how to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in rwanda?

How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda? Rwanda Telecentre Network August 2010 Paul BARERA Juriaan Deumer

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How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?. Rwanda Telecentre Network August 2010 Paul BARERA Juriaan Deumer. This presentation briefly explains RTN's initiative of 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda and what is needed to realize that. Why are 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda necessary? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

Rwanda Telecentre Network

August 2010

Paul BARERAJuriaan Deumer

Page 2: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

This presentation briefly explains RTN's initiative of 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda and what is needed to realize that

1. Why are 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda necessary?

2. How can a network of 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda be realized?


Page 3: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

A nationwide network of telecentres is necessary because it accelerates the development of Rwanda

1. The network of telecentres is an essential step in the development of a knowledge-based economy in Rwanda, since the initiative: Develops human resources by improving ICT skills Facilitates access to knowledge and information widely available on the internet Fosters entrepreneurship in the private sector Creates jobs outside agriculture in service sector

2. The network of telecentres caters to the need of the Rwandan community to access ICT: This need was clearly expressed in the nationwide baseline study organized by RTN in

2010 However, current possibilities to access ICT are very limited Telecentres are an appropriate solution to provide access to ICT at affordable rates

3. The network of telecentres improves market efficiency, since the network offers: An efficient product, service and information delivery channel for private, public and civil

society organizations to target the Rwandan community An efficient product delivery channel for the Rwandan community to bring their

products to the market





Page 4: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

One telecentre creates benefits for the local community, but a network of telecentres creates a two-way delivery channel

One telecentre creates:1.Access to ICT for a community;2.Employment opportunities for a community.

One thousand telecentres create:1.An efficient product, service and information delivery channel for private, public and civil society organizations;2.An efficient delivery channel for communities to bring their products to the market.


RTN TelecentresRwandan organizations Community

1) Community development through ICT access

2) Community employment

3) Product, service & information delivery channel for organizations

4) Product delivery channel for community

Page 5: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

The network of 1.000 telecentres results in improvements for Rwanda at all levels


Local entrepreneurLocal entrepreneur

• Steady income outside agriculture

• RTN services increase sustainability and impact

• Network increases chance of success

Private and civil society organizations

Private and civil society organizations

• Efficient channel to deliver products, services and information to community

• Efficient channel to procure products from community

Rwandan governmentRwandan government

• Efficient channel to deliver services and information to community

• Government’s telecentres more efficiently run and more successful

Rwandan communityRwandan community

• Access to information and learning using ICT

• Employment opportunities

• Easy access to products, services and information

• Efficient product delivery

Rwanda as a countryRwanda as a country

• Essential step towards goal of knowledge-based economy

• Increase of economic activity using ICT facilities

Page 6: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

This presentation briefly explains RTN's initiative of 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda and what is needed to realize that

1. Why are 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda necessary?

2. How can a network of 1.000 telecentres in Rwanda be realized?


Page 7: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

Based on its vision of Rwandan development, RTN has undertaken the challenge of deployment of 1.000 telecentres


1. To have 1.000 telecentres operational in Rwanda before the end of 2015

2. To build the capacity of people who work in telecentres

3. To boost the employment generation in rural areas and reduce urban migration

4. To facilitate local content creation, dissemination and sharing in Rwanda

5. To raise awareness of role of telecentres in the development of Rwanda

6. To promote innovative use of ICT4D and develop a sustainability mechanism for telecentres

• Values: integrity, respect, teamwork and professionalism• Principles: collaboration,

interdependency, hard work & result and personal mastery

Page 8: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

RTN• Advocacy• Capacity building• Partnerships• Sharing experience• Assistance• Funding

Partners• Private• Public• Civil society

Telecentres• Urban• Semi-urban• Rural Business

Centers• Village• Kigali City


Development & technology


Government• Resources• Partner

RTN cannot do it alone; several key players have an important role in the establishment of the network

RTN• RTN acts as an independent facilitator of telecentres and therefore has a central role in the

network environment, working with telecentres, partners and government Partners

• Private, public and civil society partner organizations deliver products, services and/or information that add value to community, telecentres, RTN and their own organizations

Government• The government facilitates the network through legislative, technical, financial and human

resource support• The government uses the network

as a delivery channel at national and local level

Development and technology partners• Suppliers enable the network

through knowledge, funding and technology

Telecentre managers• Local entrepreneurs own, deploy

and run telecentres


Page 9: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

The RTN initiative contributes to the country’s goals, but government support is needed in four areas of the project

The government’s goal is to transform the country into a knowledge-based economy• The goal of a knowledge-based economy is stated in Rwanda’s Vision 2020

A network of 1.000 telecentres contributes to this goal and RTN can act as a major partner• The network of telecentres is an essential step in the development of a knowledge-

based economy in Rwanda• RTN can support the government in running telecentres and making them more


Support from the government for the network of 1.000 telecentres is needed in four areas:


1) Create a favorable environment• Ensure political support:

awareness, favorable tax regulations

• Ensure legislative support: remove barriers

2) Provide financial support• Funding for telecentres

3) Provide infrastructure• Electricity and connectivity in every major


4) Act as partner of RTN• Use telecentres in service delivery at

national and local level

Government support

Page 10: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

RTN supports new and operational telecentres based on an extensive service range

RTN’s main role is to help new and operational telecentres to be sustainable and to make an impact on community


1. Project leadership Support for starting Telecentre Managers

2. Training Rigorous training curriculum for Telecentre Managers

3. Partnerships Partnerships with private, public and civil society organizations

4. Technical assistance Helpdesk and technical repair centre for technical problems

5. Advocacy RTN as a spokesman for telecentres in Rwanda

6. Access to funding, knowledge and technology Access for telecentres to funding, knowledge and technology

7. Platform for sharing experiences and content Telecentres connected through online platform and meetings

Page 11: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

To realize fast results and a shared way of working, RTN initiates uniform processes for new and existing telecentres

RTN uses an uniform process for bringing new RTN telecentres into operation• To ensure a shared way of working and to realize fast results

The process is initiated by RTN; after being recruited the Telecentre Manager takes over• Telecentre Manager is responsible for deployment of telecentre• During critical steps in the process, the Telecentre Manager is supported by RTN


Existing telecentres are welcome to join the network, since it strengthens both the telecentre and RTN:• The telecentre benefits from RTN

service range to increase profit and impact on society

• RTN profits from increased size, strengthening the position of the network

• For existing telecentres joining RTN, a different and more simple process is used

1) Select location

2) Recruit and select TC manager

3) Visit existing RTN TC for


4) Select premises

5) Write business plan

6) Inform community

7) Arrange legal requirements and insurance

8) Secure funding

9) Train TC manager

10) Arrange internet/

telephone connection

11) Buy equipment

12) Buy furniture

13) Redecorate premises

14) Recruit staff

15) Marketing and


16) Hold opening event at start of


17) Evaluate operations and take necessary


Page 12: How to deploy 1.000 sustainable telecentres in Rwanda?

Implementation of the RTN initiative is done based on seven tracks and kicked-off during the coming months

The roadmap for establishment of the network is based on seven tracks:


Track 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Build telecentresExisting telecentres New telecentres

2 Build RTN organization

3 Build partnerships

4 Build public/private cooperation

5 Create awareness

6 Raise funds

7 Monitor progress

The size of the ball indicates the tracks’ importance relative to the other tracks at any point in time