how does mass media influence young...

Mass Media Influence In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do. A common person in the city usually wakes up checks the tv news or newspaper, goes to work, makes a few phone calls, eats with their family when possible and makes his decisions based on the information that he has either from their co workers, news, tv, friends, family, financial reports, etc. What we need to be aware is that most of our decisions, beliefs and values are based on what we know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience. In our work we usually know what we have to do based on our experience and studies, however on our daily lives we rely on the media to get the current news and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of. We have put our trust on the media as an authority to give us news, entertainment and education. However, the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers and society is so big that we should know how it really works. How mass Media Influence works Of all the media distribution channels the most influential has been the television, we are constantly exposed to thousands of images of violence, advertising, sex, celebrities and much more, in fact a its known that a child is exposed to about 40,000 ads a year. But who owns the media, which are the companies or people that shape our values, beliefs and decisions? The media is basically dominated by five major companies they are: Time Warner VIACOM Vivendi Universal Walt Disney

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Page 1: How does mass media influence young · Web viewHow does mass media influence young people? The media makes billions

Mass Media InfluenceIn the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet.

We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do.

A common person in the city usually wakes up checks the tv news or newspaper, goes to work, makes a few phone calls, eats with their family when possible and makes his decisions based on the information that he has either from their co workers, news, tv, friends, family, financial reports, etc.

What we need to be aware is that most of our decisions, beliefs and values are based on what we know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience. In our work we usually know what we have to do based on our experience and studies, however on our daily lives we rely on the media to get the current news and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of.

We have put our trust on the media as an authority to give us news, entertainment and education. However, the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers and society is so big that we should know how it really works.

How mass Media Influence works

Of all the media distribution channels the most influential has been the television, we are constantly exposed to thousands of images of violence, advertising, sex, celebrities and much more, in fact a its known that a child is exposed to about 40,000 ads a year.

But who owns the media, which are the companies or people that shape our values, beliefs and decisions? The media is basically dominated by five major companies they are:

Time Warner VIACOM Vivendi Universal Walt Disney News Corp

Those 5 companies own 95% of all the media that we get every day. They own the major entertainment theme parks, entertainment movie studios, television and radio broadcast networks and programing, video news and sports entertainment.

They also own integrated telecommunications, wireless phones, video games softwares, electronic media, the music industry and more.

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Years ago there was more diversity in companies, but they have merged so now they are just a few and they have the power to shape the opinion and beliefs of us and our kids. So its important to be aware of what your kids are exposed to every day and you should also try to look at things from different perspectives and not just from the one the media gives you.

How does mass media influence young people?The media makes billions of dollars with the advertising they sell and that we are exposed to. We buy what we are told to be good, after seeing thousands of advertisings we make our buying decisions based on what we saw on Tv, newspapers or magazines to be a product we can trust and also based on what everyone else that we know is buying and their decision are also base don the media.These are the effects of mass media in teenagers, they buy what they see on Tv, what their favorite celebrity advertise and what is acceptable by society based on the fashion that the media has imposed them.There are some positive and negative influences in young people.Here is a positive influence example, if there is a sport that is getting a lot of attention by the media and gains popularity among your friends and society, you will more likely want to practice the sport and be cool with all your friends. The result is that you will have fun with your friends and be more healthy because of the exercise your are doing.However a negative influence in teenagers is the use of cigars by celebrity movie stars, the constant exposure of sex images, the excessive images of violence and exposure to thousands of junk food ads.Young people are in a stage of life where they want to be accepted by their peers, they want to be loved and be successful. The media creates the ideal image of a beautiful men and women and tells you what are the characteristics of a successful person, you can see it in movies and tv. Its a subliminal way to tell you that if you are not like them you are not cool yet so its time to buy the stuff they buy and look like they look.Another negative influence in teenagers that has grown over the last years are anorexia and obesity. There are millions of adolescents fighting obesity, but at the same time they are exposed to thousands of advertisements of junk food, while the ideas image of a successful person is told to be thin and wealthy.Also more women are obsessive with losing weight even when they are not obese, there are many thin women that want to look like the super models and thin celebrities so they engage in eating disorders which leads to severe health issues and even death.How Subliminal Advertising Tries To Make You Fat

Effects of violence in the MediaWhen we watch Tv or a movie we usually see many images of violence and people hurting others. The problem with this is that it can become traumatic especially in our children as we see it more and more. Our kids that are starting to grow and are shaping their personality values and beliefs can become aggressive or they can lose a sense of reality and fiction of what they are seeing.In the past years there have been some cases of kids carrying a gun at school and even hurting others with it. Those kids have been linked to excessive use of violent video games and war images.

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Another problem is that real war is used as a form of entertainment by the media, we should make our kids and teen aware that war is not a form of entertainment and that there is no win or lose like in video games, in real war everyone lose.How media influence public opinionAs i have said above, the media has a huge impact on society and also in public opinion. They can shape the public opinion in different ways depending of what is the objective.For example, after the attacks of 911 the media gave a huge coverage of the event and exposed Osama guilty for the attack as they were told by the authorities. This shaped the public opinion to support the war on terrorism, the same happened with the war on Iraq. The problem is that if media received un accurate information then the public opinion supported a wrong cause, this is the power of public opinion influence.Other ways to influence are with polls and trends, especially in political campaigns. The candidates that can pay for more tv and media exposure have more influence on public opinion and thus can receive more votes.Constructing Public Opinion

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sdorrian  says:2 years agoVery Interesting Hub! The media shape our attitudes about everything from soap to politics. It's important for us to be aware of the impact the mass media has on each and every one of. We need to be vigilant and ask ourselves to look for opposing opinions and evaluate the facts for ourselves rather than blindly accepting the media's version of the "truth."Maria  says:2 years agofor the audience mass media is source of entertaiment, for journalists media is source of prestige and salary and for the owner media is source of profit and political influence! The biggest creator of the public opinion, is media the 7th force. It will take long time for people to understand that TV is not art. Tv is relatet do low IQ people. According to Mihael Kunchik and Astrid Cipfel in their book "Introduction in science of publishment and communications" they say People are sheeps Tv is the shepard.

Hovalis  says:2 years agoI moved into an area recently which has TV reception problems, and I don't have cable. What this

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has meant is I'm only using my TV for DVDs at the moment. The break from advertising has been fantastic. I didn't realise what an effect it was having until it was gone. It's very easy not to think, and to let the media shape your views. It's very easy to get caught up in the emotions of what's happening, especially when the media is cultivating those emotions to get the response they want, either consciously or subconsiously. It's harder to shake that influence. Great hub! Adam Lanquet  says:2 years agoHere are a few quotes to ponder."Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."Richard Salent, former president, CBS News"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with." Richard M. Cohen, Senior Producer of CBS political news."The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of "liberalism" they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas, for many years U.S. Socialist Presidential candidate."We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets, and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows."Katherine Graham, Washington Post publisher and CFR member.

glassvisage  says:2 years agoThose quotes above are scary, but true. You've just affirmed what I've learned in my journalism program. It's all true, unfortunately. I did a senior project on the media influence on negative celebrity behavior and psyches. The media can be too powerful, that's for sure, and often not in good ways.

starrwriter  says:2 years agoHey rayuso,Good conversation starter. It is because the media possesses so much power to influence that those in the media must be diligent about delivering news in a balanced manner that brings the story to the consumer with all sides fairly represented. Journalism is a profession like any other and certain standards of quality and professionalism need to be maintained. Thank you for sharing your insights.Best,Joe

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WeddingConsultant  says:2 years agoThis is a very thought provoking hub that has been debated for years. Thanks for writing it.

Gadzooks  says:2 years agoWow what a great hub, must have taken you ages!

solarshingles  says:2 years agoVery nice, very useful, very powerful!

seamus  says:2 years agoI used to teach the effects of advertising to young college students. I wish they would all read this hub!Elnur  says:2 years agoI fully agree that the mass media unfluences on public opinion. Moreover I want to say that the mass media influence on society, simultaneously politicians unfluence on the mass media. So politicians shaping people's attitudes and beliefs. aroooma  says:2 years agoBig fires start from a little spark This is because it includes the presentation of bad morals, tempting scenes, immoral pictures, semi-nakedness, destructive speechIt .It shows people how to cheat, steal, hatch plots and commit acts of violence against others. jokasdkfj  says:2 years agonono no no no

mndheather  says:2 years ago

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Yes, I agree with your hub, it does have an impact on the society, but also there is some positiveness in it.http://www.jasfy.comNadushka  says:2 years agoExcelent hub! however did you realize that all of us have just been influenced by media, again! As we read this text and each others comments we are unvoluntary forming the same opinion as exposed above. Most of us have agreed, therefore the next person reading might agree as well! Although i appreciate the different sides taken by the author, an evaluation cannot always end equally balanced and therefore leave the reader to decide himself. Instead we are just accepting an opinion already given. Hence we are again influenced by the 'evil' Internet!

bpaxman  says:2 years agoThis is really interesting. I would say that even though media is having a stronger influence. Any single media is having a smaller influence with the increible proliferation of media choices as well as one-to-one media such as twitter and other microblogging.

WeddingConsultant  says:2 years agoBoy this hub could even be expanded to create a BOOK, or maybe even a SERIES. Great job.

bpaxman  says:2 years agoOne thing that seems to be interesting is that media is evolving to allow lay people (non-trained etc.) to influence each other. We are becoming more likely to discover news through a friend or family member than through a traditional news media. Of course, these are not disappearing and are still the main source of news, but social media allows us to by pass the interpretation of journalists more often than we could before. (Now we are subject to the interpretation of the blogosphere)

johnr54  says:2 years agoAs my kids age, I have become more sensitive to the subtle nature that this influence takes on. Even things that seem as innocuous as Disney channel can have some subtle influence, with how the kids and the parent are portrayed and how that shapes the perceptions of a young mind.

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Great hub. m  says:2 years agomgoodP .Indrani  says:2 years agoThis articles is very good to read but if you give the questionnaire & source of information for getting all this information means it is very helpful researches to do their research wellBabino  says:17 months agogood informationIt hel;ped in my homework THANKS GUYS :(JohnTeo  says:17 months agoHJGHN JDFBGHGNJDGNHJGcollegestudent  says:16 months agoIm writing a paper on the influence media has on society and this hub was very insightful. Thanks for posting it. Jetson  says:16 months agoVery informative indeed... it has helped me with my school work. Thanks HubDeng Maker Thor0997  says:16 months agoYou cant be writing a paper on im the one writing a paper. Muhahah Just for hits and gigeles.But on a more serious side note. It is sad when our presidency can be bought indirectly with cash.shubham  says:15 months agothis article was very good &attractiveBlazer  says:15 months agoI have discovered lately that the media has negative impacts on culture.Because of this, crepimng in is global culture which seem to be degrading different cultures. various values and traditions are becoming nonexistent.We hav to take a close look at the impact it is having in our culture Halemh  says:15 months agoactually this artical is very good to read. i'm going to use it in my essayeBoNiieeee  says:14 months agothis article was really helpful. I used some of the info to support myself in a debate. thanksCC  says:14 months agoFantastic Article! Given the massive and intensive media messages being fed to us at every turn,

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students need to be taught how external messages shape internal perspectives and thus decisions, one word at a time. Students need to know that mass media has a specific agenda and once values and ideals are shaped-its very difficult to undo. As the article states "We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do." We have become a society that does not necessarily think for itself or use internal value system to shape our decisions. This has become cultural norm to seek outside advise thus eliminating the need, and ultimately the ability, to think critically, based on unbiased information. dianna contreras  says:14 months agoI love it! it was a LOT of help! thanks!! <3Horald  says:14 months agowonerful, spectacular and fantasticare the only words i could come up with when i read this aticleindeed i did enjoy thisand as a matter of fact i really was quite intreagedapphia  says:14 months agomass media has negative impactsjeanie  says:14 months agohey can u tell ur name and date you posted this caus ei am going to use you ina research paper i am writing. please get back to me as soon as possible because i need to turn in my source cards tomorrow!Ramesh  says:14 months agoMedia is the means of support to the people in the world which shapes their attitude, opinion, and make them to think before they start doing a particular work. the most beautiful is it helps the people to know about different religions, places , important things to do about the past and the future.Ramesh  says:14 months agoMedia is the means of support to the people in the world which shapes their attitude, opinion, and make them to think before they start doing a particular work. the most beautiful is it helps the people to know about different religions, places , important things to do about the past and the future.

Ray Saunders  says:13 months agoVery, very great hub. You were dead on about the major companies and how they practically

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influence everything.corina   says:13 months agoI am doing a essay paper on how the media influnces society and the article has been very helpful for me. Thank youWiley  says:13 months ago that needs to be said.Ruchi Shah  says:13 months agoIwas searching for a debate topic"Today's media is people friendly"....& i got a lot of help from this hub......Thanks a lot....!!!engeng  says:13 months agoewan ko senyusceptic  says:13 months agoencouraged the war, my foot. bin laden did cause the terrorist attacks- that was true reporting of facts. now the media is falling over itself to stop the war.john clyde cagaanan  says:13 months agowhats a amizing wed. its really interesting. congrats....shipi  says:13 months agook It was little bit satisfaying.fahad  says:13 months agovery good.I think there needs to be more awareness regarding media's negative role.If u were here in my country,u would have known how media can turn the world against you.fahad  says:13 months agoSCEPTIC is wrong.No one knows who carried them out uptil now.In fact ,there are many controversies still surrounding them.Even the penta doesnt look like as if a plane hit it.YU teho  says:12 months agothank you for the info~Jewel  says:12 months agobravahhh! worth-reading... =]dude face 34  says:12 months agohey fahad ur a DUMB SHIT there was people killed and they have eye witnesses and vidieos of a plane hittin it so shut the F... up.

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But the info on the site was very helpful thanx.MONGO   says:12 months agoapparently "fahad" is somekind of liberal muslum or somthin go back to YOUR country rag head.MONGO   says:12 months agoI apparently "fahad" is somekind of liberal muslum or somthin go back to YOUR country rag head.Trout   says:12 months agoi FAHAD agree with septic, dude face 34 and MONGO hey 911 happened homo so STAY OVER IN UR COUNTRY AND KEEP QUITE Thanks hahahahahahafahad  says:12 months agoI am not surprised to see how dumb fucking you people are.You suckers seem to ignore the effects of media and thats the shit u are all talking about.ahahhaha!For information of u suckers ,56% of americans believe that the people who have been blamed for 9/11 didnt carry out the attacks.But i guess u are all ignorant after all .It has been proved by people in ur country in documentaries such as farenhiet 9/11,9/11 in plane site,9/11 loose change that instead of an aircraft , a missile hit the pentagon as there were no signs of a a fucking boeng there.Also the planes that hit the wtc's were special military aircraft.I suggest all u dick's stop watching batman and open ur shit heads and try and gain some sense out of the fucking world u live in.fahad  says:12 months agolook mongo (or bongo).U are so craped faces and crap minded and unintelligenbt that u can not possibly infer whether i am a liberal or not.U even dont know the spellings of muslim.I am not rag headed and more capable than any asshole like u could imagine.Oliver  says:12 months agoI agree with Fahad somewhat. he's rite its proved with video evidence!!! And BTW when Israelis and we go around killin innocent women and children you cant expect the poor muslams weve fucked not to retaliate. nd the only way they can do it is by blowing themslvs up and taking as many of us as they can!!!!So we're gettin what we desrve.Anyway this site is cool.... jade_edaj  says:12 months agonice one.. so informative. thanksinvictus  says:12 months agomass media "per se" offer benefit to many but it is on how people may use it. Gracias!bangu mbulawa  says:12 months agoppl shlud nt kill killin is very bdbangu mbulawa  says:

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12 months agoppl shlud nt kill killin is very bdbangu mbulawa  says:12 months agoppl shlud nt kill killin is very bdchawada  says:12 months agono killing its very bd wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gelai  says:12 months agothanks for ur blog i enjoy reading it and i have now i dea for my [email protected]  says:12 months agothis very intresting i get to more about keep it upsivo  says:11 months agoLots of people doing essays and papers and stuff :) Well so am I and this is very good. I'm really amazed that those 5 companies control 95% of the media! When you think about it, media really is everything. Watching tv, reading books, using the internet, giving someone a call, listening to music... the only reall way to escape it would be to lock yourself in a cave in the middle of the bush! Ok, there are probably other ways...But this is good so thanks :DIrdi  says:11 months agoThis was very good. it helped me in my essay. thank you for this article. it was so really good.RRD'C  says:11 months agoThis is an excellent news for the people of good hope. This message had been lingering in my mind for a decade almost. It is a high time we the readers and thinkers of this subject to act upon and bring back our lost selves. We are been fooled and carried away by petty and selfish minds for thier benefit and glory. They have taken human life for granted.meka  says:11 months agoyou were no helpmatt  says:11 months agoi cant fkn watch itnice  says:11 months agowow,wow,if only pepple could focus their minds to good things like this even the media wont have such influence on the society,great hub indeed.Sara  says:

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11 months agothis article is put in very simple language, and a lot of the material covered could be greatly expanded onBimmy  says:11 months agoyup, we need to watch out!a.mady  says:11 months agonice article ! media certainly has its bad effects on societya.mady  says:11 months agonice article ! media certainly has its bad effects on societyagetnman  says:11 months agoSad thing is media knows how to influence but decides to balance the scale rather than tipping the scale on the side of good messages and positive influence. Seems to me that if more positive programing went out then the more positive people would be, tolerant, accepting, forgiving, peacful, caring all attributes we want to instill and mimick but rarely foster beyond making mention of it. I feel sorry for us, so simpleminde that we allow ourselves to be lead around rather than lead.mmmkayy  says:11 months agovery good article. its sad how media does have such an influence on society.kquincy   says:11 months agoi luv the media. i luv this blogthe media kips me infomedRenjith  says:10 months agoReally great article...?  says:10 months agoI like it. Hellodat niggah moe  says:10 months agothe media madwe me smoke pot, i feel horrible, but i fall for hot girls easily no matter what their advertising, im goin down with the rest of the world.......yay me!litibelle  says:10 months agoyour hub is good.the media has its affirmed and disaffirmed views, but don't you think saying that journalist use the mass mediajust for prestige and salary is an understatement?i am a cub journalist and i don't affirm to is just that the human majority has racently become addicted to evil and explains why the society turns to copy the wrong instead of the right.i love and use the media but i try to copy what

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is good.we all know the difference betwwen good and bad .we are thus using the media to influence ourselfs negatively and not the media influencing raised a very good issue and it has helped me greatly.thanks a million.litibelle  says:10 months agoyour hub is good.the media has its affirmed and disaffirmed views, but don't you think saying that journalist use the mass mediajust for prestige and salary is an understatement?i am a cub journalist and i don't affirm to is just that the human majority has racently become addicted to evil and explains why the society turns to copy the wrong instead of the right.i love and use the media but i try to copy what is good.we all know the difference betwwen good and bad .we are thus using the media to influence ourselfs negatively and not the media influencing raised a very good issue and it has helped me greatly.thanks a million.Mega Awesome  says:10 months agoI like cheeseMega Awesome  says:10 months agoand crackersMore Mega Awsome  says:10 months agoDon't forget the fruit platterEven More Mega Awesome  says:10 months agoi'm awesomer than youEven more mega awsome  says:10 months agoMEGA CHEESE AND CRACKERSDIPSHIT  says:10 months agoSNAKE EYES!!!!More Mega Awsome  says:10 months agoI am a bannanaMore Mega Awsome  says:10 months agoTom is a priest and loves to eat his own cum?????  says:10 months agoBUT SCRATCHERTom  says:10 months agodoes anyone know how to get rid of herpes????????  says:

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10 months agoI'M NOT GONNA PAY YOUMore Mega Awsome  says:10 months agoSeven, Seven BatsBEAR BLASTING  says:10 months agoAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFat Guy  says:10 months agoowwwwww! My kidneyHUMP CATTING  says:10 months agoAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.  says:10 months agoI'm a fighter jet made of biceps.TERMINATOR  says:10 months agoGET TO THE CHOPPER???????  says:10 months agoMY ANUS IS BLEEDING???????  says:10 months agoMY ANUS IS BLEEDINGNHDGF  says:10 months agoYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!get a life  says:10 months agoget a lifeer  says:10 months agowow..Riki  says:10 months agoMrs. Brown is hot.Cameron  says:10 months agoI <3 Devin.

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Riki  says:10 months agopenisme  says:10 months agohey watr u doing?me  says:10 months agooh ya you know it!Ms. Brown  says:10 months agostfu!Ms. Brown  says:10 months agostfu!me  says:10 months agoyea i do and u love  says:10 months agowow you are all lamedoggg!  says:10 months agostarting with you!!!!Benjie's Girl  says:10 months agoIf what the mass media is telling us is such a bad thing, how come nobody is doing a thing about it. shouldnt we do something to stop idk lets say the in disorders that are going around. if we dont do something to stop them what will happen? wont they just keep going until eventually nobody will trust them and more than likely we will have a larger death toll from people starving themselves to death, purging themselves so much that they rupture something, or those who are eating themselves into contentment? IDK maybe we should do something about it and figure it out ourselves??o and guys reall mature that is so freaking highschool!sarah  says:10 months agomedia is destroying our society well atleast i thinkMan of All  says:10 months agoMass media essays in G.P should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tv production kid  says:10 months agovery good i am haveing to do a speech for my tv production class and i saw some of the comments i mean really guys media is takeing ovr our lives and one by one each of us is going to geet sucked

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up into it...i mean really think about media is everything cuz with out media people would all just be some brain dead freaks...and i do agree with that one person about if media is getting so bad then people nedd to get of the butts and take care of the problem i am part of the younger generation and i have learned that i am the only one in my class that really picks up a newspaper and read it seriously ...have the people that posted a comment just want to show of to their friends and say hey look guys i wrote penis on a video but others really knw the sturggle of wat is going on with the american society today and i praise each and every one of u who care....god please and thanks for the info it got me a spot on the Jax local news :)hmmm  says:10 months agoIts very interesting how the media plays a role in this world. I think its only accelerating the world to its end. WWIII

Socio-Image  says:10 months agoI enjoyed your Hub and I would like to see a sequel.Akhtar  says:9 months agowho carescc  says:9 months agoi think you all sucksd  says:9 months agohi codyreeza manchanda  says:9 months agonice media should not impose such bad effects ver children it spoils them a lotlatifa  says:9 months agomass media has influenced u all i guesslol  says:9 months agoim a negroidhurfa durf  says:9 months agodurka durkomphemetyse  says:9 months agovery informative,i am a communications student and i must say this was very enlighting and well written.

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sanila saad  says:9 months agothis mass media relly suckspinky  says:9 months agothis is particulaRLY KUTI CHEEZAASHNA  says:9 months agoNO COMMENTS AAPA TA MAZAK KARDE SItiyan jitto  says:9 months agovery good!Tegan  says:9 months agoHas media taken the place of religion?muslim  says:8 months agovery good ... thank u very much ,, really its true and very helpful and good luckJOY  says:8 months agoYOU GUYS ARE ALL VERY GAYJOY SUCKS BALLS  says:8 months agoFUCK YOU JOY YOUR OBVIOUSLY LESBIANSalma  says:8 months agowe shouldnt take media as negitive sources of impact. Not only media but everything has good and bad influence it is upto person' catching ability. it is also depend on person's mind and thinking if one is a possitive receiver she or he will receive it from any source even not using media and in same a negitive receiver. and other way to provend the influence of media is government intiatives it can publish and broadcase a pure and good channelshair cut   says:8 months agocool.... um I guess I agree......what ever I love t.v! :Dhair cut   says:8 months agocool.... um I guess I agree......what ever I love t.v! :Dbert  says:8 months agohabert  says:8 months agoha

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bert  says:8 months agowohowoogie boogieman-bear-pigcandii  says:8 months agothere is no piont of t.v in this worldtht is not wat we were put on this earth forwe r here to worship godso i disagreeRaylin   says:8 months agoThisrae  says:8 months agoI found that the article was not on topic and not well prepared before submitting!ann  says:8 months agoThis article F***king suckedRobert  says:8 months agoThis was good, it was very informative and helped me a lot on my essayDiglett King  says:8 months agoThis article is horrendous. Preparation was horrificwoww.  says:8 months agowow this is sad, and yet soo true.mdog  says:8 months agoi freaking love youteggo  says:8 months agothis is am freack outteggo  says:8 months agothis is am freack outteggo  says:8 months agothis is am freack outMurph  says:8 months agocareers in criminal justice go eat a bagel go fly a kite cookies are good apple juice is yummy

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Mikel!  says:8 months agovery good information, but at the same time i'm reading i have 2 see...prepare your body to have good looking this summer... Unbeliveble!! :)Corneli  says:8 months agoTo the guys on this site who think it is cool to cuss, be disrespectful to women or other people, where do you think that you got that idea from. It's mainly due to you taking the negative influences that you saw in the media and not having a proper home training and spiritual upbringing in the fear of God. You need to cry out to God and ask to be forgiven beacuase one day you will stand before him and give an account and either recieve eternal judgement or eternal life because you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the media will not be able to defend you and you certainly will not be able to blame the media for all your bad choices in life. God is saying to this whole nation, I put before you either death or life, therefore, be wise and choose life. When you choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are making the choice for eternal life. This culture needs to wake up spiritually, it is on a roller coaster ride that will eventually lead to hell and eternal destruction. That is the truth.n01d  says:7 months agoyeah cornell where did you get that idealism from a pole up your ass pogostick?against you all  says:7 months agocan you all fuckers stop telling things about it?????i need it for a debatekoolkid  says:7 months agoalthough the media has a bad influence it also is good as it informs sociaty about whats happening in the world and keeps us up to date.coolh  says:7 months agocan anyone talk 1 minute about media plz i need to prepare for itclodovil  says:7 months agoRONALDOalan abu  says:7 months agothanks rlly became useful 4 me...made real use of it...soe chit kaung segment  says:6 months agogo blow a tree!!youngn777  says:5 months agothis is the first hub i have actually taken the time to read, especially between the lines. i must say it was really worth my while. the media and the giant corporations behind them in fact do shape

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public opinion and cater not our needs but to the greed and needs of them. in this day and age it wouldn't be suprising if we were all mentally enslaved and didn't know it. ever since infancy we were brought up knowing right and wrong and even though it is clear cut as night and day, we as a single unified race (humans) we still choose to do wrong and hurt the very people we're supposed to love. to myself a neighbor is anyone beside me or an unknown username posting his opinion on the web. everday i am surrounded by opinions and i enjoy that because i can formulate a more informed opinion based on what come across my way whether i disagree with it or not. now as a young man, i come to this site and see many good reviews and peoples own opinions and much more hatred and apathy. why is this? my opinion can perhaps be related to the media. we still choose to do wrong and it wouldn't suprise me if this stemmed from all the millions of violent, narcassitc, pessimistic, saracastic, narrowcasted images that we have been exposed to since infancy. i believe we have all been enslaved mentally and its these blocks such as the media, big business, modern and future technology (as i speak of it, it is no longer the future but the Present) has put our own personal beliefs and ideals on the back burner to what the people controlling the media deem is best for us. like ducks, we all follow suit. furthermore i probably won't come back on this site because my assumptions lead me to believe that i will become the victim of verbal abuse and attacks because some gentleman will have disagreed with my views and say some ridiculous nonsense that has absolutely no bearing on what im saying. it is unfortunate to go through this life and have perfect strangers hate each other with so much ignorance and apathy it makes me want to not be a part of this life sometimes. to the creator of this hub. good stuff man keep the word alive. island gurl  says:5 months agoThat was one excellent and well written speech,simple but yet very true and straight forward!!!!!! Overall, it depends in each one of us..... if you are an ignorant person than its your problem if ya dont take this message seriously, but to those who cares bowt their famillies, love ones, friends, neighbours and themselves.. Hellow world!!!!!! this is seriously true!!! My 5 yr old brother never likes to go outside and play because he is hypnotized by the television and the DVD he watches every day and to be honest noe my parents can't control him coz if they stop him, he wont eat and gets really aggresive...Same as my 11 yr old sister which interests the most in dressing up dolls through the internet games rather than doing it herself... They spend more time in media and get obssesed about it that they dont even realise that their chillhood is passing by so quickly and should be themselves and enjoy it as we usually do before, rather than doing stuffs from what the see through television and internet!!! Tell me would you people want to see your love ones act like media freaks evryday and react and talk to you like some show media robots!! Reality it becomes sickness, thus the media is the real virus to this situation!!! It opens One mind and yet Damages it!!!! Like a key to open a door and the same key to lock it!!!!!!!!!!! apr  says:5 months agomedia is my future lifeJerisJenis  says:5 months ago

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Media is well and good enough as long as its valuable and influential informations is concerned on the society. The usage of media would depend upon each individual to carry out to the maximum of what is good and moral to be performed out in the society. Being an Indian, i would affirm that the art of media directs to the state of bloomy India. JerisJenis  says:5 months agoMedia is well and good enough as long as its valuable and influential informations is concerned on the society. The usage of media would depend upon each individual to carry out to the maximum of what is good and moral to be performed out in the society. Being an Indian, i would affirm that the art of media directs to the state of bloomy India. pondering  says:5 months agoI have thought about this issue several times before. Tha purpose of the media is to inform the public, yes; but they also have the goal of making as much money as possible, and getting as many viewers/readers/listeners as possible. Therefore, the media is very likely to cater to the public's interests; social networking sites (mainly for teenagers), gossip (everyone but especially old people), violence (people like excitement in movies/shows ie shootouts and gang fights). So perhaps it isn't the media's fault what is written in the newspapers or aired on the television. One last comment; the government is no longer "the man"; the media is.rose  says:4 months agothis is great!thanks this would greatly help to my study about media literacy... for the media... the media should know how to dissiminate the right and valid information to the public. they should not manipulate the people in the society that recieves the media messages. they should be fair and do their job well. for the media consumers... we as the consumers of media should be responsible and critical enough to choose the right messages delivered by the media. we should look the both sides of one issue not just one we should have some research to know the truth. dont let the media manipulate us.Michelle  says:4 months agoGreat hub. I do take issue with a couple statements made, however. There is no doubt that the media does have an influence at both the micro and macro level. However, many other variables need to be taken into consideration. There is a lack of empirical evidence proving a direct, causal relationship between media and violence, or media and obesity, or media and any other direct effect. Mediating variables (such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, social groups, etc.) all combine to form the effects described in the hub. Media as a standalone influence is not to blame. brandon   says:4 months agoi think your full of shitSheldon  says:4 months ago

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I totally agree with you. Like it or not, media is a huge influence in society, especially in where I'm living. I gotta say that we have evolved technologically speaking, but that doesn't help us to get a personal opinion, certainly the 80% of the people actually buy what media sells. I've always compared modern society with the one that is shown in Orwell's book: 1984. We're getting out of thoughts! But why don't we take advantage of media? why we prefer to absorve just the useless stuff? we can seize technology and learn from it. Unfortunately the youth has taken the bad stuff of media, ergo, youth has turned thoughtless. Rich  says:3 months agoGood insight about the power of the media. My only suggestion to you is that you reference your facts. I need to know if it is from a trusted source.MAN(kunak tiga)kg.kabog.  says:3 months agoi agree,we must to filter any information like from news,television,radio,magazine and also any information negative before showing to people,especially young people.Penguin Lover  says:3 months agowe must act fast if we are to kill all the penguinsChristina  says:3 months agoI strongly believed that media really important on shaping people idea. Thus,media should emphasize on environment,social problem issues to aware public the danger and important. The new of politician ,artist on what what people that so ridiculous and nonse at all. They just wearing mask,the back of the mask is juct what a terrible horrible image which give negative message to the public.On the other hand,it just cause more serious problem to the world.Please be a reponsible mass media,stop help those people on improve their popularity what we seen its only mask.Focus on those serious problem happen around us. Mari Begonia A. Cinco  says:3 months agoI believe that mass media is one of the main reasons why things that should be considered of immorality such as drugs, drinking, pre-marital sex and adultery are of acceptance today. Media shows us these things. Exposes us to them. And we're all thinking "if they're doing it, why can't we?" It is implanted in our mind that these things are normal. Let's take for example, Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl shows teenagers in sexual relationships, drugs, drinking, and the division of people in cliques. And they don't usual send the message that "THIS IS BAD." But rather, "THIS IS NORMAL." And I know there are a whole lot of things like Disney or other programs trying to stop this image, but it isn't enough. The abuse of media is strutural sin and it must be stopped."A man who exposes children to scandal should rather tied to a boulder and fall into the sea."Mari Begonia A. Cinco  says:3 months agoI believe that mass media is one of the main reasons why things that should be considered of immorality such as drugs, drinking, pre-marital sex and adultery are of acceptance today. Media shows us these things. Exposes us to them. And we're all thinking "if they're doing it, why can't we?" It is implanted in our mind that these things are normal. Let's take for example, Gossip Girl.

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Gossip Girl shows teenagers in sexual relationships, drugs, drinking, and the division of people in cliques. And they don't usual send the message that "THIS IS BAD." But rather, "THIS IS NORMAL." And I know there are a whole lot of things like Disney or other programs trying to stop this image, but it isn't enough. The abuse of media is strutural sin and it must be stopped."A man who exposes children to scandal should rather tied to a boulder and fall into the sea."Mari Begonia A. Cinco  says:3 months agoI believe that mass media is one of the main reasons why things that should be considered of immorality such as drugs, drinking, pre-marital sex and adultery are of acceptance today. Media shows us these things. Exposes us to them. And we're all thinking "if they're doing it, why can't we?" It is implanted in our mind that these things are normal. Let's take for example, Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl shows teenagers in sexual relationships, drugs, drinking, and the division of people in cliques. And they don't usual send the message that "THIS IS BAD." But rather, "THIS IS NORMAL." And I know there are a whole lot of things like Disney or other programs trying to stop this image, but it isn't enough. The abuse of media is strutural sin and it must be stopped."A man who exposes children to scandal should rather tied to a boulder and fall into the sea."katerina  says:3 months agoI do ana essay about mass media and how they influence our lives and this article was very helpful. Thank you. katerina  says:3 months agoI do an essay about mass media and how they influence our lives and this article was very helpful. Thank you. dia  says:2 months agowow its help in my workmadeeha  says:2 months agowawooooooo its help in my work.thank youvarda  says:2 months agoDo you think that our media also effects our architecture? i m trying to do a thesis about how the media can influence our decision and design process.. but cant find much relevant information. Sidra Mumtaz  says:2 months agoI study about media and also I discover too. It helps me in my work and in daily routine.Its helpfull to me. Thank you.Sidra Mumtaz  says:2 months agoI study about media and also I discover too. It helps me in my work and in daily routine.Its helpfull to me. Thank you.Sam YI  says:2 months ago

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I love this passage because it's leading so many discussions. Media, money(benefits), ethics, minorities, info, are highly relatedL VINEET SINGH BHU  says:2 months agoexcellent hub.i enjoyed. the impact of media on public psyche is very strong and direct. we often dont have the time and perhaps character, to examine and x-ray the information furnished by the media which makes us dangerously susceptible to manipulation. media has an enormous potential which unfortunately remains untapped and abused far more than it is being used. the need is to 'WATCH LITTLE AND THINK MORE.'we are ten times more exposed to trash than anything sensible. the terrific technology is lamentably being misused especially in INDIA.instead of talking of ideal we should discuss reality. and in reality media has harmed the society in 50 years which was impossible to do even in a thousand.mari  says:2 months agothe previous comments av noting to do wit mass medfia how stupid abanerjee  says:2 months agoI'm doing a debate on this topic on Wednesday! This site really helped my case. Thanks!t.swanson  says:2 months agoThe media does influence us each and everyday. We wake up morning after morning listening to the news or that radio for "updates" within the world. Mass media is one of the biggest reasons for troubles in today's society. For instance, America has become "mediated" culture, media reflects and creates the culture. Media portrays the craziest aspects in life. Models being shown weighing 100 pounds and that is their portrayal of "perfection" or can we imagine television without reality TV now? How about life without the Internet? We can search ultimately anything and everything with just a click of a button. Even though there are tons of negatives of media, they also have some positives. Same thing with the Internet, what we society do today if we couldn't access research with the Internet? Also, media brings human cultures together and we are exposed to a broad range of ideas and thought from all kinds of people form all over the world. It all comes down to this. It doesn't matter how much media is exposed to us, we must be able to decipher the messages sent by media and ask questions so we are not influenced in a negative manner.!!!  says:2 months agoawwwwwneedhelp!!  says:2 months agoany1 can tell me where can i get good and efficent information abot influences of mass medianeedhelp!!  says:2 months agoplzzzzz help me.i am getting marked on the information i get!!plzzzz helphehe  says:2 months ago

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we all need to get a life if we already had one we'd be doing something fun not reading and essay that some guy rote and then critiscizing it or him so grow uprockon  says:2 months agowonderfuljess  says:6 weeks agowow thanks.. this will help me on my essay :)23  says:5 weeks ago[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Sexy Bitch   says:5 weeks agoHeya .. Sup ? .. mail me on : [email protected] Lub u arkham  says:5 weeks agoyes, i totally agree with you... mass media influence is the main problem of lack of thoughts in teenagers, they just are not able to express themselves in a more free position, they have to behave as media says... there will be human robots instead of people, shame on them... ridz4eva  says:4 weeks agothanks for helpin me on my essay,my teacher is going 2 be impresed! ;DMandy  says:4 weeks agothank you!this is very helpful, the paper i am going to write about!Areeba  says:4 weeks agoi was searching the same topic for presentation n i saw it. u hv done a marvelleous job. it is superb creativity.Anyko  says:3 weeks agoWell said....something that we all lived with but never realized...boey  says:2 weeks agogreat :D czechers  says:2 weeks agovery informative,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tnxCLARA  says:2 weeks ago

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the topic was grear and informative. but aint we exgarating the role which is played by is true that most of the choices pple make are consructed by the media but we are not robots and we have not lost our intellectual capacity. if people are manipulated by the media then who is manipulating who? who is behind the media? is it real the media influencing our choices or is it our individual secret desires that we see in the media that makes us comform to what the media is telling us? CLARA  says:2 weeks agothe topic was grear and informative. but aint we exgarating the role which is played by is true that most of the choices pple make are consructed by the media but we are not robots and we have not lost our intellectual capacity. if people are manipulated by the media then who is manipulating who? who is behind the media? is it real the media influencing our choices or is it our individual secret desires that we see in the media that makes us comform to what the media is telling us? gucchi  says:2 weeks agothanks alot!SWATI DHAMIJA   says:10 days agoI agree that media is leaves a good but also bad impact on should be independent than only the will grow!!AgainstTheGovernment  says:5 days agowow this article is very helpful. Lik everyone else im also doing an essay and was looking for ideas. this really helped. i agree the media is controlling our minds and that the government doesn't want us or our children to be educated. the government is all a lie. Obama is related to the bush family, and every man and women in power are in ONE Bloodline. they want to divide and conquer. They have been planning to have a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.this says it all.  says:2 days agomedia really distracts children from studies.