horror hooks

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  • 8/12/2019 Horror Hooks


    Horror Hooks

    The old rich man finds an artifact. His son eventually uses it. His ambitious wife makes him. The

    old man's whore knows everything.

    WW1. An enemy plane has seen a crucial troop movement and got shot down over the trenches

    before it could return across the front line and report. The pilot got out and must now be tracked

    down lest he somehow be able to get his message across no-man's-land.

    o the party sneaks into the death !one at night and finds all kinds of gruesome" sanity testingmundane things. #ventually they hear movement and suspect it could be the $erman. They discover

    a cottage torn to shreds by artillery" but a cellar still seems somewhat intact. %t is basically a bunker

    in the death !one while the $erman shelling starts again. %nside is a hidden room" now unveiledbecause of a cave in. There they find &aunet's goomicronicon and the story reverts from chasing to

    being chased. The sound they thought revealed the $erman was actually something very old and

    very indestructible that now wants to eat their minds.

    The cottage has always been a dark place" long before it became a cottage. %t is an ancient site"charged with mystical auras and inhabited by powerful things. %t can be a nest" a secret library" or an

    inconspicuous altar block. With man came cultists" and over the ages this grew into a secret societyof devout demon worshippers. After its decline" only the cottage remains.

    And it never became a problem until the rench and the $ermans started digging trenches around itfor miles on end.

    (ow whatever remains of that old evil has been starving in the back country for a very long time.

    uddenly hundreds of thousands of panicked aggressive young men are carted right to its doorstep

    and nobody notices when a few go missing or start behaving a bit odd. This is the rebirth. With thatmany sacrifices it can regrow to its old might.

    The horror is inevitable" but still based on player curiosity. The crucial situation will be escaping

    from a haunted battlefield without having facilitated. %f they manage %'d have them come out on the

    wrong side and get shot on sight in the epilogue.

    % had a few ales down in )ivertown. This *uack from the +niversity was incapacitating himselfwith rye.

    At first he was all gloomy. Then he started raving about the end of days and how he wished for the)evelation instead of what was to come. ,ried like a boy. Went to and fro for hours. Tirades -

    whimpering - drink.

    % went out to the river to relieve myself. There were no clouds and the starlight showed the waves

    ust fine. % had had a few" but not overly" and none stronger than ale. % say this so you can believewhat % then saw" not twenty feet from the hut % had been drinking in.

    %t was ust a ripple on the water at first" like a feeding school of trout" but past midnight. Then %made out what % thought was the body of a large fish" maybe come up the river from the coast. %t

    kept sliding by ust under the surface and % reali!ed how large the thing must be. &ike a small

  • 8/12/2019 Horror Hooks


    whale. ut the water was shallow.

    % ran back inside. Afraid beyond reason of that thing in the river. % stammered some alert" but the

    patrons waved me away and told me to go see my mattress. /nly the professor stared at me with

    wide eyes in an ashen face. '%t has come0' he whispered. '$od" % thought it would be longer.'

    % felt silly as % did" but % ran. The others shouted after me" laughing. ut % didn't stop. omething inme knew danger. %t wasn't ust the thing in the river. /r the professor's reaction. %t was a certainty. A

    need to be away. An instinct. % ran all the way home and locked the door securely that night.

    The net day the hut by the river was gone. ,harred stumps that had earlier held the establishment

    out of the water reached into the empty sky. They said it was a fire" probably caused by a drunkenlydropped lamp" and etinguished by the river when the structure collapsed. ut nobody had seen the

    bla!e. And there was no debris in the 2iskatonic.

    The 3,s are all attending a gala party at some high class estate4mansion. The host is premiering a

    new artistic movie that is set to be released to theaters at the end of the month. When the moviestarts" the players are dragged into a trance like state" and a violent riot4orgy breaks out. The awake

    to find themselves at their respective homes" with no knowledge of what the movie was about orhow they got home after the party. They then find that the party was over a week ago" several other

    people from the gala are missing. As they try to piece together information about what happened

    they slowly discover they were caught up in a horrifying ritual" unwillingly taking the part ofcultists and preforming depraved acts to satisfy the whims of some terrible ancient force. The movie

    hits national release in one week.

    ishermen along the 2assachusetts coast complain about freak black algae blooms destroying andcontaminating their catch. A young research biologist from 2iskatonic +niversity in Arkham is

    dispatched to investigate. He sets up a small lab in an %nnsmouth barn while going out on boats with

    the fishermen to gather samples. After a few weeks his reports start becoming erratic and disturbed.At the same time fishermen start to vanish and whole boats are lost or found adrift and empty.

    The 3,s are gathered by their old professor4friend who is the head of biology at 2iskatonic. They

    are asked to meet the researcher at %nnsmouth" assess his mental state and his work" and report backwithin the day by telegram. The police has begun an investigation into the researcher's doings afterlocal opinion has turned against him. The press has gotten interested and if there is a story out there

    that the university was somehow involved in deaths it could devastate the funding for essentialresearch.

    That was before the ,oast $uard got involved...


  • 8/12/2019 Horror Hooks


    piloted a blimp out of an rancisco into the 3acific" looking for >apanese subs. A few hours later

    the blimp drifted back to land" empty. The parachutes and life raft were in their proper places andthe radio was in working order" but there was no trace of ,ody or Adams.
