how auliya help

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  • 7/25/2019 How Auliya Help


    How Auliya-Allah help from Grave ?

    Allah said in Quran:

    Verily, your Walee (Protector or Helper) is Allah, His Messenger

    , and the believers, - those who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), andgive Zakat, and they bow down.


    There is an hadith is there in virtue of Hazrat Ali (Rahmatullahi Allaih) regarding

    Shan-e-Nazul of this verse:



    { }

    : !



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    It is narrated by Ammr bin Ysir ( ) that a beggar came up to Al

    ( ) and stood beside him. He .was kneeling in prayer

    He pulled out his ring and he gave the ring to the beggar. Then Al

    ( ) called on the Prophet ( ) and told him

    the news. At this occasion, this verse was revealed to him: (Surely your (helping)

    friend is Allh and His Messenger and (along with them) are the believers who

    establish prayers, pay zakh and bow down (in humility before Allh Subhana Wa

    Taala ). Allhs Messenger ( ) read out the verse and said:

    One who has me as his master has Al as his master. O Allh! Be his friend who

    befriends him (Al) and be his enemy who is his enemy.


    1. Tabarn related it in al-Mujam-ul-awsat (7:129, 130 # 6228), al-Mujam-ul-

    kabr (4:174 # 4053; 5:195, 203, 204 # 5068, 5069, 5092, 5097), and in al -Mujam-

    us-saghr (1:65).

    2. Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it in al-Musnad (1:119; 4:372);

    3. Hkim, al-Mustadrak (3:119, 371 # 4576, 5594);

    4. Diy Maqdis, al-Ahdth-ul-mukhtrah (2:106, 174 # 480, 553);

    5. Haytham, Majma-uz-zawid (7:17), Mawrid-uz-zamn (p.544 # 2205);

    6. Ibn Athr, Asad-ul-ghbah f marifat-is-sahbah (2:362; 3:487);

    7. Hind, Kanz-ul-umml (11:332, 333 # 31662; 13:104, 169 # 36340, 36511);

    8. Khatb Baghdd in Trkh Baghdad (7:377).

    9. Hind has written in Kanz-ul-umml (11:609 # 32950):

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    Tabarn related this tradition from Ab Hurayrah ( ) and twelve

    Companions (RA),

    Imm Ahmad bin Hambal has related it from Ab Ayyb al-Ansr (

    .() and a larger number of Companions (RA

    Hkim has narrated it from Al ( ) and Talhah ( -) in al

    Mustadrak. Imm Ahmad bin Hambal and Tabarn have related this tradition

    from Al, Zayd bin Arqam and thirty Companions (RA).

    Ab Nuaym has copied it from Sad in Fadil-us-sahbah and Khatb Baghdd

    has copied it from Anas ( . (

    Khatb Baghdd has copied it in Trkh Baghdad (12:343) from Abdullh bin

    Abbs ( :) along with the words


    One who has me as his master has Al as his master.

    Now question that arises here is that how these Believers the friends of Allah

    (Auliya-Allah) help from grave ? how can they listen from far distance ? how can

    they see so long ?...etc.

    Before answering these Questions I would like to quote a hadith (actually it is

    Hadith-e-Qudsi) from Sahih Bukhari Shreef.

    Bukhari sharif Volume 8, Book 76, Number 509:

    Narrated Abu Huraira:

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    Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said, "Allah said, 'I will declare war against

    him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved

    things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon

    him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil

    (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I

    become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with

    which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks;

    and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will

    protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I

    hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to

    disappoint him."

    : :

    First of all note the starting words, Allah Said : I will declare war against him who

    shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. So its just a warning to those who

    deny the virtues the powers and the status of friends of Allah, and disrespect

    them and consider them as ordinary person and compare them with idols. So

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    those who keep these views regarding friends of Allah, Allah declare war against


    Now, one can imagine that to whom Allah declared war, he/she whether

    apparently looks like muslim and show knowledge of religion, actually tht person

    is Munafiq, and Allah has declared war against him/her.

    Always remember, we are not discussing friends of normal person or our friends,

    its the matter of friends of Allah, to whom Allah say that they are my Friends, so

    now they are not like or equal to status and position of ordinary person.

    Obviously because he is friend of Allah. So there is also warning in Quran as well :


    : !



    ( ) : !

    References: (From Siha-Sitta and other Books)

    : : 3 : 288 : 3527

    6 / 362 : 11236

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    6 / 486 : 8998


    Behold! verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve;

    So u can see before talking about friends (Auliya), Allah use word Khaberdar,

    Behold, Danger. Question comes why is that so ? Allah never use this word while

    discussing other issues in Quran, why now this word is use when matter of Auliya

    Allah is going to be discussed ?

    Remember! Danger word always use where there is really a danger, you go to

    power station and see sign of danger at different places, why they put it there ?

    just because, slight miss handling or mistake can take your life! So where there is

    danger to life, people put up danger sign board, similarly here when discussing

    Auliya Allah the friends of Allah all-mighty, slight miss behavior, disrespect and

    hatred (bay-adabi, ghustakhi) can take your Emaan!! That is why Allah warned

    everyone, that before discussing them behold be are going to talkabout Allahs friends these are not ordinary people!

    In a Hadith of Siha Sitta Prophet said :

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    : : ! :


    : : 2 / 1379 : 4119

    6 / 459 : 27640

    1 / 119 : 323

    24 / 167 : 423

    Coming back to Hadiht-e-Qudsi. After declaring war against those who donot

    believe in Auliya-Allah, Allah said :

    1. I become his sense of hearing with which he hears

    2. his sense of sight with which he sees

    3. his hand with which he grips

    4. his leg with which he walks

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    Always remember Allah is pak from hand, legs eyes etc, now what these word

    here mean ? for this I will explain it with two very simple examples if u

    concentrate and read it, you will easily be able to understand these words. Beforemoving on to explanation of Hadith-e-Qudsi, let us see Powers of a Wali (Asif Bin

    Berkhia) of Hazrat Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam Ummah, who was blessed with little

    knowledge of Book.

    [Surah Naml:38--40]

    When Hazrat Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam asked who can bring the Takht (throne) of

    Queen of Saba, then Asif Bin Berkhia a Wali who was blessed with little

    knowledge of Book, bring that takht within the twinkling of an eye! and the

    distance from court of Hazrat Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam and capital of saba (where

    that throne was) is not less than 1500 miles, and the throne was not lying in a

    jungle from where it had just to be fetched. It lay in a queen's palace, which must

    have been well-guarded, and in the absence of the queen it must have been kept

    in a secure place.

    As in verse :

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) () :

    ( )

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    One with whom was knowledge of the Scripture said: "I will bring it to you within

    the twinkling of an eye!" then when (Sulaiman (Solomon)) saw it placed before

    him, he said: "This is by the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or


    So just see, jisay kuch Ilm dia gaya us ki powers or Ikhtayarat or authorities ka ye

    alam hai kay he bought that throne from thousand miles within twinkling of an


    And Hazrat Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam said on this karamat that this is Allah's Fazal.

    Now just Imagine jis per Book ka sara ilm nazil huwa, jisay Allah nay Fazal-e-

    Azeem (sab say bara fazal) say nawaza us ki powers or authorities or us kay

    knowledge ka koi insaan andaza nahi laga sakta.

    Jis per Kuch fazal huwa, jis per fermaya :This is by the Grace of my Lord us nay itni

    azeem-o-shan takat ka muzahira kia, tou jis per Fazal-e-Azeem hai,

    Allah said 4:113:

    And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you (O Muhammad

    ). .. now can anyone in this universe even imagine the Powers and highness

    of Knowledge of Prophet ?

    Now well see how these Auliya, the friends of Allah help from grave and how the

    get the power ?

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    Explanation of Hadith Bukhari sharif Volume 8, Book 76, Number 509

    Example No.1:

    Take a piece of Iron, and put it into fire. Now you know it very well that iron (loha)

    has no power to burn things. Iron in normal state cannot burn others. But when

    placed in fire and when it got red, now it has the power the ability to burn things.

    It is still same piece of Iron, but why it is now able to burn other things ? just

    because this piece of iron has put itself to fire, fire has given it his power of

    burning to Iron, now iron can also burn others. In urdu we say iron nay apnay

    aap ko aag may fana kerdia, tou aag nay apni qualities iron mai daal deen jis say

    ab iron bhee dosri cheez ko jalanay kay kabil bangia.

    So kia iron fire ban gia ? or fire iron ban gaee ?

    Nahi, iron, iron haiaag aag hai, sirif huwa kia, aag nay apni quality apni property

    to burn iron ko bhee daydee, yani fire ki quality (to burn things) is appearing from

    a piece of iron.

    So similarly Auliya Allah the friends of Allah doing worship and performing lots of

    Nawafil, they kill there nafs, wo apnay aap ko Allah ki zaat may fana kerdaytay

    hain. Phir un say Allah ki sifaat ka zahor(izhar) hota hai.

    They do not become Allah! Just like iron does not became fire. Sirif hota ye hai

    kay Allah ki qualities ka zahor in Auliya say hota hai. That is why from hadith, Eye

    is of that wali that pious man, but power of watching is of Allah, ear is of that

    pious man, but power of hearing is of Allah, hand is still of that pious worshipper,

    but power in those hand is power of Allah, they do not become Allah

    (Naozobillah) but they become Mazhar (means zahir honay ki jaga) of Qualities of

    All-Mighty Allah.

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    Yani un ki bashri sifaat magloob hojateen hain or Allah ki sifaat ghalib aajateen


    When I pious worshipper the friend of Allah reached at this state, this stage is

    called Muqam-e-Faqr, or fana-fillah.

    And Holy Prophet said about it:

    Translation: "Faqr is my pride and Faqr is my heritage".

    That is why Allah called Prophets hand His Hand :


    ( !)

    ( ) () ( )


    Those who swear allegiance to you, swear allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is

    over their hands; so who-so ever breaks his oath, he breaks it to his own loss, and

    whosoever fulfils the covenant which he had made with Allah, then Allah shall

    soon give him a great Reward.

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    So we also got evidence from Quran.

    Now Ill explain this hadith-e-Qudsi with another more simpler example:

    Some people got influenced with Jinnat, logon per jin cherh jata hai, and this is a

    reality, which is proved from Quran. So when somebody got affected or

    controlled by a jin, then hands are still of that person, tongue is still same, but

    when he speak people who are watching say Jin is speaking.

    So is that man become a Jin ? or a Jin become a man ? No! neither man become

    Jin nor Jin is converted in to human, Man is still man, Jin is still Jin, na Jin insaan

    bana na insaan jin bana but what happens ? huwa ye kay Jin nay insaan ki

    properties or qualities ko block kerdia, and apni properties or qualities ko enforce

    kerdia, ab insaan ka dekhna Jin ka dekhna hai, Insaan ka bolna jin ka bolna hai.

    Insan insan he hai, mager Jin ki qualities or properties ka zahor insaan say ho raha


    So a Jin which is just a creation of Allah, jin has so power to takeover human then

    who can imagine the power of Allah ?... JIN jo ALLAH ki ek creature hai us kay aser

    or ghalib ajanay ka ye haal hain tou khalik jo ALLAH hai us kay aser or ghalbay ka

    kia haal hoga ? kay ALLAH tallah un kay bashiri osaaf qualities ko malghoob ker

    kay apni qualities ghalib kerdayta hai.

    That is why we say tht seeing of that person is from vision of Allah, hearing of that

    person is from hearing power of Allah and helping through their hands is helping

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    of Allah. They do not become Allah but from them Qualities and Allahs powers

    becomes appearing.

    Now answer to the questions and objections that how these Believers the friends

    of Allah (Auliya-Allah) help from grave ? how can they listen from far distance ?

    how can they see so long ?... are crystal clear.

    --Their vision is Allahs vision, so is there anything hidden from Allahs vision ?

    --Their hearing is Allahs Hearing, so that is why they can hear anyone who call

    them for help.

    --Their helping and power is Allahs help and power.

    So that is why we say and believe that these friends of Allah can help according to

    verse Maida:55. And our believe is all from Quran and Authentic Hadiths it is not

    fake and self made, those who think like it they might have miss understandings

    and confusions, because they use their own mind and sense infront of Quran and

    Hadith, they never try to see what Quran and Hadith are telling us.

    Or they miss interpret some hadiths and verses, and make false believe which

    results in contradiction in Quran and Sunnah.

    Objection : Some people will raise this objection so I am answering it in advance.

    They say that they have these powers when they were here in this world, now

    they have passed away so they cant listen help.

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    This objection is extremely illogical, baseless and senseless and shows the low

    standard of knowledge of those who raise such objections.

    Now to answer this, first those who raise this objection prove that Allah take back

    their powers (which Allah has bestowed on His friends in their apparent life) when

    Auliya Passes from this world!

    Secondly it is already proved from Quran and Ahadiths from Bukhari that after

    passing this world powers of listening seeing hearing increases rather getting

    decrease. Even a Kafir can listen more after his dead. and this is clear from hadiths

    of Bukhari and Muslim.

    Allah and His Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) knows the Best.

    Fi amanillah