how do you kill the time in potenza?

18 ontrosenso 15 Marzo 2014 Basilicata REPORT How do you kill the time in Potenza? Tempo libero a Potenza (Prima parte) W hatever your age in Potenza you will always find it difficult to kill the time. Considering the financial crisis we are going through these years, it has become even worse for the Pontentinis to while the time away. Apart from the fact that the concept of the city right from the word go does not consider any sort of entertainment or recreation, it has been split into tiny little villages in one city due to the fact that many satellite quarters are being lately built around the suburbs and the outskirts of the city. These are mostly sleeping dormitories without a minimum social, recreative or entertainment facilities. Travelling to different foreign cities and even Italian cities you will notice that we are lacking in almost every thing. The youths are not able to practice any sports except by enrolling themselves into private gyms with whatever the cost that would mean to the pocket of the parents. I have seen several cities with gym and excercising tools erected right in the open air and in a field dedicated to the citizens for recreation. This would serve as a place whereby you do not only go to exercise yourself physically - and God knows how much our youth need exercises - but also a place where eventually you may get to meet and socialize with others. The only public swimming pool in the city is situated in one of the most dangerous place to access, be it during the day time or night time. And come to think of it, a swimming pool, however big it is even if it’s olympic size, can never be enough for a population of more than fifty- thousand inhabitants. We all know that the scientists are all the way emphasizing the importance of physical exercises for our better upbringing and age weathering. If you should speak to some people about these lackings they would tell you to go to Pantano and run around the lake. Considering how large the city is, do we all have to drive all the way to Pantano and starting running around like fools just because some administrators of the local government have never ever thought it would be wise to invest on the health of its citizens by building sport facilities which could be both indoor and outdoor. I took a group of students on a study trip to London and the college was the Brunel University in Uxbridge London, well you won’t believe it, that is where Hussein Bolt spends his time exercising most of the time. What did they come up with? A simple dome and canopy long enough to run 100 metres and with enough space to hold all other utilities of a proper premises such as; bathrooms, a proper gym, changing rooms, offices and so on. Remember that London is one of the cities with worst climate in the whole of Europe but that doesn’t stop them from providing infrastructures for physical exercises opened to the whole citizens even if in the premises of the University. What about other ways of spending your free time? You can’t go anywhere because there is just nowhere to go to. I am focusing on physical activities in this article but there will be some follow ups on other aspects of activities and entertainments in the future articles. So if you want to keep fit you have two choices: you either enroll to the relatively expensive gyms, some badly run and without any or very little guarantee of your health protection or you go running in the middle of the roads where you not risk being run over, but you would be using your lungs as filters for the car smug especially because the Potentinis don’t go anywhere without their car. And worse again, except for the Parco Montreale and some one or two others, there no parks designed for public use in Potenza and we also have the luxury of closing some beautiful ones like the one in Via Mazzini (Villa del Prefetto?) which I have never seen even though I have lived here now for half a lifetime. Enjoy L’esercito come opportunità di lavoro: continua il tour nelle scuole lucane “S e desideri una formazione di alto livello che ti consenta di gestire con padronanza anche le circostanze più critiche, la Scuola Sottufficiali dell’Esercito, è la scelta che fa per te”. L’Infoteam del Comando Militare Esercito ”Basilicata” durante le scorse settimane, ha incontrato gli studenti diplomandi del Liceo Classico Q.Orazio Flacco di Potenza; del Liceo Scientifico Federico II a Melfi e dell’Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Solimene di Livello, per promuove Il concorso pubblico per Allievi Marescialli. Il concorso per titoli ed esami, per l’ammissione al 17° corso biennale (2014/2016), è stato pubblicato sulla gazzetta ufficiale 4^ serie speciale n° 14 del 18 febbraio con scadenza 17 marzo 2014. Il percorso formativo è di profilo universitario; alla fine del secondo anno, si conseguirà il grado di “Maresciallo” e si potrà, entro l’anno successivo, raggiungere l’importante traguardo di una laurea di 1°livello in: Scienze Organizzative e Gestionali o in Scienze Infermieristiche. Si diventerà quindi Comandanti di plotone, leaders pronti a mettersi in gioco in ogni contesto nazionale ed internazionale; si approfondirà la conoscenza delle lingue straniere e si praticherà un’intensa attività sportiva, godendo inoltre di un’indipendenza economica immediata. Potranno concorrere tutti i cittadini/e italiani con età compresa tra i 17 e 26 anni che siano in possesso dei requisiti previsti dal bando di concorso; per coloro che abbiano prestato e completato il servizio militare obbligatorio o volontario, il limite d’età è elevato a 28 anni. Curiosità, interesse e concrete aspettative, come asserisce il Colonnello Giulio Barba Comandante Militare di Basilicata, sono emerse dagli incontri di orientamento all’impiego tenuti con i giovani studenti che, sempre più frequentemente, valutano per il proprio futuro le interessanti opportunità professionali, di vita e di carriera offerte dall’Esercito. Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile consultare il sito www. o rivolgersi personalmente allo sportello informativo del Comando Militare Esercito ”Basilicata” sito a Potenza nella Caserma “De Rosa” in via Ciccotti n° 32. Tel. e Fax. 0971 45270. [email protected]

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Controsenso del 15/03/2014



18 ontrosenso

15 Marzo 2014BasilicataREPORT

How do you kill the time in Potenza? Tempo libero a Potenza (Prima parte)

Whatever your age in Potenza you will always fi nd it

diffi cult to kill the time. Considering the fi nancial crisis we are going through these years, it has become even worse for the Pontentinis to while the time away. Apart from the fact that the concept

of the city right from the word go does not consider any sort of entertainment or recreation, it has been split into tiny little villages in one city due to the fact that many satellite quarters are being lately built around the suburbs and the outskirts of the city. These are mostly sleeping dormitories without a minimum social, recreative or entertainment facilities. Travelling to different foreign cities and even Italian cities you will notice that we are lacking in almost every thing. The youths are not able to practice any sports except by enrolling themselves into private gyms with whatever the cost that would mean to the pocket of the parents. I have seen several cities with gym and excercising tools erected right in the open air and in a fi eld dedicated to the citizens for recreation. This would serve as a place whereby you do not only go to exercise yourself physically - and God knows how much our youth need exercises - but also a place where eventually you

may get to meet and socialize with others. The only public swimming pool in the city is situated in one of the most dangerous place to access, be it during the day time or night time. And come to think of it, a swimming pool, however big it is even if it’s olympic size, can never be enough for a population of more than fi fty-thousand inhabitants. We all know that the scientists are all the way

emphasizing the importance of physical exercises for our better upbringing and age weathering. If you should speak to some people about these lackings they would tell you to go to Pantano and run around the lake. Considering how large the city is, do we all have to drive all the way to Pantano and starting running around like fools just because some administrators of the local government have never

ever thought it would be wise to invest on the health of its citizens by building sport facilities which could be both indoor and outdoor. I took a group of students on a study trip to London and the college was the Brunel University in Uxbridge London, well you won’t believe it, that is where Hussein Bolt spends his time exercising most of the time. What did they come up with? A simple dome and canopy long enough to run 100 metres and with enough space to hold all other utilities of a proper premises such as; bathrooms, a proper gym, changing rooms, offi ces and so on. Remember that London is one of the cities with worst climate in the whole of Europe but that doesn’t stop them from providing infrastructures for physical exercises opened to the whole citizens even if in the premises of the University. What about other ways of spending your free time? You can’t go anywhere because there is just nowhere to go to. I am focusing on physical

activities in this article but there will be some follow ups on other aspects of activities and entertainments in the future articles. So if you want to keep fi t you have two choices: you either enroll to the relatively expensive gyms, some badly run and without any or very little guarantee of your health protection or you go running in the middle of the roads where you not risk being run over, but you would be using your lungs as fi lters for the car smug especially because the Potentinis don’t go anywhere without their car. And worse again, except for the Parco Montreale and some one or two others, there no parks designed for public use in Potenza and we also have the luxury of closing some beautiful ones like the one in Via Mazzini (Villa del Prefetto?) which I have never seen even though I have lived here now for half a lifetime.


L’esercito come opportunità di lavoro: continua il tour nelle scuole lucane

“Se desideri una formazione di alto

livello che ti consenta di gestire con padronanza anche le circostanze più critiche, la Scuola Sottuffi ciali dell’Esercito, è la scelta che fa per te”.L’Infoteam del Comando Militare Esercito ”Basilicata” durante le scorse settimane, ha incontrato gli studenti diplomandi del Liceo Classico Q.Orazio Flacco di Potenza; del Liceo Scientifi co Federico II a Melfi e dell’Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Solimene di Livello, per promuove Il concorso pubblico per Allievi Marescialli.Il concorso per titoli ed esami, per l’ammissione al 17° corso biennale (2014/2016), è stato pubblicato sulla gazzetta uffi ciale 4^ serie speciale n° 14 del 18 febbraio con scadenza 17 marzo 2014.Il percorso formativo è di profi lo universitario; alla fi ne del secondo anno, si conseguirà il grado di “Maresciallo” e si potrà, entro l’anno successivo, raggiungere l’importante traguardo di una laurea di 1°livello in: Scienze Organizzative e Gestionali o in Scienze Infermieristiche.Si diventerà quindi Comandanti di plotone, leaders pronti a mettersi in gioco in ogni contesto nazionale ed internazionale;

si approfondirà la conoscenza delle lingue straniere e si praticherà un’intensa attività sportiva, godendo inoltre di un’indipendenza economica immediata. Potranno concorrere tutti i cittadini/e italiani con età compresa tra i 17 e 26 anni che siano in possesso dei requisiti previsti dal bando di concorso;per coloro che abbiano prestato e completato il servizio militare obbligatorio o volontario, il limite d’età è elevato a 28 anni.Curiosità, interesse e concrete aspettative, come asserisce il Colonnello Giulio Barba Comandante Militare di Basilicata, sono emerse dagli incontri di orientamento all’impiego tenuti con i giovani studenti che, sempre più frequentemente, valutano per il proprio futuro le interessanti opportunità professionali, di vita e di carriera offerte dall’Esercito. Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile consultare il sito o rivolgersi personalmente allo sportello informativo del Comando Militare Esercito ”Basilicata” sito a Potenza nella Caserma “De Rosa” in via Ciccotti n° 32. Tel. e Fax. 0971 45270.

l a r r yade1@gma i l . com