how to improve your vision

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ebook on how to improve your vision , with 6 exercises for a better vision,10 healthy tips for a healthy eyes,4 safety standars to Protect your eyes when workting and more in this ebook !


Page 1: How to improve your vision


Page 2: How to improve your vision




II-How Wee See ! ....................................................

III-what are your eyes saying ? ..............................

IV-Glasses, Vision & The Mind .............................

V-Are Your Glasses Actually Hurting Yours Eyes ?...

VI-Protect the Eyes from Glasses & Contacts...........

VII-Swinging the Eyes.................................................

VIII-common eye diseases you should know !.....

IX-improving eyesight :

1- relaxation techniques...............................

2- keeping the eyes Moving ...........................

3- Palming way to relax your eyes ...................

4- diet and vision.................................

5- Dr. Bates Method .................................

6- Exercises for the Eyes.............................

X - Better vision for great Memory...........................

XI - A New Way of Learning.......................................

XII- Computers and Eyesight.....................................

XIII- What Causes the Mental Strain In Your Life?...

XIV- 10 tips to healthy eyes.....................................

XV- 4 Tips For Eye Safety At Work............................

XVI-Keep your Health on TRACK...............................

Page 3: How to improve your vision


I- Introduction

It's important to take care of your eyes. Poor vision makes it harder to read, drive, and cook. The good news: Many eye problems and diseases can be treated if caught early. To make sure you keep seeing clearly, get a comprehensive dilated eye exam. An eye care professional will examine your eyes for signs of vision problems or eye diseases. It's the best way to find out if you need glasses or contacts, or are in the early stages of a serious but treatable eye disease.

Taking care of your eyes also may benefit your overall health.

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II- How We See !

There are many different parts of the eye that help to

create vision. Light passes through the cornea, the

clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the

eye. The cornea bends - or refracts - this incoming light.

The iris, the colored part of the eye, regulates the size

of the pupil, the opening that controls the amount of

light that enters the eye. Behind the pupil is the lens, a

clear part of the eye that further focuses light, or an

image, onto the retina. The retina is a thin, delicate,

photosensitive tissue that contains the special

"photoreceptor" cells that convert light into electrical

signals. These electrical signals are processed further,

and then travel from the retina of the eye to the brain

through the optic nerve, a bundle of about one million

nerve fibers.

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III- What are your eyes Saying ?

Eye problems plague society today and have for

many years. Many of these problems and

ailments can be avoided if we would stop and

listen to our eyes. They are the best factors in

deciding if we are overworking them. If your eyes

are straining and tense, your eyes are being

damaged. You wouldn’t continue straining your

arm muscles for long periods of time, you would

stop when it hurt and take a break. The eyes

should be treated the same way.

The eyes are full of small muscles that are

responsible for shortening or lengthening the lens

so we can see clearly. Take a look at your eyes

right now. Are they straining to read the words

on the page? Are the eyes flowing over the words

are staring hard at each word? Are you smiling,

frowning, or concentrating too hard? If you said

yes to any of those, your eye muscles need to

relax as soon as possible.

Thoughts can actually affect our vision. When

you are thinking pleasant, happy thoughts the

eyes are more relaxed. Relaxed eyes have better

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focus and allow the eyes to make smooth

movements. Negative thoughts cause the eyes to

strain. Strained eyes tend to stare and the

movements of the eye are jerky causing the eyes

to hurt.

The eyes don’t lie. If your eyes hurt or you feel

tense behind the eyes, they are simply trying to

tell you to relax. Feel a headache coming on near

the eyes or behind them? You are straining your

eyes too much and need to relax.

The good news is that it only takes about 15-20

minutes to relax the eyes. Relaxed eyes can focus

better and help with comprehension of the things

you are reading or looking at. Simply close your

eyes and concentrate on the darkness. Forget

about the negative stressors going on around

you, and think about positive, pleasant things.

Picture yourself relaxing on the beach, the waves

lapping at your feet, a cold drink in your hand.

Keep your thoughts focused on as many

pleasant things as you can for the entire 15

minutes. When you open your eyes, you should

feel more relaxed and the eyes more focused.

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IV- Glasses , Vision & The Mind

Vision plays a large part in the memory’s

process. The better an image is processed the

easier it is to recall later. The more relaxed the

eyes are, the better they can absorb an image.

Too much stress and strain on the eyes are the

main causes of most eye problems and ailments.

The brain and the eyes work closely as a team.

The eyes have to first capture an image and

focus on the shape, size, and colors. The mind

needs to interpret that information which is seen

and then store it for recall later. Images that we

see daily take mere seconds to interpret and

remember. New images take a little bit longer.

The more focused the eyes are on an image the

more strong the memory will become. When

looking at new object, pay attention to the lines

around it, the borders, colors, size, shape, and

anything else that will make recall easier later.

Of course, the more relaxed the eyes are the

quicker the mind can process and memorize new


Concentrating too hard or focusing on images

that doesn’t interest us causes unneeded strain

and it will be difficult to remember them later. In

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order to maximize the memory, the image must

first be viewed in a calm and relaxed manner.

Below is a short exercise to try in order to get the

mind and eyes to relax and work together


First find a comfortable position, this could be sitting in

your favorite chair or lying on the floor. Whichever your

preference, make sure the spine is straight and the

hands are relaxed at your side. Next, close your eyes

and picture the number 5 down to 0 in your mind.

Exhaling, really see the 5 in your mind. Let the eyes

follow the black lines of the 5 and really picture the

number. Relax and exhale completely by letting all the

air out of your lungs until you naturally take the next


Allow the lungs to fill completely with air and then

picture the number 4. Again, picture the number

completely while you exhale. Really see the lines,

the black color, the shape; don’t stop picturing the

number until all the air has left your lungs and the

next breath comes naturally. Do this all the way

down to 0. In time you should be able to visualize

images in the mind more clearly and feel more

relaxed in the processed.

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V- Are Your Glasses Actually

Hurting Your Eyes?

Almost half the population in America wears

some sort of artificial lens, glasses or contact

lenses. Artificial lenses may help improve your

vision, but it is just a temporary fix. Glasses and

lenses can never fix your eye problems. Artificial

lenses can help you see things more clearly, but

they are mainly for the symptoms of eye

problems and do not cure the actual ailment.

The main problem with artificial lenses is they

teach you bad habits and allow your eyes to

work incorrectly. You quickly become dependent

on the lenses and keep your eyes from healing

themselves. If you can teach your eyes to be more

relaxed, the need for glasses and lenses would

go away completely.

The main cause of most eye ailments is mental

stress and strain on the eyes. The key is to learn

how to avoid strain in the first place. That is not

always possible, so learning new habits to deal

with strain is the next step.

One of the largest problems with artificial lenses

is finding the perfect prescription. Your eyes are

constantly changing. Many things play a factor in

how well you can see. Weather, health, mood,

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distractions, and outside stressors all play a part

in your vision. When it’s sunny and bright out our

moods are usually better and so is our eyesight.

For a doctor to find the perfect prescription is

impossible. You

may go to the doctor when you are in a bad mood

and its dark and rainy out. Your prescription will

reflect this making them not work at all when you

are happy and it’s bright out.

Try going without your glasses for a few weeks

and see what happens. You may be surprised at

the results. Of course at first things may be

blurry, but once your eyes start to adjust to a life

without artificial lenses things will become

clearer. The trick is to make sure you are free of

too much mental strain. Try some relaxation

techniques and rest your eyes when things start

to get out of focus.

Wearing artificial lenses can make our eyes lazy

and teach us many bad habits. Concentrate on

fixing the problem of mental strain and don’t just

cover up the problem.

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VI- Protect the Eyes from

Glasses or Contacts !

The eyes are one of the most important of the five

senses. We need them to see and enjoy the world

around us. They allow us to read and get work

done. They help remember images we once saw,

and they keep our dreams alive at night. The

eyes are also sensitive and vulnerable to outside

damage. They are one of the few organs that are

on the outside of the body, protected only by a

thin layer of skin, the eyelids.

The sun is a powerful wonderful thing. The sun is

great for your skin and gives us valuable Vitamin

D. Each day find the time to spend at least an

hour in the sun. The sun has great healing

powers and the natural light is as important as

food, water, and air. Never look directly at the

sun; of course, it can burn the retinas. Wear some

kind of protection like a visor or hat to protect the


Televisions and computers are used in our daily

lives but they are hard on the eyes. They force

eyes to stare for too long and don’t offer the eyes

enough movement. The distance and angle

doesn’t ever change, so the eyes remain looking

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at a still object for too long. It is not always

possible to avoid the television or computers,

especially computers.

Look away every so often and focus on things

far away to give your eyes a chance to move and

adjust. Try not to spend the entire day in front of

the television or at least let your eyes wander

during commercials.

Reading is never harmful for the eyes, but it

helps to enjoy what you are reading. The eyes

will be more relaxed when reading a novel than

when reading a text book full of new information.

Learning to relax no matter what the subject is

the key to enjoying reading. Dim lights and small

print may be problematic at first, but the eyes

will adjust when relaxed. Reading in bed can be

relaxing and reading while driving doesn’t have

to make you sick.

The eyes are sensitive organs, but learning to

relax and keep them protected can ensure great

vision for a long time.

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VII- Swinging the Eyes

Strain does a number on the body. It causes

tension in the face, neck, shoulders, and spine.

Tension for long periods of time can cause body

aches and illness. Strain and tension affects the

muscles around the eyes as well, causing poor

vision and eye problems.

Swinging is a method used to loosen up tense

muscles in the eyes, spine, shoulders, and neck.

Swinging for just five to ten minutes a day can

vastly improve your health and eye sight. The

process is quite simple too; anyone of any age

can do it.

First, stand in front of a window with your back

straight and feet shoulder length apart. Next,

slowly turn the upper body to the right until you

are looking at the wall. Now, turn back the other

way, past the window, until you are facing the

opposite wall. Repeat the process, swinging back

and forth in a steady rhythm for five to ten

minutes. Each turn should take two to three


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While you are swinging your eyes are relaxed.

Look out the window and allow your eyes to

move slowly and naturally with the rest of your

body. Don’t try to focus on anything outside the

window. Allow the scene to move quickly back

and forth in front of you. When you first start this

exercise, your eyes will automatically try to

focus, years of bad habits. Just continue to relax

and allow the images to blur in front of you.

The spine needs to remain straight and the arms

should be loose at your side. This exercise can

help get the spine back into shape and will

improve your posture. There is no need for

constant chiropractic care or exercises that

require too much discipline. This simple swinging

exercise is all the spine needs to stay flexible and

in shape.

Practice this swinging exercise in the morning

and at night before bed. It will allow you to feel

relaxed making it a great way to start and end

the day. You will sleep more peacefully at night

because you are more relaxed. The eyes should

not strain too much during the day because they

are learning to relax and move around.

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VIII- Common vision problems

you should know !

The most common vision problems are refractive

errors, more commonly known as

nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism

and presbyopia. Refractive errors occur when the

shape of the eye prevents light from focusing

directly on the retina. The length of the eyeball

(either longer or shorter), changes in the shape of

the cornea, or aging of the lens can cause

refractive errors. Most people have one or more of

these conditions.

Note : The cornea and lens bend (refract)

incoming light rays so they focus precisely on the

retina at the back of the eye.

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What is refraction?

Refraction is the bending of light as it passes

through one object to another. Vision occurs when

light rays are bent (refracted) as they pass

through the cornea and the lens. The light is then

focused on the retina. The retina converts the

light-rays into messages that are sent through

the optic nerve to the brain. The brain interprets

these messages into the images we see.

What are the different types of refractive


The most common types of refractive errors are

nearsightedness, farsightedness,

astigmatism and presbyopia.

Nearsightedness : (myopia) is a condition

where objects up close appear clearly, while objects far away appear blurry. With nearsightedness, light comes to focus in front of

the retina instead of on the retina.

Farsightedness : (also called hyperopia) is

a common type of refractive error where distant objects may be seen more clearly than objects that are near. However, people experience farsightedness differently. Some people may not notice any problems with their vision, especially when they are young. For people with significant farsightedness, vision can be blurry for objects at any distance, near or far.

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Astigmatism : is a condition in which the eye

does not focus light evenly onto the retina, the lightsensitive tissue at the back of the eye. This can cause images to appear blurry and stretched out.

Presbyopia : is an age-related condition in

which the ability to focus up close becomes more difficult. As the eye ages, the lens can nolonger change shape enough to allow the eye to focus close objects clearly.

symptoms of refractive errors?

Blurred vision is the most common symptom of refractive errors. Other symptoms may include the following: ** Double vision ** Haziness ** Glare or halos around bright lights ** Squinting ** Headaches ** Eye strain Refractive errors can be corrected witheyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery that aims to change the shape of the cornea permanently.

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IX- improving eyesight

1- Relaxation Techniques (Improving)

Relaxation is important for overall health. It

reduces stress and helps the body calm down

and sleep more soundly. Relaxation relieves

unwanted tension and gives an overall good

feeling. Relaxation also helps the eyes see more

clearly and focus better.

The hardest part of relaxing is silencing the

mind. Thoughts move at a rapid pace and as the

‘to do’ list grows so do the racing thoughts.

Shutting down the mind is the tricky part of total

relaxation, but it is possible. The key is to move

all that energy stuck in the head down through

the entire body and out the feet. May sound like

hocus pocus, but it actually works through a

process known as ‘exhaling through the feet’.

Here’s how it works. Lie on your back in a

dark room, works great just before bed. Imagine

your breath moving from your lungs down

through the entire body. As you exhale, picture

the air moving down toward your toes. Picture

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your breath passing through every organ, heart,

liver, kidneys, and continuing down the thighs,

calves, ankles, and toes. Exhale completely,

until all the air is out of your lungs and the next

breath naturally comes. Inhale naturally, don’t

force anything, and let your body do its own

work. Once the lungs are full once again, start

the process again of picturing the air moving

through the body.

Repeat the process as many times a possible

until you fall into a deep sleep. The next morning

you will feel relaxed and refreshed ready to face the

day. A great night’s sleep is important to reduce

stress and strain and start the day out right.

Staying up late and waking up early, leaves us

feeling groggy and lacking sleep. This can leave us

‘off’ for the remainder of the day. We are not as

productive and the eyes are straining through the

day. Plenty of rest, but not too much, starts the day

out right and in a positive mind frame. We will feel

more productive and happy to get work done.

Learning to relax is an important habit to pick

up. Once you learn good relaxation techniques,

getting to sleep will come more naturally. Your body

and eyes will thank you.

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2- keeping The Eyes Moving (improving)

A clear mind is always on the go. The mind is

constantly working out solutions to problems and

solving the issues of the day. A mind that is

stressed or strain struggles to work properly. The

mind can get overwhelmed and then freeze and

become stagnate. Problems don’t get solved and

issues continue to pile up. Likewise, the eyes

need movement to work properly. When the eyes

are relaxed, they are moving around and

enjoying the world around them. When eyes are

strained, they stare and vision worsens.

The eyes love to stay busy, rapidly moving

around and taking in the sights all around us.

Eyes don’t like to stop moving and focus on only

one item. When this happens, the eyes start to

strain and concentrate and vision is not as

accurate. Your eyes and brain work at a much

more rapid pace then we give them credit for.

When we are out in nature, the eyes are moving

quickly from one tree or flower to the next. The

only time they stop and stare is when your brain

isn’t aware of what it is looking at. If you are

looking at roses and then a unknown flower

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comes into focus, you will stop and stare until

you realize it is a daisy and then move on.

Eyes never stop moving, unless we force them to.

Even when we are asleep the eyes are moving

around in the darkness. When the eyes are still

for too long, they start to become damaged and

lose the focus. Eye movement should always be

smooth and flowing, never jerky or bouncing


You can teach the eyes to move smoothly by

tracing objects. The eyes don’t have to look from

one item to the next in jerky movements. Try

tracing around the edges of objects. Look out the

window allowing your eyes to outline cars,

buildings, trees, and bushes. After a few times,

the objects should start to get clearer and the

color brighter. You can trace just about anything,

couches, chairs, and the television. Do this

exercise at least once a day to train the eyes to

really look at things and not just stare.

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3- Palming way to Relax your Eyes


There are various steps and procedures one can

take to help improve eyesight. Poor eyesight is

condition caused by our own bad habits of

ignoring the needs of our eyes. The eyes are a

delicate, important organ in the body and they

need just as much care as the other organs.

Palming is a way to help the eyes relax,

naturally. Eyes are in constant motion, even

when we are sleeping, the eyes are moving

around. It’s not possible to completely stop the

eyes from moving because they need to stay

lubricated. However, we can slow down their

motion and help them relax.

In order to relax the eyes, you must first relax

your mind. If your mind is running away with its

thoughts, your eyes will strain to keep up.

Palming helps relax the mind and the eyes all at

the same time. The procedure is simple and

takes less than 20 minutes, but you can do it for

however long you need to.

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The first step is to rub your hands together to get

them nice and warm. Next, place one palm over

each eye. Be sure to cup the palms so they are

never directly touching the eyes or putting

pressure on the eyelids. Your elbows should be

resting on a hard surface, like a table or your


The next step is to relax, fully relax. With your

eyes closed beneath your palms, feel the muscles

in your body start to relax. Start from the top of

your head and slowly move down to your toes,

feeling each muscle in between start to relax. The

more relaxed you are, the darker the blackness

your eyes see will be. At first, you may see a

grayish color but as you relax that gray will

become a darker and darker shade of black. The

deeper the blackness, the more relax your eyes


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4- Diet and Eye Vision ! (Improving)

Did you know that eating a better is not only

good for your health but can help improve vision

too? Well, it does. A healthy diet and exercise is

good for your health which in turn will keep your

eyes working properly.

A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits and

vegetables, proteins, and dairy products. For

proteins try to add more fish into your diet, it has

the essential Omega-3 fatty acids that are great

for the brain and mental focus. Dairy products

are good but stay away from pasteurized and

homogenized milk because they tend to clog

arteries and limit the eye circulation. The best

vegetables are carrots, spinach, bean sprouts,

endive, celery, and cucumber.

Everyone feels the need to splurge every once in

a while, but too much processed and deep-fried

foods can cause serious complications on

eyesight and health. Stick with foods that are

high in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E as they are all

just the nutrients the body craves. Some other

treats that are high in nutrients are sunflower

seeds, raisins, pecans, soy beans, liver, and

apricots. The body comes complete

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with its own pH balance system to keep an equal

amount of acid and alkaline. Too much acid

causes uric crystals to develop around the joints

leading to arthritis. The acid also damages the

muscles around the eyes. The body needs fruits,

vegetables, grains, and animal products to

maintain the balance. Fruits and vegetables

reduce the amount of acid in the body; grains

and animal products increase the acid. The goal

is to find the perfect balance between the two.

Most people don’t eat enough fruits and

vegetables, so to find balance start there.

Finding a good mix to the foods you eat together

can help the body break down foods and digest

nutrients properly. Too many carbohydrates

taken with protein, like meat and potatoes, can

be hard for the body to break down leaving you

feeling as if food is just sitting on the gut.

Proteins should be mixed with vegetables, meat

and a salad. The body will be able to break it

down easily and the proper amount of nutrients

will be absorbed.

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5- Dr. Bates Method (Improving)

Dr. William Bates spend years studying vision

problems. He attended and graduated from

Cornell University and became a teacher and

researcher of ophthalmology in the New York

area. Bates created many vision improvement

methods and believed that anyone can see

without glasses. His methods were developed

teach the eyes ways to improve and heal


The Bates Method was developed to help school

age children absorb more knowledge without

straining their eyes. Dr. Bates learned that most

bad habits and eye problems begin in school age

children. Children have a natural curiosity to

learn new things. However, when material is

constantly shoved down their throats and they

are forced to memorize tons of uninteresting

information, the mind gets tired and the eyes

start to strain.

Likewise, looking at new information causes the

eyes to strain in order to commit it to memory. All

day, every day children are forced to absorb new

material, whether it interests them or not. They

are not given a chance to allow the eyes to relax

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or take a break. This is where the Bates Method comes


Bates’ Method is actually quite simple. He created a

large chart full of common shapes and letters. The

chart was placed on the wall in the front of the

classroom and the children were encouraged to look

over at the chart whenever they felt overwhelmed.

Even looking at the chart for three minutes a day, takes

the strain away from the eyes.

The Bates Method was implemented in a few schools

and the teachers noticed a vast improvement in

concentration and progress. The eyes were able to

relax and the strain was removed. Unfortunately, the

school board felt the method was too distracting and

the method is no longer in practice. In fact, China is the

only country that teaches students vision training.

The Bates Method can be used by just about anyone

though. You could create your own chart and place it in

your office. Glance at the card several times during the

day to keep the eyes relaxed and alleviated the strain

on the eyes. Training your eyes to relax will help

improve vision today and for the rest of your life.

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6- Exercises For The Eyes (Improving)

Staring and straining or the worse things you can

do to your eyes. After a long day at work, the eyes

are tired and need to relax and renew to improve

vision. The constant strain day in and day out does

nothing but damage the eyes. Below are three

exercises design to remove the eye strain.

The first exercise is the Dot exercise. To do this find

a period or comma on the page and focus on making

it as clear as possible. Stare at the period until it

comes into focus. Chances are after a few seconds

the period will actually became less clear and


Try relaxing your eyes. Close them for a minute and

let them relax. Now look at the period without

straining. Don’t stare; instead, let your eyes slowly

move around the page, over and around the period.

Don’t focus only on the period, the eyes need

movement. Make sure to blink a bit. Try closing your

eyes and picturing the dot and then look at it again.

Once the eyes are relaxed it should be easier to see

the period.

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The second exercise is the Word exercise. Find a

word on the page that is five or more letters long.

Stare at the word so that all the letters are in view,

but don’t move the eyes. Focus entirely on the whole

word trying to get the best image in your head.

Again, staring and concentrating hard is going to

cause the word to blur.

Now, relax your eyes and allow them to move

slowly over, around, and across each letter of the

word. Blink. Allow the eyes to lead you; don’t force

them to look at what you want. The word should be

clearer when you look at it again. Letter the eyes

move around is what will help them work best

without the strain.

The third exercise is the Double Vision exercise. This

exercise is meant to get your eyes to work together

as a team. Most people use one eye to look at an

object, while the other eye does its own thing.

Squinting can help bring an object into focus with

both eyes, but this causes unnecessary stress. The

trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a

calm way, and allow both eyes to focus together.

Learning exercises to relax the eyes is a great way

to develop lasting habits and ensure great eyesight

for years to come.

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X- Better vision for great


To keep the memory sharp, it is important to

maintain vision. Relaxation is the key to maintain

vision for many years. Vision and mental focus go

hand in hand and both don’t do well with strain

and stress. Relaxation and inner peace is

important in remembering things. All these things

rely on each other to work properly.

A great way to test the condition of the eyes is a

mental memory exercise. In this exercise, the goal

is to maintain a visual image for as long as

possible. To start, cover one eye and glance quickly

at a letter on the page with the other eye. Close

your eyes and hold the image of the letter in your

mind as long as possible. Count how many

seconds the image stays in your mind before

fading away to darkness. Take note of this

number. Do the same thing for the other eye and

compare the results.

Now relax the eyes and try again. One way to relax

the eyes is to close them and concentrate only on

pleasant thoughts and good memories. Allow your

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eyes to focus on the darkness and forget everything

around you. Open your eyes and try the exercise

again. Hopefully the results are different

and the image stayed longer the second time

around. If not, you may need to find some eye

relaxing exercises and work on removing the strain.

Vision affects memory. We need the vision to see

the image. The more clearly we see the image the

more detail we can recall on later. Focusing on the

positive events will help keep the mind relaxed and

the eyes free of strain.

The following exercise will help you relax and

improve your memory. Try it tonight. While lying in

bed tonight focus on all the positive things that

happened throughout the day. Picture the events of

the in as much detail and color as possible. Try

picturing your lunch or the clothes the person who

complimented you was wearing. Focusing on the

positive will clear your mind, relax the body, and

give you a better night’s sleep.

Removing the strain from the eyes will not only

improve your vision it will also improve your


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XI- A New Way of Learning

The worst thing we can do to our eyes is strain

them. Too much mental strain and focus can

actually harm our eyesight and cause the eyes

permanent damage. Bad habits start from

childhood, especially once school starts. These bad

habits carry over into adulthood and cause damage

to the eyes. Most of eye problems and ailments are

simply caused by the bad habits learned in our


Children have a natural curiosity to learn new

things. Ask any kindergartener or first grader if

they are excited for school and they will almost

always say yes with genuine enthusiasm. Ask the

same question of a junior high or high school

student and they will moan at the thought of going

back to school for another year.

Why the huge difference between the two? School is

too disciplined and children are forced to spend

hours each day learning and memorizing things that

don’t interest them. Any subject that is uninteresting

causes more concentration and the eyes to strain

through. Not every person enjoys the same subjects,

yet all children are forced to memorize and learn

things in an uninteresting way.

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The eyes strain when forced to concentrate on

images that don’t interest us. Like numbers on an

analytical report for work isn’t going to interest all

the employees, mathematics, science, and English

won’t interest every student. This doesn’t mean

that have a well-rounded education should be

thrown out the window. It simply means there

needs to be a change in how children are educated.

The Bates Method was discovered by Dr. William

Bates, a famous eye doctor. In his method, Dr.

Bates put together a large, poster-sized card

covered in common shapes and letters familiar to

most school age children. The card was hung at the

front on the classroom and offered the students

something to look at when they were feeling tired

or overwhelmed. The purpose of the card was to

give the children a chance to relax their eyes.

Looking at new material puts strain on the eyes,

but familiar objects allow the eyes to relax.

Teaching children not to strain their eyes from a

young age will help keep their vision sharp for

years to follow.

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XII- What Causes the Mental Strain

In Your Life?

Mental strain is the main cause of eyesight

problems and ailments. If strain can be eliminated

from the eyes, eye sight will improve naturally.

Teaching the eyes to relax is an important factor in

getting rid of vision problems. Unfortunately,

outside stressors and strain cannot always be

controlled. The only thing we can control is our

reaction to outside sources, but those outside

factors can really do a number on our eyes.

There are a number of things each day that can

cause us stress. Some are within our power to

chance, but most are not. Financial problems,

heartache, family problems, death, illness, or

weather are some of the stressful factors we face in

our lives. We may be able to chance a financial

situation, heartache, or a family issue, but it’s hard

to control the weather or a death.

One thing you always have control of is thought

patterns. If negative thoughts are keeping your

down, you are the only one who can change that

pattern of thought. Dealing with your negative

thoughts can actually solve many of the problems

we once though were out of our control. Thinking

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more positive will cause less strain in the family

and eliminate those problems. Positive outlook on

life can make you feel better and leave you less

susceptible to disease and illness.

]It is human nature to look for outside sources and

reasons for our own negative behavior. We tend to

blame other people or the weather or the traffic for

our negative thoughts. Although, these outside

sources can initially make us angry or frustrated,

we are the ones who decide to stay in the negative

mind set. Negativity causes stress and strain in our

lives and causes excess strain on the eyes.

Take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and

emotions. Take time to figure out why you are

feeling so negative. What is it that is it keeping you

upset or frustrated? What steps can you take to fix

those problems and emotions? Once you figure out

what is causing the emotions, fix it. Don’t wait for

others to come and fix it for you, you will be waiting

a long time.

Strain and stress is the main cause of eye

ailments. Concentrate on positive thinking to

increase health and reduce eye strain.

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XIII- Computers and Eyesight

More and more jobs require the use of computers.

With the information age being available on the

computer, more and more people are spending

endless hours in front of the screen. After a long

day in front of the computer, it is common to start

feeling tired, irritable, or pain in the eyes or head.

Staring at computers and forgetting to relax and

give the eyes a break can cause permanent

damage and eye problems.

No one is expected to live a life without computers;

we all need them and are use to them being a part

of our daily lives. However, it is important to listen

to our bodies and relax or take a break when


Listen to your body; it knows better than you do

when it’s time for a break. Do not work until your

eyes burn; you missed all the previous signs. Take

short breaks every hour of work. This means get at

least once every hour and walk around. However,

taking breaks isn’t enough. Look away from the

screen every 15-20 minutes for a minute or two.

Look at things close and far away to allow the eyes

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to adjust and move around. The goal is to avoid the

strain in the first place.

Blink as often as you can to keep the eyes

lubricated. Take a few minutes to roll the eyeballs

around; you can do this with your eyes open or

closed to avoid looking silly. Open and close your

eyes often to give them a short break. Yawn if you

have too. Yawning stretches out the jaw muscles

and keeps them from becoming tense causing

headaches and eyes strain.

Move around as much as possible. You should

always be in a comfortable position so adjust your

body or chair as often as needed. Move the

keyboard or monitor so you aren’t stretching your

neck or looking at things at a strange angle. Try to

avoid glare on the monitor, move it around as the

sun moves or get a screen protector.

Keep the work area bright and well lit. Bright lights

lighten up the mood and keep you feeling positive.

Dim lights only bring down your mood and cause

you to feel sluggish. Making minor changes in the

work space and taking breaks often can keep long

hours in front of the computer from permanently

damaging the eyes.

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XIV- 10 Tips for a Healthy Eyes

1-Get a dilated eye exam :

To make sure you keep seeing clearly, get a comprehensivean dilated eye exam regularly to check for common eye problems Like : decreased vision ;eye pain ; ;;:drainage or redness of the eye ; double vision ; or diabetes; or if you see flashes of light, floaters (tiny specks that appear to float before your eyes), If you haven't had an eye exam for some time, you should get one this month.

2-Know your family's eye health history :

Talk to your family members(parents..etc) about their eye health history. It’s important to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a disease .This information will help you to determine the risk for developing an eye disease or condition.

3-Eating the right way & the Good foods :

I think you ‘ve heared about carrots they are good for your eyes , also you should get a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, specially dark leafy greens Like spinach, kale, or collard greens. Some scientifics Research has shown that there are eye health benefits from eating fish high in omega-3 such as Salmon , Tuna, and Halibut .

4-have a healthy weight :

Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic conditions, which can lead to vision loss, such as diabetic eye

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disease or glaucoma.If you are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, talk to your doctor.

5- Wear protective eyewear :

Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities around the home, Eyewear including safety glasses and goggles, safety shields, and eye guards specially designed to provide the correct protection for a certain activity. eyewear lenses are made of polycarbonate that is strong 10 times then other plastics .

6-quit Smoking or drugs :

It’s bad for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body. Research has linked smoking to an increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness.

7-Be Cool & wear your Sunglasses :

their most important job is to protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.When purchasing sunglasses, look for ones that block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B Radiation .

8- Clean your hands and your contact

lenses :

Clean them properly To avoid the risk of infection, always wash your hands before putting in or taking out your contact lenses. Make sure to disinfect contact lenses as instructed and replace them as appropriate.

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9- Eye Safety at Workplace :

Employers are required to provide a safe work environment. When protective eyewear is required as a part of your job, make a habit of wearing the appropriate type at all times and encourage your coworkers to do the same thing

10- Try the 20-20-20 rule :

If you spend a lot of time at the computer or focusing on any one thing , you must give your Eyes a rest. particaly webdesigners,webdeveloppers,webmarketers. sometimes forget to blink and your eyes can get help you reduce eyestrain Every 20

minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for

20 seconds. adjust the lighting and sit at least 20

inches away from the screen in order to reduce


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XV- 4 Tips for Eye Safety At Work

eyes are delicate and very easy to damage. A hard

blow is not necessary to cause eye injury. In fact,

all it takes is a tiny

sliver or speck of metal, a particle of dust, or trace of

chemical to do a great deal of damage to your eyes.

eye injuries may lead to pain and discomfort,

medical costs, lost work time, lost wages, and even

permanent disability.that’s Why eye safety is verry

important !

1-Sense of safety :

Remember you should never neglect eye protection

just because a specific job does not demand it. This

is where you must use common sense and exercise

good eye safety practices to provide yourself with

that extra margin of eye safety for your eyes.

Note :Consult your supervisor if you have any doubt

about the type of eyewear protection needed for a

job or specific location.

2-Make sure your eyewear glasses fit :

If your glasses don’t fit properly, you might be

tempted not to wear eyeglasses. If your safety

glasses slip, seem crooked, or are too tight, take a

few minutes and have them adjusted properly.

3-Keep your eyewear clean :

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Dirty glasses lessen visibility. Wash them regularly

with mild soap and water or eyeglass cleaner, then

polish with a soft cloth or a tissue. Anti-dust and

anti-fog sprays work well on both eyeglass and

plastic lenses.

4-Keep your eyewear in a safe place :

Pits, scratches, or other damage can result if you

stick your eye eyewear glasses in a pocket or toss

them in a tool box. Damage to lenses can lessen

impact-resistance ,therfore provide less than full

protection. Also, don’ t hang your goggles by the

elastic band. This can stretch the band so it does

not fit properly.

5-keep your eyewear glasses in the hazard

Zone :

Do not remove your protective eyewear until you

leave the site or are out of the hazard zone. After

you have finished with a tool or specific task, there

still may be hazardous materials around you from

other workers.

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XVI- Keep your Health on ‘TRACK’

Make Your Vision a Health Priority,get a dilated eye

exam at least once ayear, and..keep TRACK of


Take your medications.

Reach and maintain a

healthy healthy weight.

Add physical activity to

your your daily routine.

Control your blood sugar,

bloodpressure,and cholesterol. (Diabetics)

Kick the smoking habit.