how to build scenarios and test business strategies - conference keynote speaker

Take Hold of Your Future Dr Patrick Dixon Chairman Global Change Ltd

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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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Take Hold of Your Future

Dr Patrick Dixon – Chairman Global Change Ltd

Patrick Dixon is Chairman of Global Change Ltd, Author of

15 books and has been ranked one of the 20 most

influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50)

How to build scenarios and test business strategies for

Nokia (2008)

500 videos of keynotes

Over 4 million views

Dixon’s Futurist Website

14 million unique visitors.

F ast

U rban

T ribal

U niversal

R adical

E thical

Business, Personal, Wider World

• Fast / Urban / Universal • Tribal / Radical / Ethical

• Empowerment

Your View of the Future

• Post-it Notes – Brainstorm on your own

– Key trends - one yellow note for each idea

– Issues of importance to Nokia

• Share samples with each other on tables

Sorting ideas onto boards

Agree titles for these boards as whole group

Eg Political, Demographics, Science / Tech, Environmental

Place each of your Notes onto the right board – and into right area

Sort onto boards - and into grid

Short term

Longer term

Unlikely Possible

Medium term


Reflections on Group View

• Patterns on the boards

• Differences in estimates

• Patterns of trends

• Surprises?

• What is the “big story?”

Scenario Building

• Which ideas are most important / interesting from your point of view

• Write down 5-8 Notes from board, and take them to your own team

• Whole team places all collected ideas on post-it notes on a blank flipchart

• Begin to think about a sequence of events over next 5-8 years that might include some / all of these

Develop Timeline 2009-2018

What happened

• In wider world

• In your sector

• In what year

• What happened next...

How Nokia / competitors responded

CNN Interview

• One of your group will be interviewed

• Chose a date from 2012-2015

• You are the outgoing Chairman

• Looking back, greatest achievements

• Greatest surprises

• Take us back through some of the major events

Feedback and Debrief

Challenges, Opportunities

Patrick Dixon is Chairman of Global Change Ltd, Author of

15 books and has been ranked one of the 20 most

influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50)

How to build scenarios and test business strategies for

Nokia (2008)

500 videos of keynotes

Over 4 million views

Dixon’s Futurist Website

14 million unique visitors.