how angulardart & firebase did an app together

How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together Jana Moudra @Janamou #dfua

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Post on 29-Jan-2018




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Page 1: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together


AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

Jana Moudra @Janamou #dfua

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Page 3: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together
Page 4: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart, Elm,...

React, Angular, Ember.js, Preact, Vue.js, …


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Page 6: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together
Page 7: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

For building Web browser, server, command line, and mobile apps

Page 8: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

flutter.ioFlutter talk

Saturday, 10:10

For building Web browser, server, command line, and mobile apps

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Page 10: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

But hey, isn’t Dart dead?


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Sunday night...

Dart 2.0 is close...

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Easy to learn

Optionally vs statically typed

Compiles to JavaScript

Tons of libraries in the SDK

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main() {

print("Hello #DFUA 2017!");


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// Is null no undefined

var sum;

// Tools warn you

int count = "Jana";

Page 15: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

// Cascade operator

Dog dog = new Dog() = "Andy"

..age = 8;

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this is always this

no need to fix it!

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+ =

? ?? ??

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is using it!

Jana Moudra @Janamou #dfua

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$$$ at Google

Page 21: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

AdWords, AdSense, AdMob

Millions of lines of code

25-100% increase in development speed

at Google

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Componeeeeeents FTW!!!

Page 23: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

Simple & reusable

Not only viewServices Router

Directives HTTP Pipes Forms Components Testing

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Great apps need a backend!

Page 25: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

NeededLots of implementation

Database, File Upload, User accounts, Anonymous user, OAuth,

Hosting ...

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For a simple app...

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Hello Firebase!

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Realtime Database


Cloud Storage


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Jana Moudra @Janamou #dfua

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Include Js SDK




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<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>AngularDart + FB = ♥ demo</title> <meta charset="utf-8">

<script src="firebase.js"></script>

... imports for Dart scripts and others






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<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>AngularDart + FB = ♥ demo</title> <meta charset="utf-8">

<script src="firebase.js"></script>

... imports for Dart scripts and others






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import 'package:angular/angular.dart';


selector: 'my-app',

templateUrl: 'app_component.html',

directives: const [ ... ]


class AppComponent {

// Here is the implementation



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import 'package:angular/angular.dart';


selector: 'my-app',

templateUrl: 'app_component.html',

directives: const [ ... ]


class AppComponent {

// Here is the implementation


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<div id="container">








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<div id="container">







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selector: 'notes',

templateUrl: 'notes_component.html',

directives: const [CORE_DIRECTIVES])

class NotesComponent {

List<Note> notes = [];

// We need to retrieve notes somehow}


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selector: 'notes',

templateUrl: 'notes_component.html',

directives: const [CORE_DIRECTIVES])

class NotesComponent {

List<Note> notes = [];

// We need to retrieve notes somehow}

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<div id="notes">

<div *ngFor="let note of notes">

<h3 *ngIf="note.title?.isNotEmpty">










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Sign in with Google

Read from realtime database

Save to realtime database

Upload to storage

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import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart';


var provider = new GoogleAuthProvider();

try {

await auth().signInWithPopup(provider);

} catch (e) {

print('Error in sign in with Google: $e');



signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, pass)


Page 42: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

Structure the data{

"notes" : {

"-KUsbAq6445-ynO4lg6Z" : {

"img_url" : "dart.png",

"text" : "Is awesome!",

"title" : "Dart"





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List<Note> notes = [];

DatabaseReference dbRef = database().ref("notes");

dbRef.onChildAdded.listen((e) {

DataSnapshot data = e.snapshot;

var val = data.val();

Note note = new Note(val["text"], ...);

notes.insert(0, note);


onValue onChildRemoved

onChildMoved onChildChanged

Page 44: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

DatabaseReference dbRef = database().ref("notes");

try {

await dbRef

.push({"text": "New note!!!"})


} catch (e) {

print("Error in writing to database: $e");


Page 45: How AngularDart & Firebase did an App together

StorageReference stRef = storage().ref("notes");

File file = ...;

try {

UploadTaskSnapshot snapshot = await stRef




// Get url in snapshot.downloadURL

} catch (e) {

print("Error in uploading to storage: $e");


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Where should I put Firebase?

Component? Which?

Create a Service

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import 'package:angular/angular.dart';

import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart';



class FirebaseService {

List<Note> notes = [];


postItem(Note item) async { ... }

postItemImage(File file) async { ... }

signInWithGoogle() async { ... }


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import 'firebase_service.dart';



selector: 'my-app',

templateUrl: 'app_component.html',

directives: const [ ... ],

providers: const [FirebaseService])

class AppComponent {

// Here is the implementation


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import 'firebase_service.dart';



selector: 'my-app',

templateUrl: 'app_component.html',

directives: const [ ... ],

providers: const [FirebaseService])

class AppComponent {

// Here is the implementation


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class NotesComponent implements OnInit {

FirebaseService service;

List<Note> notes = [];



ngOnInit() {

notes = service.notes;



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class NotesComponent implements OnInit {

FirebaseService service;

List<Note> notes = [];



ngOnInit() {

notes = service.notes;



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<div id="notes">

<div *ngFor="let note of notes">

<h3 *ngIf="note.title?.isNotEmpty">










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object functionnull

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library firebase.app_interop;

import 'package:js/js.dart';

// Other imports...



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abstract class AppJsImpl {

external String get name;

external FirebaseOptions get options;

external AuthJsImpl auth();

external DatabaseJsImpl database();

external PromiseJsImpl delete();

external StorageJsImpl storage([String url]);



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abstract class AppJsImpl {

external String get name;

external FirebaseOptions get options;

external AuthJsImpl auth();

external DatabaseJsImpl database();

external PromiseJsImpl delete();

external StorageJsImpl storage([String url]);





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library firebase.database_interop;



abstract class DatabaseJsImpl {

external AppJsImpl get app;


external ReferenceJsImpl ref([String path]);




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Do I need to write this

manually?!TypeScript types definition file?

js_facade_gen library

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Wrapper around interop

Dart types


// How we use the library

try { await childRef.remove();} catch (e) { print("Error while deleting item, $e");}

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// Implementation in wrapper class

Future remove() => handleThenable(jsObject.remove());

Wrapper around interop

Dart types

Thenable to Future “magic”

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Wrapper around interop

Allow-interop solved

// Implementation in wrapper class

bool forEach(action(DataSnapshot snapshot)) { var actionWrap = allowInterop((d) => action(...)); return jsObject.forEach(actionWrap);}

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Wrapper around interop

Dart Map vs Js Objectnull, num, bool, String are okConversion through JSONFor Map or Iterable is js_util.dart

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+ =

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Productivity, performance, and stability

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“Backend without implementing backend”

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You can port any JavaScript library to Dart

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Thank You! Questions?

Jana Moudra @Janamou #dfua