how to find a job with a letter of interest? find out how!

Find A Job With Letter of Interest (Use this untapped resource to find a high paying job)

Upload: deniz-sasal

Post on 18-Feb-2017




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Page 1: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Find A Job With Letter of Interest

( U s e t h i s u n t a p p ed r e s o u r c e t o f i n d a h i g h

p ay i n g j o b )

Page 2: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Reality vs. Expectations 1

Page 3: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Don’t you agree with me when I say your

confidence takes one heck of a beating

with all those 100s of rejections?

Page 4: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

But, I want to tell you something!

It real ly isn ’ t about you. The system is r igged.

Page 5: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

“First things first,

let me introduce

myself. Deniz Sasal PwC Consulting Manager


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Page 6: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Let’s continue…

Page 7: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

The rejections…

Page 8: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Essentially, there are 2 reasons why you are receiving all those rejections;

You are just using wrong methods. What I call “click-applications” won’t get you very far. For every job post online, there are about 3,000 applications.

The second problem is the jobs that you think you are applying to may not be REAL.

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Page 9: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

-Deniz Sasal

Ok now, You already know that the click-

applications are not the way to go about

finding your dream job. Let me show you

how "real" recruitment happens “

Page 10: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Real Recruitment


Click here to learn more!

Page 11: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

-Deniz Sasal

If all the attempts are unsuccessful, then

only the hiring manager engages the

company HR to find candidates “

Page 12: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

-Deniz Sasal

This simply means most vacancies are

filled way before HR even knows about


P.S. Did you get what I just said?

Page 13: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

“So, your primary

goal as a candidate

is to get noticed at

Step 3 Deniz Sasal

PwC Consulting Manager


Do you want to get a job with a multinational company? Then, join my exclusive 3-day FREE training!

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Page 14: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Let’s develop an action plan!

Page 15: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Action Plan!

Click here to learn more!

P . S . S p o t t e d t h e g r a m m a r

e r r o r a l r e a d y ?

P . P . S . I j u s t m a d e y o u r e a d

t h e p l a n a g a i n , d i d n ’ t I ?

Page 16: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

“you want to get in

touch with hiring

managers directly.

Letter of interest is

merely a tool.

Deniz Sasal PwC Consulting Manager


Do you want to get a job with a multinational company? Then, join my exclusive 3-day FREE training!

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Page 17: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

Here is a good example letter of interest

Hi Jane, My name is John Doe. I’m a young, enthusiastic MBA grad from xxx who just moved to xxx. I’ve been following your LinkedIn posts for a while now, and was wondering if you could spare 10 minutes of your time for me where I can perhaps have the opportunity to learn from your experience in consulting? I would also love to hear about how you made the transition from xxx to xxx as a fresh graduate, and any advice you may have regarding consulting in xxx business unit. I am very excited to learn from the best. If you have some time in the next couple of weeks, I’d love to invite you for a cup of coffee anytime at your convenience! Thanks in advance, John

Page 18: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

“I have 1 more

awesomeness for

you today! Deniz Sasal PwC Consulting Manager


Do you want to get a job with a multinational company? Then, join my exclusive 3-day FREE training!

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Page 19: How To Find A Job With A Letter of Interest? Find Out How!

I f you want to take your ca reer to the next

leve l and f ind jobs w i th mu l t ina t iona l s ,

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