how chasteberry tea can help treat your acne & give you glowing skin?

How Chasteberry Tea Can Help Treat Your Acne & Give You Glowing Skin?

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Post on 28-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine

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Caution: If you’re still using harsh over the counter products to treat acne, pimples, and skin scars, you’re at risk at causing further damage to your body and skin. Pimples or severe acne derives from toxins excreting from the body through the skin pores. Harsh chemicals and creams can further irritate the skin and cause future breakouts and irritation. Stop torturing your skin! It is time to fight acne from the inside out with all natural chasteberry tea, along with the other organic treatments that I’ve listed below.


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How Chasteberry Tea Can Help Treat Your Acne & Give You Glowing Skin?

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Caution If you’re still using harsh over the counter products to treat acne, pimples, and skin scars, you’re at risk at causing further damage to your body and skin. Pimples or severe acne derives from toxins excreting from the body through the skin pores.

Harsh chemicals and creams can further irritate the skin and cause future breakouts and irritation. Stop torturing your skin! It is time to fight acne from the inside out with all natural chasteberry tea, along with the other organic treatments that I’ve listed below.

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Stop eating foods that cause acne breakouts.

Have you ever been stuck behind a smelly trash truck? If you have, you know that it looks and smells disgusting. I really want you to think about all the trash you’ve been eating. Now, keep the image of the trash truck in mind, and understand that your body is steadily trying to rid itself of its toxins. You can help your body out by staying away from acidic foods such as alcohol, sugar, chocolate, fried foods, and sodas.

You can eliminate some of the trash by staying away from processed, greasy foods that encourage oil production and provides food for bacteria to fester and grow. Don’t think that you can get around it by substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners. They too contain toxins that can badly pollute and irritate your skin. Other foods that can trigger an allergic response are: wheat, sugar, chocolate, red meat and corn. So now, you’re probably thinking, what can I eat?

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Eat foods that will help cure your acne.

It is best to eat leafy green and or orange vegetables. I’ve written about how these vegetables are especially helpful with restoring skin because of their high level of carotenoids. If you’re a cola fanatic, slowly switch over to herbal teas and carbonated water. You want to slowly wane off caffeine simply because the side effects can be brutal. Eat plenty of nuts such as: almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, simply because they provide a great source of skin-healthy vitamin E and are rich in fatty acids.

Also, don’t forget to incorporate healthy protein choices such as beans, peas, lentils, eggs, and salmon. Keep in mind, meat products should be hormone and antibiotic-free. If you have a hard time eating all of your veggies, again I suggest that you invest in a Nutri Bullet. You can blend all of your veggies and seeds, and in minutes have a tasty, healthy, satisfying drink.

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What are the common causes of acne?

Pores that have been blocked and are infected commonly cause acne. Historically, teenagers between the ages of twelve and twenty-one were afflicted with acne. However, adults are starting to experience severe acne breakouts at alarming rates. Hormonal changes in teenagers can cause an influx of sebum to be produced. Sebum is a natural lubricant that works to keep the skin moist. However, when too much is produced it hardens and clogs up your skin’s glandular canals, resulting in ugly red bumps, or of pimples erupting around the body and face. Also, toxins that are trying to leave the body through the skin cause pores to become clogged, inflamed and infected.

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What are the common causes of acne?

This results in an increase of bacteria and yeast overgrowth. Inflammation that occurs deeper in the skin can result in the formation of nodules, cysts, and possibly scars. Harsh chemicals that are placed on the skin can

also cause acne. Most prescriptions drugs for acne are hard topical lotions and creams, which can cause dryness, redness, scaling, and sun sensitivity. These harsh chemicals not only disrupt your body’s natural

balance, but also kill off important good bacteria. This good bacterium actually fights infection and is needed for your skin to attain a beautiful healthy glow.

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What are some of the natural ways to treat acne?

Enclosed is a short list of suggestions. Please consult with your doctor before taken any herbs or trying any of the suggested home remedies.

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Take Vitex-Chasteberry Tea

Vitex-Chasteberry Tea is an excellent hormone balancer. It is most often used for acne formation and is effective for both men and women. Vitex Chasteberry Tea has been referred to as chaste tea for centuries, simply because it has been used by monks to help calm sexual desires. Don’t worry; I’ve taken precautious measures to protect your libido.

You can use chasteberry tea as a hormone-balancing herbal formula, tea or capsules for at least six weeks. Continue to take or drink the tea at the same dose as long as it remains effective. Women who are pregnant, nursing, or taking birth control pills should not take the capsules or consume the tea.

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Take Fish Oil

Fish oil is known to enhance the immune function. It helps the body to produce more white blood cells. Sadly, our bodies do not produce essential fatty acids; this is perhaps why we need to consume it through food or other supplements.

Fish can be very costly and time consuming to prepare. So as an alternative you can take fish oil capsules to help reduce acne and skin inflammation. Please keep in mind that it may take up to eight weeks to see a significant improvement in your skin.

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Take Some Zinc & Burdock Root

ZincIt is important to take 50 mg of zinc twice daily with your meals for three months. Then, you can reduce the dosage to 50 mg daily for long-term use. Zinc works best when it is taken in combination with copper. Zinc is one of the best minerals that can be used to treat acne. It not only works to reduce buildup of bacteria and yeast. It works to restore the skin by giving it a rich healthy glow. Be mindful to taken zinc sulfate, which is not readily absorbed by the body.

Take Burdock Root

I love Burdock Root! Burdock Root works as a blood purifier and a detoxifier. It also helps the body excrete waste more efficiently. Burdock Root has hormone-balancing properties that can help with acne breakouts, infections, and inflammation. Be sure to take 300 to 500 mg of the capsule form, or 1 cup of tea three times a


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Tea Tree Oil & vitamin A

Tea Tree Oil

Stop using benzoyl peroxide to treat your acne, pimples, or face scars. A 5% solution of tea tree oils diluted with water will do the trick. Tea Tree Oil fights acne without all of the side effects of benzoyl peroxide. So you can dab a little bit oil on the infected area and experience great results without the irritation or drying effect. Keep in mind; tea tree oil is quite potent, so be sure to test the solution on a small area of your skin, before you apply it to your face.

Get Your Vitamin A

Vitamin A is great for the skin and has been scientifically proven to reduce sebum production. You can take vitamin A to help clear your pores. However, the biggest problem with vitamin A is that high dosages are needed in order for it to be effective against acne. Also, taken large dosages of vitamin A may result in adverse side effects. Fortunately, there is a way around it. You can take lower dosages along with nutrients that work well for skin health such as: selenium, Vitamin E, and Zinc.

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Try some Dandelion RootTry Some Passion Flower and


Many adults are afflicted with acne because of stress. If you’re one of these adults who are experiencing a great deal of breakouts you may need to drink some passionflower teas. Drink tea daily when it is time to wind down.

Dandelion Root is a great alternative to a detox cleanse. It works to clean out the liver, which may very well be overtaxed with toxins. This herb also works as a gentle laxative and can help facilitate waste removal. Take 300 to 500 mg of Dandelion Root in the capsule form, or 1 cub of tea three times daily. Milk Thistle is also great for liver detoxification and can be used as an alternative or in addition to Dandelion Root.

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Lavender is a calming to the emotions and skin. It also

works to fight bacteria infection.


Chamomile works as an anti-inflammatory property and works to well to sooth the nervous system. You can

take the capsules by mouth. You can also sprinkle the

leaves in the bath, or pour in a tincture of liquid.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil destroys yeast overgrowth and other bacteria that are associated with acne

formation. You can take up to 500 mg twice daily and or sprinkle some in a nice

hot bath.

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You can clean out your medical cabinet and say goodbye to

expensive overpriced prescription drugs and creams. Treat and heal

your skin with these homemade all natural remedies and reap the

benefits of having clear, healthy skin.

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