how to deal with competition for a girl you like

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How to Deal With Competition
For a Girl You Like [3 Steps]

How to Trounce Male Competition and Win Her Over

By: Frankie Cola

As you think about how to win over the girl you like... you realize another guy is also trying to get her... and he's planning to make a move on her.

This of course, makes you want to stop that from happening, before he seduces her and it's too late...

And then it gets WORSE as you realize your girl is giving you less attention... and giving more attention to the OTHER GUY.

As you sense her attraction for you fading away... your blood BOILS at the thought of your girl laughing and getting naughty with the other guy...

If this is you... then read on as I reveal 3 Stepson how to deal with competition for a girl you like.

If you follow the steps that I give you, not only will you stand out from all the other guys chasing her, but it will get her wanting only YOU.

3 Steps on How to Handle Competition for a Girl You Like

Here's the deal, if you want to win this girl over, you have to trigger her "Chase Mechanism"

Basically, you want to do behaviors that are attraction "chase" triggers.

But unfortunately, there's one thing stopping you...

You see, right now you're probably so focused on this girl that you feel like she's the only girl out there for you.

That condition of constantly crushing on "that one girl" comes from a SCARCITY mindset problem called "Oneitis"...

And let me tell you, scarcity KILLS attraction with a girl instantly.

Scarcity NEVER gives her the urge to chase you.

Instead, having an ABUNDANCE mindset is what makes her chase you.

That is, you want to expand your horizons and have more options with other women.

It's amazing how when you start talking to other women, you start caring less about getting your crush... and then your crush inexplicably seems more interested in you!

Unfortunately, what many guys do, is that they start focusing on one girl and they unknowingly place themselves in scarcity... which... as you might guess, STOPS the girl from wanting to chase you.

That's why the first step you need to take, is to...

Step 1: Press the Reset Button and Go No Contact With This Girl.

If you're finding yourself worrying about this girl too much... it is probably holding you back from letting yourself go and getting into the relaxed state that makes your attitude ATTRACTIVE.

So in this step, you want to press the reset button and regroup your forces, so you can go back in later with a healthier attractive mindset.

What do you do when a computer annoyingly freezes on you?

You turn it off, and then turn it back on.

Same thing with this situation.

If you're finding yourself worrying about this girl too much... it is probably holding you back from letting yourself go and getting into the relaxed state that allows you to create attraction in this girl.

So in this step, you want to press the reset button anddo something similar to turning off a computer that freezes on you... and then turning it back on.

Step 2: Inject Abundance Into the Equation

Whenever you get jealous feelings or whenever you worry about competition your mindset should always be that youve got OPTIONS.

Because YOU DO. There are a multitude of other girls for you.

Once you truly feel and believe that you have options, those pesky needy and jealous feelings will completely fade away.

Abundance is what will help you create attraction with this girl you're crushing on right now.

Immerse yourself into what's called...
An Ecosystem of Positive Emotions.

Instead of sitting on your couch being sad and sulking like a sad puppy spend more time with your buddies... go out dancing... meet and start talking to MORE WOMEN.

Once you get into this ritual of creating for yourself an ecosystem of positive emotions, you feel more relaxed with women..., you feel in the zone... and you create attraction much more easily.
Like MAGIC girls start to FLOCK to you and react positively to what you say because your abundance will effortlessly create attraction FOR YOU.

Step 3: Learn How to Trigger Attraction in Her

You have now recovered (Step 1) you have created options with other girls (Step 2) so now its time to trigger attraction in your girl.

First, do this simple chemistry test on her to quickly determine if she likes you or if youre in the friend zone.

Then pay close attention because you will learn
a technique to Scramble her mind and magnify her attraction for you.

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