how to keep your home’s value over the winter time

How to Keep Your Home’s Value over the Winter Time Activity in the housing market starts slowing down during autumn and even more so in winter. As a result, homes that are perceived to be ‘average’ or that are in need of repairs will take longer to sell than those that are in top condition. There are a few projects to consider that will help keep your home’s value as high as possible in winter. Let the Light in As the sun changes position in winter, it can result in a home becoming darker inside. If there are trees, hedges or shrubs that

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Page 1: How to Keep Your Home’s Value over the Winter Time

How to Keep Your Home’s Value over the Winter Time

Activity in the housing market starts slowing down during autumn and even more so in winter. As a result, homes that are perceived to be ‘average’ or that are in need of repairs will take longer to sell than those that are in top condition. There are a few projects to consider that will help keep your home’s value as high as possible in winter.

Let the Light in

As the sun changes position in winter, it can result in a home becoming darker inside. If there are trees, hedges or shrubs that have been planted close to any windows, these should be pruned right back to let in as much natural light as possible. In cases where a room does not receive any direct sunlight, installing a skylight can make all the difference as well. Rooms that are darker in winter than in summer can benefit from having LED lighting installed – these not only give off a lot more light than CFL globes; they also have the added advantage of using less electricity.

Page 2: How to Keep Your Home’s Value over the Winter Time

Maintain the Outside

If your home is on the market, it is imperative that the outside of it be kept as neat and as appealing as possible to potential buyers. Landscaping should be maintained, and piles of leaves and other garden debris should be removed on a regular basis. If you live in an area that receives snow, this should be shoveled off of walkways and roofs as well. Bushes, shrubs and other plants that may have died or that are diseased will not only benefit from being trimmed and treated; a neat garden and yard will boost your home’s curbside appeal immediately.

Promote Airflow to Prevent Dampness

Some of a home’s worst enemies during winter are dampness and mold. However, these can usually be prevented by ensuring that doors and windows are opened for between 15 and 30 minutes each day to allow fresh air to enter and dampness to exit. This will be the easiest way to prevent the development of black mold, which is not only costly to get rid of; it can have serious health implications as well. In cases where a home is excessively damp inside during winter, it may be necessary to install a dehumidifier.


Regardless of what season it is, any form of clutter in and around your home will be an instant turn-off to potential buyers. If you have excess furniture, toys, clothing and other items, consider hiring a storage unit until such time as your home is sold. Excess loose carpets and rugs inside your home should be packed away or even discarded – especially if they are dirty or showing signs of wear. In cases where fitted carpeting is showing any signs of wear, it should be replaced before showing your home.

Washing down driveways and giving the outside of your home a fresh coat of paint all round will go a long way to help improve your home’s value as well, making it as appealing as possible to potential buyers.

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