how i used conventions in my documentary


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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: How i used conventions in my documentary


Page 2: How i used conventions in my documentary


• In my documentary I have used a considerable amount of editing, especially fast paced editing.

• My documentary has many reflexive elements, such as dramatic sounds and the use of presenters which I have previously mentioned, but also I have used a studio style location in parts of my filming as well as the clever use of different costumes.

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• I chose to use a studio location In certain parts of my documentary, (the presenters scenes) to make the whole formal, professional and studio/news (Crime Watch) feel as realistic as I possibly could.

• The studio gave the whole documentary an authoritive feel, especially teamed with the police (Pc Jones’) interview.

• My presenters consisted of 2 females and 1 male, and they each played a different role in reporting to the audience about the case, and they were in the studio each time they were shown.

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Studio Location

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• I had several different characters in my documentary.• I helped present their roles through the way they were addressed, so,

adhering to stereotypes about particular groups of people, both positive and negative.

Characters I used;• Presenters• Police Officer• Victim• Villain• Eye Witness

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• Presenters- I dressed the presenters in smart wear, which would be similar to that which news presenters wear, and what the presenters on Crime Watch wear, as that was my inspiration for the entire documentary. The male Presenter wore a suit, whilst Presenter 1 (female), wore a black smart top, and Presenter 2 (female) wore a smart white shirt, and spectacles.

• Police Officer (PC Jones)- I also dressed PC Jones in a suit, as I portrayed him to be chief/detective of the investigation, and the suit represented both his authority and professionalism.

• Victim (Maisy Roberts)- I dressed Maisy in a fashionable parka, ripped jeans and Adidas Superstar trainers, because firstly is was winter and cold, hence the coat and secondly, she worked for a high-street fashion label and I wanted to portray her sense of style and fashion, through a practical yet effortless look.

• Villain (Toby Westgate)- I dressed Toby head to tow in black. He wore a hoody, with the hood up and I covered his face with a black balaclava, conforming to basic stereotypes of male youths/criminals, and Toby being 26 fitted into this perfectly.

• Eye- Witness- For my eyewitness, I blurred out her image so she couldn’t be seen for her own safety so her costume wasn’t as imperative.

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Blurred out anonymous Eye-


Police officer- PC Jones

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• I used many typical conventions in my ancillary tasks. • For the News Ad, I focused my work and what was features

around one main image which caught the audience’s attention.• For the Double Page Spread, I used the layout of a newspaper

article, and had the appropriate images, masthead, and article writing in proportion to one another.

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• Text- I had limited text on my news ad, because it only needed limited info.• Text Effects- I used a shadow and overlaying effect on my text, to make it stand out.• Font Sizes- I varied the font sizes on text, depending on what I thought was more important and more

serious. The West Midlands police section was clear and neat, so it was not to be mocked and de-valued, etc.

• Large Image- I used one main image on the news ad. I did this for effect and so to not take away from that one significant image and crowd the ad, making it confusing.

• Colour Scheme- my colour scheme was black, grey and white. This was in keeping with the dark theme of my documentary. It had odd pops of colour such as the Police badge, and I did this portray the justice that the victim will eventually receive and that there is a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’.

• Key Information- I listed the name of the documentary, the channel it will be aired on, the time and the date. Along with other factors such as; West Midlands Police, and so on.

• Logo- I used a few logos. The channel 4 logo, and the West Midlands Police logo, to enable to audience to visualise second parties involved in my documentary, making it even more realistic and professional.

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• Columns- I used columns just like you’d use for a newspaper article, to make it look as realistic as possible, and section off the writing so it wasn’t crowded and looked neat and professional.

• Title- I put the overall title of the documentary on the DPS (Coventry Crackdown: The Westgate Robbery), as well as a catchy, sub title which would catch the audiences attention; ‘PC Jones reveals all’.

• Images- I used two images on my DPS, a main one to accompany the article itself, of the villain; Toby Westgate (used an over the shoulder shot image) and a supporting image, of PC Jones, I saw this fitting as the article was centred around him and his investigation.

• Captions- I used quotes, and some bigger font/sized texts to highlight some information, which was more important and would catch the eye of the reader quicker.

• Colour Scheme- my colour scheme was again in keeping with my documentary and evidently my newspaper advert. I kept it dark, due to the genre of the documentary, and then I still included certain pops of colour, e.g. the bright blue twitter logo. As that was a means of communication for people to get in touch with the show to help with the investigation, this was a positive thing and added a positive vibe to the DPS.