how to integrate god’s word february 27, 2013

How to integrate God’s Wor February 27, 2013

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How to integrate God’s Word February 27, 2013. Thanks to Eric Fairhurst . “What I want most of all and at all times is to honor your laws.”. Psalm 119:20. How To Integrate God’s Word. Build on it. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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How to integrate God’s WordFebruary 27, 2013

Page 2: How to integrate God’s Word February 27, 2013

Thanks to Eric Fairhurst

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“What I want most of all and at alltimes is to honor your laws.”

Psalm 119:20

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How To Integrate God’s Word

Build on it

“Everyone who hears these words ofmine, and puts them into practice, islike a wise man who built his house

on the rock.”Matthew 7:24

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Unreliable FoundationsPopular Culture

“Do not follow the crowd indoing wrong.”

Exodus 23:2

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Unreliable FoundationsPopular CultureTradition

Jesus “You have let go of thecommands of God and are holding

on to the traditions of men!”Mark 7:8

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Unreliable FoundationsPopular CultureTraditionReason

“There is a way that seems right toa man, but in the end it leads

to death.”Proverbs 16:25

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Unreliable FoundationsPopular CultureTraditionReasonEmotion

“At that time there was no king in Israel. People did whatever

they feltlike doing.”Judges 21:25 (MSG)

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Hollywood’s Formula for Relationships1. FIND the right person

2. FALL in love3. FIX all your hopes & dreams on this

person for your future fulfillment4. If FAILURE occurs,

repeat steps 1, 2, & 3

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God’s Prescription for Relationships1. BECOME the right

person2. WALK in love

3. FIX your hope on God & honor Himthrough this relationship

4. If FAILURE occurs,

repeat steps 1, 2, & 3

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How To Integrate God’s WordBuild on itFeed on it “Let the word of Christ

dwell in you richly.”Colossians 3:16

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Feed On ItReceive it with my ears

Read it with my eyes

Research it with my hands and mouth

Reflect on it with my mind

Remember it with my heart

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How To Integrate God’s WordBuild on itFeed on itLive in it

“I have hidden your word in my heart

that I might not sin against You.”

Psalm 119:11

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How To Integrate God’s WordBuild on itFeed on itLive in itGrow through it

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.”

Psalm 119:18

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Parable Of The 4 Soils1. The hardened soil =A closed mind

Action:Cultivate an open mind

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2. The shallow soil =A superficial mind

Action:Make time for God’s word

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3. The soil with weeds =

A preoccupied mind

Action:Eliminate the distractions

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4. The good soil =A willing mind

Action:Cooperate with what it says

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How To Integrate God’s WordBuild on itFeed on itLive in itGrow through itAct on it

“Do not merely listen to the word,

and so deceive yourselves.

Do what it says.”James 1:22

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Picture it!

Pronounce it!

Paraphrase it!

Personalize it!

Probe it!

Pray it!

Visualize the scene in your mind

Emphasize each word aloud

Write it down in your own words

Put your name in the verse

Ask S.P.A.C.E.P.E.T.S.

Pray the verse back to God

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How To Integrate God’s WordBuild on itFeed on itLive in itGrow through itAct on itTrust in it

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light

for my path.”Psalm 119:105

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