how adolph hitler convinced a nation to exterminate millions of people

HIDDEN ROAD TO THE HOL OCAUST How Adolph Hitler convinced a nation to exterminate millions of people.

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Page 1: How Adolph Hitler convinced a nation to exterminate millions of people

HIDDEN ROAD TO THE HOLOCAUSTHow Adolph Hitler convinced a

nation to exterminate millions of people.

Page 2: How Adolph Hitler convinced a nation to exterminate millions of people

1920’s- 1930’s: Post WWI

Europe is devastated physically and economically.

Germany has been humiliated by having to admit to causing WWI and having to pay huge sums of money for the damages.

German people are without jobs and their military is very small and weak.

Page 3: How Adolph Hitler convinced a nation to exterminate millions of people


Dictatorship is on the rise in Europe. Control by force and rule by sole power. Made promises to help the countries and

people rise to greatness again. Earned the trust of the people and then took

over leadership. Created huge militaries to support them.

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Dictators in Europe


Italy Russia

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Adolph Hitler•Served as a German soldier during WWI.•Charismatic person and dynamic speaker.•Validates peoples fears and concerns over the economy.•Exploits their humiliation after WWI.


Page 6: How Adolph Hitler convinced a nation to exterminate millions of people

Hitler’s Rise to Power

1921- Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party. (Nazi Party)

Called himself the Fuhrer.

1933 Becomes the Chancellor (leader) of Germany .

Ends democracy and begins totalitarian rule.

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Rise of Germany1933- Hitler holds speeches, rallies, and parades building national pride in Germany.

He creates jobs and improves the economy winning the trust of many.

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Anti Semitism

He begins to talk about one supreme race publicly.

He blames the Jews, Slavs, homosexuals, handicapped, and mentally ill people of all the problems in Germany.

1933 orders a boycott of Jewish Stores and sets up the first concentration camps.

He encourages Jewish people to leave Germany for good.

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St. Louis•Ship sailed form Germany to Miami•740 of 943 passengers has U.S. immigration papers•U.S. Coast Guard would not let anyone into U.S.•Ship was forced to return to Europe•More than half died in the Holocaust

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The Mastermind

Hitler starts small with little things to brainwash the public in believing that Jews are an inferior race.

Over time people believe his claims and are complacent when he begins killing off the Jewish population. Euthanasia

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Nuremberg Laws 1935•Took away citizenship rights of Jews. •Jews can’t marry outside their religious group. •Military seized Jewish property. •Moved Jewish families to ghettos

• To be taken to camps when ready

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Kristallnacht1939 A night of terror when the Nazi’s destroyed Jewish businesses by smashing windows, looting, and setting fires. 30,000 Jews are taken to concentration camps.

Night Of Broken Glass.

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Concentration Camps•Labor or “re-thinking” camp•Originally for political opponents and protestors then expands to undesirables•Arrived and had to shave their heads and have a number tattooed on their arm. •Camps were in remote areas in the countryside

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The Camps



Told they were going to make war supplies and help with the war effort.

Most were killed within hours of arrival.

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The Final Solution 1940: Hitler built death camps with gas chambers and

crematoriums. Exterminate as many and as quickly as possible.

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The most famous of all the camps. A labor camp as well as a death camp. Over a million Jews were killed at this

camp alone.

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Liberation and Legacy

Camps are freed after the war. By that time 6 million Jews have

been killed and millions of others.