how can i do rcm for compressor unit

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  • 7/28/2019 How Can I Do RCM for Compressor Unit


    How can I do RCM for compressor unit?

    12 days ago

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    Follow Song

    Song Weitao Commonly carry out following programm:

    1. clearly define function description of process system which compressor is on service,

    2. identify the criticality of compressor unit based on risk analysis(HSE & economic loss) if it occured

    functional failure;

    2. identify the dominant failure modes.

    3. produce the task list for preventing occurance of dominant failure modes, including PM task list,

    basic equipment contents,condition monitoring task list and shutdown overhaul task list with

    responsible party and schedule intervals.

    4. put the task list into your CMMS, so that they can be effectively implemented by execution team

    according to plan and schedule.

    5. Periodically review the reliability KPI of compressor, and update the failure mode inventory andtask list, so that continuously improve the compressor reliability.

    12 days ago Like6

    Follow Robert

    Robert Myers There is nothing different in the method of RCM's just in the information provided. If

    you have a current RCM program in place the information above is good or your normal procedural

    instructions for holding a RCM/RCFA

    12 days ago Like1

    Follow Ian

    Ian Woodstock Not sure how good the history in your CMMS on this compressor is. But something

    we did which follows on from the previous comment is to look at previous failures and analyse the

    root causes and then put in PM routines which will prevent breakdowns. Using your operational

    history can speed up this decision making process.

  • 7/28/2019 How Can I Do RCM for Compressor Unit


    12 days ago Like1

    Follow michael

    michael boken Typically the most common failures in reciprocating compressors are with the

    valves and rings. We supply condition monitoring systems for reciprocating compressors.

    [email protected]

    11 days ago Like1

    Follow Eiman

    Eiman Nosrati RCM is a method and it not depend on assets. Like always in the first step you

    should determine the functions. mybe following link can help you:


    10 days ago Like2

    Follow dan

    dan orfescu Grate information on the link provided by Eiman Nosrati.

    Also you may find more here:

    Bottom line your program will be good as much as the management will buy-in and support it.

    8 days ago Like3

    Follow Lester Philip

    Lester Philip Lualhati nothing more to say... thanks for the info in this post...

    8 days ago Like

    Follow Qadeer Ahmed, CMRP,

    Qadeer Ahmed, CMRP, PMP, M.Eng., MBA RCM is being used in different contexts now a days...

    but mainly RCM is a methodology to identify cause of functional failures of a system and developmaintenance tasks to avoid them..... The real process (streamlined0 is based on seven step process.

  • 7/28/2019 How Can I Do RCM for Compressor Unit


    What are the functions of the asset?, What ways can the asset fail to fulfill its functions? , What

    causes each functional failure? , What happens when each failure occurs? , What are the

    consequences of each failure? , What should be done to prevent or predict the failure? , What

    should be done if a suitable proactive task cannot be found?

    There is a great reference book... can be used to understand the complete method and its

    usage..RCM II: Reliability-centered Maintenance by John Moubray

    7 days ago Like2

    Follow Mohan Rao

    Mohan Rao Poduri P.S.Mohana Rao B.E; PGD SQC & OR, Chartered Engineer

    The defects we come across in compressors are three types.

    i) which reduce the output of the compressors

    ii) which necessitate stoppage of the compressor

    iii) Those defects which allow the compressor to deliver its output but if neglected lead to majorfailures.

    Excepting the sudden breakages most of the defects give prior indication. Based on the indication

    and previous breakdown history, we should draw our action plan. Regarding Valves we should have

    one set of valves as spare and should just be replaced. Attending to the valves, should be done later.

    The people working with compressor should be expalained about each part, its geometry, itsfunction so that they will be able to infer the problem immediately, once it rises.

    It should be remembered that over maintenance is as bad as under-maintenance.

    Depending upon how critical is the compressor we should make provision for spare capacity from

    other compressors.

    5 days ago Like2

  • 7/28/2019 How Can I Do RCM for Compressor Unit


    Follow Mohan Rao

    Mohan Rao Poduri My book on Safety & Efficiency of Compressors discusses these things in detail.

    I am pleased to inform that I conducted more than 350 training programmes on Air Compressors

    and Lifting Machines, in most of the states in India.

    2 days ago Like

    Follow Robert

    Robert Myers A little advice about social media networks like LinkIn and this question in

    particular. The questions asked are often good and in need of information and advice. The people

    who respond to the questions are often quite excellent in the information/advice they provide. I

    have issues with LinkIn in that we as humans try too hard to make simple solutions to complex. In

    this day and age we have a tendency to help people by providing them with too much information

    showing off our vast knowledge and self importance.

    Rule One: When helping an individual with a question, respond with a solution not a book of

    remedies that may not be of value to him. Dont force your opinion on the question, but provide

    experienced advice that guides the individual to the right solution. Try not to push programs or

    technology, just provide pros and cons. Dont overwhelm the issue with info.

    The other issue I have is the buyer beware info form vendors and contractors who often fill up the

    pages with advice about what they are providing, not necessarily a solution to the question. This is a

    new uncharted area for sales and they have job to do. All power to them, but do it in good taste and

    remember most of us have empty pockets (we work for those who have the money)

    Rule 2: Watch what is said and understand that like all media systems LinkIn is a source of sales and

    revenue to the business world. Watch what string is attached to the advice. You wanted advice and a

    solution, not a new car.

    1 day ago Like1

    Follow Pat

    Pat McCrory Hamid, firstly you should be suitably trained in the process so that you understand

    the principles of RCM so that you can understand what data and information you require to

    successfully complete the study. Compressors, in fact most major items of rotating equipment are

    fairly simple to analyse to the trained mind. Many types of equipmen items have been subjected toRCM so there may be someone out there with a 'generic' template, it's the analysis of auxiliary

  • 7/28/2019 How Can I Do RCM for Compressor Unit


    equipment and components that require the time and resource to complete the overall equipment

    maintenance stratey. However, if you use generic templates you must ensure that you review the

    contents and maintenance output in realtion to the operating context of your 'own' plant process,

    this is extremely important if you want your preventive maintenance programme to be specific to

    your needs. Remeber, RCM is not an acronym for 'really cuts maintenance'. and if used as the

    process was devised you will have a robust preventative and predictive maintenance strategy.

    1 day ago Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate

    Follow Don

    Don Doan There are many many ways to perform RCM -- But RCM is a living process it really

    cannot support a single asset is is designed for system analysis. Your can do a Failure Modes Effects

    and Criticality Analysis:

    1. Talk to the operators and maintenaqnce personnel - have them talk you through the following;

    a. Define the system that the compressor is used in:

    b. Perform a FMECA-- This has been dilineated in earlier comments (such as Mohan Rao's).

    c. Determine from the criticality of the compressor if additonal of less prevention is required to meetthe fuctionality of the system.

    Good Luck