horror film poster analysis


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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Horror film poster analysis


Page 2: Horror film poster analysis

The Colours used are mainly whites and greys. White has connotations of purity and innocence, white is also the colour of cleanliness and this could suggest that the film is set in a hospital. As we see a young girl presented on the poster we can infer that the use of white is to suggest the child’s innocence and purity. However this juxtaposes the use of the colour red as red has connotations of death and evil. The fact that the young girl is dragging her hand across the wall leaving the blood behind her could suggest that the girl is leaving a trail of death behind her. The blood left by the girl shows a face. The face looks sinister and the fact that the face is on the white walls could imply that the little girl has been possessed.

From this poster we can infer that the sub-genre of this horror film is gore & possession. The use of blood suggests that there will be graphic killings within the film whilst the face in the blood suggests some form of paranormal activity. However as the young girl is also in the poster we can infer that it is the girl that gets possessed and commits the killings.

Right at the top of the page it says “ from the producer of” This is used to convince the potential audience to go and watch the film. The reference to the films and producer suggests to the audience that the film will be worth watching as the previous films produced by the same people were professional and horrific.Serif and Sans Serif font is used on this poster. The used of serif font in the title “SINISTER” is used as it creates a more sinister look. This is also true for the use of the drop shadow. The drop shadow shows the letters to be dripping this could suggest that blood will be dripping from almost everything in the film or it could suggest that whatever is sinister about the film is dripping onto the girl below- reinforcing the notion of possession. The font is also black which could imply that the characters in the film are dark and soulless or that the film itself is dark and disturbing. The use of sans serif font makes the strapline stand out from the rest of the poster. As it is also positioned in the centre of the poster and close to the hotspots it catches the readers attention and makes them focus on it so that when they stop looking at the poster the strapline is still in their minds making them want to go and watch the horror film.

This is common in horror film posters and contains the names of people who were involved in the creation of the film. Here you can also see the logos of the companies who have rights to the film and the date that the film will be released.

Page 3: Horror film poster analysis

The colours used in this poster are mainly grey, black and white. The colour grey connotes coldness and lifelessness which could imply that some of the characters in this film have died. The use of the colour black connotes soullessness and the fact that two of the characters’ are presented as black shadows could imply that this film is about paranormal activity. The use of white around the window suggests innocence and purity and the fact that the little girl is looking out of it suggests that she is pure. However the fact that the shadow of the tree is reaching over the window could imply that the paranormal beings are going to have some sort of contact with the girl.

The font used on this poster is serif. This typography is commonly used in horror film posters as it is much more edged. This makes the font seem more angular and sharp which connotes to danger.

The fact that the girl is looking out of the window and onto the grandparents suggests that the girl is in a position of power. The house may be safe and stops the paranormal beings from reaching the child. It could also suggest that the girl survives the visit from the paranormal beings and that the poster is foreshadowing the ending of the film. The fact that the girl is looking out onto the danger could suggest that a lot of the film is outside and around the house.

The use of the tree on this poster could suggest that what happens in the film is unnatural. Trees symbolise nature and are usually presented as good. However the se of the tree on this poster in dark colours portrays the tree as consuming and evil. This could suggest that what once was good is now evil and could refer to the grandparents’ role in the film.

The fact that the text, and shadow is mainly towards the bottom of the page could again imply that the grandparents have died as the ground is where people are buried. The fact then that all the darkness is towards the bottom of the page suggests this.

Page 4: Horror film poster analysis

The title of the film ‘THE FOREST’ uses serif font to create a sinister presentation of the film. The colour black connotes danger and soullessness which relates to the storyline of the film- All the characters that enter the forest go there to die. The title of the film is simple so it leaves the audience wanting to know more encouraging them to go and watch the film.Here in the background we can see rope tied into loops hanging off trees. This suggests that the film is about suicide. However the title ‘Suicide’ in this case would surely be a better title for the film making me believe that the film isn’t about someone entering the Forest trying to kill themselves, it is more about the woods and what lurks in them.

The setting of the poster conforms to the conventions of horror posters. The use of low key lighting in the forest suggests that it is an isolated location. This conforms to stereotypical conventions of the horror genre. The use of reflection in the water creates a binary opposite. The low key lighting suggests that the protagonist- as seen in the centre of the poster- is isolated and alone in the forest. However the reflection shows several other people in the forest with her. This confuses the audience leaving them bewildered and wanting to watch the film to desperately understand what’s going on.The lighting towards the centre of the poster is high key. This could be to create a binary opposite between the dead and the living. It could also be to represent that the protagonist shill has hope and is able to leave the forest alive.

The test at the bottom of the poster is red. The colour red has connotations of blood, death and danger. The use of red here could then be to foreshadow that the film will be filled with death and blood encouraging the audience to watch the film.