how do i write a thesis

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  • 7/29/2019 How Do I Write a Thesis.


    Dr. Anna Kreikemeyer Dr. Patricia Schneider

    Institute for Peace Research and Security Policyat the University of Hamburg (IFSH)

    Beim Schlump 83, 20144 Hamburg, Germany

    Tel.: 040 866077 -67 (AK) / -20 (PS)

    E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected]:

    How Do I Successfully Write a Masters Thesis?How Do I Successfully Write a Masters Thesis?A practical guide for peace- and conflict-A practical guide for peace- and conflict-

    researchersresearchers and other social scientistsand other social scientists

    October 2007 (english Version)(2., revised edition, January 2008)

    For Consultation (also Workshops):

    ACADEMIC COACHINGDr. Anna Kreikemeyer, Tel. 040-39904180, E-Mail: [email protected]

    Recommended Literature (including stages of the writing process and crisis management):

    Stock, Steffen; Schneider, Patricia; Peper, Elisabeth; Molitor, Eva (Eds.):Erfolgreich promovieren. Ein Ratgeber von Promovierten fr Promovierende.

    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 2006

  • 7/29/2019 How Do I Write a Thesis.


    Table of ContentsTable of Contents


    I. Its YourThesis an Introduction 3

    II. Work Stages 4

    1. Thinking Academically 4

    2. Finding a Topic 5

    3. Finding an Advisor 6

    4. Organising Support 6

    5. Time Management Structuring Your Work Time 6

    6. Obtaining Information 7

    7. Structuring Your Material 7

    8. Constructing a Framework 89. Outlining Preliminary Considerations/Drafting a Synopsis 10

    10. Tackling Formal Requirements 11

    11. last, but not least 11

    III. Further Literature 12

    IV. Appendices 13

    1. Details on writing a Masters Thesis for the postgraduateprogramme Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (M.P.S.) 13

    2. Sample Cover Sheet 15

    3. Sample Table of Contents 16

    4. Sample Citation Formats 17

    5. Sample Bibliography 20

    6. Sample Honor Statement 21

    7. Criteria for the evaluation of work written for the M.P.S. programme 22


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    I. ItsI. Its YourYourThesis An IntroductionThesis An Introduction

    Writing can bring even the best author to her knees a colleague said to me, chuckling, as I moroselytold him about my work on a long, scholarly writing project. His words did make me feel briefly better,but this really ordeal should not happen to me someone who advises other social scientists! Another

    phrase from another colleague was, in connection with such academic writing, rather better forbolstering courage: Practically all students make the same mistake, of beginning their own writing toolate. They lose themselves in the flood of literature. Courage, it is true, can be a good companion onthe journey to ones own scholarly manuscript. But in the course of our experiences with our owntexts, we have discovered three additional, much better escorts: commitment, motivation, and supportfrom colleagues. Whenever we had a personal commitment to the topic we were writing about, webegan writing earlier in the morning, worked with more dedication, and sat longer at our desks in theevening. And when, in the process of writing, a good idea suddenly hit us (which they often only do

    while we are actually writing), the letters practically flew onto the paper. Finally, we have realized justhow beneficial conversations or teamwork with colleagues can be, especially in scholarly work and,luckily, academia regards cooperation quite highly!

    Commitment, motivation, and support from colleagues are hence the things we would like you to taketo heart regarding your academic writing. To the degree that these factors work together, writing ascholarly work can sometimes even be fun! In counselling sessions with students planning their thesesit struck us that, unfortunately, these qualities were often missing.

    Commitment is the easiest to achieve. When you have a choice about the topic or central question ofyour work, ask yourself which topic, which question reallyinterests you what getsyouexcited.

    Motivation is more difficult to inspire. It has much to do with self-determination, with knowing andunderstanding your own character and work habits. It is most important that in every phase of text

    preparation you consistently dare to trust yourself, for example beginning by simply writing straightout without consulting ten books first. You might be amazed by your own level of knowledge, andbesides, secondary literature is not an end in itself. Motivation can also be nurtured if, for any pages you

    write, you give yourself a reward and them a place of honor on your desk. Furthermore, you are (ofcourse) also responsible for structuring your work day such that something of your own can come outof it and the hours spent at your desk do not become torture. Plan work time and free time, as well asspecific highlights that you can look forward to.

    Support from Colleaguesshould not be left to chance, but organised. Which colleagues might be happy tomake themselves available for discussions on methodological framework, and which willing to readthrough your text? Who can you call when you need to let off some steam?

    This guide is deliberately kept short and simple. On the title page we have provided a note on thepossibilities for further consultation (and workshops) as well as literature recommendations.


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    II. Work StagesII. Work Stages

    1. Thinking Academically

    Academic reasoning aims for an objectifiable connection with reality (that is, a connection that

    outsiders can identify and understand). It features planned procedures, distinctive thinking strategiesand a specific language style.

    Academic information and findings are systematically obtained and developed. New insights arebalanced against established facts.


    When you analyse the causes of inter-ethnic conflict, you will have to consider an array of economic,political, historical, etc., criteria. If you come to the conclusion that transnational actors played a key role inyour case study, you must check your findings against the available literature before you make general

    statements and apply for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Academic reasoning differentiates between author-oriented approaches, in which ones own ideas stand inthe foreground and the literature is used for support, and literature-oriented approaches, in which theavailable scholarly literature takes a primary role and the author remains in the background. You can

    work deductively using either approach. In other words, you can derive your findings from the(fundamental) theories developed by others or you can conduct research empirically, on the basis offacts you have compiled yourself.


    If you hold the view that transnational actors play a key role in inter-ethnic conflict, you could use anauthor-oriented approach to develop your own theory, supporting your ideas through a case study. Youmight support your hypothesis with a Theory on the Significance of Transnational Relations in the Age ofGlobalisation, deductively following the prescriptions of this theory. In comparison, if you have arrived atyour hypothesis as a result of your recent research trip to Polynesia then you would want to work inductivelyon the basis of your empirically-obtained data. However, you can also choose a literature-oriented approachand analytically review all the available works dealing with your thesis.

    Political science writing has a number of characteristics in common with that of the other socialsciences, namely that every work should:

    Define central, and especially new, concepts

    Systematically, precisely and logically justify assertions Support assertions with appropriately cited quotations and data (i.e., cited according to official

    guidelines) Clearly make connections between different assertions Eliminate inconsistencies, and Separate personal analysis from factual statements

    Check Look over a scholarly article written by your professor to get an idea of his/her approaches, strategies

    and language.


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    2. Finding a Topic

    Less and less often are todays students given a concrete question as a thesis topic. Instead, studentsmay now choose their own questionssomething much more easily said than done. Choosing yourown topic and question is roughly comparable to being sent to the market to do the shopping for amultiple-course meal, without a pre-determined menu. What in the world should you consider while

    shopping, so that you are not at a total loss that night in front of the stove? When choosing yourtopic, consider the following steps:

    1. What really interests you? What do you want to learn? Do not underestimate this question,because it isyouwho will have to sit for weeks at your computer, struggling to create somethingunique.

    Example:One of your acquaintances, whom you regard highly, belongs to the Chechnyan diaspora. He hasalready told you a little about his home. This has awoken your interest in finding out why thisconflict is so difficult to solve and why your acquaintance cannot live safely in his homeland.

    2. What is your object of investigation: an object, a theory, a text or a problem? And closelyrelated: On which period of time will you base your work?

    In terms of the above example, a possible subject of investigation would be the conflict betweenthe pro-secession Autonomous Republic of Chechnya and the Russian Federation. You could thususe the period from 1991, when the first Chechen War broke out, until the year 2005 as your timeframe for investigation.

    3. Is there any empirical material on which you can base your planned analysis? If not, is there atleast enough literature for you to draw on? How wide is the range of available material? Doesit suffice as an empirical basis from which you can draw generaliseable conclusions? Is it

    anywhere near the right size for you to work with in the time given?In the case of the conflict between the pro-secession Autonomous Republic of Chechnya and theRussian Federation, it will be difficult if not impossible to work with empirical data, as many sourcesare inaccessible. Nevertheless much has already been written about this conflict, even if one partyto the conflict has written far more than the other.

    4. Are there already research findings on your topic? Are there any general theories that try toanswer the questions relating to your theme?

    Political science research on the conflict between the Autonomous Republic of Chechnya and theRussian Federation is still limited. In the theoretical realm, you can draw on not only theories of

    minority conflict but also more general theories from conflict research, such as those regarding wareconomies.

    5. What would be an appropriate question?

    What factors contribute to a perpetuation of conflict? Or How do various sources of conflictcombine to perpetuate a conflict?

    6. In terms of methodology, will you move forward by means of a selected (existing) theory, or doyou have to devise a methodological approach yourself?

    The theory on the development of war economies says, for example, that many actors involved in a

    conflict have developed an economic interest in the continuation of the conflict. If you elect to usethis theory, it would be important to verify and substantiate these interests in the conflict.


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    Check Work through points 1-6 for your chosen topic.

    3. Finding an Advisor

    If you are free to choose your own advisor, you should make your choice responsibly, knowing clearlywhat your expectations are. When you do have the opportunity to choose, the following checklist maybe useful in your preliminary talks with possible advisors. Even if you are assigned to a specificadvisor, this list may help you address critical issues in preparation for your first meeting.

    Check Is your advisor competent in your topic field? What expectations does he/she, and what expectations do you, have regarding meetings and contact

    during your work? Will he/she take enough time to talk to you?

    Will he/she take an interest in advising you, or does he/she seem overworked? Will he/she generally be available (upon appointment) to talk with you? Will he/she help you obtain information (materials, theories) and develop your methods? Is he/she willing to look over a preliminary draft? What does he/she look for when evaluating a thesis?

    4. Organising Support

    Writing a masters thesis implies, as a rule, a time frame of three to six months or longer. In this time, itwill be necessary for you to independently and targetedly concentrate on one concrete topic (the read-

    think-write game). There will also be little respite from your work. Being alone can sometimes bebeneficial, but scholarly work in particular gives rise to the danger of becoming lonely that is, offeeling empty and cut off from the world. To prevent this situation, you should organise specificcontact and support, preferably from classmates working on similar tasks. Small work groups can alsobe helpful in staving off loneliness.

    Check Do you have someone with whom you can discuss your topic, question and approach? Do you have someone who will read through and comment on your manuscript (or parts thereof)? Do you have someone to talk to when you are frustrated?

    5. Time Management Structuring Your Work Time

    Slight pressure can be helpful in tackling your work, but a serious time crunch can be destructive. Thefollowing checklist may help you keep deadline problems from emerging.

    Check Plan your work steps from the due date backwards. Plan realistic work hours that you can stick to! Also schedule free days for recovery. Start writing parts of your text as early as possible. Try to stick to your schedule. Arrange to have a partner who will nicely but firmly remind you of your time schedule.


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    6. Obtaining Information

    The Google Era has greatly altered methods of obtaining information. On one hand, certain taskshave become quite easy for example, gaining access to documents. On the other, there is an ever-increasing risk of losing sight of ones own priorities in the jungle of abundant information. Finally,copy and paste has not done a bit of good for the originality of scholarly analysis. You are

    responsible for determining the quantity and quality of the information you collect.

    Check You yourself already know quite a lot. Make sure you have a clear idea of your own knowledge pool

    before you dive into the information jungle. Organise it by posing questions to yourself (What do Iwant? How do I want to proceed? What do I already know? What assets do I already have? How muchdo I want to know? etc.). Construct your own Info-Map (for example with the Mind Mappingtechnique) on a blank sheet of paper. Next, write out as much as possible without using literature:central questions, outline, theses, etc.

    Next comes aRough Information Phase:

    Analyse your topic options according to information fields. Consult articles from the specialist literature which broadly relate to your central ideas, and compare

    their views with the steps you have made thus far. Which aspects do you want to/ can you use, andwhich not?

    Does this information change your heretofore chosen approach? Start compiling a bibliography from the outset (source and literature databanks). Write out as much as possible during this rough stage.

    A Specific Information Phasefollows: Now more exactly define what information you will need for your specific keywords, range of topics,

    and central questions. Compile a bibliography (from Google, databanks, keyword catalogues, specialised journals, topical books,

    etc.). Construct a to-do list of sources to look through. Also set limits on the extent of your analysis. Assess the information based on your defined needs. Make sure that your planned approach can be adhered to.

    Finally you reach theDetailed Information Phase: Specifically define your needs for detailed information (empirical data, documents, interviews, etc.). Locate missing details and integrate them into the texts you already have.

    7. Structuring Your Material

    Now it is time to work with the texts you have gathered. This work primarily includes reducing,summarising and choosing. Therefore it can be helpful to excerpt important texts and make excerpt-likenotes of less important ones. A good excerpt should: Check

    Have a maximum length of 10% of the whole text Summarize the fundamentals of the text, in your own words and in terms of your own central research

    questions; Concisely explain the key message of the text; Clarify the central concepts of the text; Quote or paraphrase important passages;

    Categorise the text into the relevant field of knowledge; Characterise the texts style;


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    Examine your own topic focus in relation to the text; Clearly point out the texts limitations.

    In preparation for writing your thesis, it can also be helpful to schematically note the references and connections betweenvarious texts.

    8. Constructing a Framework

    After completing the above preparatory steps it will be time to, metaphorically speaking, build thescaffolding for your paper. The central components of your scaffolding should include your researchinterests, questions (including general guiding questions, if existent), goals, research progress, methods,hypotheses, empirical material/case studies, conclusions, and recommendations for policies/actions (ifexistent). In order to construct a stable scaffolding, you will need to consider the following questions.

    CheckResearch Interests:What about this topic motivatesyou personally?

    Here we choose as an example the OSCEs democratisation policy in Central Asia: Showing thatdemocracy is the best form of governance, etc.

    Central Questions/ Research Focus: Questions to ask (tip: the 5 Ws: Who? What? When? Where? Why? (andHow?))

    What central academic question does your work hope to answer (What)? OR How does your work contribute to answering a specific problem a problem closely tied to your

    research focus, of course (How)? OR What is necessary to solve practical problems, take decisions, or make improvements (What)? OR What in your research field is unclear, problematic, incomprehensible or confusing (Why)? OR Which time period will you study (When)?

    ExampleWhat possibilities exist for the OSCEs democratisation policies in countries without democratictraditions?

    Guiding QuestionsYou can break down your central question into a number of smaller inquiries that answer specific parts of themain question.

    ExampleHow are democratisation concepts being developed?

    What tools are being employed?Who takes decisions about democratisation policy? Etc.

    GoalsWhat scholarly (theoretical, empirical), material, and/or political goals does your work aim for?

    ExampleUsing examples, the work should depict democratisation policy.

    The work should, on the theoretical level, make a contribution to research on the value of bothuniversalist and particularist concepts.

    The work should, on the empirical level, study the implementation of selected OSCE projects.The work should, on the political level, contribute to the discussion of the OSCEs democratisation



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    Research ProgressAt this point, it is necessary to see:

    What has already been written on your topic, and in which research disciplines/areas?What is the current state of research?Which (if any) theories can contribute something to your analysis?And finally, where does a demand for research exist?

    ExampleOn the topic of OSCE democratisation policy in countries without democratic traditions, you can (inaccordance with the focus of your central questions) bring in existing studies on the democratisationpolicies of external actors, check transformation theories for their explanatory value, or incorporatetheories and studies about political change in non-democratic political systems.

    MethodYour method is the academic foundation of your analysis. The following factors play a role:

    On what leveldoes your research begin? What is its scope/reach? What makes up your research material? (Books, magazines, essays, interviews, journal articles, politicians

    statements, documents/special archives, political cartoons, audio/video documents, your own

    observations, your own or others surveys, statistics, etc.). Do you have sufficient access to literature andsources? Can these sources satisfactorily answer your research questions, or do you need to furtherspecify your topic?

    According to what criteriawill you conduct your study of the material/case studies? Your criteria shouldbe based on the current state of research in your field.

    Will you verifyhypotheses(postulated connections between criteria)? Practically speaking, how will your research proceed (approach)? In general, most methods in political

    science have either empirical-analytical or theoretical approaches (or a combination of the two).

    ExampleThe method could, for example, consist of describing the development of concrete democratisationprojects (Material: surveys of participants) in selected countries (case studies), from the project

    conceptualisation (external political level) to the project implementation (domestic political level). Thusyou could verify a hypothesis that postulates a connection between the participation of local actors inthe conceptualisation of programmes and these programmes acceptance within the local community(e.g., Thethe). See below.Even if you invest a significant amount of time and energy in such a masters thesis, it is possible that thecase studies will be extremely limited and fragmented. If so, your ability to make well-supportedconclusions will also be constricted. One possible solution is to comparatively analyse a few differentcase studies. If you choose this option make sure that the cases, while conforming to your chosenresearch criterion, are as different as possible. This approach will make it possible for you to determine

    whether your criterion is central to your question or can be disregarded.


    First, formulate the assumptions/hypotheses you will analyse in the course of your work. The hypothesesshould be well grounded in the current knowledge-base surrounding your topic, not created out of thin air. Youmay also derive them from existing theories. Do not compose your hypotheses at the end of your work! Such astrategy is boring and unscientific. You will see a much stronger advance in your knowledge if you start withhypotheses that turn out to be incorrect, and are forced to abandon them and build new theories based on yourown analysis. Furthermore, construct hypotheses that are as concrete as possible, not general statements.Finally, near the end of your work you will have to reflect on what impacts your findings have had on youroriginal assumptions.

    Example:The more civilised a state (rule of law, democracy), the more prepared it is to comply with internationallegal regimes.

    Justification: It is predicted that democratic states are more compliant than non-democratic ones. This


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    phenomenon is attributable to (Democratic) Liberalism, which explicitly focuses on inner-societalvariables and their international implications.Later finding: On this empirical basis one could reasonably judge that the part of (Democratic)Liberal Theory which says that democracies act differently from non-democracies cannot be upheld inthe context of international jurisdiction, because national differences in political system do not appear inthis area of the international system.

    Final Conclusions and Recommendations (if existent)Final conclusions should bring together all of your findings (e.g., to what extent your hypotheses had tobe abandoned or revised). They should also address your general problem and as much as possible try to answer your central question. Furthermore, if one of your goals is to make policy or actionrecommendations to political actors, you should do so here. Finally, you should also highlight thepossibilities for further research based on your findings.

    9. Outlining Preliminary Considerations/Drafting a Synopsis

    Some advisors require an outline of preliminary ideas for a masters thesis. An outline can also be quitehelpful in clarifying your own intentions. A much more comprehensive and detailed synopsis,meanwhile, is generally required for scholarship applications. A synopsis helps you present your ideas,update your project outline through systematic preliminary studies, and solidify your knowledge of therelevant literature and sourcesOutline of Preliminary Considerations (Length ca. 1-5 pages)

    Thesis title (main and secondary titles) Problem/Research interests Question(s) Theory base

    Method Material Preliminary work progress Special problems (if you have special problems, explain them in detail) Time schedule (plan from the due date backwards)

    Synopsis (Length 10-20 pages) Short description of the planned work (abstract, max. 1 page) Introductory outline of the problem Research focus Problem/research interests

    Question(s) Goals (Academic) relevance Current state of research Theoretical underpinnings Theoretical framework Methodological approach Central concepts, materials, variables, hypotheses, case studies Outline of your framework Organisation of your work, including time schedule, required funds (if existent, e.g. for travel,

    literature, technical equipment), cooperation partners

    Bibliography Attachments (if existent) such as your own academic CV with contact details (1 page)


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    10. Tackling Formal Requirements

    In terms of formal requirements, there are always a variety of possibilities. One ground rule: Beconsistent, be concise, be systematic! You may want to take a look at how your advisor publisheshis/her own works, or ask directly about his/her requirements and preferences.

    Requirements for consistent formatting, for example in a thesis, enable (among other things) evaluatorsto see if the author has adhered to the length limits. These requirements must be strictly observed. Youcertainly do not want the grader to be displeased from the moment he/she begins to read! In addition,the formatting could be checked by the registrars office or a similar overseeing body, in which case it

    would behove you to have obeyed the requirements. Furthermore, adherence to the requiredformatting (including citation and bibliography format, etc.) demonstrates you have mastered the basicscholarly methods an absolute precondition for a postgraduate academic degree. You will findsamples of the following format in the appendix. These samples should help you get oriented.

    Cover Page

    Table of Contents

    Citation methodDirect/indirect citation

    AbbreviationsFootnote systemEllipsesGrammatical AdjustmentsHandling foreign-language textsHandling confidential information

    Source and Literature Indices/ Bibliography

    Personal Statement

    11. ... last but not least

    Allow yourself enough time to rework your text if necessary. Editing is more than just reading itthrough again. There are two central steps involved here:


    Make sure your threads of thought are visible, your argument logically consistent, and yourwriting style in accordance with scholarly aims. Eliminate redundancy.

    Final Correction with Outside Help

    Find a competent acquaintance/classmate/friend who will take the time to read through yourtext and discuss his/her findings. Make sure to allow enough time for the reader to examineyour paper carefully and thoroughly. (By outside help we do NOT mean ghost-writing!) Planenough time to incorporate the recommended changes. We also suggest that you ask someoneunfamiliar with your field of research to read your paper for comprehensibility, and someonegood at writing to edit the language (a native speaker who is a good editor of spelling andgrammar). Ideally, at least 2-3 people should read your paper in its entirety before you turn it in.


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    III. Further LiteratureIII. Further Literature

    Booth, Wayne C./Colomb, Gregory G./Williams, Joseph M.: The Craft of Research. Chicago, London:

    Chicago University Press, 1995.

    Drew, Sue/Rosie Bringham (Hrsg.): The Student Skills Guide. Second Edition. Cornwall: Gower

    Publishing, 2001.

    Franck, Norbert: Handbuch Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. 2. Auflage. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer

    Taschenbuch Verlag, 2007.

    Gash, Sarah: Effective Literature Searching for Research. Second Edition. Cambridge: Gower

    Publishing, 2000.

    Gibaldi, Joseph: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Sixth Edition. New York: Modern

    Language Association of America, 2003 (online available

    Kalina, Ondej/Kppl, Stefan/Kranenpohl, Uwe/Lang, Rdiger/Stern, Jrgen/Straner, Alexander:

    Grundkurs Politikwissenschaft. Einfhrung ins wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Wiesbaden:

    Westdeutscher Verlag, 2003.Kirszner, Laurie G., Stephen R. Maudell: The Holt Handbook. Fort Worth Philadelphia, San Diego,

    New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 2001.

    Kretschmer, Horst/Stary, Joachim: Umgang mit wissenschaftlicher Literatur. Eine Arbeitshilfe. Berlin:

    Cornelsen Scriptor, 2007.

    Kruse, Otto: Keine Angst vor dem Leeren Blatt. Ohne Schreibblockaden durchs Studium. 12.

    vollstndig neu bearbeitete Auflage. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2007.

    Schlichte, Klaus: Einfhrung in die Arbeitstechniken der Politikwissenschaft. 2. Auflage. Wiesbaden:

    VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften, 2005.

    Stock, Steffen/Schneider, Patricia/Peper, Elisabeth/Molitor, Eva (Hrsg.): Erfolgreich promovieren. EinRatgeber von Promovierten fr Promovierende. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2006.

    (See especially the sections on Projektmanagement (project management), Zeitmanagement (time management),

    Literaturrecherche (literature research), Literaturverwaltung (literature management),

    Textverarbeitungsprogramme (programme for working with texts), Datensicherung (data security),

    Schreibtechniken (writing techniques), Expos (synopsis), Krisenbewltigung (handling crises).)

    Theisen, Manuel Ren: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, 13. Auflage. Mnchen: Verlag Vahlen, 2006.


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    IV. AppendicesIV. Appendices

    1. Details on writing a Masters Thesis for the postgraduate programme Friedensforschungund Sicherheitspolitik (M.P.S.)

    The paper should be ca. 40-50 pages in length, in the format described below (excluding titlepage, table of contents, list of abbreviations, list of interviewees, etc.).

    The cover page should contain the exact title of the work, authors name, authors place ofbirth, date, and graders name(s) (see sample page).

    The table of contents should be clearly laid out and list the papers elements in the correctorder (see sample page)

    The paper should be divided into sub-sections, each with its own sub-heading. All sectionsshould be numbered.

    Charts, tables, etc., are welcome. They not only illustrate your point but also provide someoptical relief to blocks of text.

    A list of abbreviations is not always necessary. Use your best judgement. Generally speaking,the first time an abbreviation appears in your paper you should write out the entire name, thenput the abbreviation in parentheses just after the official (long) name. From then on you mayuse the abbreviation. Common abbreviations such as etc. and e.g. should not be included ina list of abbreviations. If in doubt, consult a book or other work one that is relevant to yourtopic and has a list of abbreviations as an example of what to include and how to structureyour list. If you include a list of abbreviations, it should directly follow the table of contents.

    If you conduct interviews for your research, you should include (as an appendix) a list with thename, organisation, and function of each interviewee, as well as the date and location of theinterview.

    As additional information for the graders, attach a short personal statement (academic CV, onepage) to the end of your paper.

    The citation format may be either English or American, but you must strictly and consistentlyadhere to a single citation system throughout the paper (see below). Some English-languagecitation systems are Chicago, Harvard, Oxford, and MLA.

    All available information on your data should be listed in the bibliography (including author(s)first name(s), location and name of the publishing company, start- and end-page numbers ofjournal articles, etc.). The information should be consistent for all titles used (see sample).

    You must include a written honour statement with your masters thesis, in accordance withM.P.S. regulations (see sample page).

    The general due date is 15 July (for the exact date, see the M.P.S. schedule for the appropriateyear).

    You should turn in three copies of your masters thesis (preferably bound). One copy will go toeach grader, and the third will be made publicly available in the IFSH library upon successfulcompletion of the M.P.S. degree programme.

    You must also provide one electronic copy of your thesis along with the printed versions. Theelectronic copy may be either on a CD included with your printed copies or in an email file sentin advance of the deadline. The entire thesis should be contained in one file. It is extremelyimportant that we receive a Word version of your paper so that we can check for plagiarism. Anadditional PDF version is also desirable.

    The paper should have the following layout:


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    Chapter Headings Times New Roman 12 pt boldSection and Sub-sectionHeadings

    Times New Roman 12 pt italics

    Body Text Times New Roman 12 pt 1.5-space, justifiedFootnote Text Times New Roman 10 pt 1-space, justifiedBibliography Times New Roman 12 pt 1-space, justified,

    book title in italicsPage Numbers Times New Roman 12 pt Lower right cornerPage Margins top 2.5 cm

    bottom 2 cmleft 2.5 cmright 4 cm

    You may use footnotes, but not endnotes. Insert two blank lines before and one after each heading (including section headings). Insert one blank line between paragraphs. You may write your thesis in German or English (in German, obey the new orthography rules). Spelling and grammatical errors should be kept to an absolute minimum.


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    2. Sample Cover Page

    Main Title


    A Masters Thesis

    Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

    Master of Peace and Security Policy Studies/

    Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (M.P.S.)


    Claudia Sample

    Sample City, Sample Country

    Hamburg, July 200X


    Dr. ...

    Dr. ...


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    3. Sample Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    List of Abbreviations.................................................................................................................X

    List of Charts and Tables (optional)..........................................................................................X

    1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................X

    1.1 Starting Point: Problem Diagnosis..................................................................................X

    1.2 Political and Scholarly Relevance of the Work..............................................................X

    1.3 Central/Guiding Questions, Research Goals, Hypotheses......................................X

    1.4 Method of Inquiry and Structure of the Work.................................................................X

    1.5 Theories and Methods.....................................................................................................X

    1.6 Sources and Literature/State of Current Research.......................................................X

    2. Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................X

    2.1 Section 1, Chapter 1........................................................................................................X

    2.2 Section 2, Chapter 1 (and so on).....................................................................................X

    2.3 Summary..........................................................................................................................X

    3. Chapter 2...........................................................................................................................X

    3.1 Section 1, Chapter 2........................................................................................................X

    3.2 Section 2, Chapter 2 (and so on).....................................................................................X

    3.3 Summary.........................................................................................................................X

    X. Conclusion: Empirical findings, theoretical insights, possibilities for reform.....................X

    Bibliography of Sources and Literature.....................................................................................X

    List of Interviewees (or similar) (optional)................................................................................X

    Personal Statement (academic CV)............................................................................................X

    Written Honor Statement...............X


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    4. Sample Citation Formats

    Footnote System/European Format, Direct Quotes (Chicago humanities style)According to Sprachschn, Writing is fundamentally more productive when based on experience inthe field.1

    Footnote System/European Format, Indirect Quotes (Chicago humanities style)According to some authorities, productive writing primarily depends on having field experience.2Unlikein German, the English Cf. (the equivalent of Vgl.) is used only when the information you are usingdid not come from one specific source. It is used to give the reader one example of a general trend youare mentioning. If you quote or paraphrase a certain author, or if the information you give was takenfrom one specific source, then cite that source directly without using Cf.

    In-Text Citation System/ American Format (Chicago sciences style)Productive writing primarily depends on having field experience (Sprachschn 1965, 37).


    In his sermon, the Footnote Pope turned on...abbreviation as an unacceptable simplification of thehigh art of footnote construction. (Ellipses are only necessary in direct quotes).

    Grammatical AdjustmentsIn his sermon, the Footnote Pope turned on...abbreviation, [because it leads to] an unacceptablesimplification of the high art of footnote construction. To distinguish your own additions from theauthors parenthetical comments, use square brackets rather than parentheses when you makegrammatical adjustments within quotes.

    Handling Foreign-Language TextsStudyskill is correct in his assessment that successful writing must follow clear rules (Studyskill 1987,

    5, authors translation from the German).Political science texts also often include quotes written in English without translation.

    Handling Confidential InformationA UN employee gives you an interview and permission to freely incorporate any useful informationfrom these discussions into your thesis. However, he specifically asks that his name not be mentioned.In the footnote, write: Personal conversation at the United Nations, xx.xx.xxxx. In in-text format:(Source: Interviews, UN, xx.xx.xxxx). You should include a list of all interview partners in an appendix.

    A UN employee gives you an interview, but specifically asks that it be off the record (confidential).You may only use this information indirectly, to develop your own thoughts and ideas. You may not

    refer to the interview in your text at all. Any arguments or statements that you make in your text mustbe supported by other, non-confidential, sources.

    A UN employee gives you a confidential document. How should you deal with it?You should deal with confidential documents in the same manner as confidential interviews. You maynot use the document directly in your work. You may only use it for background information, from

    which you may develop your own ideas, but any arguments made in your text must be supported byother, non-confidential, sources.


    Elvira Sprachschn, sthetik in Abschlussarbeiten (Buxtehude, 1965), 37.2 Cf. Elvira Sprachschn, sthetik in Abschlussarbeiten (Buxtehude, 1965), 37.


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    Variations on Citations (Footnotes and in-text) Michael Bernhard, Civil society after the first transition: Dilemmas of post-communist

    democratization in Poland and beyond, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 29, no.3 (Fall1996): 315. (Turabian style, footnote).

    Michael Bernhard, Civil society after the first transition: Dilemmas of post-communistdemocratization in Poland and beyond, Communist and Post-Communist Studies29(3) (1996) 315.

    (Chicago humanities style, footnote). M. Bernhard, Civil society after the first transition: Dilemmas of post-communist

    democratization in Poland and beyond, Communist and Post-Communist Studies: 29(3): Fall 1996:315. (Oxford style, footnote).

    (Bernhard 1996, 315) (MLA and Chicago sciences styles, in-text citation).

    Note that footnotes and bibliographies are formatted slightly differently. Make sure to check that youare formatting your citations consistently and that they correspond with the correct bibliographyformat.

    Writing the year number directly after the authors name lends itself well to the American style in-text

    citation system (see above).

    As a rule, no matter which order you choose for the information in your bibliography, it is imperativethat you are absolutely consistent in using the same system throughout. This is also true for the languageyou choose. Either present all information in German (Hrsg., S., u.a.) or English (Eds., p.,inter alia, etc.).

    Note: Modern data bank search programmes make it much easier to conform your citation style andbibliography to the demands of journals, publishers, etc.a task which otherwise must be done byhand.

    Note: A basic scholarly skill is carefully, attentively working with sources. In other words, it is expectedthat you always make precise statements. Flawlessly quoting not only demonstrates methodicalcompetence but also protects you from accusations of plagiarism. Plagiarism endangers the successfulcompletion of your degree, ruins your career (it is a violation of ethical scholarship) and can bringserious penalties. It is not for no reason that all degree-seeking students at the University are required toturn in a written honour statement with their theses.

    American Citation StyleKimminich (1980:218) points out: The international legal renunciation of force alone can achieve neither peacenor justice. The reduction of violence in international politics must be synchronised with the construction ofnon-violent mediation and conflict resolution mechanisms. This badly needed violence prevention requires the

    development of efficient policies for the judicial settlement of international conflicts: Anyone who hopes tocategorically exclude violence as a tool of international politics must not be satisfied with a simple ban onviolence and war. Institutional structures must be set up to help enable adherence to the renunciation ofviolence. One of these consequences must be the accession to an obligatory system of arbitration andjurisdiction. This consequence is a lynchpin, if not the most important point, of any civilised conflict resolutionprocess (Lutz 1995:252). Article 24, Paragraph 3 of the Federal Republic of Germanys Basic Law3 evenimposes, in the view of many experts, the obligation to accede to an international arbitration court. Hence, forall intents and purposes this clause makes it legitimate when not specifically forbidden for Germany toassume a role as a pace-setter in the institutionalisation of obligatory jurisdictional courts (Lutz 1998:71).

    3 Footnotes can be used for additional commentary or examples that do not fit into the text


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    Three Ground Rules:

    (1) If you refer to the authors name in your text directly before the quote, you may put only the yearand page number in parentheses after the quote. Otherwise:

    (2) After a quote (direct or indirect) you must include the authors last name, the year and the pagenumber in parentheses.

    (3) Only use Cf. when your information does not come from a specific work.

    European Citation Style

    In her 2002 article, Gabriele Kuhn-Zuber enriches the discussion of human rights concepts regarding therelationship between Islam and human rights, which can be variously defined depending on how the relevantreligious texts are interpreted. Kuhn-Zuber recommends analysing repression according to the norms andstandards of the given culture itself, and points out that such analysis regularly provides no substantiation foraccusations of human rights violations. Therefore, she argues, intercultural exchanges between Islamic and

    Western cultural circles should be furthered.4

    Johann Galtung states that human rights derive not from the logic of a religious or philosophical system, butinstead spring from common basic needs such as survival, well-being, freedom and identity. He recommends thecreation of not only a catalogue of rights and responsibilities but also a governmental Peace Office and, as aguarantee of security, a central global government heading a worldwide democracy.5

    A number of measures used in the war on terror since 11 Septermber 2001 have recently come under strongcriticism. William Schulz, Secretary General of Amnesty International USA, clearly identifies the newstrengthening of laws and limitations on freedom. They include the imprisonment of hundreds of people

    without charges being brought, the Presidential decision to re-allow intelligence officials to kill, the danger thatBush will establish military law without the legal protection mechanisms required by international law, and thesuggestion by the FBI that suspects be tortured if unwilling to testify, or that they be transferred to countries

    where they can be tortured.6

    Three Ground Rules:

    (1) The first time you use a source, write out the citation in full (that is, include all bibliographicinformation).

    (2) Only use Cf. when your information does not come from one specific source.

    (3) In subsequent citations of the same source, use the short version (authors name, short title, andpage number). For example: Eibe Riedel, Der Internationale Menschenrechtsschutz, 20. All short

    version citations should be consistently formatted (i.e., they should contain the same information,presented in the same order).

    For further details, please refer to the relevant texts on scholarly writing.

    4 Gabriele Kuhn-Zuber, Der Islam und die Universalitt der Menschenrechte in der Kritik, inMenschenrechte. Bilanz undPerspektiven (Frieden durch Recht II), ed. Jana Hasse, Erwin Mller, and Patricia Schneider (Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden137, Baden-Baden, 2002), 307-331.

    5 Johann Galtung, Menschenrechte fr das nchste Jahrhundert. Zwlf Thesen, in: Die Zukunft der Menschenrechte-Vision.Verstndigung zwischen den Kulturen, ed. Johan Galtung (Frankfurt a.M./New York 2000), 7.

    6 US-Amerikaner sehen sich nicht gern als blutrnstig, die tageszeitung, 04.12.2001. This kind of military tribunal isclosed to the public, permits evidence gained from confidential sources, and does not allow the accused to choose his

    own attorney. See also Das ist nicht mehr Amerika, die tageszeitung, 04.12.2001. (You may also make your owncomments in footnotes).


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    5. Sample Bibliography

    You may, if desired, divide your bibliography into sections, for example primary sources, secondaryliterature, journal articles, internet articles, etc. If you use this method, alphabetise the entries withineach section. This format has a particular disadvantage in the American citation system, however, sinceto find a given article you must then comb through a number of different sections looking for the

    authors last name. As a rule, one general bibliography of all sources is fine, although this rule and itsapplication vary between disciplines.

    Sample A, Bibliography (for an English-language thesis, Chicago sciences style)


    Commission of the European Communities, Communication from the Commission on EU

    Election Assistance and Observation, COM (2000) 191 final, 11 April 2000.

    The Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Elections in the Republic of

    Kazakhstan, adopted 6 May 1999, last amended 14 April 2004, online available at (download 14.12.2005).Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, General Comment No. 25: The right to

    participate in public affairs, voting rights and the right of equal access to public service

    (Art. 25), CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.7, 12 July 1997, online available at

    (download 14.12.2005).

    OSCE, Eleventh Meeting of the Ministerial Council, 1 and 2 December 2003, Decision no.

    5/03, MC DEC5/03, Maastricht, 2003.

    OSCE/ODIHR, Kyrgyz Republic, Constitutional Referendum, 2 February 2003, Political

    Assessment Report, Warsaw, OSCE/ODIHR, 2003.

    OSCE/ODIHR,Parliamentary Elections, The Kyrgyz Republic, 27 February 2005, International

    Election Observation Mision, Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions,

    Bishkek, OSCE/ODIHR, 28 February 2005.

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights, GA Res. 217 A (III), adopted 10 December 1948.

    Reprinted in Yearbook of the United Nations 1948-49, New York, Department of Public

    Information, 1950.


    Balian, Hrair, Ten Years of International Election Assistance and Observation, in: Helsinki

    Monitor, vol. 12, no. 3, 2001, pp. 197-209.Beigbeder, Yves, International Monitoring of Plebiscites, Referenda and National Elections.

    Self-Determination and Transition to Democracy, Dordrecht/Boston/London, Martinus

    Nijhoff Publishers, 1994.

    Blank, Stephen, Democratic Prospects in Central Asia, in World Affairs, vol. 166, no. 3,

    2004, pp. 133-148.

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    Sample B, German-Language Bibliography

    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

    Ahlbrecht, Heiko/Ambos, Kai (Hrsg.), 1999: Der Fall Pinochet(s). Auslieferung wegen

    staatsverstrkter Kriminalitt?, Baden-Baden: Nomos. (sample book)

    Auswrtiges Amt, 2001: Internationaler Seegerichtshof Hamburg,, Stand: 01.02.2001, Zugriff am 22.02.2002.

    (sample internet source)

    Bernhardt, Rudolf(Hrsg.), 1994a: Interim Measures Indicated by International Courts, Berlin (u.a.):

    Springer. (sample 1, one author with multiple works written in the same year)

    Bernhardt,Rudolf, 1994b: Human Rights and Judicial Review: The European Court of Human

    Rights, in: Beatty, D. M. (Hrsg): Human Rights and Judicial Review, London (u.a.):

    Kluwer Law International, S. 297-319.

    Bibliographisches Institut AG (Hrsg.), 1971ff.: Meyers Enzyklopdisches Lexikon in 25 Bnden,

    Mannheim: Lexikon Verlag. (sample 1, a work with multiple volumes published over a

    series of years)

    Bothe, Michael, 2000: The Protection of the Civilian Population and NATO Bombing onYugoslavia. Comments on a Report to the Prosecutor of the ICTY, in: International

    Peacekeeping, 4-6/2000, S. 158-162. (sample journal article)

    Mller, Erwin/Schneider, Patricia, 2006: Einfhrung, in: Mller, Erwin/Schneider, Patricia (Hrsg.):

    Sicherheit vs. Freiheit? Die Europische Union im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus, Baden-

    Baden: Nomos, S. 9-27. (sample edited collection)

    5. Sample Honor Statement

    Honor Statement

    I pledge that this Masters Thesis, entitled ... has not been submitted for academic credit in any other

    capacity, and that this Masters Thesis has not yet been published.

    I further pledge that I have written this Masters Thesis myself, on my own. I have not employed any

    sources or aids other than those listed. I have appropriately identified and acknowledged all words

    and ideas taken from other works.

    Hamburg, the ...




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    7. Criteria for the evaluation of work written for the M.P.S. programme

    Your professors, especially the specified evaluators and/or graders, are responsible for the evaluationof your thesis. This postgraduate programme, therefore, does not specify binding evaluation criteria.Nonetheless, the process should be as transparent as possible, for both examiners and students. Therecommended questions/ criteria for judgement listed below should thus serve as a guide for

    coordination and orientation.

    (1) Are the central question and general theme clearly explained?(2) Does the work exhibit sufficient consistency in approach, system of organisation, composition

    and construction?(3) Does the author demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the current state of research?(4) How well does the author correctly apply his/her chosen methods and demonstrate a mastery

    of formal work methodology?(5) Does the author present the material comprehensibly? Does he/she exhibit sufficient comfort

    and competence in using academic language and writing style?(6) Does the work present original findings? To what extent does the author critically reflect on the

    works conclusions in comparison to other (opposing) perspectives?(7) Theory: How well does the author order his/her conclusions within the disciplines knowledge

    base and discuss the theorys generaliseability?(8) Practice: Does the author sufficiently discuss research findings in terms of feasibility and ability

    to solve the identified problems?

    Although these criteria primarily apply to the Masters Thesis, they can also be applied to other writtenwork and, more flexibly, to oral examinations.
