how to improve intimacy with your husband

How To Improve Intimacy With Your Husband Not sure how to add a little zest to your marriage so it's more pleasing for the both of you? The following suggestions will improve your relationship and enhance intimacy and affection with your better half. 1. Back To The Basics: Sex As couples get older, closeness and intimacy tend to get shoved to the back burner. A sexless marriage is no way to live. Sex is just one ingredient in a marriage that makes it special and successful. However, unlike the other elements, sex has the power to show your partner 100% that you desire and strongly want this person. In other words, it's like putting your money where your mouth is. Some tricks to slyly enchant and entice your husband to evolve to a whole new level is to take matters into your own hands. Why not make the first move and initiate the sex first? Aren't you tired of waiting for him to get the ball rolling in the bedroom? Try and put the moves on him first and chances are he will not only be flabbergasted, he will love every minute of it since it proves you want and innately desire him. Diversity is hot when it comes to sex.

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Post on 15-Apr-2017



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Page 1: How To Improve Intimacy With Your Husband


 How To Improve Intimacy With Your Husband Not sure how to add a little zest to your marriage so it's more pleasing for the both of you? The following suggestions will improve your relationship and enhance intimacy and affection with your better half.

1. Back To The Basics: Sex As couples get older, closeness and intimacy tend to get shoved to the back burner. A sexless marriage is no way to live. Sex is just one ingredient in a marriage that makes it special and successful. However, unlike the other elements, sex has the power to show your partner 100% that you desire and strongly want this person. In other words, it's like putting your money where your mouth is. Some tricks to slyly enchant and entice your husband to evolve to a whole new level is to take matters into your own hands. Why not make the first move and initiate the sex first? Aren't you tired of waiting for him to get the ball rolling in the bedroom? Try and put the moves on him first and chances are he will not only be flabbergasted, he will love every minute of it since it proves you want and innately desire him. Diversity is hot when it comes to sex.

Page 2: How To Improve Intimacy With Your Husband


2. Start A New Trend: Date Night Whether you believe it or not, dating keeps a marriage alive. Most people think that once you're married, there's no need to date any longer. This could not be further from the truth. Many couples reach a place in their relationship where they are so comfortable with one another; they feel more like friends than lovers. To avoid this, it is essential to go out and explore new things, visit nostalgic romantic hot spots, reminisce about the good times, and most importantly - make new romantic memories. How are you going to make a new exciting, passionate memory if you never leave the house except to work?

Date night can involve anything from a simple intimate dinner for two, to a second honeymoon cruising around the world. It doesn't matter as long as the two of you are together exploring, sightseeing, and rediscovering the world as one - one date at a time. 3. Surprise Your Husband With Romantic Gestures

They always say, it's the little things that mean a lot, and they're right. Showing your husband how much you care about him like texting him out-of-the-blue saying something intimate, will turn up the volume when it comes to sex and romance. Little things like holding his hand, giving him cheeky kisses, or rubbing his feet after work will "set the mood" for a bigger "pay off".

Page 3: How To Improve Intimacy With Your Husband


4. Let Your Husband Be Who He Is This is probably the number one thing you can do for the overall success of your marriage and the way to a more intimate, happier marriage. Just because you are married, does not give you the right to control, dominate, or be assertive in any way with your partner; no matter if you're a woman or a man. Your husband needs and wants his personal space. If you don't realize this, you are going to slowly but surely lose intimacy, passion, and the fun factor in your marriage. You married him because of who he is, so let him be who he is.

There are going to be times when occasionally he will pick his friends over you, and that's okay. You can't expect to be the center of his attention 24/7. The more space you give him, the more he will appreciate your time together and want you even more. Article Source: Do you often feel like you do not understand your man? Or are you single and have not been able to find Mr Right? Are you doing everything right on your first date with a hot guy? If you have such questions, and more, you've come to the right place. Visit UrbaneWomen to find out if you are doing everything right, from how to apply the correct makeup for that hot date tonight to advices on how to improve your relationship with your man.