house of recovery cork street fev! hospital - lenus · house of recovery, cork street, dublin, the...

Annual report of the Fever Hospital and House of Recovery, Cork Street, Dublin, for the year ended 31st March 1885 containing list of committee and officers, report of the managing committee, statements of the receipts and expenditure, the medical report and list of subscriptions and donations. Item Type Report Authors Cork Street Fever Hospital Publisher Richard D Webb and sons Download date 12/09/2018 21:43:17 Link to Item Find this and similar works at -

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Annual report of the Fever Hospital and House ofRecovery, Cork Street, Dublin, for the year ended

31st March 1885 containing list of committeeand officers, report of the managing committee,statements of the receipts and expenditure, the

medical report and list of subscriptions and donations.

Item Type Report

Authors Cork Street Fever Hospital

Publisher Richard D Webb and sons

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House of Recovery Cork Street Fev! Hospital

Annual Report and Medical Report

From 1�t April1884 to 31�t March 1885

These digital records are copyright of the Health Service

Executive Dublin, Ireland.

They are free to download for personal and scholarly research.

They may not be reproduced for commercial gain.

'lllht �uuual ffeporl










erammifttr ltllb ®ff'tctrll.

B•aal!fOTO•, S1a Jollll', J.P. D.L. 8EWLST, Wn.LJ.ut H.

J�K, WILLI.._II L'l'lfCB, NICftOLU, M.,P. PaaiUK, RICBA.llD tBoTD, S.utVZL, J.P.

CK.uoOLSZ, RICIU.RD S. DacaT, Gao11.oa Floot•, EDIItrlrD J. Hooo, Tuo� P.

P&RRIK, WILLI.._II Sn.o.OIItLin'Olf, AB......SAII, J.P. W .l.llDKJ.L, Jolllf D.

Qtonnlt{n.J 'tPf:n!•fdan:



Wu.LI..U( STO�taa, B.A. Dabl., M.K.Q.C.P., F.R.C.S.I. Joauou M. R&DIIOKD, F.K.Q.C.P., L.R.aS.L

8:""Jian."2 llbi!.Ui•na• CniWrl'OPII&a 0'D'lflf, M.D. !ci.Ca. Q.U.I., M.K.Q.C.P. BT. Gaoaoa Aurz,. L.K.Q.C.P., L.R.C.S.I .


J.uta H. Wa.utTOlf, M.A. M.B. Dub!., F.R.C.S.l.

Mr.Ji&ttat anlJ 111r.ibrnt fBrbltaiOIBn·c:

STD&IIID.I.II 0A.?IIS C&.l.lfDL .. , L.K.Q.C.P., L.R.C.S.I., L.A.H.

'LabR .aupnintmbmt :



Ma. WtLLIA}o( PaRaT.

Ao.t.lla, TuoM.U W., Aaou.-.UN, Loao

::Ftl if t

B£LL, R1oBT Ho•. Joa11 T. Bona, R1C1UaD W., J.P. HROOit&, l£1111 E.Lt:u.ana Baoo&a, Mr• H.t.llO.UKT CoWPaa, BoaT A. D.u;t..-r, W&LUifOTOif Dao••owo, ll.\.TID, J.P. FIMDL41'&&, Joaw, J.P. Foaa..,.,J.tJIIID Oot•w-, 81a B. CIC'IL, B.laT.

J.P.D.L. H.t.UOHTO!f, S.u.uat. Hooo, JOII'ATUU Hooo, TuoiU.I P. .JAIIDOM1 JOU11'1 J.f'.


JUJaOJf, WILLlAlf K&IOI'&DT, Ca.LALD, J.P. Lntcu, NtCDOL£111 M.P. M•anw, SI& R1CDAilD1 8AJr.

J.P. D.L. H.t.anlf, Tnow.u C. Mc»a, M .. ucoe Taanoa Mot.LOT, Joo• J. D. MoaPUT, Mu:nA.m., J.P. McOoMU, Wri.LUll P.uuua, A.t.uuoaa, J,P. Plol .. o-..a, Tu• B.ur. or Powaa, J� T.A..LN!', D.L. Boa. Hun, D.L. Rr&Jf, TnOJU,I E. 9Toi:D, Fuo .. lcc, J.P. SnotOTT, Tnoll.uJ, J.P . T.t.n.oa, Oan,·�oa L.



IH presenting the Eighty.first Annual Report of the Cork Street Fever Hospital and House of Recovery to the Governors and Sub­aoribera, the Managing Com.mittee have not muoh to report of special interest, the Hospital year just closed having been a very uneventful one as regards their special work, no serious outbreak of infectious disease having occurred in the city. About the average number of patients has, however, been maintained, by the admis­sions of eases of the various forms of fever usually treated in the HospitaL There has � lately been an- extensive epidemic of meaales, but not of a very severe type.

The House of Recovery (the remodelling or" which was referred to in the last Report) has been in full opemtion during the past year. Several_ patienbs from other hOspitals have been admitted to ita benelite, it having besides afforded all the accommodation required by the Cork Street Hospital's own convaleacent.9.

The Managing Committee having had 1'9&Son to think that the sewer&ge· system in connection with the Hospital buildings waa not as perfect &a it might be, e.nd being of opinion that in such e.n institution nothing should be left. undone to meet the requirement.!� of sanitary science, procured a report thereon from the Engineer of the Sanitary Association, who laid before them plana and specl6.cations of e. scheme to remodel the entire system of the drainage of the institution, which is now being carried out by a contrabtor under his superintendence, and _which will, they trust, when oompleted, ensure a perfectly sanitary condition of their premises, so far a.s such can be affected by the sewerage.

At the request of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. a deputation from the governing body_ of this Hospital met similar depntat.iobs from other Dublin Hospitals in receipt of government

grants. The conference was held at the Castle, &lld an interchq of views as to the present position of the institutions, and u � possible changes in connection therewith, took place between Ri1 Excellency and the representatives of the several Hospitals.

The Managing Committee of this Hospital continue to be ol the opinion then expressed, that ita efficiency and public utilit1 would not be increaaed by any changes then suggested in tbe direction of amalgamation or alteration in the present eyat.em of management, or in the mode of providing finances.

Some changes have occurred in the medical atafl' of tbe Hospital Dr. John William Moore, having filled the office of Perm:u1ent Physician for aeven yenrs in succession, was not eligible for the cunent

yen.r, and t.he Hospital hu coD!Iequently lost. his valuable services. 'The vacancy thus created hn.a been tilled by the election of Dr. Joseph M.. Redmond, sometime holding the posit.ion of Tempora..,. Physidan; and Dr. St. George Ashe has been elected to take the place of second Temporary Physician.

The Committee have to record with aiocere regret the loss by death of their Registrar and Resident Medical Officer, Dr. Lealie Maturin, who fell a victim to scarlatina contracted while performing an operation on a child, not an inmate of this H05pital His zeal and energy aa a physician and medical officer were acknowledged and appreciated by all wbo knew him, and much aympntby waa felt with those mruJt nearly connected with him, on the occasion of his untimely death. Dr. Sydenha.m D. ChandJee waa elected to fill the vacant office.

A donation of .£50 in memory of the late Miaa Liuie HaqbCOD, has been received. from her e.xecutora.

The Managing Committee have to n.cknowledge the receipt ol .£30 17a. lOd. from the having chargo of the H01pital Fete nt Dall'a Bridge, in connection with the Sanitary ExhibiUon.

The execut.on of tbo Into Mr. James Gorman have in(ormed c.h• Ma.nagiog Committee that hole� by hie will tbe eum or 1:500 to be �nvcatotl, a�� the income arising there(rom to be applied in P� cunng the relig1ou.a aervicea of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church ror patient. in tbia Hoapital

The Committee have pleuure in bearing teatimony to the­and

. atta�tion of their aeveral offi.cen and .arvanta in perl'ormiDI

then dut1aa, and thu.a DYintaining the character of thia H01pital �

&n i111titution in which eirorta &re made to nothiog undone which iJ ne.!dful to 118CIU'e the well-being and comfort of the inmatee.

While the Couullittee endeavour to exerciae ell possible econo­mica in the &dministr&ti.on of the. funds entrusted to their care, they wish to rem.i.cid tJw.e who eupply and control their pecuniary 1'8110Urcet, that the work of the hospital cannot be carried out effi­ciently if ita income be interfered with or reduced, and therefore truat to a generoUI publio to eupply them with the annual eubscrip· t.iona which ahould be the mainstay of all charitable WtitntioDII.

GEORGE DRURY, Ch4i1'1114"-

s-.J.&o., C.k&r.IB_,;u.L.-dB-o.t�. lii.IJ-1881.

Occupation.� of PatilmU admitUd during tM Year 1884-85.

j)ooapoLioa. Architect'•cblld.

Baker'•ahlldnm, Baker'• wile, ......... Bull•ti:Daller, BW:u itmak ... , Bt.cll.iogfolder, .Hoile ............ ,, Bolrmaker'• c:hlld, Book biDder,

ild, � .. .;. ..... 'obil�

llrewer.JIIl&D'e c:hlld, .. Br ickla.,r•r'echild, Brickla.f<'J"'ewife, Bn>ohmakeno, Buildn'•wile, Batcberw,

C..billlebD&ker, c..-.dri .. er, Car-dri'l'en'cb.ild.,..,;·· Cer-dri ...... wi .... . C�te.... ... C..rpeuten'obUdreD, ... Carpea ten'wi� Caule-dn:>Y..-, C.bairmaker, c .......... Cbild.re11.1'mafd,

�.:::::::�!:--eic-Uema.k..-, CO ..... Club'� Clerk'• wife, Clothlia.i.eber, ... Ooo.ct.maker'achild. ...

52�:-�;; �·�tdr.o, Cooper' • wit ..


.. ' 2 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' l �g t ' � . ' ' . : : l � . : . 1 ' ' : . : : ' . ' ' 1 1

Oocoapa&.IOI:I • Cu.rrier'•ch ildr.D, c .. llors'chll�.

"""-· o...J ..... chlldna. D.--makorw, Dro�, llroverw·�·ch ild, Deirym&��,


Fanoer, Fioldororker, FiUer'•c.hild, Foot.m&D1

"'""•'"' GanleDer'e cbU�. Geteporter, ... Gilllaw-beerlebeller, Grocer, ... ... Grooers'euilt&DW. G�eponer, Groom, Ho�tba'childND,



LAbotll'Orw, ... 1-bo....,...'obildrea. .. Labourers' wt._, LAIUid.-, L..w•tudBD.t.,

M•chiDem&D, M�t., ::E::r��:��. Muoa'e wite, Modical.e tudent., M-am. Muaiciaae, Muaici&D'•cbild, Mu.ic iaa'e..U.,

N....., NooocopadoD, 0f8'&Dgriad..-, p .......

:ll'o, :

10 .

.. ...

.. . 1

: . 1 l 1

.. i 1

11 ..

Oo:olpo.UOOI. Packu'1ahlld, P&i11W., Palat.n'chiJclraa, Pai11Wft'wi1'-. Pal*· PapeT·aorier, PI:DIIiooer, PnGoDet'1wlf1, Pi�-�, ... PlougJuu.a. Pllllabea, Plamben' cb.ildrn. ::· p,_ Pan..' c:bildna, Pon.r'•wif., PIMII:mu,

Railway, .•• Railway poNr'• dilld. Ropemater, Ropollll&ker'tdllld, Ropa.U:er'• wll-, Rooalke.per, ......... &llor'tdlild, &ilon'wi..., ta..!,.'7olloer'a� a..,.·.childr.n. s....,......w�...., .... M ... SerTu\l'chiJclraa, ................

.. 1 8 • • • 1 1 1 1 1 . .

10 . 1 1

. 1 • 1 1 . .

.. '


io .,...,.._

&r.op-..m&&a-. Bbop-11::..,..,

�� .. li:'� Skia-.'wi� Slat.or, ........ Smltha' cbildrm. Soldi .. 'dUld.nla, Sold.ien' wiYet. Staymaker, S�otward'twif-. . .. &oaoeou.-·, clilld, ...

Toll� TaUon' cbi.Jdr.a., 'IUlor-. -...·-�.e...,.· .. Tlaanl&h'tclaild ..... T ........... Tn.a:r.ooaci!Xtor, Umbnll&Np&lnr, v-. V.n.lllilk•, Wait.s'ohlldrm, Waiter��' or!.•-.

:::.,��.::: Wido•,

Id. Tor...,.,c,.� ... 110001 ,uo.loilonn01ll<l;... 1111 I , , Nori.W!I<l;.. 1 11

' , , GnOCIOII , -· 11110 , , IIOnJII!Io ... ... �Ill .� ... 11111 , ..,. • moo ,ial, •. nsn1 ,E,.�&.I)F� 111111 .�c..� 11001 ,&o:;fO!awllouOo, ... llli!O ,&oi�IIIUO., lll11 0 .... � 111!0 �--1,1�11 1



I o. < I o. d. - I,UI 11 I

IUO 11111 !!I 0 11110 11 01

I _.,.,1 �o.o.:::�c:;;.:------'--..L_







1\'aOIOlf fO .IAY'II·ITUft ROIPr!.iL; U-O:�IMU QUU>I'o 0!/IVIMITT; ft'C,


Tsz record of the medical work of the Hoapital may be taken u aff'ording a reliable index to the epidemic condition of the city during the past hoapital year. It is chiefly notable for the marked diminution in typhus (over 50 per cent.) and the great prevalence of meulea in the latter months. The praiseworthy operations of the Public Health Committee, in clearing away the fever haunts which hitherto afforded relaye of patients, lmve in all probability contributed to the lessening of typhus.

The uperience derived from a year'e use of the House of Recovery ju.stifiea a feeling of confidence that the isolation obtained by the separation of the different fiats affords a eufficient protection from the danger of potJ.ents, while convalescing from one form of infec­tioua d.iaease, contracting another. It ie to be hoped that the advantages both to patienta and the publio of this division of our in.stitntion, may be more fully made use of in the futUre.

The death of Dr. Leslie Maturi.o, following &o closely on that of Dr. Harvey, givea aad proof (were any needed) that attendance on the fever stricken involves risks which often entail the loBs of lives the most valuable.

I have to thank Dr. Chandlee for the great care he has devoted to the seriee of atatistical tables, which in accord11.nce with custom I append hereto with eome brief comments.

Grateful acknowledgement is made of Miss Maguire'e untiring aid in promoting the comfort of the eick.

TABLE I.-Yearly Statement of PatienU.. Admitted frorn May 1, 1804, to March, 31, 1885, 208,115 Discharged, cured, or relieved, 192,478 Died,

. 15,521



116 54


Remaining in hospital, March 31, 1885, In hospital, March.31, 1884, •• Admitted, 1884-85,• 918 Discharged, cured, or relieved, Died,

Rem!Uning in hospital, March 31, 1885,

706 96

The admissions for the pA.St five yenn have been:-

1880-81, 1,250 1881-82, 471 1882-83, 562 1883-84-, 888

1884-85, 864

802 116

TABLE 11.-Afonthly Slaknunt of PtUUnU,frum'/1, 188-',

to Ala reA 31, 1885.

Sculatino and typhus contributed over two-thirtla or the ad­m.Wions in October, while roeaelee u.aea nlone re��ched tlll ill Man: h.

• �-.. .,. Jlno('il.oo.l, a:.o: n- � tt......,., lt ; ToW. IU.


LOCAUTl,._ The follo'lll'ing ia an analysis of the various streets ib the city

from which the patients e&me :-

Thru MIUttuh.. Abbey-atreet. Earl-atreet, East. S. J. Rogerson's-quay. Basin-lane. Goodman's-lane. Stephen'a-street, Lr. Bonham-atreet Keane'a-eourt. Toole's-eourt. Bloomfi.eld-park. Kevin-atreet, Lower. Tal'8-street. Byrne's Cottages. Luke-street. Uaber's-quay. Brunaw:ick-st., North. Madden's-eourt. Wee.ver'a-aquare. Cbriat Chun::h-plaea Mill-l.ane. Wellington-quay. Clarence-street. Parnell-plaee. Wall'a-lane. Diggea-atreet. Peter'a-row. Whitefriar-street.

Braithwaite-etreet. Bride' a-alley. Coombe-atreet.

Queen' a-square. Four casu each.

Charlemont-street. Fu.mbally's-lane. Hackett'e-court.

Five cruu each.

King-street, South. Meath-place.

F.saex-atreet. Mark'e-alley. Summer-street (Poole's-cottagea). Goorge'a-quay. New-row, Weat.

Kevin-etreet, Upper. New-street. Mercer-street, Upper. Peter-street.



Aldee-street. Bishop-street..


Si:& ctUU each. Ryan'a-cottages, James's-street.

& Chancery-lane. Crane·lane. Chamber's-atreet. New·market.

Eigktcaweach.. Earl·street, South. Tbomas-street.

Nimcasu. CIAnhi'A,u;l.At:Nio>�



Ten ccuu.

Elevm Ccuu each. Golden-lane. Meath-atreet.

Thirtun caAU U&Ch.

Pimlico. Townsend-atreet.

&wnlun eMU. Thomaa'a-court.

Bighlun at8U. Bride-street..

Nine/an. MIU.


Thirty-th-ree caiU. Coo m be.

Ttcenly-8i7: ctUU.


105 Streete, 1 cue each. 32 2 caaea ..

c-. c-. ea--13 Ardee .. trMt, 3 4 Earl-atreet, S. ::1 25 Thomas-court, 6 16 Bonham-at.. 3 6a. .. .. 4 147 ThoruRS-st.


44 Bride-atret�t, 3 137 Francia-street, 4 3 WeUingtoo.-quay, 3 54 Brunaw'k-at. N. 3 132 7 9 Wa.ll'a-lane,


18 Hi..tbop-atreot.. 4 11 Fumbally'a-le. 4 15 Weaver-square, 3 2 Byrno'e-cottages,3 12 Golden-lane, 4 33ManowOOne-lono,"

23 Dloomt"ld-park,:J 14 Ja.mea'at:reet, 3 11 New-market. 3

7, 7 16 . , 6 26 3 32 Coombe, 3 10 Kevin-at., Lr. 3 20 Peter-street, 24 1 Poole'e-eottagea, 40 Pimlico, 33 Summer-street, 3 7 Parnell-plllce, 49 Toole'&-court, 3 39 Ryan'a-eott.ogel• 89 .. 6 186 Townaend-at. 7 ofT Jam•'•·•t. 2 Clareoce..atreet, 3 3 Thoma.s-court, 3 '2-& Earl-•treet. E. S 14

Boy•' Home,


c-. . c-. - 6 Nurse's Home, U.sher'a-quay, 1

Coombe Hoepital, Cork-alifeet Hospital, ElliottHome, Kilmainh&m Prison, -MllDiter Bank,

- 1 Roy. Rib. Military School, I - 9 South Dublin Union, 106 - 16 St.. Anne'• Home, - 2

1 St. Joaeph's Convent, 2 St. Mark'• Hoapital, - 2

Meath Hoapital, St. Vi.Dcent'• Hoapital, - 1 Natiooal Orthopedic HOepita.l, Night Refuge,

Wesley College, - - 1 WestmorelandLockHospital, 1

Ballymorgu, Clondalkin, Donnybrook, Dundrum, Dolphin'• Barn, Enniakerry,

1877-8, 1878-9, 1879-80, 1880-81, 1881-2, 1882-3, 1883-4, 1884-5,

c-. 1 Inchicore, 2 Rathmines,

Queenatown, Co. 'Cork,

�gsend, Ranelagh,

c-. 3 Rathfarnham, 4 Miltown,

Kilmainham, 1 Sa.ndymount,


10·52 20.22 17.25 14•53

9·82 9·15

12·85 11·79

c-. 7


T.uu Ill.-BMwi,.g" tlu Number of .tfdmiuion.s of the Principal .Di.&uuu, and tJu N1tmlxr of .DcaUt. among tlu Caau tl't4ied to • TerminaJ.ion.jor tile !fMr ending March. Sl, 1885.

_::_illlltitt!JJ 111W� April, 20 I t - � t 8 I 1 1 t / -· t May, - 10 12 1 1 t•-·

JIID.. - 0 .J..:Iy, . ,....., . ._ .... , JaaDarJ, .. . ..........

' 1 • .. 11 I 1

- lT

. . 1 • �

11 10 1 1

•' - -1 - - , _,

-i -!

Mllftb. l t l 41M J3 1 1 - -1 �--1-f-1--- - - -*- - -,- :

t814·U, Ut 45 64 -tU 171 101 26 11 4 1 ll t '1 �-r---r---1-- ----j� � no '' u -ttD 11 12 n 1 a n ��..:: t.::;:-;,-, - - - - -lh lt U t - - - - 1

-,;;;;;;;;--1--1-- --r-r-� ,_, I uu,...., 201 1 H - 26 - I - - - . 11 I' - -1

---1-r--- --r-:-r---- -1--1 ow, .. 11 e - I - u • ! u • -�- - - , - j -_


TuLs IV.-..4MlyN of 1katM of OlUU M/M i� bey01Id lk«Nery, 1884-85.

- -- -- --- 1----- 1 lday Paoa.monir. DJiai'ODo.d.millloD.

21 boun Cz.wpowoPaeum. D,Jingono.dmiMioD. ldi.J' DJ'IIIgODadminioD.. l<L.r Dyia(o11adaUMio11. ld.&J TJphuo Dyi.agOl>&dmiuio:a.

lday �Lo.Uu Dp.tgoD...tmiMioD.

lda,- Typhuo Dyi.DIOIIowlm.I.MiOII.. 20ml:Dotee DyiajroRfldmlMioll.


I give this a&d record in accordance with cuatom-noting that the list ia aborter th&n WIDal. While I a m satisfied that it ill be� ter that such patient. should be even thus late tranafemd to ho.spital, the riak involved to numbera of livea by their too tardy

removal is greatly to be deplored. There need not now be any hesitation in sending in a � before the development of aymptom.i reudm a diagnoai.a assured, aince the observation wards give the patienta lllfficient aecllrity.


TABLE tlu .lJwJit.4 and CtJIUU of lkal/& alltJYII9Il IM

l'atit11Ls admitted during eac.\ moni.\ of IAe y«Jr 1884-85.

\ ·��

�April, r.t.r. Jq,

Jg!J, .... ..,... "" No ... ""'· J-.... .......

l W j � . J ·I- I . - • 1 1 - -

r· I - I - I -

r . - . I

0 I .

t - I I - -

1 1 ! I!! J /�!I1J I� /1fl f /JI/1I �I o - - - 1 II_J_ �- � - � -�- � : 1 2 I - - - - I - - � -;- j - ! I I - - - - - - - -!- -�1 1 1 - - - - ·- - - -! -j- . I - - - - - - - - _IT I

I I 2 - - - - - - I I - � - =' I - - - - - - - - - -

1 I - I - - - - - 11-1- ::

I I I I - - - - - - - - r· : = � � = = = = = =,+ I rl I - I - - - - - - - -�1 10

I I l l -

t! ,i ,! .. ...... 11 . .. .. ' . . I I I ·� L±UJU_j__. I �



80XJU.llY POR T&N YUBB. -... ,_ -- � ... ---.

... 1171� ::: .. '" ... .•. 117.._7 :l = ... .... 1171 ... . .. ... .,. .. 111 ..... ':: * n: '" .,.., ""-- .. 4N ...... . .. 1: '" ... 1 .. 1-1 ... :: .. ... .......

e :: ... ... ..... :: .. .... ...... .. .


Slt.ol#i•I!J tM Nu>nJHr Admitted a•ul Dead of Tuphru Fevttr, of lKHA �. and at different Agu, for tM !ldar Mdillfl Mard!. 31, 1880

• I - I - 'u ....... , ... 1 1-1 -21 ! - - � ll ... duod.,.UI 251 - -" :,: 11_!- i" " " • '"'

sl:z'i:: s 118711

• I ! l4285 I I 1 :loo- . ISO 1 I I JlOO' Total, --,;-!----;-1------:.67 �. Total, --g;-iJSfli:e$

Tol&l No. Ad..t!:litted, UD I To&&l No. D>ed, 181Peroen•!ofortality, 12

T.lB!.BVlii. SIIOUting tlt.e Number A.Jmilltxl ancl Dead of Ettlerie Ft�Jtl', of botlo &xu,

and at different A!JU,for the Year endi>l!f Mardo 31, 1885

1------,--,-,---11------,-,--,--! 1 ••• .� •·· ·-.. 1·· ···1 •• 1·-,1 ... llot<l.l Dleol. --·· llllltMd. Dlod... .......... �.1 •I- ! - I u •• w. ... - I g - ! - I 6..,dUllderl6 : : I : ' .:�· :: .. I

�-� --;;--�� 11�4 : 80 To� : -ii--� 15: : ToW No. A.dmiUod, 461 Tol&l No. Died,

24 T�•l.X.

Slw11:h�g tho Number_ Admitted and Dead of Pneumonia, of bc.llll 8uJtJI. and al dl§em.J ogu, for the year efKling March 31, 188:J .

.... ·-:/J::./� Ci acd UDJtr 15 li &Dd wadw 11

- � - ! � ·:! I" , .

.. .. : /.:J To\&1 No., 101 I Total No. Died,

Too.l, ... ,. ' / "• 1 T.uu •• X.

8Mr�ifl!l tlut Nt� Admittetl artd Dtafl of &arid FtiDtlr, of bolll &nit and oJ dife�llt A!J•, /<W tlut Year endi•lfl Mar-eh 31, 188.5.






AJlea,!Uchud .Allli>.�.J&:J �WI,Lord,l888'U, .&.rdUaa, LoN, 1884'85, •.. �...?:':'d:"It.".R.A.·�·� O<>Mumen'G .. Co. ArooU.!i:Co. A.adRws, Mro. A.U..,S"'JJh.., Aadno--Co. Bnl-,'nlomM411Co. nu .... wn.u" eo. Bn>o�<-.o .... ,a;ao... Bn>ob,Geo. ,,. Bn>ob, no- a; Co., LW. :en..a:sp��.-. ... Bo;J:Ie. Low, Mumr.y a: Co ••..

Bailey, .lolm "' llaniap>11,8hJ'ohn, D.L. J.P. Bwka,Willlam ti:d�'r.B.

:e"!.i.����� l!.troiii,Hut\oa&C... Bewle:r, Samu.J, • eo. ::.���� Bobbett_Willlam Bll!'ko, Edw...t 6J"olua

£ •. d. ' . 0 ' ! 0 ' 0 ' 0

� 0 0 0 0

' 0 0>0 0 I 0 0

! ! 0 0 0

I 0 0 I 0 0 I ' 0 ' ' 0 OJO 0 2 2 0 I 0 0 ' 0 0 . . 0 ' 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 ' 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 8 . 0

Br.rikoflreluul, .. 0 0

:..�:·��-�- '" 0 ' ' 0

� g g c.. I 0 0

' ' 0 � g g Cooper,W.J. Cbambomo,Cb.ul ... I I 0

Co1clo"ah.Joba,a;So..., 010 0, M. H. � 0 ' Crofklll, O.llbo 0 0 c .... e, Ricb.ard ' 0 0 Ch&lldlee,Rich&rdS. ' ' 0 Doc:tn.U,Thomu,A;So11•,

Fo.._,.d, �

l>n.>llllaoad,W.,& So.,., DeeriD.,Luci.,.B,

�����R'�a ... 1u .. a: =�-per Dr. Wba"":�.' Edll!wul..,a.I<Co. E&aa, MichAal. Poneot,J .... ,.!i: S o-, Fo"une&Co. FiudJater,AI

,_Todd, FrieDd,per Friend,per R .... Todd, Fitqibbon, ... Fi���: D. Chandlee,

., � Fitqrerald, MilL " F!'eem&D'eJouroal."' Fenier, Pollook a: Co. Fift'-, E. J,

g::,�:-J.�a•Co. GatcheU, Ed•ud G. S.&W.Ra.i.l.way, Gil�y,W.AA. Gl-.oa,P.M. . .. Goodbody,J.&P., perJ.W.

Moore,M.D. Goodbody, R.& J, OreuaBroth_.,

Grimahaw, Dr. • •• G11i1>11eu, &.. E. C., Bart. D.L. GreahamHotal.Co. Genwd, Thomu BeDih&w,Ailred

H�tlklll, J. a: s�u. Hopper,Mra.perDr.J.Cba.p� H&11&bl011,Wilfrecl ... HJuo, B.,kCo.

£ •. .. 101 a � ' 0

' ' 0 ' � � ' ' ' ' ' � ' 0 0>0 0 I 0 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 g 0>0

� g ' 0 . 0 ' 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 Ill . . ' .

0 0 0 0 0· 0

' 0 ' 0 I 0

10 0 . 0 010 I 0 I � : ' 010 I '

FDr11.·<Ud, £i95i'12

•I li:Co. oc. Bodp.., .. .

Hoopilal Fete, :&li'R·bridga .. .

Ja.eob, W.kR. .Ja<��-.a.Joha,kSoo, J...oa, w.,lr.Co. J&a�-,Pica6C..

�n!!:.t. x ..... m,.,J . .tc. I.mbert, Briao 6Co. LMUe,P,A.,Ir.Co. �klb,'J'bomu,J.P. LJ11eb, Nlcbolu,. K.P. IAiolbert, T. D., V.S. La Touche, J. J. Dia-

Hoora,. Ald-, J.P. Mlddle-.ou,A.B.

�:. ��·lr.P.

�Q,��,W... Monatll,t-.....5. w-.,rn..cU,Q.C. �l.lllN-,Ade-,.._ Co. ... M�i�r. .. �t-� er��� T. P. uoft MaboD.y,Wn.\V.A.

M•Can,Jao.ll&u, M•Cora.., u.....,. .lolooo)tou..._, Sb• 1r. Co. M•Ooo...U,n.o.....,lr.Co. )l•m....y .. Co. loi'Co.M, w •. M�&.IMI,Atfoa, )I•Jte.W,T.,k&Q,

£. ... d. 1VIIll t

I 0 o 0 10 0 I 0 0 I 0 o ' ' 0 1 0 0 1 o ·o

I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0

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Nuh,IJoo ...... U-.jor I 0 0


Brt�t�gltt for-rd, ��-��rh

Pvkw,J.C. Palpn, Murphy k Co.

�-t�c:;.R. Perria., R!�li&rd PurKr, JobuT. Palkftoa, B., 11 Co. ··· Pim, RiduiN •·· Pim, Brotb ... &: Co� Limited,

Pwm!, Wi.ll.iNa, Samuel

Power, Joha,l: SoD.

TarMU.R.kJ, Tay�. a..-. I.. Todd.B..,..kCo.

WI,..�.J-.TC. Wileoo, JOMpb, D.L. Whia.,J .... Welr,Ja���•,ACo. WtJp<�loBro� W..&ND,Jodo ... W•bb.£lfrtd •••,J. a •eo., U..UMoJ, �=�0!-"eo. ... Wbi&., Boo.,., Borbourri�tr,

W....-ford, ... \Yade., :zt!;.;'� W�Adua

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