horry herald (conway, s.c.). 1887-12-01 [p ]. · fi tilk hoh11v heuali), directory. churches....

fi Til K HOH11V HE UAL I), DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist. CONWAY KTVTI'iV. RKV. WM. THOM AS, PASTOU. Services every Sunday at II oklock a.m., and 7'>t o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7S v o'clock p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at U o'clock n. in.. II. Souths-, superintendent. CONWAY CIUCU IT. HF.V. W. L. IMOUKS, 1'astok. Mount /.Ion, let Sunday, - 10 a. in. IL.. Plmjah, let "... t a.in. P Union, tol " 10 a.m. J Durant, to\ " - *1 l>- *<-» Brown Swatnp, Sd " 10 a.m. Cool Spring, Hd " - " -4 |». in. 1 '..ill 1.1,1 iii u III inniuiivuit', mi .... Ahtiocl), 1th 44 - 4 p. in. uaptist. conway. Sunday School every Sunday at 0 a. in K. W. Noi.i.ky, Muuorlnt widen'. "tllAII OHOVK \\\ S. McOASKII.!., t'AKTou. Third Saturday nun Sunday in each monrb im.basast home. Fourth Sunday aud Saturd \y heforn, In Hoptoniher cni.i.ijtiT ctir.r.a Fir*-' Sunday and Saturday before, in each month. MEETINGS OF LODGES. A.MV.M. it«uulnr communication <>f Horry Lod^e. No. KS, % at \! iHonlc Hull Kind Monday In each month. .1. It. \loori\ W. M. v k. of n. Ki'trular meetlnc of Stuart Lodito, No. SS'Jd, will meet at their llall on the First ami Third Wednosda*'evenings of vacti monlh. E. W. Noi.i.kv, Dictator. J. U. 11 a uk k it. Reporter. MAIL SCFIF.DUIiE. J Mail Itouto. No. 14248. From Marion '' 11 to f tn.vny.- I.enve Marion (' 11 T day < md Saturdays 7 a. in. and arrives at Conway 1 »y .*> p. in I.enve Conway Monday* and Fridays i . in. and arrive?'-at Marion .*> j>. in. Mail Routo No. 14265. From Conway to .lordnnvillo. Ijenve Conway Tuesdays ami Saturdays at 7 a. in. arrixu at .lor dativi'lo 1in. I.enve .lonlnnvllle Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1 j>. lit. arrive a' Conway r> o. m. Mail Route No. 13433. From WhUi'vilte N. to Conway S l.»«vi Whit- Mile Tuesday* und Fridays k' 5 a. tn. arrive at Conway p. tn. l.eave (Ionway Wednesday ' Saturdays at . m. arrive a' Whiteville p. in. Mail RoiJft No. 14264. i'...in l iol.. 1C\ V coiiwhv. I.eavo l ittle Itlver Mondays and T'^/deye h* ft ». in. arrive t»t Connay 5 p. in. I .en ve Conw iv Tuesdays «n<! Saturdays lit 8 a. in. arrive at I.ittls HiviT -1 |». m. Mail Route No. 14267. Krom I'ort ltarrelion S. to Fair HlufT N. C., Leave Port itnrrolson daily evcopt Sundays *t n. in. arrive at Fair IMufT H p. m. Leave Fair .MniT N. daily except Sundays »i F> a. in. nrrixe at Port llarrolson 8 |>. ni. SCHEDULE OF STMR. JAN1E. Leave Georgetown <»n Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 o'clock a. in., arrive at llncksvllle at 8 o'( loci; o'clock same days. Leave Hncksvillc on 'I'liosdayp, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 8 o'clock a. in., arrive at Georgetown I o'clock same days, toiichiny at all intermediate landings. T. S. Mi snc.ki.yn. Master. Stnir. Mamtle, II. T. Wii.i.ians Master leaves! Conway every Wednesday at 5a. in., for (jeoryje- town, tottclilno at all intormcdinto landing*, to- turning, lonvoe Ooorgetownrvnrj- Friday at C> a. in. cn-^rgwirwic'i'iu iiiw »*!»-. »i . *rn LOCAL XTIZHMZS. BikIox to .^CH AtlrtirllMMnoiifN. W. C. k A. R. It..Soo Ad. Daniki. TjKwis a NO 1). .1. MeQukkn.. Final Discharge. Full moon last night. Next Monday is sales day. Prepare your Christiurb turkey, Rust-proof oats for salw at Muyo's. I Christmas threm week a off noxfc Sunday. Christinas comes on the 25th. Sunday. Mr I). Ij. Gore of Wilmington is j "ill to.VII. The Sumter Watchman nn<1 Southron is now published as a six page paper. J. A. Mnvo has gone on a visit to North Carolina, to return home the last of this wo oh. When you hear a follow all the time humming "When the Rosea, Come Again," what does he lean?, Gen. W. N. Taft, of Charleston, the most prominent republican in the State, has been sent to the Lunatic Asylum. Messrs. W. R. Myman J. S. Ibis. « i * i ... \ i 1 > miry, nnu ,Hi8s»ej> ^>1.11^ 1 uhiuu, (iussio Mayo, of Conway, attended tffif Sociable at Bueksvillo last night, 0 if .correct language oven in speaking to a dog; for if your tongue speaks ungrammatically orcoarsely to a dog, it win^ToTrav you to 7t iv.tvp or a woman. Hachol Applewhite, colored, had her left hand pretty badly cut in Mr. Burroughs' gin, last Tuesday. The hand will not be permanently injured. Last Saturday and Sunday were intensely hot for the season. It began to change Monday, and Tuesday and yesterday tho^eathor was cool and bracing. Ho 1 f A. .J. Hall, the photographer and jowoler will positively loavo hero ou the 15th inat. Ail wanting work O done in his lino had host come at once. Mrs. George Chadbourn, the mother of .las. II. Chadbourn, Jr., Superintendent of the W. C. &. C Kailroad, died in Wilmington, Novum, bor 23r<l. Kov. J. W. Kirton, of Gallivant's Ferry, was in town yesterday and gave us a pleasant call. Wo want ton thousand more just such visitors before Christmas. As the dog returns to his vomit and the hog to wallowing in the *> mire, so Atlanta has returned to her folly in voting to all »w the re-open- i n<r oi ^ro^shops. The Governor's messa^o is a lonjr. but conservative document. lie discusses 11»<* various questions of interest with clearness and as one having the best interests of the State at heart and earnestly desiring to sop these interests advanced. Kev. Win. Thomas l»»f< yesterday morning for Spartanburg to attend the Session of the Annual Conference, which convened yesterday, lie preached his farewell sermon fortius Conference year Sunday morning from John xvi:33, the last two clauses. % One has well said: "A true Chris, : l:. »i i * ' » « u<:u iivmi^ m 111o worm is ilkr ;i >t;:p sailin<r on the ocean. It is not the . ship I»<*i11!_» in the water which will sink it, but the water <retlino into the ship." So the world, with its love of pleasure oettino into the hearts of Christians, has ruined its .millions. Miss Ani.ie Hemphill will manage the Abbeville M'<liuni d urine1 the absence in Columbia of her father, Gen. K. K. Hemphill, who a member of the Statu Senate, it was for sometime a mystery to ns how one ifhi/t could work up so many "loeuio" that appeared in the M< until we learned that the editor had two lively, (we like to have written lovely) daughters assisting him. ThankatHving in Conway was very flfmerally observed. All the stores, Except two, were closed and employer and employees entered heartilv Into the spirit of the* occasion. The pastor of the Methodist church preached a vory oatriotic sermon on the subject of "Submission to the powers that exist." lie was very eulogistic of the form of jrovornment in the 1'nited States contrastintr it with C"> other forms of government in tho old world, and making it a subject for devout tlmnksirivine- to the liuler of n r-> tho universe. Her. (>. W. McM ilan, of Whitevillo, occupied tho Kingston Prvsbyterian pulpit last Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night, nud preached throe very plain and practical sermons. Wo had the pleasure of hearing two <tf them and can testify to their orthodoxy and prominent practicalness. IIo does not affect the spread eagle style of oratory, hut discusses a question for tho take of impressing its practical, religious doctrines upon his hearers, and inducing them to accept its truhts and act them in their lives. lie received two members into the fellowship of tho Kingston Presbyterian church, one by certificate from be Flore n co Presbyterian church, Mrs. Carrie L. (Julbraith, and one by profession, Albert /,. Ihinta. We attended last Friday the monthly ovamination of the Burroughs High School, and were much pleased and gratified at progress of the pupils under the present management. Tho fact was developed that the Principal is giving thorough instruction, and that the scholars are profiting by it. It is doubtful, if a history class can be found in the Styte, of the snine age and genoial attainments, that can excel tho recitation of one wo heard Friday mornitig io this school. Tho Principal's method of examination is not 1 »y simple question and answer. But he would submit a few minutes beforehand a written question requiring tho pupil to givo the prominent events In the life of certain historical personages, &c. For instance, one would be asked to tell about the important Spanish discoveries in America, another French discoverios, another to tell all ho know about Columbus, another about Americus Vospucius, another about Corte/e, and so on, and tho most of the class would rattlo them off with tho volubility of a professor: The school room is now very well furnished with the exception of the insufficiency of blackboads, and these, we think, will soon be supplied. We contrratuluto Conwav on her Hiijh School. \ \ \ \ ! Timiik> To the t'olunnia J\< /' </< >' for a coj>y of tlio Governor's Message in pamphlet form. To Sen si tor Smith f v »r iegisl iti documents. Uiii|»ro> cillciHs, Mr. (i. 11. I lusenburv lias rcniod led :nu 1 repaired his dining room. Mr. I{. It. Scarborough's now dwelling will soon be completed. Mr. It. I.. 1 loosen is Imildino- a new dwelling on his lot adjoining W. K. Hard wick's lot. i Ail vert InciI I.eKorH, The following unclaimed letters in the I'est ()lUee at t'onwav, S. t\, will he sent to the Doml Letter Ollice at \\ 'ushininon, 1). (J., unless called for f-> ' within thirty days from date lu»reof.« A.Miss Amanda A1 ford, e-o Ma- nasseh Thompson. (J- 11. 1). C'roswell. 1) -Miss Sailiii I tohhins. tl Win. Graham. J..). X. Jenrette, Kodic Jackson, c-f Hen. Mnck, L .1. W. Lewis. | M.1\ K. Martin, 15. L. Martin. i 8 M. N. Sarvis. T M. .1. Tucker. .Iami:s II. PoimtK, Nov. 2(5, 1887. L- M. 3*:tiii-o:id (tartirt. The railroad hands are working in fill* ct l*l»ll'c i if I '/*»» ** »* <I » loavatin«r for the road bed. The track is laid this vide of ('rnbtree Swamp, a slior' distance from Burrouohs field. Most of the tin.c tip to tliis writinif lu\s boon utilized in dip-, jrinir tlofvn tin* kills and lillinp up (lie ravines preparatory to track-hivincr. The roa.d enters tlie street at the c( ( ' of I,. Johnson's lot and remiie-. ) excavation of 2.t» feet. Tha "Bp live oak. the lounpitiff place of tin* male Method:; popnln lion of ("onway on Sunday month.p,.1 has boon uprooted, finite ,i co'nntotnotion was excited when the hands reached it and bepan its <1 'struction. The tr>e had been standbier for years, and become a conspicuous land-mark in the place and was surrendered regretfully bv some on that account, (treat dillieulty was experienced in uprootitip it, the roots in th" surface were lucked and interlocked, forming one solid maws of roots. These roots extended four or live feet all round, wore so i liter woven liv trntwili f-o ' as to present tho appearance almost of one continuous mass. ('apt. Ihiooott came to the rescue and obviated the dillicnltv to a certain extent by the use of dynamite. Four distinct charges, averaging! about live pounds each, were tired under it before it could be pulled! down by tackle from the Steamer Minister, //<>)')'!/. About ten hours was consumed in euttino, tliiTLfi11U r">7 o n and blastintr, before it would yield. . The ('apt. oxpeets to use some of it in slup-buildin<£, &<:., for which it is very valuable. A wanton destruction of the "beauties of nature" is to be deprecated, but where those "beauties" are in the way of internal improvement l.i . inoy must tin removed. Association naturally increases our affection for an object., l>ut sometimes the most tender ties have to bo violently sundered. It is expected to nearly finish tbo {Trading this week. 3.p. a... .i m CortM'spoiitlt'iH't'. Kail* Hlutl' E t ems. 7. \\ liilc the Horryites are listening to the noise .of the whistle, and the rumble of tbo cars of their railroad; land the good people of our sister1 town of Conway are eagerly waiting j for the day s<> long wished for, and sol soon to come, when tho.jo sounds! will bo beard in hor thoroughfare; while the uW'f* untf ('<jnri<r is pub- lishinif I lorry "a hermit county no longer;1' wo people of I'air Uluff i are following in the beater paths of business and progress and are feel- j ing prosperous ami happy. We are enjoying a season of un- paralleled business activity, never in the history of the town has so much cotton bwen bought or so many goods been sold in the lenght of time. As ;i consequence our merchants wear pleasing faces from dawn till dark, and every body seems to slmro their buoyancy. Mr. ()glosby of Whitevillo has opened a lino stock of groceries in the store formerly occupied by Crawford Waters. The 11 igh School Hook store has been headquarters for books since September and is growing in stock, popular favor, and reputation daily, it is run by .las A. Smith and Frank Powell. The High School is largly attended and is doing well. The cadets have their uniforms and the guns are expected in a short time. The girls aro to luivo uniforms in calisthenics too hut llicy have not been obtained ye t. Thanksgiving was generally kept, the stores were all closed ami service was held in the Baptist church bv the pastor. Almost every family had their thanksgiving turkey. Some of the young folks in the afternoon wen* enjoN.no the bracing ^autumnal air in a cart drawn by an ox and seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. With youth how often varietN makes pleasure. Cupid's darts are living, stud Dame Bum >r states that before the death of INSV we will hear the sweet intonations of marriage bolls. »* . it. . o Washington Letter. (From Our Ki>t;itlar Ooriv.-<|>ontl«'»t > By actual count there are now soventy-ti\o Congressmen at the Capital, ami the list is lonirthoncil on the arrival of nearly every tiain. Amonjr tln» most prominent of tlio members I have notieeil on the Avenue (tlr.tV IVnnsvlvania avenue -so ealleil by all W'ashinotonians) Messrs. Yoorheos, I larrison. hhlmumls ami Kvarts, of tlio Senate, anil Messrs. Carlisle, Springer, jHreekenriilire, anil Davennort of the House." Two other tomarkablo men ami notable figures who are often seen on the streets are the Kx-1 'resilient of the Senate ami the 1'resilient of the Senate, John Siierman, ami John J. Imoills. The stately form of the Ohio Senator is seldom seen outside of his carriage on 1 lio streets, while on the other hand, the lono, willowy fijrure of the picturesque Kansan ean often oe seen miuelino with the thrones that frequent the thoroughfares of this heautiful city. If one wishes to eateh a olimjise oeeasional!y of most of the national solons, the best jilaee t.o take a stand, outside of the 1'apitol itself, is in the corridors of the different departments, near the doors of the Secretary's olliee. When a common mortal, lik" you or I. dear reader, would enter the awe inspir1110 presence of a ('al)iuet minister, the oldij/ino door-keeper always hands out a card, with blanks, where, in we are required to state "name and nature of business,'* and send it. in by a messenger before there is the slightest chance for admission; but, when a "member" as they are popu- larlv known, appears, the door llies open as if hv tna^ic by tlio timo lie is in six font of it. It is said that Mr. ('arlisle, pro- suminir on his election as Speaker, which nobody doubts, is e.'istino about for suitable material for ('on-! orossional committees a task that .vill tax tho irroat tact and skill of n the Kentucky statesman to accom plish satisfactorily, as there are a hundred or more nVw men to place a ^reat number of the ablest and most experienced Congressmen havine been reloaded to the peace- fill of private life. As foreshadowed in my last letter, .1 . - - -1 liu* resignation 01 l omtnissioner of tin) Land Ollice Sparks lias taken place- the President lotting down tin* arrogant and rebellious oHicial as easily as possible. * This was the only way, outside of a peremptory dismissal, to properly rebuke the persistent insubordination of the irascible lllinoian, who constantly deported himself in ollieo as if he was lord of all he surveyed. It is the oossip of the hotel and departmental coridtors that some opposition is dovelopinir to the conlir- I l r> uiation of Secretary Lamar's probable nomination to the Supreme Bench, chiefly on account of his advanced atfe- he is entering his (>3rd year O r"> J and it appears that this feeling is by no means conlined to his political opponents. There is a disposition on the part of several Republican Senators to raise a sectional outcrv aoainst tin; Secretary on account of his liavino within the past four years championed the civil chieftain of the! Southern Confederacy, on the floor1 of the United States Senate. It is broadly intimated that the Supreme Court is equally divided on the issue of the prohibition cases from Iowa, Kansas and (leomia, and that the new Justice will have to cast the deeidimr vole it now ri " ~ four to four nine l>oin<r a full bench. In 1 ho celebrated driven well case, tlio Supreme Court lias recently rendered a decision against the pntontee, who claims a royalty of ten dollars each on all the driven wells in the I 'nited States.the number bo-j nnr estimated at three millions. u'ho deficiencies for the transportation of the mails amounted to from ei^ht to fifteen million dollars per annum a few years since; but those deficits have been gradually reduced until they now are no more than a million a year -so that by the end oi the present year the Postollico Department promises to bo on a self- sustaining basis. Assistant Commissioner of Patents Gun. ivol irj i 1». \ anee, of N.C., a brother of Senator Vane**, is artino us Commissioner of l'atonts during the absence of Mr. Hull, ami In* makes in ctlicient ollieiul, beino both affable and popular, ami fully otpiipped, by natural nbilitx ami l>\ liis ex| rionee in Congress as cliairiiian of the committee on patents, to u!>l\ di sell a roe the responsible duties do\olvino upon him. Patents(J ranted. s 1 alents planted to citizens of the Southern States during tin* past week, ami reported expressly for this paper !>v t'. A. Snow ^ Co., Patent lawyers, opposite I . S. Patent ( Mlico, Washington, I). C. .1. It. Allfree, Cumberland, Md., bran duster. If. If. Asburv, i leasaut Ifotreat, t ia., ear eouplino. W. W . Illoodworth, Melino, I 'la., staple driver. It. ] '. Caldwell, Wheeling, W.| \ a., eap former for standing seams of ro »tino. .1. Plovd, l.ynehburir, \ a., eioa- » » J ' ' r> rette machine. .1. A. (itd)oury, Montgomery, Ala., cotton compressor. A. L. (ireshatn, Kingsland, Ark., tobacco box. H. 11. Harrington, Macon, (la., sewing machine fan attaehment. W. I>. Mann, Baltimore, Md., I nressure i^soo. A. II. bboll. Ashville. \. |iernetual calendar. .1. W. .M ul!iiiv ,r# London, K v., reoeatino <miii or liie arm. Maude (.Murray, Ikirdstown, Kv.,1 lioMer for bed covers. I ". I >. Paradise, Memphis, Tonn., pivot for transoms. S. M. Stevenson, Ihislrop, La., trace fastener. II. S. Taylor, limner, La., quiltino frame for sewing maeliii.es. <L L. Walton, llouirero. La., mail b:n.'- fasten"!'. .1. 15. N'oirol, New ( trleans, La., decortication* machine. .1. \\ . Willino- Nanticoke, Md., boat detaeliinjr mechanism. I'oeteited hainl <juestioii* Senator Patterson has well called attention to the subject of "Porfeited Lands," referred to subsequently in (Jovornor Piehardsun's .Message. This is Senator Patterson's snmrest ion. "Let the State, by Act of its Leo- O islatlire. ivnnniwn ;i 11 rurl.t .....I » tlo l»v forfeiture to hind now on forfeited land lM, direet the County Auditor to restore eaeli of sueh j>iir- J eels to the tax duplicate with all taxes aecrued aoaiust il since the last payment of its taxes, rcnuirc the owner to pay all taxes in arrear on or before a oiven day say 15th l)e- eeinher, 1SSS; if not then paid direct,! its ollieors to levy by distress on the I lands of defaulters, (that is, to take exclusive possession of them,) adver- tise and sell them, and put the pur- chaser in possession." The facts us oivon in the message are that we have on the forfeited land list 1)14,8511 acres of land. These lands pay no taxes to the govern- inent. It will be seen at a irlance L I « mow important, lor tins matter to re- ceive legislative consideration, to the I end that tho revenues of tho State may l>o increased and our taxes for tint support of tho State Government increased. Wo call attention to Son- h ator Patterson's sn^i^estion. < WUinhia Register. j \bcicii:H» On Tuesday eveninir, Nov. 22nd, at' the residence of tin bride's lather, by J. ('. ]' I SI u in, Ksr|., Dr. S. Watson, <if Marion, and Amanda 10. Ilryan, of Horry. market Report. COW W A Y S. C. ciirDi: ti'uim'.nti ni: New Virgin, l»l»l.. 5120 pounds $ 2 25 Yellow I )ip, 2 25 Scrape, 1 50 («!{(K'l'ltl I'.S Baron I). S. Sides |1> 10 (ft 12' . cents Butter, 2*^/25 cents. hard . <r/1cts.J I'ork.V-M'hl $ 20 00 Molasses gallon tOtfrtlO cents. ColTer, pound 25cts. I Corn, "jd bushels 75ifa$ 1 00 Crist per bushel 75(rr if I 00 Flour, per ldd $51.50 (it; 7.75 F.irirs per do/. 10 cents. Sugar I" ets hint Cotton 8' £ to ft 7-10 ets. S ;cd Cotton 2;i.j to 2'.j ets WlhMI NCTON. N. C. Oct. 25. Cotton, (J1^ (it; tl ^ cents. CHl'DK Tl'KIMhNTINK Virgin, W bid., 280 pounds $ 1 75 Yellow Dip, I 75 Hard, 1 00 Spirits Turpentine, per gal. 512 Tar, $ 1 15, 280 pound bid. Kosin Strained 80(^82 cents. X10 W AI) V KKTISIOM KN'l'S. Final Discharge. rj^HK undersigned Kxecutors >,r the hist .A. will and testament of Jos ;ph 10. I leurl, defeased, will apply to Hon. \V. 10. Ilardwiek, Probate hnl^e for Horry Conn tv, at his olllco in Conway, S. on Saturday, the 31st day of December 1887, for a final discharge as IOxeeutors of said Kstatc. Daniki. Hkwis, i Fxw,utMni I). J. MI QI KKM, j l M( Ulors; (lee / lit til Wilmington, Columbia & Au- i cjusta Railroad. Srhetlule in «-fT«M t Nnvrnil'i r 12, lsS7. «.(>1 N(J SOl'Tll No. y:;, i) wi.y. I.« :»%« Wilmington * 8 05 |> 111 Leave ( htnlltonrn 1" 05 |> in Leave Marion 11 20 m Arrive Florence 12 10 n in Leave Florence 2 *40 a in Arrive Sumter I 25 a 111 Leave Sumter -I 25 a in Arrive < 'olumbia 'I 15 a in No. 27, Daii.v. Leave Wilmington *10 10 p in 111 Leave ('Inulbmiru 11 41 p in Leave Marion 12 111) a 111 Arrive Florence 1 20 a in CO no. 15, 1 > aii.y. 1 l.« ive Wilmington \ 2 10 p in Leave ('lnuilioiirn 1 ill pin Leave Marlon 5 !1<5 p m Arrive nt Fl« renee 0 20 p in No. 50. 1) \ 11 v. Leave Florence t 0 10 p-in | Arriv e Suuib r 8 05 p in No. fW, Daii.y. \V Leave Sumter ^ 0 <10 p m jjt Arrive Columbia Hi -l'i m m Ui v -e i. II' No. .ill, 1 I.VII.Y. Leave Sumter + 8 V7 p in J* Arrive Columbia VI 55 p m ar No. fiti runs through from Churl* ton vi ('mitral U. It. Leaving Lanes 8 HI a in., Manuin.nS us a in. It Snnilays N ». a I leaves ('Inn lestnn H !{() a m., Lanes 10 VJK a m., Mannim: 11 in n ^ in., Sumter 11 HI a in., arrives Columbia 1 10 p in. No. Till runs through from Charleston ' via Central lb lb, leaving Lanes 7 IHpin.,1 Maiming 7 5ii p m. Train on t'. A I >. lb It. eoiiiu i ts at Flor eiiee \\ it li N o. ."ill. col NO NO in II No. 78, I) vii V. I.eave Columliia *10 i?f» p m Arrive Sumter II \J5 p in Leave Sumter 11 Vi p in ||| Arrive Florence I 20 a in Leave Florence I 25 a in " M arion 5 20 a m V! " ('liailhourn ' :r» a 111 Aarrive Wilmington 8 :'5 a in No. 5 7, I > \ 11 v. Leave Columbia ;,u a in An Arri\'e Sumter 8 12 a in No. 08, 1) \i|,v. Leave S'Mnter 8 22 a in J *' Arrixe Florence 10 a in .". In No. (i(>, I >A 11.v. Leave Florence "t it) to a in ' .. \i ....a... II I a 111 " < 'hnilhourn i ;? i.ii p in I Arrive Wilmington 1" p in '>r' No. 5il, I >.\ii.v. | j Leave Columbia *5 oil p in Arrive Smith r (! Pi p in No. It, Mai i.v. /.cave Florence * S 'Jti p in i " Miiriim H p mi i " (hail bourn il > p in 1 Arrive \\ ilmingtnii II 50 p in Daily, tDaily except Sunday. No. 5S run f liroiiL'11 t > Charleston, S. ' via Central l». U. arrivinix Manning < '20 // p in., /.lilies S **<I p rn., Charleston il -15 p in. No. 57 runs through to ( liarleston vial Central II. II.. arriving Mannings IH a in, /.anes a in., t liarleston I I lit! a in. No. tiii connects at Florence with <'. A jT I), train for ('lieraw ami Waileslmro. L Nis, is ami I t make close eoniiec'ion at £ \\ ilininuton with \\ . iV \V. 11. II. for all points North. .1. F. 1)1 VINK, (len'l Snpt. J. 11. K km.y, Snpt. Trans. T. .M. Fmkuson, (jeii'l Mass. Agent. nepicilliior JJU, lMWIj. 11 Foreclosure Sole. V^TATK OF S«)l II i CAROL I NA, IIORRY COl' NT V, I N DKR and 1 »y \ irtue of 1 1m power and authority in u- vested I»y K. T. Lewis in I.' iiiul by his certain morlir»!;e to us executed iiikI made, bearing date Kleveutli day of Inly, A. I >. 1SS.J, and duly recorded in! r Hook of Mortgages No. I, in the ollice of| llie Register of Mesne Conveyances of said County, we will oflVr for sale at thr L. late residence of said Lewis, in Conway, S. C.,on Monday, the htb day of Decern be proximo, within the legal sale hours, all tnd singular the following personal prop rty mentioned and described in said mortgage, viz: One dark grey horse mule, iiiiiiumI Torn; one black horse mule, named Jack; one black horse mule, named Hill; >ne Mack horse mule, named Frank; one sorrel mare mule, named Mollie; one bu) mare mule, named Jennie; one black mare mule, named Mollie; one bay mare mule, named Nellie; one iron grey mare mule, named Ella. ALSO, RJM Two 1 horse road wagons niul harness,! four 2 horse road wagons and harness, all Iho agricultural tools and farming imph- m" incuts on the plantation of said Lewis, known as the "Sellers Plane;" live head of cattle; one turpentine still on the wharf attached to lot No. I ; also, the turpentine fo s'ill and fixtures now set and in use on the water front of aid lot No. 1, in the village! of ('onway. And under and hy virtue of said mort page, v e will offer for sale at the former business seat of said Lewis, known as tin "I 11 ion I Mace'" in said ('ounty, on Wed today, the 7th day of December, the following personal property mentioned and included in said mortgage: One grist mill, cotton gin, steam engine an ' boiler, togeth it with the iippurtiienees, fi.-tures and inn rh'yiery to the said mill, gin and engine in anyway belonging or appi rtninimr. Terms of sale, cash. licxitoi oils & ('oM-ins. Mortgagees. nov 2-1 1H 2t. Slit rWl's Stiles, i > l'»V virtue of an execution to me direct ed and lodged in tliis olliec, 1 will sell in ". Conway, S. ('., on Monday, the nth day o< u,' Deceinlier IK \t, 1^*7, at legal sale hours,/ the following described personal prop I'1'! erty, to wit: i ,V. Lot dry goods in store, clothing, hats, J 1 caps, Hoots, hoes, family groceries, bacon,, corn. Hours, rice, sugar, coffee, etc., one blind horse, one bay mare, four mules, two buggies, one cart, one ox, one cow and yearling, lot hogs, lot goats, lot seed cotton, household furniture, lot corn in barn, lot hay and fodder, one riding saw , one! hay cutter, lot cooper tools, lot spirit hhls., lot rosin and turpentine in barrels on Waccaina v river, lot cotton seed and wool, one old Hat; levied on as the property of 17. T. Lewis, at the suit of Tolar vV Hart, <t at. a i it. («. Kkssionh,Sheriff II. ~ I)| I Vi I I .f nw> v't LO . wv j wiLKiK, "[; WITH ^ OTTO TIEDEMAN &. SONS, Wholesale (irorers, S(> 1?'J mill ft? i IliiHi Iftity m|., | <1 I A ll I.IOH TON, Hi. 4 . so; oot > 11 J " WEB.OTEE'S UNABRIDGED With ur without J'ltont Index. 3iir Attention n v i'. I the f*-*t that in ; ; rchasing the Ilt*< t wuQoi this w.rk, y . g-1 ' A Dictionary ntainlng :«> «> mor> w< r I" and y 2000 more Uetreti'iii i than any "th< r \ii.«r i nary. A Gazetteer of the Worl'i mtaining over iti. «,w|th h< ri'riinitffd" ition and iv vail atmiiini ( other uiforiu»ti°"> ( rocontly added,) and A Biographical Dictionary ving pr niuii'in(ri i f names a'1'' i nterning arlv P>,i««> Noted [ ', * various tables k»v> >v; valuabi«^ Ail in One wlgrrff; by the Stato Superintendents I woll*tO*(lo« »le.«, and by leading College Prean II ill 'd States an11 ( > ,, , l i I. «.» > .1. ... I » lorliy with tho United SUtM Suprtmt Court, <1 in tho tJovornmont Printing Office. it ha* on <>oleete«i in every cue whore State Purchases ito i < en mailt for 8ohools, an<l Is the Diction* y upon it 1 licit ucariy all 'ho school books aro iS«<t. Get the Latest and Rest. in an invaluable companion in every School, »n«l at "»cry l*'irosi<|.\ sjm ctnicn nay *- ami testimonial** sent prepaid on apnlication. ibiisheti by G. A. C. MtRRIAM A CO., SprlnyneliJ, Mass., U. S. A, n»V It) It! If. MULLINS ACADEMY. Milllins, S, ( . a «:v. .ins. r. I'IMTCll A KM. A. M., Principal. ISS SAM ('. KWA KTS Assistant. riit* next o.ion will lii*Lriii Moiulav, trust 'JiltIt, !' i. ti:ums, r \ v \ i;i.i. montiii.y. ininry I h'pnriint'tit ^l.oi) |ii'r inn «*riiu*diiit<» " J.-oO 44 44 trli'M- 44 :{..*)(» 44 44 loard, «'\c*liisivf of wa* ii nt; a* \> |>»*r iiu>ut h. I'«>r fi'i'tluT information inMii'ss the ittt'i|>:il ai M »111 i.i -. s. ( mi\ "J. M :v/" Oro 'ijo )\i r, xoirrox / : A'/ '/ :/ V; \' v ! Y 7'/. )' O.V // I \'/; / / /' / /'/. ) vO/»URE DRUGS -A N I > KKS11 M 1X1 )l( MINKS. 'HARIVIACUETICAL :G00l)S ALWAYS l\ s i 111! ! :. nibs, .< >. Brushes, -.(>- . Fine Toilet Soaps, O Shaving Soaps anil Brushes, .o. rzMbTciNAL .o. oth-Picks . o Tooth-Brushes . o Cologne?, . (> Extracts. ..o. Vestal Gil &c, Sxioriff'3 Sctles. <>. I!. Mocker vs. J esse Davis. I ( Hi KT (>K ( <»M M<)N i'UiAS. l*i (! r and l»y virtue of a i K.\« cut >11 me directed ami lodged in this odice, I II hell lu-fon the Court I«»«vi~ door in IHVIMH' < t I ! 1 % . >u i ik- ii i -i .'i i l|m li! v >11 i >>' inbor 1**7, (luring ] ltm 1 ale hour*, the llowilii; li sri il't'il Real l-titr, to wit: tt\ acres ot ih |>r< pi rt\ of .Jomso ivis, bounded by Coleman Wnrlw land, IlllbiT It: \ it Ml. I W > i v i. Terms <":is)i i'. «;. Si - -io\st Sheriff II. C. Nov 17th 17 THOS. F. GILLESPIE. Attonieynl I .n » *<l 'I'eln I il iihI lei1. uiway, S. c ^ II : IIMON ii <M M', Conway, S. I'nder the inaiiu^oiiu nt ot' Mrs. M. K. s>ioi)s will always be found reliable, ta ,1 first class. Transient Itoard solicited. >ord by tin- day, week, or month at reaable rates. Oct. lb tim. ; ( " LI

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Page 1: Horry herald (Conway, S.C.). 1887-12-01 [p ]. · fi TilK HOH11V HEUALI), DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Methodist. CONWAY KTVTI'iV. RKV. WM.THOMAS, PASTOU. Servicesevery Sunday at II oklock




Methodist.CONWAY KTVTI'iV.

RKV. WM. THOM AS, PASTOU.Services every Sunday at II oklock a.m., and

7'>t o'clock p. m.Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7S

v o'clock p. m.

Sunday School every Sunday at U o'clock n. in..

II. Souths-, superintendent.CONWAY CIUCU IT.

HF.V. W. L. IMOUKS, 1'astok.Mount /.Ion, let Sunday, - 10 a. in.

IL..Plmjah, let "...ta.in.PUnion, tol " 10 a.m.

JDurant, to\ " - *1 l>- '»*<-» Brown Swatnp, Sd " 10 a.m.

Cool Spring, Hd " - " -4 |». in.1 '..ill 1.1,1iii u III

inniuiivuit', mi....

Ahtiocl), 1th 44 - 4 p. in.


Sunday School every Sunday at 0 a. in K. W.Noi.i.ky, Muuorlntwiden'.


\\\ S. McOASKII.!., t'AKTou.Third Saturday nun Sunday in each monrb

im.basast home.

Fourth Sunday aud Saturd \y heforn, In Hoptonihercni.i.ijtiT ctir.r.a

Fir*-' Sunday and Saturday before, in each month.


it«uulnr communication <>f Horry Lod^e. No. KS,% at \! iHonlc Hull Kind Monday In each month. .1.

It. \loori\ W. M.

v k. of n.Ki'trular meetlnc of Stuart Lodito, No. SS'Jd, will

meet at their llall on the First ami Third Wednosda*'eveningsof vacti monlh.E. W. Noi.i.kv, Dictator.

J. U. 11a uk k it. Reporter.

MAIL SCFIF.DUIiE. JMail Itouto. No. 14248.

From Marion '' 11 to f tn.vny.- I.enve Marion ('

11 T day < md Saturdays 7 a. in. and arrives at

Conway 1 »y .*> p. in

I.enve Conway Monday* and Fridays i . in. andarrive?'-at Marion .*> j>. in.

Mail Routo No. 14265.From Conway to .lordnnvillo. Ijenve Conway

Tuesdays ami Saturdays at 7 a. in. arrixu at .lor

dativi'lo 1in.I.enve .lonlnnvllle Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1

j>. lit. arrive a' Conway r> o. m.

Mail Route No. 13433.From WhUi'vilte N. to Conway S l.»«vi

Whit- Mile Tuesday* und Fridays k' 5 a. tn. arriveat Conway p. tn.

l.eave (Ionway Wednesday ' Saturdays at

. m. arrive a' Whiteville p. in.

Mail RoiJft No. 14264.i'...in l iol.. 1C\ V coiiwhv. I.eavo l ittle

Itlver Mondays andT'^/deye h* ft ». in. arrive t»t

Connay 5 p. in.

I .en ve Conw iv Tuesdays «n<! Saturdays lit 8 a. in.

arrive at I.ittls HiviT -1 |». m.

Mail Route No. 14267.Krom I'ort ltarrelion S. to Fair HlufT N. C.,

Leave Port itnrrolson daily evcopt Sundays *t

n. in. arrive at Fair IMufT H p. m.

Leave Fair .MniT N. daily except Sundays »i

F> a. in. nrrixe at Port llarrolson 8 |>. ni.

SCHEDULE OF STMR. JAN1E.Leave Georgetown <»n Mondays, Wednesdays

and Fridays at 8 o'clock a. in., arrive at llncksvllleat 8 o'( loci; o'clock same days.

Leave Hncksvillc on 'I'liosdayp, Thursdays and

Saturdays, at 8 o'clock a. in., arrive at GeorgetownI o'clock same days, toiichiny at all intermediatelandings. T. S. Mi snc.ki.yn.


Stnir. Mamtle, II. T. Wii.i.ians Master leaves!Conway every Wednesday at 5a. in., for (jeoryje-town, tottclilno at all intormcdinto landing*, to-

turning, lonvoe Ooorgetownrvnrj- Friday at C> a. in.

cn-^rgwirwic'i'iu iiiw »*!»-. »i. *rn


BikIox to .^CH AtlrtirllMMnoiifN.

W. C. k A. R. It..Soo Ad.Daniki. TjKwis a NO 1). .1. MeQukkn..Final Discharge.Full moon last night.Next Monday is sales day.Prepare your Christiurb turkey,Rust-proof oats for salw at Muyo's.


Christmas threm week a off noxfc

Sunday.Christinas comes on the 25th.

Sunday.Mr I). Ij. Gore of Wilmington is j

"ill to.VII.

The Sumter Watchman nn<1 Southronis now published as a six pagepaper.

J. A. Mnvo has gone on a visit to

North Carolina, to return home thelast of this wooh.

When you hear a follow all thetime humming "When the Rosea,Come Again," what does he lean?,

Gen. W. N. Taft, of Charleston,the most prominent republican in the

State, has been sent to the Lunatic

Asylum.Messrs. W. R. Myman J. S. Ibis.

« i * i ... \ i 1 >

miry, nnu ,Hi8s»ej> ^>1.11^ 1 uhiuu,(iussio Mayo, of Conway, attended

tffif Sociable at Bueksvillo last night,

0 if .correct language oven in

speaking to a dog; for if your tonguespeaks ungrammatically orcoarsely to

a dog, it win^ToTrav you to 7t iv.tvp or

a woman.

Hachol Applewhite, colored, hadher left hand pretty badly cut in Mr.Burroughs' gin, last Tuesday. Thehand will not be permanently injured.

Last Saturday and Sunday were

intensely hot for the season. It beganto change Monday, and Tuesdayand yesterday tho^eathor was cooland bracing. Ho 1


A. .J. Hall, the photographer andjowoler will positively loavo heroou the 15th inat. Ail wanting workO

done in his lino had host come atonce.

Mrs. George Chadbourn, the motherof .las. II. Chadbourn, Jr., Superintendentof the W. C. &. C Kailroad,died in Wilmington, Novum,bor 23r<l.

Kov. J. W. Kirton, of Gallivant'sFerry, was in town yesterday andgave us a pleasant call. Wo wantton thousand more just such visitorsbefore Christmas.

As the dog returns to his vomitand the hog to wallowing in the*>

mire, so Atlanta has returned to herfolly in voting to all »w the re-open-i n<r oi ^ro^shops.The Governor's messa^o is a lonjr.

but conservative document. lie discusses11»<* various questions of interestwith clearness and as one havingthe best interests of the State atheart and earnestly desiring to sop

these interests advanced.

Kev. Win. Thomas l»»f< yesterdaymorning for Spartanburg to attendthe Session of the Annual Conference,which convened yesterday, liepreached his farewell sermon fortiusConference year Sunday morningfrom John xvi:33, the last two clauses.%

One has well said: "A true Chris,: l:. »i i * ' » «u<:u iivmi^ m 111o worm is ilkr ;i >t;:psailin<r on the ocean. It is not the>» .

ship I»<*i11!_» in the water which willsink it, but the water <retlino intothe ship." So the world, with itslove of pleasure oettino into thehearts of Christians, has ruined its.millions.

Miss Ani.ie Hemphill will manage

the Abbeville M'<liuni d urine1 theabsence in Columbia of her father,Gen. K. K. Hemphill, who i» a memberof the Statu Senate, it was forsometime a mystery to ns how one

ifhi/t could work up so many "loeuio"that appeared in the M< untilwe learned that the editor had two

lively, (we like to have written lovely)daughters assisting him.

ThankatHving in Conway was very

flfmerally observed. All the stores,Except two, were closed and employerand employees entered heartilvInto the spirit of the* occasion. Thepastor of the Methodist church preacheda vory oatriotic sermon on thesubject of "Submission to the powersthat exist." lie was very eulogisticof the form of jrovornment inthe 1'nited States contrastintr it with


other forms of government in tho oldworld, and making it a subject fordevout tlmnksirivine- to the liuler ofn r->

tho universe.

Her. (>. W. McM ilan, of Whitevillo,occupied tho Kingston Prvsbyterianpulpit last Saturday night,Sunday and Sunday night, nudpreached throe very plain and practicalsermons. Wo had the pleasureof hearing two <tf them and can testifyto their orthodoxy and prominentpracticalness. IIo does not affectthe spread eagle style of oratory, hutdiscusses a question for tho take ofimpressing its practical, religiousdoctrines upon his hearers, and inducingthem to accept its truhts andact them in their lives.

lie received two members into thefellowship of tho Kingston Presbyterianchurch, one by certificate frombe Flore n co Presbyterian church,Mrs. Carrie L. (Julbraith, and one byprofession, Albert /,. Ihinta.

We attended last Friday themonthly ovamination of the BurroughsHigh School, and were muchpleased and gratified at progress ofthe pupils under the present management.Tho fact was developed thatthe Principal is giving thorough instruction,and that the scholars are

profiting by it. It is doubtful, if a

history class can be found in theStyte, of the snine age and genoialattainments, that can excel tho recitationof one wo heard Friday mornitigio this school.Tho Principal's method of examinationis not 1 »y simple question and

answer. But he would submit a fewminutes beforehand a written questionrequiring tho pupil to givo theprominent events In the life of certainhistorical personages, &c. Forinstance, one would be asked to tellabout the important Spanish discoveriesin America, another Frenchdiscoverios, another to tell all hoknow about Columbus, another aboutAmericus Vospucius, another aboutCorte/e, and so on, and tho most ofthe class would rattlo them off withtho volubility of a professor:The school room is now very well

furnished with the exception of theinsufficiency of blackboads, and these,we think, will soon be supplied. Wecontrratuluto Conwav on her HiijhSchool.



! Timiik>To the t'olunnia J\< /' </< >' for a

coj>y of tlio Governor's Message inpamphlet form.To Sen si tor Smith f v »r iegisl iti v«


Uiii|»ro> cillciHs,Mr. (i. 11. I lusenburv lias rcniod

led :nu 1 repaired his dining room.

Mr. I{. It. Scarborough's now

dwelling will soon be completed.Mr. It. I.. 1 loosen is Imildino- a

new dwelling on his lot adjoiningW. K. Hard wick's lot.

iAil vert InciI I.eKorH,The following unclaimed letters in

the I'est ()lUee at t'onwav, S. t\, willhe sent to the Doml Letter Ollice at\\'ushininon, 1). (J., unless called forf-> '

within thirty days from date lu»reof.«A.Miss Amanda A1 ford, e-o Ma-

nasseh Thompson.(J- 11. 1). C'roswell.1) -Miss Sailiii I tohhins.tl Win. Graham.J..). X. Jenrette, Kodic Jackson,

c-f Hen. Mnck,L .1. W. Lewis.

| M.1\ K. Martin, 15. L. Martin. i8 M. N. Sarvis.T M. .1. Tucker.

.Iami:s II. PoimtK,Nov. 2(5, 1887. L- M.

3*:tiii-o:id (tartirt.The railroad hands are working in

fill* ct l*l»ll'c i if I '/*»» ** »* < I » i»

loavatin«r for the road bed. Thetrack is laid this vide of ('rnbtreeSwamp, a slior' distance from Burrouohsfield. Most of the tin.c tip totliis writinif lu\s boon utilized in dip-,jrinir tlofvn tin* kills and lillinp up(lie ravines preparatory to track-hivincr.The roa.d enters tlie street atthe c( ( ' of I,. Johnson's lot andremiie-. ) excavation of 2.t» feet.Tha "Bp live oak. the lounpitiff

place of tin* male Method:; popnlnlion of ("onway on Sunday month.p,.1has boon uprooted, finite ,i co'nntotnotionwas excited when the handsreached it and bepan its <1 'struction.The tr>e had been standbier for years,and become a conspicuous land-markin the place and was surrenderedregretfully bv some on that account,(treat dillieulty was experienced inuprootitip it, the roots in th" surfacewere lucked and interlocked, formingone solid maws of roots. These rootsextended four or live feet allround, wore so i literwoven liv trntwili

f-o '

as to present tho appearance almostof one continuous mass.

('apt. Ihiooott came to the rescue

and obviated the dillicnltv to a certainextent by the use of dynamite.Four distinct charges, averaging!about live pounds each, were tiredunder it before it could be pulled!down by tackle from the SteamerMinister, //<>)')'!/. About ten hourswas consumed in euttino, tliiTLfi11Ur">7 o n

and blastintr, before it would yield..The ('apt. oxpeets to use some of

it in slup-buildin<£, &<:., for which itis very valuable.A wanton destruction of the "beautiesof nature" is to be deprecated,

but where those "beauties" are inthe way of internal improvementl.i .

inoy must tin removed. Associationnaturally increases our affection foran object., l>ut sometimes the mosttender ties have to bo violently sundered.

It is expected to nearly finish tbo{Trading this week.

3.p. a... . im

CortM'spoiitlt'iH't'.Kail* Hlutl' E t ems.

7.\\ liilc the Horryites are listeningto the noise .of the whistle, and therumble of tbo cars of their railroad;land the good people of our sister1town of Conway are eagerly waiting jfor the day s<> long wished for, and solsoon to come, when tho.jo sounds!will bo beard in hor thoroughfare;while the uW'f* untf ('<jnri<r is pub-lishinif I lorry "a hermit county no

longer;1' wo people of I'air Uluff iare following in the beater paths ofbusiness and progress and are feel- jing prosperous ami happy.We are enjoying a season of un-

paralleled business activity, never inthe history of the town has so muchcotton bwen bought or so many goodsbeen sold in the lenght of time. As;i consequence our merchants wear

pleasing faces from dawn till dark,and every body seems to slmro theirbuoyancy.

Mr. ()glosby of Whitevillo hasopened a lino stock of groceries inthe store formerly occupied by CrawfordWaters.The 11 igh School Hook store has

been headquarters for books sinceSeptember and is growing in stock,popular favor, and reputation daily,it is run by .las A. Smith and FrankPowell.The High School is largly attendedand is doing well. The cadets

have their uniforms and the guns are

expected in a short time. The girls

aro to luivo uniforms in calisthenicstoo hut llicy have not been obtainedye t.

Thanksgiving was generally kept,the stores were all closed ami servicewas held in the Baptist church bvthe pastor. Almost every familyhad their thanksgiving turkey. Someof the young folks in the afternoonwen* enjoN.no the bracing ^autumnalair in a cart drawn by an ox andseemed to be enjoying themselvesimmensely. With youth how oftenvarietN makes pleasure.

Cupid's darts are living, stud DameBum >r states that before the deathof INSV we will hear the sweet intonationsof marriage bolls. »* . it.

. o

Washington Letter.

(From Our Ki>t;itlar Ooriv.-<|>ontl«'»t >

By actual count there are now

soventy-ti\o Congressmen at the Capital,ami the list is lonirthoncil on thearrival of nearly every tiain. Amonjrtln» most prominent of tlio membersI have notieeil on the Avenue (tlr.tVIVnnsvlvania avenue -so ealleil byall W'ashinotonians) Messrs. Yoorheos,I larrison. hhlmumls ami Kvarts,of tlio Senate, anil Messrs. Carlisle,Springer, jHreekenriilire, anil Davennortof the House." Two other tomarkablomen ami notable figureswho are often seen on the streets are

the Kx-1 'resilient of the Senate amithe 1'resilient of the Senate, JohnSiierman, ami John J. Imoills. Thestately form of the Ohio Senator isseldom seen outside of his carriageon 1 lio streets, while on the otherhand, the lono, willowy fijrure of thepicturesque Kansan ean often oe

seen miuelino with the thrones thatfrequent the thoroughfares of thisheautiful city. If one wishes to

eateh a olimjise oeeasional!y of mostof the national solons, the best jilaeet.o take a stand, outside of the 1'apitolitself, is in the corridors of thedifferent departments, near the doorsof the Secretary's olliee. When a

common mortal, lik" you or I. dearreader, would enter the awe inspir1110presence of a ('al)iuet minister,the oldij/ino door-keeper alwayshands out a card, with blanks, where,in we are required to state "nameand nature of business,'* and send it.in by a messenger before there is theslightest chance for admission; but,when a "member" as they are popu-larlv known, appears, the door lliesopen as if hv tna^ic by tlio timo lieis in six font of it.

It is said that Mr. ('arlisle, pro-suminir on his election as Speaker,which nobody doubts, is e.'istinoabout for suitable material for ('on-!orossional committees a task that.vill tax tho irroat tact and skill ofn

the Kentucky statesman to accom

plish satisfactorily, as there are a

hundred or more nVw men to

place a ^reat number of the ablestand most experienced Congressmenhavine been reloaded to the peace-fill of private life.As foreshadowed in my last letter,

.1 . - - -1liu* resignation 01 l omtnissioner oftin) Land Ollice Sparks lias takenplace- the President lotting down tin*arrogant and rebellious oHicial as easilyas possible. * This was the onlyway, outside of a peremptory dismissal,to properly rebuke the persistentinsubordination of the irascible lllinoian,who constantly deported himselfin ollieo as if he was lord of allhe surveyed.

It is the oossip of the hotel and departmentalcoridtors that some oppositionis dovelopinir to the conlir-I l r>

uiation of Secretary Lamar's probablenomination to the Supreme Bench,chiefly on account of his advancedatfe- he is entering his (>3rd yearO r"> J

and it appears that this feeling is byno means conlined to his politicalopponents. There is a dispositionon the part of several RepublicanSenators to raise a sectional outcrvaoainst tin; Secretary on account ofhis liavino within the past four yearschampioned the civil chieftain of the!Southern Confederacy, on the floor1of the United States Senate.

It is broadly intimated that theSupreme Court is equally divided on

the issue of the prohibition cases

from Iowa, Kansas and (leomia, andthat the new Justice will have tocast the deeidimr vole it now

ri " ~

four to four nine l>oin<r a full bench.In 1 ho celebrated driven well case,

tlio Supreme Court lias recently rendereda decision against the pntontee,who claims a royalty of ten dollarseach on all the driven wells inthe I 'nited States.the number bo-jnnr estimated at three millions.

u'ho deficiencies for the transportationof the mails amounted to fromei^ht to fifteen million dollars perannum a few years since; but thosedeficits have been gradually reduceduntil they now are no more than a

million a year -so that by the endoi the present year the Postollico Departmentpromises to bo on a self-

sustaining basis.Assistant Commissioner of Patents

Gun. ivol irj i 1». \ anee, of N.C., a

brother of Senator Vane**, is artinous Commissioner of l'atonts duringthe absence of Mr. Hull, ami In*makes in ctlicient ollieiul, beino bothaffable and popular, ami fully otpiipped,by natural nbilitx ami l>\ liis ex|rionee in Congress as cliairiiian ofthe committee on patents, to u!>l\di sell a roe the responsible duties do\olvinoupon him.

Patents(J ranted.

s1 alents planted to citizens of theSouthern States during tin* pastweek, ami reported expressly for thispaper !>v t'. A. Snow ^ Co., Patentlawyers, opposite I . S. Patent ( Mlico,Washington, I). C.

.1. It. Allfree, Cumberland, Md.,bran duster.

If. If. Asburv, i leasaut Ifotreat,t ia., ear eouplino.W. W . Illoodworth, Melino, I 'la.,

staple driver.It. ] '. Caldwell, Wheeling, W.|

\ a., eap former for standing seamsof ro »tino.

.1. Plovd, l.ynehburir, \ a., eioa-» » J ' ' r>

rette machine..1. A. (itd)oury, Montgomery, Ala.,

cotton compressor.A. L. (ireshatn, Kingsland, Ark.,

tobacco box.H. 11. Harrington, Macon, (la.,

sewing machine fan attaehment.W. I>. Mann, Baltimore, Md., I

nressure i^soo.A. II. bboll. Ashville. \. |iernetualcalendar..1. W. .M ul!iiiv ,r# London, K v., reoeatino<miii or liie arm.

Maude (.Murray, Ikirdstown, Kv.,1lioMer for bed covers.

I ". I >. Paradise, Memphis, Tonn.,pivot for transoms.

S. M. Stevenson, Ihislrop, La.,trace fastener.

II. S. Taylor, limner, La., quiltinoframe for sewing maeliii.es.<L L. Walton, llouirero. La., mail

b:n.'- fasten"!'..1. 15. N'oirol, New ( trleans, La.,

decortication* machine..1. \\ . Willino- Nanticoke, Md.,

boat detaeliinjr mechanism.

I'oeteited hainl <juestioii*

Senator Patterson has well calledattention to the subject of "PorfeitedLands," referred to subsequently in(Jovornor Piehardsun's .Message.This is Senator Patterson's snmrestion.

"Let the State, by Act of its Leo-Oislatlire. ivnnniwn ;i 11 rurl.t .....I »

tlo l»v forfeiture to hind now on forfeitedland lM, direet the CountyAuditor to restore eaeli of sueh j>iir- Jeels to the tax duplicate with alltaxes aecrued aoaiust il since thelast payment of its taxes, rcnuirc theowner to pay all taxes in arrear on orbefore a oiven day say 15th l)e-eeinher, 1SSS; if not then paid direct,!its ollieors to levy by distress on the Ilands of defaulters, (that is, to takeexclusive possession of them,) adver-tise and sell them, and put the pur-chaser in possession."The facts us oivon in the message

are that we have on the forfeitedland list 1)14,8511 acres of land. Theselands pay no taxes to the govern-inent. It will be seen at a irlance LI <» «

mow important, lor tins matter to re-ceive legislative consideration, to the

Iend that tho revenues of tho Statemay l>o increased and our taxes fortint support of tho State Governmentincreased. Wo call attention to Son- hator Patterson's sn^i^estion. < WUinhiaRegister. j

\bcicii:H»On Tuesday eveninir, Nov. 22nd, at' the

residence of tin bride's lather, by J. ('. ]'I SI u in, Ksr|., Dr. S. Watson, <if Marion,and Amanda 10. Ilryan, of Horry.

market Report.COW WA Y S. C.

ciirDi: ti'uim'.nti ni:New Virgin, l»l»l.. 5120 pounds $ 2 25Yellow I )ip, 2 25Scrape, 1 50

(«!{(K'l'ltl I'.SBaron I). S. Sides |1> 10 (ft 12' . centsButter, 2*^/25 cents.hard . <r/1cts.JI'ork.V-M'hl $ 20 00Molasses gallon tOtfrtlO cents.ColTer, pound 25cts. ICorn, "jd bushels 75ifa$ 1 00Crist per bushel 75(rr if I 00Flour, per ldd $51.50 (it; 7.75F.irirs per do/. 10cents.Sugar I" ets

hint Cotton 8' £ to ft 7-10 ets.S ;cd Cotton 2;i.j to 2'.j ets

WlhMI NCTON. N. C. Oct. 25.Cotton, (J1^ (it; tl ^ cents.

CHl'DK Tl'KIMhNTINKVirgin, W bid., 280 pounds $ 1 75Yellow Dip, I 75

Hard, 1 00Spirits Turpentine, per gal. 512

Tar, $ 1 15, 280 pound bid.Kosin Strained 80(^82 cents.


Final Discharge.

rj^HK undersigned Kxecutors >,r the hist.A. will and testament of Jos ;ph 10.I leurl, defeased, will apply to Hon. \V. 10.Ilardwiek, Probate hnl^e for Horry Conntv, at his olllco in Conway, S. on Saturday,the 31st day of December 1887, for afinal discharge as IOxeeutors of said Kstatc.

Daniki. Hkwis, i Fxw,utMniI). J. MI QI KKM, j l M( Ulors;(lee / lit til

Wilmington, Columbia & Au- i

cjusta Railroad.Srhetlule in «-fT«M t Nnvrnil'i r 12, lsS7.

«.(>1 N(J SOl'Tll No. y:;, i) wi.y.I.« :»%« Wilmington * 8 05 |> 111Leave ( htnlltonrn 1" 05 |> inLeave Marion 11 20 j» mArrive Florence 12 10 n inLeave Florence 2 *40 a inArrive Sumter I 25 a 111 Y«Leave Sumter -I 25 a inArrive < 'olumbia 'I 15 a in

No. 27, Daii.v.Leave Wilmington *10 10 p in 111Leave ('Inulbmiru 11 41 p inLeave Marion 12 111) a 111Arrive Florence 1 20 a in

COno. 15, 1 > aii.y. 1

l.« ive Wilmington \ 2 10 p inLeave ('lnuilioiirn 1 ill pinLeave Marlon 5 !1<5 p mArrive nt Fl« renee 0 20 p in

No. 50. 1) \ 11 v.Leave Florence t 0 10 p-in |Arriv e Suuib r 8 05 p in

No. fW, Daii.y. \VLeave Sumter ^ 0 <10 p m jjtArrive Columbia Hi -l'i m m Ui

v -e i. II'No. .ill, 1 I.VII.Y.Leave Sumter + 8 V7 p in J*Arrive Columbia VI 55 p m ar

No. fiti runs through from Churl* tonvi ('mitral U. It.

Leaving Lanes 8 HI a in., Manuin.nS usa in. It

Snnilays N ». a I leaves ('Inn lestnn H !{()a m., Lanes 10 VJK a m., Mannim: 11 in n ^in., Sumter 11 HI a in., arrives Columbia1 10 p in.No. Till runs through from Charleston '

via Central lb lb, leaving Lanes 7 IHpin.,1Maiming 7 5ii p m.Train on t'. A I >. lb It. eoiiiu i ts at Flor

eiiee \\ it li N o. ."ill.col NO NO in II No. 78, I) vii V.

I.eave Columliia *10 i?f» p mArrive Sumter II \J5 p inLeave Sumter 11 Vi p in |||Arrive Florence I 20 a inLeave Florence I 25 a in" M arion 5 20 a m V!" ('liailhourn ' :r» a 111

Aarrive Wilmington 8 :'5 a in

No. 5 7, I > \ 11 v.Leave Columbia ;,u a in AnArri\'e Sumter 8 12 a in

No. 08, 1) \i|,v.Leave S'Mnter 8 22 a in J *'Arrixe Florence 10 a in .".InNo. (i(>, I >A 11.v.Leave Florence "t it) to a in '

.. \i ....a...II I a 111

" < 'hnilhourn i ;? i.ii p in IArrive Wilmington 1" p in '>r'

No. 5il, I >.\ii.v. | jLeave Columbia *5 oil p inArrive Smith r (! Pi p in

No. It, Mai i.v./.cave Florence * S 'Jti p in i

" Miiriim H p mi i" (hail bourn il *» > p in 1

Arrive \\ ilmingtnii II 50 p in

Daily, tDaily except Sunday.No. 5S run f liroiiL'11 t > Charleston, S. 'via Central l». U. arrivinix Manning < '20 //p in., /.lilies S **<I p rn., Charleston il -15p in.

No. 57 runs through to ( liarleston vialCentral II. II.. arriving Mannings IH a in,/.anes a in., t liarleston I I lit! a in.

No. tiii connects at Florence with <'. A jTI), train for ('lieraw ami Waileslmro. LNis, is ami I t make close eoniiec'ion at £\\ ilininuton with \\ . iV \V. 11. II. for all

points North..1. F. 1)1 VINK, (len'l Snpt.J. 11. K km.y, Snpt. Trans.

T. .M. Fmkuson, (jeii'l Mass. Agent.nepicilliior JJU, lMWIj. 11

Foreclosure Sole.


I N DKR and 1 »y \ irtue of 1 1m power andauthority in u- vested I»y K. T. Lewis in I.'iiiul by his certain morlir»!;e to us executediiikI made, bearing date Kleveutli day ofInly, A. I >. 1SS.J, and duly recorded in! rHook of Mortgages No. I, in the ollice of|llie Register of Mesne Conveyances ofsaid County, we will oflVr for sale at thr L.late residence of said Lewis, in Conway, S.C.,on Monday, the htb day of Decernbeproximo, within the legal sale hours, alltnd singular the following personal proprty mentioned and described in saidmortgage, viz: One dark grey horse mule,iiiiiiumI Torn; one black horse mule, namedJack; one black horse mule, named Hill;>ne Mack horse mule, named Frank; onesorrel mare mule, named Mollie; one bu)mare mule, named Jennie; one black maremule, named Mollie; one bay mare mule,named Nellie; one iron grey mare mule,named Ella.

ALSO,RJMTwo 1 horse road wagons niul harness,!four 2 horse road wagons and harness, all

Iho agricultural tools and farming imph- m"

incuts on the plantation of said Lewis,known as the "Sellers Plane;" live head ofcattle; one turpentine still on the wharfattached to lot No. I ; also, the turpentine fos'ill and fixtures now set and in use on thewater front of aid lot No. 1, in the village!of ('onway.And under and hy virtue of said mort

page, v e will offer for sale at the formerbusiness seat of said Lewis, known as tin"I 11 ion I Mace'" in said ('ounty, on Wed today,the 7th day of December, the followingpersonal property mentioned andincluded in said mortgage: One grist mill,cotton gin, steam engine an

' boiler, togethit with the iippurtiienees, fi.-tures and innrh'yiery to the said mill, gin and engine inanyway belonging or appi rtninimr.Terms of sale, cash.

licxitoi oils & ('oM-ins.Mortgagees.

nov 2-1 1H2t.

Slit rWl's Stiles,i >

l'»V virtue of an execution to me directed and lodged in tliis olliec, 1 will sell in ".Conway, S. ('., on Monday, the nth day o< u,'Deceinlier IK \t, 1^*7, at legal sale hours,/the following described personal prop I'1'!erty, to wit: i ,V.Lot dry goods in store, clothing, hats, J 1

caps, Hoots, hoes, family groceries, bacon,,corn. Hours, rice, sugar, coffee, etc., oneblind horse, one bay mare, four mules, twobuggies, one cart, one ox, one cow andyearling, lot hogs, lot goats, lot seed cotton,household furniture, lot corn in barn,lot hay and fodder, one riding saw , one!hay cutter, lot cooper tools, lot spirit hhls.,lot rosin and turpentine in barrels on Waccainav river, lot cotton seed and wool, oneold Hat; levied on as the property of 17. T.Lewis, at the suit of Tolar vV Hart, <t at. a iit. («. Kkssionh,Sheriff II. ~

I)| I Vi I I .fnw> v't LO.



Wholesale (irorers,S(>1?'J mill ft? i IliiHi Iftity m|., |

<1 I A ll I.IOH TON, Hi. 4 .

so;oot > 11J



With ur without J'ltont Index.

3iir Attention l« n v i'. I the f*-*t that in ; ; rchasingthe Ilt*< t wuQoi this w.rk, y . g-1 '

A Dictionaryntainlng :«> «> mor> w< r I" and y 2000 moreUetreti'iii i than any "th< r \ii.«r i nary.

A Gazetteer of the Worl'imtaining over iti. «,w|th h< ri'riinitffd"ition and iv vail atmiiini ( other uiforiu»ti°">

( rocontly added,) and

A Biographical Dictionaryving pr niuii'in(ri i f names a'1''i nterning n« arlv P>,i««> Noted [ ', *various tables k»v> >v; valuabi«^

Ail in One wlgrrff;by the Stato Superintendents I woll*tO*(lo«»le.«, and by leading College Prean

II ill 'd States an11 ( > ,, , l i I. «.» > .1. ... I »

lorliy with tho United SUtM Suprtmt Court,<1 in tho tJovornmont Printing Office. it ha*on <>oleete«i in every cue whore State Purchasesito i < en mailt for 8ohools, an<l Is the Diction*y upon it 1 licit ucariy all 'ho school books aroiS«<t.

Get the Latest and Rest.in an invaluable companion in every School,»n«l at "»cry l*'irosi<|.\ sjm ctnicn nay *- amitestimonial** sent prepaid on apnlication.

ibiisheti by G. A. C. MtRRIAM A CO.,SprlnyneliJ, Mass., U. S. A,

n»V It) It!If.

MULLINS ACADEMY.Milllins, S, ( .


«:v. .ins. r. I'IMTCll A KM. A.M., Principal.ISS SAM ('. KWA KTS Assistant.riit* next o.ion will lii*Lriii Moiulav,trust 'JiltIt, !' i.

ti:ums, r \ v \ i;i.i. montiii.y.ininry I h'pnriint'tit ^l.oi) |ii'r inn«*riiu*diiit<» " J.-oO 4444

trli'M-44 :{..*)(» 44 44

loard, «'\c*liisivf of wa* ii nt; a* \>i» |>»*r iiu>ut h.I'«>r fi'i'tluT information inMii'ss theittt'i|>:il ai M »111 i.i -. s. (mi\ "J. M

:v/" Oro 'ijo

)\i r, xoirrox/ : A'/ '/:/ V; \' v ! Y 7'/. )'O.V // I \'/; / / /' /

/'/. ) vO/»URE


-A N I >


ALWAYS l\ s i 111! ! :.

nibs,.< >.


Fine Toilet Soaps,O

Shaving Soaps anil Brushes,.o.


oth-Picks. o

Tooth-Brushes. o


.(> Extracts.


Vestal Gil &c,

Sxioriff'3 Sctles.<>. I!. Mocker vs. J esse Davis.

I ( Hi KT (>K ( <»M M<)N i'UiAS.l*i (! r and l»y virtue of a i K.\« cut >11me directed ami lodged in this odice, III hell lu-fon the Court I«»«vi~ door inIHVIMH' < t I ! 1 %

. >u i ik- ii i -i .'i i l|m li! v >11 i >>'inbor 1**7, (luring ] ltm 1 ale hour*, thellowilii; li sri il't'il Real l-titr, to wit:tt\ acres ot ih |>r< pi rt\ of .Jomsoivis, bounded by Coleman Wnrlw land,IlllbiT It: \ it Ml. I W > i vi.Terms <":is)i i'. «;. Si - -io\st

Sheriff II. C.Nov 17th 17

THOS. F. GILLESPIE.Attonieynl I .n »

*<l 'I'eln I il iihI lei1.

uiway, S. c

^II : IIMON ii <M M',

Conway, S.

I'nder the inaiiu^oiiu nt ot' Mrs. M. K.s>ioi)s will always be found reliable, ta,1 first class. Transient Itoard solicited.>ord by tin- day, week, or month at reaablerates.

Oct. lb tim.

; ( " LI