housing for all -overview - panihati...


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Housing for All - Overview

• Housing for All by 2022 approved by Cabinet on 17.06.2015

• Guidelines launched on 25.06.2015, Mission will beimplemented upto 31.03.2022.

• Mission to cover all 4041 statutory towns and beneficiariesbelonging to EWS, LIG categories. All statutory cities/ townswill be covered.

• Mission has four components:� “In situ” Rehabilitation of slum dwellers using land as a resource� “In situ” Rehabilitation of slum dwellers using land as a resource

through private participation.

�Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS).

�Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP)

�Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction orenhancement.

• Credit Linked subsidy component is Central Sector Schemewhile other 3 to be implemented as Centrally SponsoredScheme.

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Mission Highlights

• Housing shortage estimated at 2 crore (West Bengal 13.3 lakh) but exact

scope of the mission to emerge after demand assessment

• States/UTs may decide a cut off date for eligibility of beneficiary needs to

be resident of that urban area.

• Beneficiary defined as a family comprising husband, wife and unmarried

children. Further, Beneficiary should not have any pucca house anywhere

in India to be eligible to receive support under the mission.

• EWS category defined as a family with specific income. State have theEWS category defined as a family with specific income. State have the

flexibility to redefine the annual income criteria as per local condition in

consultation with the central Govt.. Decision in this regard will be

communicated shortly.

• Size of EWS house carpet area 30 Sq M., States to have flexibility but

Central assistance fixed

• Project approval at state level by SLSMC headed by Chief Secretary.

• Aadhaar Card/Bank Account Number/PAN Number (if available) required

from beneficiary or a certificate of house ownership from Revenue

Authority of beneficiary’s native district.

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Housing for All: Options

Slum development

�In-situ using land as a

resource with private


Affordable Housing

through credit link


�Subsidy for EWS and

LIG for new


Affordable Housing

in Partnership

�With Private sector or

Public Sector including


Subsidy for



�For Individuals ( EWS

category ) for new House

or enhancement


Slum Development

resource with private


�Extra FAR/FSI and TDR

if required

�GoI Grant Rs 1lakh per


LIG for new




[email protected]% for EWS

and LIG for loans up to

Rs 6 lakh, calculated at

NPV basis

Public Sector including

parastatal agencies

�Central Assistance of

Rs 1.5 lakh per EWS

house in projects where

35% House for EWS


or enhancement

�Cities to prepare a

separate integrated

project for such


�Central assistance of

Rs 1.5 lakh per


Beneficiary can take advantage under one component only

Non slums Urban Poor + Future Urban Poor

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Implementation ProcessImplementation Process

• Signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) and selection of

Cities; Initially to focus on 500 Class I Cities

• Credit linked subsidy component of the mission to be implemented

in all the statutory towns right from the beginning i.e. 17.06.2015.

• Demand survey in selected cities as per format in Guidelines

(Annexure 4 at pg. 29-31). States/UTs can collect more information

from beneficiaries if required by themfrom beneficiaries if required by them

• Demand survey should have beneficiary details including unique

Identification Number like Adhaar Card, Voter ID Card or such other

number or a certificate of house ownership from Revenue

• Beneficiary information to include mobile number for

communication with beneficiaries.

• Demand survey to result into the housing needs of the city

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• States/Cities to consider possible temporary migration from rural

areas to city for only availing advantage of scheme and exclude such

migrants from list of beneficiaries while validating demand survey.

• Prepare Housing for All Plan of Action (HFAPoA) containing

demand of housing by eligible beneficiaries in the city alongwith

the selected interventions.

• Housing for All Plan of Action (HFAPoA) of the city to have two

components: Slum dwellers and Other Urban Poor

For Slums:For Slums:

–Data collection for all slums, to utilise existing plan and data

–Analysis of slum data to list tenable and untenable slums

–Examine financial and technical viability of tenable slums for

redevelopment of slums through private participation using land as

a resource

–State to consider additional FSI/FAR, TDR, relax density norms

–To categorised tenable slums as financially viable or unviable.

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– Viable slums: Phasing over the Mission period, Preparation of DPR

and inclusion in HFA

– Unviable slums and ineligible slum dwellers in viable slums: Other


• For Other Urban Poor :

–Demand assessment and validation of beneficiaries

–Categorisation of intended beneficiaries amongst available options

• Preparation of HFAPoA based on above assessment• Preparation of HFAPoA based on above assessment

• Based on HFAPoA, States/Cities to prepare Annual Implementation

Plans (AIPs) keeping in view available resource and priority. For the

1st year (2015-16) AIP will not be necessary.

• For larger cities, HFAPoA and AIPs can be prepared at sub city

(ward/zone etc.) level with the approval of concerned State/UT.

• The result of demand survey, draft HFAPoA, draft AIP and

beneficiary list to be discussed with the local representatives

including MLAs and MPs to integrate their views.

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• HFAPoA and AIP to be approved by SLSMC and submitted to

Ministry for assessment of overall plan and requirement of central

financial assistance

• HFAPoA should be reviewed yearly in view of implementation of

AIPs in the preceding years

• Based on HFAPoA and AIP and availability of resources, each city

will prepare Detailed Project Report (DPRs) under each

component of the Mission.

• All DPRs to be approved by State Level Sanctioning and

Monitoring Committee (SLSMC).

• Information of approved projects in prescribed formats (Annexure

7A-C in page 39-44 of the Guidelines) to be submitted to Ministry

for consideration and release of central assistance.

• Houses constructed/acquired under the mission should be in the

name of female head of the household or in the joint name.

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Fund Release MechanismFund Release Mechanism

AllAll 33 ComponentsComponents exceptexcept CLSSCLSS• Central Assistance to be released in 3 instalments –40%, 40% and 20%

with approval of CSMC

• On the basis of HFAPoA submitted to Ministry, requirements of financialassistance from GoI would be projected

• Annual Budgetary requirement to be assessed based on AIP submittedeach year by States

• States to submit AIP and details of projects approved by SLSMC underdifferent components for release of 1st instalment

• Subsequent instalments on 70% utilization of earlier releases• Subsequent instalments on 70% utilization of earlier releases

• Funds to be kept in separate account

• For the first year (2015-16) allocation for West Bengal has been indicated[Rs. 307.00 crore]

CreditCredit LinkedLinked SubsidySubsidy SchemeScheme• Advance subsidy release to CNA

• Subsequent instalments on 70 % utilization of earlier amounts CNA torelease the subsidy amount to PLIs in 4 instalments based on the claims onthe total loans disbursed.

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Mandatory Conditions for StatesMandatory Conditions for States

• Dispensing the need for separate Non Agricultural (NA) Permission if

land already falls in the residential zone earmarked in Master Plan of city

or area.

• Prepare/amend their Master Plans earmarking land for Affordable


• Single-window, time bound clearance for layout approval and building

permissions at ULB level.

• Adopt the approach of deemed building permission and layout approval• Adopt the approach of deemed building permission and layout approval

on the basis of pre-approved lay outs and building plans for EWS/LIG

housing or exempt approval for houses below certain built up area or plot


• Either legislate or amend existing rental laws on the lines of model

Tenancy Act being prepared by Ministry.

• Provide additional Floor Area Ratio (FAR)/Floor Space Index (FSI)/

Transferable Development Rights (TDR) and relaxed density norms for

slum redevelopment and low cost housing, if required.

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Institutional MechanismInstitutional Mechanism

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Capacity Building ActivitiesCapacity Building Activities

• Formation of State level Technical Cell (SLTC) and City level Technical Cells (CLTC)

with the approval of CSMC

–SLTC with 5-10 professionals and CLTC with 2-4 professionals

–Central assistance @75:25 and @90:10 in case of NE and special category States

• Activities for Preparation of HFAPoA

–Central assistance @ 75:25 and @ 90:10 in case of NE and special category


–Funds already released for preparation of SFCPoAs under RAY to be utilised

before claiming support under HFAPoAbefore claiming support under HFAPoA

• Mission will empanel Resource Centres for providing training and to undertake

other activities.

• State may also empanel Resource Centres with prior approval of CSMC for

specialised needs All CB and IEC activities approved by CSMC would be fully

funded by Ministry

• Norms regarding per capita cost etc. of various activities to be determined by


• In the interim norms under earlier schemes would apply.

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Third Party Quality Monitoring Agencies (TPQMA)

• States to engage Third Party Quality Monitoring Agencies (TPQMA) to

ensure quality of construction under various components

• Central assistance @ 75:25 and limited upto 3 visits in each project

• States to draw up quality monitoring and assurance plans

• Quality monitoring plans to be submitted for approval of CSMC after due

approval of SLSMC

Social Audit

• Mission to assist States in undertaking social audit

• 100% financial assistance for social audit with the approval of CSMC.

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• Industries to plan and make provision for accommodation facilities forall its employees whether contractual or permanent

• Railway to undertake housing for poor including slum dwellers on itsland in its transit area development –Letters have Minister of Railwaysand Secretary (Railways) to take up the issue of slums on their land

• Other land owning central govt. agencies shall also contribute byproviding land and undertaking housing construction activities for poor

–Ministry of Food Processing Industries has communicated that theguidelines of the Mission has been bought to the notice of all State/UTguidelines of the Mission has been bought to the notice of all State/UT

• MoUD to converge civic amenities and infrastructure development infringe areas of cities under AMRUT to make more land available forhousing

• Smart city to also include adequate provision for EWS housing

• State to utilise Construction Worker Welfare Fund for creatingadequate stock of affordable/rental housing – Direction issued byDirector-General (labour Welfare) under Section 60 of BOCW(RECS) Act1996 that the States/UTs should create rental housing stock for workersas welfare measure dated 5th August 2015.

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Technology SubTechnology Sub--MissionMission• Set up to facilitate adoption of :

• – Modern, innovative and green technologies and building material for faster and

quality construction of houses

• – Layout designs and building plans suitable for various geo-climatic zones

• Will work on: i) Design & Planning ii) Innovative technologies & materials

• Green buildings using natural resources and iv) Earthquake and other disaster

resistant technologies and designs.

• Assist State/Cities in deploying disaster resistant and environment friendly


• Will coordinate with various regulatory and administrative bodies for :• Will coordinate with various regulatory and administrative bodies for :

• – Mainstreaming and up scaling the deployment of modern construction


• material in place of conventional construction and

• – Use of green and energy efficient technologies, climate changes etc.

• Centre and State/UT to partner with willing IITs, NITs and Planning & Architecture

institutes for developing technical solutions, capacity building and handholding

• State or region specific needs of technologies and designs would also be

• supported under this Sub-Mission.

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Activities to be taken up immediately as per timeline fixed

by Government of India and Present status

• Identification of SLNA –15.08.2015 : Already identified SUDA as SLNA.

• Signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Ministry –

31.08.2015: Already signed by State Government and sent to Ministry.

• Selection of Cities –31.08.2015: Already selected and sent to

Government of India.

• Demand assessment of selected cities –30.09.2015: To be taken up from

15th to 30th September, 2015.15th to 30th September, 2015.

• Formation of SLTC and CLTC for selected Cities –30.09.2015 – In


• Preparation of HFAPoA for selected cities and sent to the Ministry

by 31.10.2015 utilising the existing SFCPoA and data collected therein

-HFAPoA to be prepared in two phases i) Ph-I - for Cities /towns

already prepared SFCPoA or in advance stage of preparation of SFCPoA

by 15th October, 2015 and ii) Phase-II - other cities/ towns by 31st Oct.


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• Preparation of DPRs/ Technical Appraisal/ Sanction of SLSMC – i) Phase-I

cities/ towns by 15.12.2015 ii) Phase-II cities/ towns by 31.12.2015.

• Forward details of projects approved by SLSMC to CSMC for release of

funds –31.12.2015 or earlier.

• Submit 70% utilisation of funds released for preparation of SFCPoA

Activities to be taken up immediately as per timeline fixed

by Government of India and Present status – contd...........

• Projects under affordable housing in partnership scheme prepared but

not submitted/cancelled under RAY can be taken up immediately

• Wide publicity of newly launched Mission

• States to put in place mechanisms for issuance of NoC to beneficiaries

under CLSS component.

• Implementation of project –January, 2016 onwards.

• Preparation of AIP for 2016-17 – February, 2016.

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Implement at State LevelAgencies to Plan and

•Nodal Agencies Designated by the StateGovernments for implementing, coordinationand reform related activities of the mission

State Nodal Agencies (SLNA)

State Level Sanctioning and

Monitoring Committee


•Headed by Chief Secretary for approval of action

Plans and DPRs

•Under chairpersonship of Mayor/Chairman forapproval of action Plans, Projects andimplementing, coordination and reformrelated activities of the Mission

City Level Missionimplementing, coordination and reformrelated activities of the Mission

•Urban Local Bodies, Development Authorities, Housing Boards etc. which areselected by State

Governments/ SLSMC for implementing HFA To be established at city/state level with

web based consolidation at MoHUPA level


Implementing Agencies

Grievance Redressal



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Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC)

• An inter-ministerial committee under Chairpersonship of Secretary (HUPA) for

implementation of the Mission, approvals there under and monitoring.

Indicative Functions of CSMC

• Overall review and Monitoring of the Mission

• Assessing resource requirement based on HFAPoA and AIP submitted by


• Approval of central releases under various components of the Mission

• Approval of Capacity Building Plans of States/UTs

• Devising financial and other norms for various activities undertaken as part of the


• Approval of Annual Quality Monitoring Plans, Social Audit plans etc.

• Any other important issues required for implementation of the Mission.

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Institutional Structure at State Level

• State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (SLSMC)

An inter-departmental committee under Chairpersonship of

Chief Secretary for approval of Action Plans and projects

under various components of the Mission.under various components of the Mission.

• Nodal Department – Municipal Affairs Department

• Nodal Agency – State Urban Development Agency (SUDA)

• State Mission Director – Director, SUDA

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Functions - SLSMC

• Approval of Housing for All Plan of Action (HFAPoA)

• Approval of Annual Implementation Plan

• Approval of DPRs under various components of the Mission

• Approval of Annual Quality Monitoring Plans • Approval of Annual Quality Monitoring Plans

• Reviewing progress of approved projects in the State and


• Monitoring of implementation of Mission

• Any other issues required for effective implementation of the


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Status of Existing SchemesStatus of Existing Schemes

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• ExtendedMission period ended on 31.03.2015

• Mission period further extended upto 31.03.2017 to

complete ongoing works

• Submission of Completion Certificate at the earliest


• Early completion of on-going projects sanctioned under• Early completion of on-going projects sanctioned under

RAY and work started, for which GoI has subsume

liabilities under RAY in new Mission .

• Projects approved under RAY but no work has been

started within March, 2015 stand cancelled. These

projects, however, can be taken up under new Mission as

per its guidelines and as per discretion of the concerned


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1) In1) In--Situ Slum ReSitu Slum Re--development development

• Using land as a resource with private participation

• Slums on Central Government land/State Government land/ULB land

–Slum rehabilitation grant of Rs. 1 lakh per house, on an average.

–Flexibility to States/Cities to deploy this central grant for other slums being


–States/Cities provide additional FSI/FAR or TDR to make projects financially –States/Cities provide additional FSI/FAR or TDR to make projects financially


–Land cost not to be charged by Central Govt. agencies

• Slums on Private Owned Land

- No Govt. Grant will be provided.

-States/Cities provide additional FSI/FAR or TDR to land owner as per its policy

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“ “ InIn--SituSitu” Slum Redevelopment Approach ” Slum Redevelopment Approach

• State/UTs shall decide:

–Eligibility criteria like cut off date etc. preferably through


–Beneficiary contribution

– allotment on ownership rights or on renewable, mortgageable

and inheritable leasehold rights basis

–Restriction on transfer–Restriction on transfer

• Identify all tenable slums and their parameters such as area,

available FSI, market potential etc.

• Examine financial and technical viability of all tenable slums for

redevelopment with private partner using land as a resource

–Consider additional FSI/FAR, TDR, relax density norms

–Mixed usage of land

–Cluster of slums as single project

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• Two Components:

–slum rehabilitation component: provides housing along withbasic civic infrastructure

–free sale component: available to developers for selling inthe market so as to cross subsidize the project

• Sale of “free should sale be linked component to thecompletion and transfer of slum rehabilitation component

• Only the required slum land to be given to privatedevelopers.developers.

• Consultations with Slum Dwellers’ A projects

• All financial and non financial incentives and concessionsto

• be declared priority in the bid document.

• Private partner to be selected through open biddingprocess.

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• Open bidding for the slum redevelopment project.

–Positive premium-Select highest positive premium developer.

–Negative premium-Select lowest negative premium developer.

• Implementing agency to make allotments to eligible slum

dwellers through a transparent process.

• Project developers to provide transit accommodation during

the construction period

• ULBs should have a single project account for slum• ULBs should have a single project account for slum

redevelopment projects.

• Single authority for formulating project and according

approval to projects.

• Financially unviable tenable slums can be taken up in later

phases or deficiency of houses can be taken up under other

components of Mission

• Untenable slums can be can be taken up under other

components of Mission.

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Strategy for Slum Redevelopment using Land as a Resource

List All Slums(Use Census 2011 as basis)

Use existing SFCPoA prepared under RAY

Collect data for all slums

Analyse Slum Datato

list Tenable andUntenableSlums

Untenable Slums

Tenable Slums

Adopt other strategiesavailable under Mission

Analysis of all tenable Slums to examine financial and

technical -vsitu”abilitySlumofredevelopment“inUnviabSlus Adopton other strategies to take care of PPP basis using land as a resource (consider additional housing needs in such slums

FSI/FAR, TDR etc. & other incentives at States/ULB


Viable Slums

Phasing of Slum Redevelopment over period of mission and development of projects and inclusion

in HFA

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• A demand side intervention

• Interest subvention on home loans taken by eligible urban poor (EWS/LIG)

for acquisition, construction or enhancement of house

• Interest subsidy of 6.5% available on housing loans of upto Rs. 6 lakhs

with tenure of 15 years for EWS/LIG, loans beyond Rs. 6 Lakhs at market


• Interest subsidy calculated on NPV basis @9% discount rate

• Subsidy credited upfront to the loan account of beneficiaries through

lending institutions

• Carpet area limited to 30 sq. m. and 60 sq. m. for EWS and LIG


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• Preference to Manual Scavengers, Women/widows, SC/ST/OBCs,

Minorities, differently-abled and Transgender subject to them being


• Self-certificate/affidavit as proof of income from loan applicant

• Central Nodal Agencies (CNAs) to channelize subsidy to the lending

institutions and for monitoring the progress

• –Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) and

• –National Housing Bank (NHB)

• PLIs can sign MoU with only one Nodal Agency

• PLIs to take NOCs quarterly from States/UTs or designated agency for

list of beneficiaries covered under credit linked subsidy to avoid


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• A supply side intervention

• To provide financial assistance to EWS houses being built in different

partnerships by States/UTs/Cities including private sector and


• Central assistance@Rs. 1.5 lakh per EWS house

• Affordable housing project eligible for central assistance

–At least 35% of the houses for EWS category

–Project of at least 250 houses–Project of at least 250 houses

• Allotment through transparent procedure as approved by SLSMC to

beneficiaries identified in HFAPoA

• Preference to physically handicapped persons, senior citizens,

SC/ST/OBCs, minorities, single women, transgender and other

weaker and vulnerable sections of the society

• Different models of private sector involvement prevailing in states

can be adopted by others.

• States/UTs to decide an upper ceiling of sale price for EWS houses .

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• EWS Categories to either construct new houses or enhance

existing houses on their own

• Central assistance @ Rs. 1.5 lakh per house

• Beneficiaries, in or outside slums, to approach ULBs with proof

of land/house ownership

• Kutcha/Semi pucca houses in slums not taken up for• Kutcha/Semi pucca houses in slums not taken up for

redevelopment can be covered

• ULBs to ascertain ownership of land, economic status and

eligibility etc. of beneficiary

• Socio-economic Caste Census (SECC) data to be used to verify

current housing status of applicant and consequent eligibility

• ULBs to prepare integrated city wide individual housing project

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• Individual applicants for assistance shall not be considered.

• States/UTs/Cities to ensure that GoI assistance is committed only

after balance cost of construction is tied up

• State/UT or cities may contribute financially

• Central assistance will be released to bank accounts of identified

beneficiaries through States/UTs

• GoI contribution to be released in proportion to the value of

construction in 3-4 instalments

• Last instalment of Rs. 30,000/- (20%) of GoI assistance to be

released only after completion of the house

• Mechanisms to track progress of such individual houses through

geo-tagged photographs.

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Steps in beneficiary-led construction or



Proposal to ULB for construction of new houseor enhancement [Para 7.1 of guidelines]

(land ownership,building

plan etc.)

Verification of the Beneficiary and

proposal by ULB or Implementing agency

Belonging to Slums not

being taken up for



plan etc.)

[Para 7.2 of guidelines]

Preparation of project by ULB/Implementing

agency based on applications from beneficiaries

(Ref para 7.3, 7.5, 7.6)

Submission of Project


Release of Central subsidy through State


Project information to CSMCApproval by SLSMC

Page 35: Housing for All -Overview - Panihati Municipalitypanihatimunicipality.in/pdf/pradhan_mantri_awas_yojana.pdf · Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction or ... –Demand



Page 36: Housing for All -Overview - Panihati Municipalitypanihatimunicipality.in/pdf/pradhan_mantri_awas_yojana.pdf · Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction or ... –Demand

Housing Shortage DistributionS No District Municipality / Municipal Corporation/NAA Shortage in Units

1 Darjeeling Siliguri 18479

2 Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri 5039

3 Murshidabad Murshidabad 4041

4 Burdwan Asansol MC 61594

5 Burdwan Durgapur MC 19416

6 Nadia Kalyani 4815

7 Nadia Gayeshpur 3005

8 North 24 Parganas Kanchrapara 4224

9 North 24 Parganas Halisahar 7525

10 North 24 Parganas Naihati 5461

11 North 24 Parganas Bhatpara 1784411 North 24 Parganas Bhatpara 17844

12 North 24 Parganas Garulia 4578

13 North 24 Parganas North Barrackpore 3475

14 North 24 Parganas Barrackpore 3756

15 North 24 Parganas Titagarh 6517

16 North 24 Parganas Barasat 12099

17 North 24 Parganas Madhyamgram 8070

18 North 24 Parganas Khardah 3721

19 North 24 Parganas Panihati 12187

20 North 24 Parganas New Barrackpore 2248

21 North 24 Parganas Kamarhati 8265

22 North 24 Parganas Baranagar 4421

23 North 24 Parganas North Dum Dum 10488

24 North 24 Parganas Dum Dum 2372

25 North 24 Parganas South Dum Dum 6353

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26 North 24 Parganas Bidhannagar 14923

27 Hooghly Bansberia 5407

28 Hooghly Hoogly-Chinsurah 5860

29 Hooghly Chandernagore MC 4809

30 Hooghly Bhadreswar 5464

31 Hooghly Champdani 6881

32 Hooghly Baidyabati 4865

33 Hooghly Serampore 4793

34 Hooghly Rishra 5874

35 Hooghly Konnagar 1277

S No District Municipality / Municipal Corporation/NAA Shortage in Units

Housing Shortage Distribution … Contd

35 Hooghly Konnagar 1277

36 Hooghly Uttarpara Kotrung 2452

37 Hooghly Dankuni 5412

38 South 24 Parganas Maheshtala 22326

39 South 24 Parganas Budge Budge 5104

40 South 24 Parganas Pujali 2516

41 South 24 Parganas Rajpur Sonarpur 12121

42 South 24 Parganas Baruipur 2346

43 Howrah Howrah 25365

44 Howrah Uluberia 19483

45 Kolkata Kolkata MC 170567

46 Bankura Bankura 9503

47 Bankura Bishnupur 3415

48 Bankura Sonamukhi 2001

49 Burdwan Burdwan 10695

50 Burdwan Dainhat 2032

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51 Burdwan Gushkara 3408

52 Burdwan Kalna 3090

53 Burdwan Katwa 5016

54 Burdwan Memari 2441

55 Birbhum Bolpur 5515

56 Birbhum Dubrajpur 3060

57 Birbhum Nalhati 3645

58 Birbhum Rampurhat 4247

59 Birbhum Sainthia 4225

60 Birbhum Suri 5030

61 Cooch Behar Koch Behar 4201

S No District Municipality / Municipal Corporation/NAA Shortage in Units

Housing Shortage Distribution … Contd

61 Cooch Behar Koch Behar 4201

62 Cooch Behar Dinhata 2319

63 Cooch Behar Haldibari 1336

64 Cooch Behar Mathabhanga 1158

65 Cooch Behar Mekhliganj 843

66 Cooch Behar Tufanganj 1052

67 Dakshin Dinajpur Balurghat 6664

68 Dakshin Dinajpur Gangarampore 3381

69 Darjeeling Darjeeling 3594

70 Darjeeling Kalimpong 1420

71 Darjeeling Kurseong 1245

72 Darjeeling Mirik N.A.A. 674

73 Hooghly Arambagh 3146

74 Hooghly Tarakeswar 1336

75 Jalpaiguri Alipurduar 3763

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76 Jalpaiguri Dhupguri 2929

77 Jalpaiguri Mal 2163

78 Malda English Bazar 9191

79 Malda Old Malda 4668

80 Murshidabad Beldanga 2097

81 Murshidabad Berhampore 9217

82 Murshidabad Dhulian 8398

83 Murshidabad Jangipur 5656

84 Murshidabad Jiaganj-Azimganj 5316

85 Murshidabad Kandi 3869

86 Nadia Birnagar 2526

87 Nadia Chakdah 5569

S No District Municipality / Municipal Corporation/NAA Shortage in Units

Housing Shortage Distribution … Contd

87 Nadia Chakdah 5569

88 Nadia Coopers Camp N.A.A 2636

89 Nadia Haringhata 4204

90 Nadia Krishnanagar 9645

91 Nadia Nabadwip 8083

92 Nadia Ranaghat 4334

93 Nadia Santipur 10761

94 Nadia Taherpur N.A.A 2043

95 North 24 Parganas Ashoknagar-Kalyangarh 10037

96 North 24 Parganas Baduria 5068

97 North 24 Parganas Basirhat 7889

98 North 24 Parganas Bongaon 9732

99 North 24 Parganas Gobardanga 5305

100 North 24 Parganas Habra 8272

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101 North 24 Parganas Taki 3051

102 Paschim Medinipur Chandrokona 1721

103 Paschim Medinipur Ghatal 3519

104 Paschim Medinipur Jhargram 4595

105 Paschim Medinipur Kharagpur 20682

106 Paschim Medinipur Kharar 751

107 Paschim Medinipur Khirpai 1462

108 Paschim Medinipur Midnapore 9480

109 Paschim Medinipur Ramjibanpore 1492

110 Purba Medinipur Contai 4685

111 Purba Medinipur Egra 3495

112 Purba Medinipur Haldia 8656

113 Purba Medinipur Panskura 4773

S No District Municipality / Municipal Corporation/NAA Shortage in Units

Housing Shortage Distribution … Contd

113 Purba Medinipur Panskura 4773

114 Purba Medinipur Tamluk 3943

115 Purulia Jhaldah 1746

116 Purulia Purulia 7517

117 Purulia Raghunathpur 1737

118 South 24 Parganas Diamond Harbour 3128

119 South 24 Parganas Joynagar-Majilpur 2493

120 Uttar Dinajpur Dalkhola 2584

121 Uttar Dinajpur Islampur 3999

122 Uttar Dinajpur Kaliaganj 4097

123 Uttar Dinajpur Raiganj 10066

124 Murshidabad Domkal

Census Towns Census Towns 399382

Total Urban West Bengal 1330005