houghton mifflin reading additional spelling words – grade 6

Spelling Rule Easy Average Challenge Hatchet short vowels split strict intact stuck plump valid crush flex quintet fond glimpse pastel fund pulse epidemic script knickknack graph signal divinity division revision invitation definition resident recitation deprivation induction seduction misconstruction conduction reduction production serenity brevity remedy express profess relative nativity volcanic gravity Theme 1: Courage Houghton Mifflin Reading Additional Spelling Words – Grade 6 Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 29

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Page 1: Houghton Mifflin Reading Additional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Spelling Rule Easy Average Challenge

Hatchet short vowels split strict intactstuck plump validcrush flex quintetfond glimpse pastelfund pulse epidemic

script knickknackgraph signal


Theme 1: Courage

Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

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Page 2: Houghton Mifflin Reading Additional Spelling Words – Grade 6

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Passage to Freedom long vowels deal frame refuteraise probe humanesign squeal concealgrowth scheme dungareesleaf plea betraystroke crease accelerate


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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Climb or Die more vowel spellings treasure defy dynamicdiscover mystery limousinemachine marine satisfypleasure tongue symphonywealth tangerine mezzanine


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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle pause sprout tautounce truce resumethousand lounge dawdlefault applause devourproof rejoice scoundrel

pounce flamboyantclosetprofitprophetrecountcowardlyloudlyproudlyrobinposturemoistureobscuresonnetsponsordominanceaboundphosphorousbuoyancymiscountrebound

Frequently Misspelled Words (49F) twoherecomingswimminggetting

Spelling Review (117)

the /ou/, /oo/, /ô/, and /oi/ sounds

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Amelia Earhart: First Lady of Flight vowel + /r/ sounds torch source forfeitpour frontier distortscar flirt cashierthirst slur gnarledharsh orbit circuittore sea turtlebarge Vermontbore Maryland

CaliforniaVirginiaWest VirginiaOregonDelawareArizonaNew YorkFloridaPuerto RicoArkansasColoradoGeorgiaMissouriNew JerseyNorth CarolinaSouth Carolinadiametercircumferenceperimeterimmortalinnumerableinspector

Theme 2: What Really Happened?

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

The Girl Who Married the Moon homophones sole cereal aislesoul serial islepore stationery dissentpour stationary descentloan canvas barrenlone canvass baronpoll patience assentpole patients ascentmain coarse morningmane course mourninghall prey kernelhaul pray colonelpeace fourth cinderpiece forth senderheal oralheel auralflea censorflee sensorwait inciteweight insightmeet acceptmeat exceptdear councildeer counselsteel musselsteal musclemarry presencemerry presents

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Dinosaur Ghosts popular minor monitorbanner caterpillar peculiarregular senior administerliar major extracurricularlaughter treasurer specimenmirror junior originalquarter whistle accordionshoulder bundle punctualloyal panel artificialmajor token ambassadorinner hasten chancellor

onion councilorsenator courierminister escalatorsuperior perpendicularbarrier angulargrammar coordinatorsurrender cursorparticular corporalrumor valorcharacter cellarmeter vaporeditor pillararmor decimallinen cannonpanel congratulationhorror convulsionsample intractablemoral spectaclelitter impositionsoldiercancel

final /schwa+r/, /schwa+n/, and /schwa+l/

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Frequently Misspelled Words (167F) they'retheirthereyouryou'rewe'reanyoneanywayanythingcan'tcannotgoingoncebefore

Spelling Review (215)

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Where the Red Fern Grows vcv, vccv, vcccv patterns surgeon author expireemploy system effectcaptain standard translatedeclare burden symptomfarther rescue centuryrocket anthem monarchorphan ballot vitalvalue secure eluderemind recent licenseprotect spirit aspirereport unite interntulip beware astutenotice alert beckonelect dentist exclaimrobot custom crescentshadow admit misspellshiver banquet flourishvolume bullet vigorweary surface crevicescenic campus column

candid meritfrantic lapeltrophy chorusCongress pageantinstead blizzardrelease blossompanic mammalstupidvitalrebelpiratefocus

Theme 3: Growing Up

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Last Summer With Maizon words with -ed or -ing whipped quizzed excellingvisiting focused conferredbragging scanned profitedcovered plugged outwittedbegged offered reddened

referring summonedshuddered omittedadmitted excelledquartered taperedupsetting regretted


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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

The Challenge endings and suffixes dreadful teasing subtlycountless priceless requirementlately choosing merelybasement ignored ceaselesshappiness changeable coordinated

achievement impressivelyeagerly dejectedwhining inspiringsparkled feebleness


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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

The View From Saturday prefixes in- and con- insist instinct imposeinstall immortal impreciseinstruct indirect incapableimpress informal immuneinsult improper impedeincrease insult inferimpression indent impartialinform inflate inflexibleinspect immoral induceinvite impassable infinitecontain individual indefinitecomplex inquire impatientcompanion innocent complimentconduct indent contaminatecomplain instrument contagiousconfess inclined commissioncontinue inject compensate

intrude complianceimpose consolidatecontact confidentconflict conservationcomplain constellationconquer convenientcomposition contingentcommit constitutionconstitution consistentconfront congruentconference impudentcommotion incidentcontent indulgentconfirmconciseconvenecompasscompassioncompact

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Frequently Misspelled Words (273F) a lotall rightwritewritingdidn'tdon'ttheyagaincaptainindifferent

Spelling Review (353)

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Lost Temple of the Aztecs the /sh/ sound action shuffle depressionelection quotation abbreviationashamed suspicion transportationpublish delicious perishvacation starvation precious

nourish ambitioussnowshoesugarammunitioncoalitionperditionlotiontoothbrushfurnishshelveinsuranceassurancespeciesvanishfissuresuredispossessiondecompressioncliniciancosmeticiantacticiandiagnosticianopticianphysician

Theme 4: Discovering Ancient Cultures

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

The Great Wall adding -ion or -ation locate devote appreciatelocation devotion appreciationpromote quote designatepromotion quotation designationcorrect explode suspendcorrection explosion suspensionexpress extend intrudeexpression extension intrusionpollute invade excavatepollution invasion excavation

divide disruptdivision disruptionexclude evacuateexclusion evacuationalter substitutealteration substitutionirritate introduceirritation introductioninstruct evadeinstruction evasiongraduate adaptationgraduation affectationconfuse confrontationconfusion pigmentationconclude indentationconclusion accessionoppose aggressionopposition dispossessionaffect obsessionaffection repossessionsuggestsuggestiondiscussdiscussionexceptexceptionexposeexposition

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

unstressed syllables partner ballot punctualcanary rascal frequencyrespond vessel crucialapartment regretful indicatememory criminal gallerypopular courteous


The Royal Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Frequently Misspelled Words (387F) familyfinallyreallysupposeprettyhappened

Spelling Review (429)

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

A Kind of Grace voyage modernize despisebaggage advise prioritizeluggage summarize alphabetizenative compromise improviselanguage legalize aggressivepostage penalize alternativenotice civilize beveragecreative generalize fugitivepractice sterilize privilegeknowledge heritage foliagecaptive cooperative adhesiveaverage apprentice negativejustice superlative symbolicbandage primitive strategicservice festive statureshortage yardage variouspassage encourage rupturetelevise sausage titanicdetective rummage legislaturerelative prejudice tremendousvillage positive capturepackage attractive culturemanage image texturecottage recognize torturemarriage descriptive preachercabbage criticize poacherdamage percentage archeroffice protective mathematicgarbage advantage statisticcarriage cowardice politicspoilage active cosmeticstorage finalizefeature patrioticculture democraticromantic terrificlecture giganticmoisture generous

final /long i +z/, /iv/, /ij/, /ik/, /ch+schwa+r/, /schwa+s/

Theme 5: Doers and Dreamers

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

magic tortureplastic furious


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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Under the Royal Palms plurals abilities wives clefscountries cliffs bailiffsduties cuffs sheavesenemies knives spoofslilies elves reproofs

earmuffs embargoesvideos piccolossilos curiostacos torpedoesrodeos mosquitoestomatoes avocadosportfolios casualties


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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Chuck Close, Up Close different evident elegantstudent distant residentresident urgent reluctantfashionable current intelligentvacant hesitant independencehorrible acceptance resistanceservant influence significanceimitate patience acquaintancedecorate substance preferenceeducate reference knowledgeablelocate conference audiblemigrate absence noticeablepopulate insurance indestructible

presence eligiblepermissible improbablevaluable predominantremarkable apparentdivisible abundantsensible miserableportable exaggeratelikable illuminateavailable appliancemiserable confidenceflexible reluctanceenjoyable violatepassable delicateignorant gullibleimpossible ostensiblewashable negligiblegallant compatiblecapable laughableconsiderable maneuverablepresidentaccidentpeasanttorrentcontinentadmirablelegible

suffixes: -ant/-ance, -ent/-ence, able/-ible, -ate

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6


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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Frequently Misspelled Words (475F) clothespeoplebasketballeverythingstoppedheardinsteadmorningcousinbecauseSaturdaywouldwouldn'thaven't

Spelling Review (519)

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

The Adventures of Sojourner perhaps expand distortionpersonal extreme exposurepreserve distress disgracefulpermit disguise preservationdisaster perfume provokedistrict predict precipitationexcuse pronounce perspectivedismiss preside propagandadispute proclaim disinfectantextend experiment interveneexchange discovery disadvantageexcite dishonest dissolveprefix export exquisitepropose interrupt disappointmentprefer interfere explanationproverb discourage persevereperfect expensive persecutedestroy disbelief perspirationdetective exert prevalentdeposit interject prodigiousdecided excess deficientdelay intersect decipherdegree prehistoric derisivedeliver prohibit disseminatedepend permanent discern

project disdainprofession diffractionpromise excavateprepaid eccentricitypersist effaceprospectprocessperturbprejudiceprofoundpreludeprofiledebate

prefixes: de-, dis-, ex-, inter-, per-, pre-, proTheme 6: New Frontiers: Oceans and Space

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Franklin R. Chang-Diaz prefixes: ad- and ob- adore opposite oblivionoccupation obliqueoblong obsoleteobsess obstacleopponent opportunistoccurrence obnoxiousobstruction accelerateobservatory accommodateoccupied apprenticearrest assertionapply approximateadmit appropriateaccent adjournappointment admonishassemble adventassure adjoinadvise accountapplaud affirmappeal annotateaccuse assignadorn assortassert assureadapt oblongaccompany oppositionafflict oppressobvious

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Beneath Blue Waters words with ie or ei thief vein receiptheight believe siegereceive reins perceiveachieve grieve reprievefield beige sieve

prairie speciesgrievewindshieldheavyweightglacierbesiegerelieveleviesconceivableleniencyresiliencedebriefpatientspatienceefficiencykaleidoscopemedieval

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Out There word parts inspection recyclable countersignremarkable incurable disrespectfuldepartment contamination transcriptionretirement enforcement prescriptionconfession unlawful intersection

insignificantcoconspiratorcircumspectretrospectantiperspirantrespirationtranspireinfrastructureindestructibleunstructuredsubterraneanterrariumtributarysubcontractorsuperintendentboa constrictorunicyclereevaluatevaledictorianprovocationreversibleinsectivoredevolution

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Houghton Mifflin ReadingAdditional Spelling Words – Grade 6

Frequently Misspelled Words (571F) mighttonighteightfavoriteprobablyfieldreceivedthere'shappilybeautifulguyo'clockfriendbelieve

Spelling Review (641)

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