how to create an amazing blogger landing page

How To Create An Amazing Blogger Landing Page 1. Lets create a new blog in blogger, it is important to find a good url which fits your niche cause it helps search engines find your site , Choose Travel Template. 2. Click On the Pencil Icon at the top left. 3. Add Some Content in it according to your niche.

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Post on 27-Sep-2015




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How to Create an Amazing Blogger Landing Page


How To Create An Amazing Blogger Landing Page

1. Lets create a new blog in blogger, it is important to find a good url which fits your niche cause it helps search engines find your site , Choose Travel Template.

2. Click On the Pencil Icon at the top left.

3. Add Some Content in it according to your niche.

4. Click On Preview and Check it if it looks good.

5. It should look pretty decent if you have put some good content in it!! Now click on Publish.

6. Click on Template then Customise

7. Click on the blue template and then you should see some decent changes in the preview.

8. After that, go to Background , choose whatever background you want and put the settings as it is in the image below.

9. Go to Adjust widths and put 780 in the box.

10. Time to go to Layout and select the #1 in Body Layout and #2 in Footer Layout.

11. Now, go to Advanced , then Page Text and choose the settings as it is in the image below.

12. In the Post Title put these things.

13. In the Add CSS tab put these codes

Code:#header-inner img {margin: 0 auto !important;} #header-inner {text-align:center !important;}

.home-link { display: none; }

body {background-size: cover;}

14. Click On Apply to Blog

15. We Are DONE with customization.Now, Go to Layout , Click on Edit Favicon and upload a favicon of your choice!.Click Save

16. Click Edit Navbar , Click on Off and Save!.

17. Click on Edit "Your Niche Name"(Header) , Upload a decent PNG of your niche's name , Select Instead of title and desciption and Press Save.

18. Press on Blog Posts Edit and uncheck all the options.Click Save

19. Click Edit for both About Me and Blog Archive , Click Remove on both the windows.

20. Lastly go to Template , Edit HTML and before the tag add the code below.(This will remove the attribution)


#Attribution1 {display: none;}