how to create a social media strategy for success - social media breakfast new ulm -

A Little About Me 06/22/2022 1 @sarahkuglin Sarah Kuglin Redwood Valley Technical Solutions Wife and Mother Business Owner Coffee Nut I’ve been called: Web Designer Internet Developer WordPress Designer Social Media Marketer Social Media Consultant Geek and Nerd Passionate about the Web Not Scared to Share My Opinion Addicted to my Devices Always Connected…….. Me with my Social Media Mentor – Mari Smith

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How To Create a Social Media Strategy for Success - Presented at the first Social Media Breakfast New Ulm in New Ulm, MN


  • 1.A Little About Me @sarahkuglinSarah Kuglin Redwood Valley Technical SolutionsWife and Mother Business Owner Coffee NutMe with my Social Media Mentor Mari SmithIve been called: Web Designer Internet Developer WordPress Designer Social Media Marketer Social Media Consultant Geek and Nerd Passionate about the Web Not Scared to Share My Opinion Addicted to my Devices Always Connected.. 1/31/20141

2. Our Team Sarah KuglinOwner, Web Designer and Digital Marketing ConsultantBryanne FreitagDigital Marketing & Social Media ManagerColleen Marcus Content Marketing Manager1/31/20142 3. Social Media is a conversationsupported by online tools.3 4. rvtechsolutions.com1/31/20144 5. Social Media The intersection of technology and socialinteraction to create, share, or connect online.rvtechsolutions.com1/31/20145 6. 1/31/20146 7. Social Media & Businessrvtechsolutions.com1/31/20148 8. 9 9. www.socialtimes.comMake A Plan1/31/201410 10. Goalsrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201411 11. Have Clear Objectives SMART= Specific, Measurable, Attainable,Realistic and Timely.rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201412 12. Strategy 1. How To Use Content to Build Relationships 2. Convert Followers Into Customers 3. Reputation Management 4. Measure Your Efforts rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201413 13. Build Relationships People Still Do Business withPeople the Like, Know Trustrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201414 14. rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201415 15. Helpful Is The New ViralFooter Text-Hubspot1/31/201416 16. Content Marketing Is identifying the content your audience is looking for, and distributing it to all theplaces they look for it. Michael Brenner rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201417 17. What is Content Content Marketing is anything you create to share and tell your story. o o o o o o o oBlog Post Magazine or Newsletter Article Video Talking at an Event Email Tweets or Facebook Status Update Photos and Infographics Posters, Brochures and all Printed Materialrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201418 18. Content Marketingrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201419 19. Content Ideas 1. Specialized Knowledge and Expertise 2. Share Quotes Especially as a photo or graphic 3. Curate Quality Content OPC 4. Repurpose Material 5. Remind Your Community of What You Offer 6. Provide a Solution to Their Problems!! rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201420 20. Solve Their Problems!rvtechsolutions.com21 21. Solve Their Problems 22. Content Marketingrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201425 23. Content Curating OPC Find Content and Information to Share Google Alerts - Newsle Social Mention Follow Influencers on Social Networks -create Twitter Lists Subscribe to RSS Feeds rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201426 24. Corn Capital Innovations Team 1/31/201427 25. 1/31/201428 26. 1/31/201429 27. Valentines Day 1/31/201430 28. Contestsrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201431 29. Make Content Sharable32 30. Social Hub33 31. Engage Dont forget to interact with your fans and followers!rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201434 32. Convert Followers Into Customers What do your followers need to do next o o o o oSubscribe to my Blog Subscribe to my Email List Attend an Event Become a Member Purchase my Products or Servicesrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201435 33. Content Calendarrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201436 34. Management Toolsrvtechsolutions.comwww.hootsuite.com1/31/201437 35. Facebook Schedulerrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201438 36. Negative Feedback 1. Treat Negative Feedback like any other customer service issue 2. Respond Immediately 3. Do your best to move the conversation offline 4. Dont remove negative posts (with exceptions) 5. Swearing & Spamming can be removed rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201439 37. 40 38. Facebook Insightsrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201441 39. Facebook Insightsrvtechsolutions.com1/31/201442 40. rvtechsolutions.com1/31/2014 41. 1/31/2014 42. Changes Social Networks & Tools are always changing, but conversations online are not.rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201445 43. Whats Next 1. Facebook: Reach, Custom Audiences 2. New Networks3. Mobile Marketing will be Main Stream 4. Social + Web + Email rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201446 44. Tips & Tricks Amplify Content to Interested Users Use Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts (Boost a Post) to grow the reach of your page and content.Target ads to audience by interests, gender, age, language, location, educational status and even relationship status. rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201447 45. Tips & Tricks Amplify Content to Interested Users Use Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts (Boost a Post) to grow the reach of your page and content.Target ads to audience by interests, gender, age, language, location, educational status and even relationship status. rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201448 46. Tips & Tricks Facebook Targeting: Websites & ButtonsImage via rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201449 47. Content & Social Media 1. Plan and Set Goals 2. Have Clear Objectives3. Create a Strategy 4. Measure the Results rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201450 48. Conversations Online QUESTIONS? View Slides At: Ask Questions and offer Feedback! rvtechsolutions.com1/31/201451