how to de-seed a tomato

How to De-seed a Tomato By: Bailey

Upload: babrown1999

Post on 01-Jun-2015




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Page 1: How to De-seed a Tomato

 How to De-seed a Tomato

   By: Bailey

Page 2: How to De-seed a Tomato

Have you ever been cooking and it called for a diced de-seeded tomato , but you didn't know how to do that? Well after this presentation you will!


Page 3: How to De-seed a Tomato

•Tomato•Sharp knife•Band aids (just in case)•paper towel•a few plates•garbage can


Page 4: How to De-seed a Tomato

First wash the tomato off in cool water under the sink.

step 1.

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Next you need to take a piece of paper towel and dry the tomato off gently and set it on to a clean, dry plate.

step 2.

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Now get out a sharp knife, but be careful and have the band aids near just in case.

step 3.

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Then start cutting your tomato vertically into about a 1/4 to a 1/2 inch thick slices.

step 4.

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Now lay the slices of tomato on to a clean, dry plate.

step 5.

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Now cut out the outline of the liquid  sections and throw them away or you can eat them if you would like.

step 6.

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Now get another plate out and line it with paper towel and gently lay your tomatoes on the paper towel.

step 7.

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Now dab the tomato with a paper towel until they are fairly dry and not soaking wet.

step 8.

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Now put them on a dry plate and chop them up however you need.

step 9.

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Now enjoy! Or add to your recipe that you need them for! Now you know a skill that will help you when cooking!!!
