how effective is the combination of your main

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

Upload: aminatb

Post on 01-Dec-2014




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Page 1: How effective is the combination of your main

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

Page 2: How effective is the combination of your main

During our research and development stage we realised that real media products tend to be consistent with their colour scheme and positions of images; so we made that sure when creating our ancillary text for it look ‘professional’ – Consistency is the key.

Some products ancillary text have a clear

connection, the Orphan is a clear example of that.

Page 3: How effective is the combination of your main

Not all media products have a clear connection, The Rings webpage and poster don’t have the same layout but use

certain elements to keep everything ‘consistent’.

The Ring/Circle links to the concept –

main image on the poster.

Grey’s/White – colours are consistent

Page 4: How effective is the combination of your main

• As a group we used key moments within our trailer to help create our poster/webpage, to make sure that the main product & ancillary text were effective together.

Wanted to combine the elements of ‘obsession,

femininity whilst keeping the

horror/ gritty feel – We didn’t want to

do the ‘cliché’ sexual female as our main image

but wanted it to be very simple yet


Page 5: How effective is the combination of your main

The colours in the shot was what

influenced us when creating our

colour scheme/and our main reason for ‘Amy having a

Green ring’.The greens & greys represent

the urban/Gritty feel our trailer has. The hands we

used is very simple yet I feel links with our trailer and our

slogan. On the other hand the ring emphasises femininity;

the position of the hand links with our slogan.

Page 6: How effective is the combination of your main

Film 4 – Films such a This is England & Shaun of the dead are films that are good examples of reasons why our film works

with their production.This is England – Represents the urban/British feel that our

trailer portrays.Shaun of the Dead – Represents the thriller/horror element..

Page 7: How effective is the combination of your main

Not having Evie or Amy seen on the poster/webpage could be a downfall for our product, reasons for this is because even though our image represents the main

theme it doesn’t represent the whole image of sexuality and the use of ‘promiscuity that we used to

create a ‘evil’ character.

Page 8: How effective is the combination of your main

I believe that our main product and ancillary text works effectively due to

our consistency, I believe that our product appeals to our target

audience and more. It also attracts other company’s who may want to help market our film through media

synergy and advertisements.