looks like its been written on wood in desperation.

DEMON: MIKU’S WRATH Blood Crow Expanded. I chose this for a creepy font that isn’t neat because it has a demonic look to it.

DEMON: MIKU’S WRATH No Fear. I chose this because of the way that the font looks like its been written in blood which creates more atmosphere. (Chosen)

DEMON: MIKU’S WRATH Chiller. I chose this because it has similar feeling with ‘No Fear’ but its thinner and the font has more disjointed writing and desperation to write the title. (chosen)

DEMONMiku’s Wrath

The person in front of blue is the mysterious figure because his back is slightly turned and his face is barely seen. The blue background is suppose to signal that he is a good guy and maybe the main characters close friend

He cannot escape…

This picture is meant to be the true evil villain wanting to kill the main character because he will be glaring at the view with a red colour behind him or his face will be in red to create an evil looking image.

The Japanese police officer is a symbol that the police are involved and he has a something to do with the killings with Demon, Miku and the villain. He is in grey because he is a neutral character for he is not on Demon’s side or evil’s side.

The mysterious gun holder points his gun forward. He may be trying to discover the mysteries of Miku and Demon. He is in grey because his intentions aren’t good or evil.

The main title is called Demon: Miku’s Wrath because I have a fascination for Japanese movies and unusual ideas. The font for Demon looks good because it looks like blood is written.

I chose Japanese dolls and ghosts because they are a classic Japanese symbol in horror.

The main characters are Miku, a shrine maiden ghost that was sacrificed for a ritual and now haunts her family’s house and has an interest in Demon to kill and love him. I made her because of my interests in Japanese ghosts. The other main character is a teenage boy called Demon, a half human and half demon born in a cursed mountain and seeking for survival, I made him because I wanted an innocent hero with his demon side haunting him which will be his shadow in this poster

He cannot escape means that Demon wants to escape from what he is because of the danger his demon side could cause to others but trouble finds him to prevent this.

DEMONMiku’s Wrath

I decided to keep with the original fonts but instead with the colour red because when its added with red, it has more realism as if it was written in bloody by an Asian brush pen.

I would have created a Photoshop image of a girl in a red dress with black hair and holding onto the main character behind him because she is an important character to the movie and Demon himself.

The main character Demon is half human and half demon because on his human side Demon is a teenager wanting to survive and doesn’t want to harm others. However on his demon side, he will lose control of his emotions and goes on a blood thirsty killing spree, also fighting Miku.