how to keep your email list in the loop? #atyc

How to keep your email list in the loop.

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Post on 17-Aug-2015



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How to keep your email

list in the loop.

#ATYC - Ask The Young Cow

Every Wednesday 1pm UK

Agenda…Where do you start?

• What are Email Auto responders?• Selecting a Topic for your Auto responders• Email Auto responder Tips• Delivering Auto Responders• Tips on how they should they look?

What You need to know

What are email auto

responders?What are they?An auto responder is a series of emails that focus on a specific topic. These emails are delivered in a pre-determined sequence at arranged times. The process can begin when someone subscribes to your general email list.

Build trust with your prospects

Your messages will make regular appearances in their inboxes

Training the reader to open your emails

Selecting a topic for your Auto Responders

Where to start?If you want your email series to work with your readers and Email list you’ll want to choose your topic carefully.

Tap into your audience’s needs and uncover leading pain points.

To find topics look into some of the following areas.

Research KeywordsThe Google Keyword Planner tool won’t tell you all the topics your readers are interested in, but you can test your keywords by using it to check the popularity of various keyword searches.

Selecting a topic for your Auto Responders

Evaluate your own contentGo back in time to see which topics were most popular with your readers, this can be your most popular Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn post etc. It could also be the amount of views on a YouTube video or comments on a website blog post.

Selecting a topic for your Auto Responders

Take a look at social media…Take a look at social media profiles in similar areas to your business to find out what’s popular with their followers. Use YouTube to find popular videos that are popular in your network. This can help you to create a series of FREE Training to provide value to your readers.

Also, Pay attention to the hashtags being used in your area of business and find out what’s trending.


Tips for writing your Auto Responders

Create all NEW Content…

Based on the research we discussed in the previous slides you can now write all new content for your email auto responders. This can be done by yourself or you can hire a content write to do it for you from a brief.

You can then advertise this content as “Exclusive New Content, unavailable anywhere else.” The thought of exclusive content may be excite the reader and convinces them to opt in to you and your brand.

Tips for writing your Auto Responders

Resurrect old content…

By resurrecting old content you can repurpose the hard work you have already previously put in. If you are aiming to entice new visitors to opt in then the chances are they haven’t read any of your blog.

You may find a theme that runs through your posts that can be the topic for your Email auto responder series.

Tips for writing your Auto Responders

FREE Guides, EBooks, Swipe Files …

You may have created FREE Guides, Ebooks & Swipe Files that you want your readers to know about. You can use these resources to offer valuable content to your potential readers for FREE to entice them to opt in to you.

You can even have one of these resources as the topic of your email auto responder series and provide blog posts and explanations on how to use this resource once they opt in.

Delivering your Auto Responders

Set a schedule – Short SeriesCreate a strategy into the number of emails your auto responder series will include.

For example you may have a short series that includes 5 emails that are sent every other day after they opt in.

A short series will be easier to produce and may sound more appealing to your readers.

There’s no right or wrong way to make these decisions as everyone will have different readers.

Delivering your Auto Responders

Long SeriesA longer series can dig deeper into a topic. It will also mean that you will make more frequent visits to your subscriber’s inbox.

However you may see unsubscribes with this method as readers may start to lose interest in your series. This isn’t a bad thing.

This can work by separating your group with those who are genuinely interested in your series. This series may be every day for a whole month providing your readers with “A Month of Unique content that you wont find anywhere else”

How should your email auto responders look?

ContentThere is no limit to how many characters you should use, however you need to make sure every line of your content provides value. Also break your content into small easy to read paragraphs.

Example – Paul MortPaul Mort is a great example of simple and easy to follow emails. They are short snappy lines that get to the point and provide value. He also doesn’t worry about grammar to much, this may or not work depending on your readers.

How should your email auto responders look?


Remember! Screen sizes are getting smaller and more people are using mobile devices so you need to make sure your content is easy to read on all devices.

• Use bullet points to create short snappy benefits to your email• Use small size images to decrease load time• Use a big font that’s visible on desktop and mobile• Thing about the length of your email for mobile devices.

You now have an insight into email auto responders, if you would like to take a look at how we use email auto responders follow the link below, download our FREE Google AdWords swipe file and opt in to our email series.

If you’re determined to make this work, we’re here to help you!01902 213326


#ATYC - Ask The Young Cow

Every Wednesday 1pm UK