how to create and send a major project progress...

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for guidance only and is a description on how to use the SFC2007 application. There can be no guarantees as to the accuracy of the descriptions due to the evolving nature of the computer system. In no way does this information replace the regulations or could be considered as a legal interpretation of the Commission services. Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected] Page 1 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? Contents of this guide: 1.1. Create a new Major Project Progress Report ........................................................................ 2 1.2. Validate a Major Project Progress Report ............................................................................. 6 1.3. Send a Major Project Progress Report ................................................................................... 6 1.4. Upload a Major Project Progress Report document ............................................................ 7 1.5. Consult a Major Project Progress Report ............................................................................ 10 1.6. Delete a Major Project Progress Report .............................................................................. 11 a. Validation rules for the Major Project Progress Report ........................................................ 13 b. Workflow of the Major Project Progress Report .................................................................... 13 Purpose of this functionality The monitoring of Major Projects is done by means of a Major Project Progress Report that has to be submitted to the Commission twice a year by the Member State. The submission deadlines are end of September and end of February. This functionality allows the Member State to create a new Major Project Progress Report and to modify an existing Major Project Progress Report. Regulation source Nihil Concerned Funds ERDF/CF User roles and permission needed Before you start, check that… MS Managing Authority with Update and Send permission (MSMA U+S) When creating, the Major Project Progress Report version does not yet exist in the system. When modifying, the current Major Project Progress Report status is 'Created', 'Validated' or 'Returned'. The Major Project Report is managed at the user's level.

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Page 1: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for guidance only and is a description on how to use the SFC2007 application. There can be no guarantees as to the accuracy of the descriptions due to the evolving nature of the computer system. In no way does this information replace the regulations or could be considered as a legal interpretation of the Commission services.

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 1

How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Contents of this guide: 1.1. Create a new Major Project Progress Report ........................................................................2 1.2. Validate a Major Project Progress Report.............................................................................6 1.3. Send a Major Project Progress Report ...................................................................................6 1.4. Upload a Major Project Progress Report document............................................................7 1.5. Consult a Major Project Progress Report ............................................................................10 1.6. Delete a Major Project Progress Report ..............................................................................11

a. Validation rules for the Major Project Progress Report ........................................................ 13 b. Workflow of the Major Project Progress Report.................................................................... 13

Purpose of this functionality

The monitoring of Major Projects is done by means of a Major Project Progress Report that has to be submitted to the Commission twice a year by the Member State. The submission deadlines are end of September and end of February.

This functionality allows the Member State to create a new Major Project Progress Report and to modify an existing Major Project Progress Report.

Regulation source


Concerned Funds


User roles and permission needed

Before you start, check that…

MS Managing Authority with Update and Send permission (MSMA U+S)

When creating, the Major Project Progress Report version does not yet exist in the system.

When modifying, the current Major Project Progress Report status is 'Created', 'Validated' or 'Returned'. The Major Project Report is managed at the user's level.

Page 2: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 2

1.1. Create a new Major Project Progress Report There are 2 versions of the Major Project Progress Report to be submitted per year. The version number is composed of the year and a sequence number indicating if it concerns the first or the second version within that year. The version number is automatically set by the system to:

YYYY01 when creating between 01/10 and the end of February; YYYY02 when creating between 01/03 and 30/09.

Step by Step


2. Click on the link Create a New Major Project Progress Report:

3. Select a Major Project to report on:

click on the button to open the list of CCI's. The list shows the adopted Major Projects (1);

select the Major Project by clicking on the CCI number. The CCI number and the title of the Major Project will be filled automatically (2);

click NEXT (3).

4. The confirmation screen appears. Click FINISH to confirm the creation.

Page 3: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 3

5. The report has been created. You're redirected to the EDIT PROGRESS REPORT SCREEN :

The information shown on the Basic Data heading part comes from the last adopted Major Project version available at the end of the declaration period (decision date < = end of declaration period date). The end of declaration period for version YYYY01 is end of February. The end of Declaration period for YYYY02 is 30/09.

6. Complete the Project Status:

Enter the required information (1);

Flag if completed (2);

Flag if the Project is operational (3);

Click SAVE (4).

7. Go to the Physical Progress tab.

Page 4: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 4

The core indicators and their Value are copied from the last adopted Major Project version available at the end of the declaration period (decision date < = end of declaration period date). The end of declaration period for version YYYY01 is end of February. The end of declaration period for YYYY02 is 30/09. These core indicators can't be deleted and their value can't be modified (1).

Only the Estimated Rate of Achievement can be modified (2).

Additional Core Indicators can be added, deleted and both the value and the Estimated Rate of Achievement can be modified (3).

Click SAVE (4).

8. Go to Financial Progress tab. Enter the required information and click SAVE. Fields marked in yellow are mandatory.

9. Go to Documents tab to upload a document within the Major Project Progress Report. See 1.4 Upload a Major Project Progress Report document.

10. Go to the In Charge tab to add the Official(s) in Charge. Click on the link Add a New Official in Charge.

Page 5: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 5

11. Enter the requested information. Fields marked in yellow are mandatory. Flag the Automatically notified box to send automatic notifications to the Official in Charge. Click ADD.

The Official in Charge has been added to the list.

Click on the link Return to display to go back to the display PROGRESS REPORT SCREEN . The status of the report is 'Created'.

Page 6: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 6

1.2. Validate a Major Project Progress Report Step by Step

12. The status of the report is 'Created'. In the display PROGRESS REPORT SCREEN click on the Validate link on top of the page.

The message Object has been validated is displayed. The status becomes 'Validated'.

1.3. Send a Major Project Progress Report The status of the Major Project Progress Report is 'Validated'.

Step by Step

13. The status of the report is 'Validated'. In the display PROGRESS REPORT SCREEN click on the Send link on top of the page.

Click YES to confirm the sending.

Page 7: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 7

The report is sent to the Commission. Click Return to list to go back to the list with Major Project Progress Reports. The status of the report is 'Sent'.

1.4. Upload a Major Project Progress Report document Step by Step


15. Select the Major Project Progress Report from the list by clicking on its CCI number.

16. In the DISPLAY PROGRESS REPORT screen go the Associated Documents section and click on the Edit link.

Page 8: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 8

17. Click on the link Add a New Document.

18. Enter the required information and click SAVE. The fields marked in yellow are mandatory.

19. Click on the link Add a new Attachment.

Page 9: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 9

Enter the title of the document (1).

Click Choose file (2).

Select the file from your computer and click Open (3).

Click Save (4).

The attachment file is added to the list and the document is uploaded in the system but not sent to the Commission!

20. Click SEND OFFICIAL DOCUMENT to send the document.

Page 10: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 10

21. Click on the link Return to Document List. The Sent date of the document is added in the list.

Click on the link Return to Display to go back to the DISPLAY PROGRESS REPORT screen.

1.5. Consult a Major Project Progress Report Step by Step

Page 11: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 11


23. Select the Major Project Progress Report from the list by clicking on its CCI number.

In the display view:

click on the Print link to generate a PDF file containing all official information (1);

click on the Print all link to generate aPDF file containing all official information and including the information required to manage the Major Project Progress Report like Associated Documents, last Validation Results, History and Officials in Charge (2).

1.6. Delete a Major Project Progress Report If the Major Project Progress Report hasn't been sent to the Commission yet it can still be deleted (status is 'Created or 'Validated').

Step by Step

24. In the display PROGRESS REPORT SCREEN click on the link Delete on top of the page.

Page 12: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 12

Click YES to confirm the delete action.

Page 13: How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report? · How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

SFC2007: System for Fund management in the European Community 2007-2013 How to Create and Send a Major Project Progress Report?

Version 1.1 - Last revised: 22/02/2012 For more information on this document please contact [email protected]

Page 13

a. Validation rules for the Major Project Progress Report


2.1 validate that:

"Launch of First Tender on Works Date" < "Signature Date of Last Contracts"


2.2 validate that the "Situation at date" <= current date error

2.3 validate that:

"Planned Start Date of Land Acquisition" <= "Planned Completion Date of Land Acquisition"


2.4 validate that the "Estimated Rate of Achievement" is between 0 and 100%


2.5 validate that at least one Member State Official in Charge exists


2.6 validate that the Major Project Progress Report – Physical Progress contains at least the Core Indicators from the last adopted Major Project


b. Workflow of the Major Project Progress Report

Action Status Editable by MS?

The MS creates the Major Project Progress Report dossier

Created Yes

The MS Validates the data entered for the dossier

Validated Yes

The MS Sends the dossier to the Commission

Sent Only the "Officials in charge" section and sending of "other MS documents"

The Commission Returns the dossier for correction

Returned (for correction) Yes

Workflow Final Status of the Annual Control Report dossier

SENT Only the "Officials in charge" section and sending of "other MS documents"