how did you attract kurt

How did you attract/address your audience?

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Post on 09-Apr-2017



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Page 1: How did you attract kurt

How did you attract/address your


Page 2: How did you attract kurt

These are the ways my magazine front cover attracts the target audience

I called my magazine “System” as it is a striking name which can be remembered and easily recognised by the target audience

My models that I used for the front cover would hopefully draw the attention of potential readers as they would either recognise the band or maybe aspire to be like the band.

The yellow star is striking and will hopefully attract the readers attention and alert people who are interested in rock music and enjoy going to concerts as there is a possibility of winning tickets.

The posters of various live concerts appeal to the people who attended these gigs and want a memento, fans of the bands on the posters or fans of live music.

The ticker appeals to fans of 30 Seconds to Mars, Not Advised, My Chemical Romance, The Blackout, and Linkin Park.

Front Cover

Page 3: How did you attract kurt

These are the ways my contents page attracts the audience

I used various images linking to some of the main features to show what the reader can expect when they turn to that page.

I used the same font as the masthead on the front cover to write out the main headings so it can be recognised by readers as System magazine.

I used the same colour scheme as the front cover for the words and background colours to show that the contents can be recognised as System magazine.

I based my contents page on Kerrang! Magazine .

I used one large image to cover the top of half of the page to attract the attention of the audience due to the colours but also to show some of the features of this weeks issue.

I used columns and subtitles to structure the contents page so it makes it easier for the reader to go to the page of the feature they want to view so they don’t get bored and give up.

Contents Page

Page 4: How did you attract kurt

My double page spread has a standfirst which is used to introduce the reader to the content of this page to make it less to the point and more personal.

I used a grid formation to structure the questions and answers to make the page easier to navigate and look more structured and organised

I used images of the band behind the text and under the text so that when a reader changes page they notice that the feature is the band “Soundcloud” and they can then view the page.

I used a large, bold “L” to show the reader where the article begins.

Double Page Spread