how did medieval people make sense of the black death?


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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?. The Black Death. Bubonic Plague Carried by rats Passed from rats to humans by fleas. Pneumonic Plague Attacks the lungs Passes from human to human by germs in the air. Between 1348 and 1351 25 million people died in Europe. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?
Page 2: How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?

How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?

Page 3: How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?

The Black Death Bubonic Plague

Carried by rats Passed from rats to

humans by fleas

Pneumonic Plague Attacks the lungs Passes from human to

human by germs in the air

Between 1348 and 1351 25 million people died in Europe.

In Britain at least 2 million people died in 1348 and 1349. This was over 40% of the population!

In London the death rate was even higher – about half of the population of the city died, almost 50,000 people.

Page 4: How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?

A terrible death…

Page 5: How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?

Follow the Treasure Trail to discover……what medieval people believed had caused

the Black Death

Using your worksheet record

What people did to try and prevent or cure the plague

Why they might have taken those actions

Page 6: How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?

How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?

Page 7: How did medieval people make sense of the Black Death?