how to develop telekinesis

How to Develop Telekinesis Three Parts:Getting in the Zone Practicing Your Skills Understanding the Science Telekinesis has been ambushed with skepticism and mockery for years. Often people do not let the ideas of such things enter their minds simply because they have not seen such things. Despite there being no science to back it up, many still believe that telekinesis is possible. If you have an open mind, this is for you. Ad Part 1 of 3: Getting in the Zone 1.

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How to Develop Telekinesis.Developing telekinetics


Page 1: How to Develop Telekinesis

How to Develop TelekinesisThree Parts:Getting in the Zone Practicing Your Skills Understanding the Science

Telekinesis has been ambushed with skepticism and mockery for years. Often people

do not let the ideas of such things enter their minds simply because they have not seen

such things. Despite there being no science to back it up, many still believe that

telekinesis is possible. If you have an open mind, this is for you.Ad

Part 1 of 3: Getting in the Zone


Page 2: How to Develop Telekinesis

1Work on your visualization skills. One of the main exercises when it comes to

telekinesis is visualization -- either of yourself or of the objects around you. These

exercises won't warrant results unless you have the skills to back them up, so start

visualizing! Similar to meditating, you'll see the results in your mind, aiming to have

them play out in real life. (Imagine it)

Start with visualizing small objects. Work on every detail -- feel, smell, color nuances,

maybe even taste. Work your way up until you can visualize entire scenes, yourself

within them.


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2Meditate. Anyone well-versed in the world of telekinesis will tell you that meditation lies

at the very core of developing your superhuman skills. In order to channel your energy

into the objects around you, your brain needs to be 100% clear. No other thoughts must

pervade, disrupting and distracting you from the thoughts you need to channel.

Meditation is the quickest way to develop this skill. (Don't listen to music while you are

meditating otherwise it will be quite difficult to concentrate).

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It's practically a badge of honor nowadays to be doing 50 things at once, our lives

buzzing fervently with piles and piles of things that need doing; we're juggling so many

plates that if you're not dropping one, you're doing it wrong. Meditation allows you to

escape this modern way of life and make it all go away, allowing your mental prowess to

take center stage.


3Open your mind. Just like hypnosis, going into telekinetic practice with a closed,

skeptical mind will not warrant results. If you think you can't, you can't -- that's what it

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boils down to. So ignore all those naysayers, ignore the science, and give it 110%. It's

possible nothing will happen, sure, but it's definite nothing will happen if you don't let it.

There is no room for doubt here. You absolutely cannot doubt yourself or the possibility

of something actually happening. Positive thoughts breed positive thoughts -- negative

ones work the same way. One negative thought can spur on a thousand more, turning

you into a skeptic. Believe that you can do it. It's only then that you can.



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Be patient. A "long time" in the telekinetic world, at least when it comes to practicing,

is years. Not weeks, not months, years. You may have to practice hundreds, maybe

even thousands of times before you stumble upon that magical, effective mixture of

energy. There's no telling when or where it will strike -- you just have to keep at it.

The reward in this is nothing till it happens -- that's the kicker. Unlike weight loss or

playing guitar, it's not something that you can see gradual progress at. You'll be

practicing day in and day out until one day something finally happens. It's just a matter

of having the wherewithal to make it to that point.


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5Relax. If you're meditating, hopefully this won't be an issue. Can you imagine trying to

channel your energy and dispelling all excess thought when you're strung out about

your job, your relationship, or what someone said today at school? Nope. Impossible.

So relax. Let it go. For this to work, you have to fully and truly be in thismoment. Your

brain cannot be anywhere else.

Yoga  is another way to get rid of the stresses of everyday life. In addition to meditation

and yoga (exercise in general, really), make sure to take a bit of time every day to

yourself. Just having 10 to 15 minutes getting in your zone can make the rest of the day

that much easier.

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6Let go of the idea that the system (the object) and the manipulator (you) are

different, because both contain the same energy. This is the idea that forms the

basis of telekinesis: you and the object are one in the same. You have to abandon the

belief that anything else is so. You know how all the matter in the universe started from

stars and we are, therefore, stardust? It's exactly that. You can move that spoon in front

of you because it's a natural extension of you.Ad

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Part 2 of 3: Practicing Your Skills


1Concentrate on a small object and nothing else. Telekinesis is all about moving the

things around you. In order to channel your natural energy into this nearby object, you'll

need to concentrate and concentrate hard. It's easiest to start with very lightweight

objects, like a match or a small pencil. The farther apart the molecules inside the

system, the easier to manipulate it. You can work on chairs later!

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Aim for these practice sessions twice a day for an hour in total. Visualize the object

moving. To the left? To the right? Rolling, scooting, getting pushed or pulled? Is the

entire object moving, or just one side? Get as specific as possible.


2Make psi balls. A psi ball is a ball of energy that you can feel, manipulate, and, with

time, take on complicated tasks. With your hands held around your stomach, feel the

energy at your core. Hold your hands like they're cupping a ball. How big is it? Is it

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radiating? What color is it? Once it's concrete, move it around and let it morph shape

and size.

In time, you can use this ball to delivery energy into other objects. The same way a

baseball would knock over a vase, your psi ball can pummel into real-life objects,

affecting them in much the same way.



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Do flamework. In addition to working with small objects, work with fire! Light a candle

and watch it glow. Clear your mind and let the flame fill your thoughts. Watch it flicker

and move. Focusing on it, move it with your energy. Move it right, move it left, stretch it

up, smush it down, grow it brighter, dimmer, and make it yours. Does it dance like you

want it to?

Flames can actually be a bit easier to manipulate. They're already balls of energy and

not weighty objects that put up a fight. Use this exercise when you're feeling particularly

tired as a sort of telekinetic pick-me-up.


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4Switch up exercises. Since you're devoting so much time to this (an hour every day,

right?), be sure to switch it up -- you never know what methods will and won't work for

you until you try them all. Here are some ideas:

Try the classic spoon bending technique. But don't use your grandma's good china!

Hold it out in front of you horizontally with both hands. The curve of the handle needs to

be pointing up. Focus on a psi ball in your core, getting hotter and hotter, brighter and

brighter. Move the ball through to your arms and down to your fingers, where your

fingers will eventually bend the spoon like butter. Do this when you feel your psi ball is

at its hottest.

Get an object that rolls. Start out giving it a light poke, concentrating on it zooming

across the table. With each day, give it less and less of a poke, still focusing on it

maintaining that push.

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Work with a compass. Since it's free floating, some say it's easier to work with (ignoring

all that magnetic talk). You can either concentrate on it, eyes open, or close your eyes

and wave your hand over it in the direction you want it to move. Of course, if your eyes

are closed, you'll need someone else (or a camera) monitoring it.

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5Try astral projection. You know out-of-body experiences, or OBEs? That's astral

projection -- where your "soul" leaves your body and ventures onto the astral plane. It

requires a deep state of hypnosis and entering a state of "vibration." And then some

serious mind over matter business, moving your soul from your body and into the world

around you.

This is very, very, very difficult to do. In order to not get frustrated, start out small. Try to

move an arm or a leg and have a sort of out out-of-limb experience. Then you can move

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onto your entire self, wandering through rooms and into the ether. Even though it is

scary, relax and return back to your body


6Stop when you feel mentally and physically tired. Do not continue until your fatigue

is back to a normal level. It's like taking an exam when you've had 2 hours of sleep, 15

Red Bulls, and the person behind you keeps smacking their gum. In other words, you

won't do well. In fact, your results will be better later on if you just rest up. Listen to your

body and mind!Ad

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Part 3 of 3: Understanding the Science


1Understand how telekinesis can help, and how it is possible. Energy can be

defined as "the capacity to do work," which is any change in the state or motion of

matter. There is energy continually running through our body, the same energy that

keeps us moving, breathing and simply working. We obtain the energy from food, which

is measured in calories, known as chemical energy. In muscle cells, only about 40% of

the chemical energy is actually used for mechanical work. Potential chemical energy

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released by cellular respiration is converted into kinetic energy in the muscles. But

instead of using physical, kinetic energy to move such things, one should use the

chemical energy already stored in the body. Although we cannot see the energy (with

the naked eye) it is still very much there.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed,

although it can be transferred or changed from one form to another. The energy of any

system and its surroundings is constant. A system may absorb energy from its

surroundings or it may give up some energy from its surroundings, but the total energy

content of that system is always the same.

Telekinesis is not magic, although probably mistaken for thousands of years; one is

really just transferring the energy from their body (the surroundings) to an object outside

of the body (the system).

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2Recognize and feel the energy that flows through the body. Since the core tenet of

this idea is that you and the object are one and the same, it's important that

you feel that as the connection flows through your body. Here are two exercises to work

on recognizing the link:

Exercise 1: Flex every muscle in one of your arms for 10 seconds, including your fist.

After those 10 seconds are up, completely relax the arm and study the feeling of heat

going through it. The heat may pulse, or feel almost of an electrical sensation. That

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feeling after the muscle has been contracted is that energy. Being able to control that

without the initial trigger of moving your muscles is what you want to obtain. Once you

have control over this, you must be able to sustain energy controlled emission, and not


Exercise 2: Find yourself an ideal conditioned, cold area. Completely relax your body,

so much that you can sit (or lie) there without getting the hair on your body to stand up.

The longer you practice controlling the energy that naturally wants to heat you up and

keep you from freezing, the more you can control how much extra energy is used in

useless things. Eventually you should be able to send the energy out through your

body, to any part of your body (one arm or leg, a hand, chest, etc.) on demand.

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3Be very clear on how you wish to manipulate the system. Decide whether you wish

to pull, push, or spin the system. Each option has a different approach than one trying to

change the state of or levitate the system.

Pulling the system is simple, because you know the direction of the energy.

Levitation is extremely hard, as one has to reduce the inertia of the system to make it

light enough for the electromagnetism of the system and its surroundings to react.

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Changing the state of the system requires changing the total amount of kinetic energy in

the system (which we commonly know as heat). The amount of heat energy (calorie) is

equivalent to 4.184 joules, which also equals the amount of heat required to raise the

temperature of 1 g of water 1 degree Celsius. But other common substances such as

metals or glass have much lower specific heat values. You can see why changing the

state of an object would be hard for the mind to do.

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4Focus that energy and direct it toward their system. How you choose to do this

depends on you. Different methods work for different people, just as we have different

ways of thinking. Try feeling the system first and pay attention to the weight of it, how

much energy does it take to physically move it? Then try to match that with the energy

you feel in your body when you are not touching it.

Remember that a continuous flow of energy is needed; once you start to change the

system, you must keep that energy focused on it, or else it will go back to it's primary

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state. This is Newton's first law: What is at rest, stays at rest (unless a force is acted

upon it, and that's you)!


Focusing for long periods of time can be taxing on your system, and may result in mild to

moderate headaches from time to time. While not serious, these headaches are a sign that you

need to rest.

The (presumed) strongest recorded telekinetic talent in history was a Russian housewife named

Nina Kulagina. Even she could just get objects to roll and shift, rather than fully levitating.

However today many illusionists can replicate Kulagina's skills. Her "ability" is still discussed,

but the future research will give us the right answer.

Things You'll Need

Objects you can use as your system:

o aluminum ball (crumpled up foil)

o small glass marble on a wooden floor

o spilt puddle of water

o feather

o potato chip bag

o low voltage light bulb

o that pencil you stare at when you should be working

o bottle cap.

o paper

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Sources and Citations Eldra P. Solomon, University of South Florida; Linda R. Berg, St. Petersburg Collage; Diana W.

Martin, Rutgers University.