how to make a wind car

How to Make a Wind Car By Grahame Turner, eHow Contributor There is a lot of talk these days about alternative fuels. While it's unlikely we'll see a lot of cars fueled purely by air power, kids with an interest in the scientific can put one together very easily. This is the kind of project that's fun on a rainy day at home, or for friendly competition in a classroom setting. Difficulty: Moderately Easy Instructions Things You'll Need: Cardboard or foam board Pen or marker Scissors 3 straight straws, or something to hold an axle Glue Tape 2 dowels, skewers or something to act as an axle 4 bottle caps, or anything that can work as a wheel (optional) Sheet of construction paper Masking tape Power fan Assembly 1. 1 Cut a body for the car out of the cardboard or foam board. This body can be just about any shape or size, but should be at least 3 inches by 6 inches. If you are making wheels out of foam board or cardboard, draw and cut them out now. 2. 2 Tape the axle holders--straight straws or anything like that-- to the bottom of the car body. These holders should be at

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Page 1: How to Make a Wind Car

How to Make a Wind Car

By Grahame Turner, eHow Contributor

There is a lot of talk these days about alternative fuels. While it's unlikely we'll see a lot of cars fueled purely by

air power, kids with an interest in the scientific can put one together very easily. This is the kind of project that's

fun on a rainy day at home, or for friendly competition in a classroom setting.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

Cardboard or foam board Pen or marker Scissors 3 straight straws, or something to hold an axle Glue Tape 2 dowels, skewers or something to act as an axle 4 bottle caps, or anything that can work as a wheel (optional) Sheet of construction paper Masking tape Power fan


1. 1

Cut a body for the car out of the cardboard or foam board. This body can be just about any shape or size, but should be at least 3 inches by 6 inches. If you are making wheels out of foam board or cardboard, draw and cut them out now.

2. 2

Tape the axle holders--straight straws or anything like that--to the bottom of the car body. These holders should be at least as wide as the car body is, or a little wider. They need to be parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the car's body.

3. 3

Attach one axle, made of a dowel or skewer, to a wheel. Slide this wheel into place in an axle holder. Repeat for another axle and wheel. Use glue or tape, whichever you think will work best.

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4. 4

Connect the remaining wheels to the axles. Make sure they aren't too tight against the car, so that the wheels roll freely, but not too loose so that the car rolls unevenly.

5. 5

Flip the car over and roll it around, making sure the vehicle travels in a straight line. Make any adjustments as necessary, then glue or tape the axle holders tightly in place.

6. 6

Cut a sail out of construction paper. Mark the points where it will connect to your mast, which is the third straight straw.

7. 7

Punch a hole in the middle of the vehicle, and glue the mast into it.

8. 8

Attach the sail to the mast.


9. 1

Make a starting line of masking tape on a flat piece of floor.


Set up an electric fan on the ground about 14 inches behind the starting line.


Set your car down at the starting line. When ready, switch the fan on and let it blow your racer across the floor.

Read more: How to Make a Wind Car |

Page 3: How to Make a Wind Car

How to Make a Wind-Powered Car

By Grahame Turner, eHow Contributor updated: June 9, 2010

Putting a sail on a simple toy car will have it rolling in no time.

A sailboat moves along the water in a very smooth, almost effortless manner. They work by harnessing the wind in the sail for power, and it is possible to demonstrate that movement at home with a wind-powered car. They're extremely simple to make, and wind-powered toy cars are pretty fun to race. First, you'll need a few simple materials, and then you'll need a source of wind--which will be played in your home by a portable fan.Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

Cardboard Marker Empty glass Scissors 2 straight straws Glue Tape 3 skewers Construction or printer paper Markers, colored pencils, or crayons Masking tape Floor fan

1. 1

Design the base of the car. Draw the base on the cardboard. You can make it any size or shape that you'd like, but make it at least 4-inches by 6-inches.

2. 2

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Trace the base of your glass on the cardboard four times. Make sure these are traced smoothly, as they will become the wheels.

3. 3

Cut out the pieces of cardboard. Make the cuts as smooth as possible.

4. 4

Turn the base upside down and draw a pair of parallel lines on it. These lines will be where the axles go, so make them perpendicular to the sides, and put one in the front and one in the back.

5. 5

Glue the straws to the bottom of the vehicle. Trim off any excess straw.

6. 6

Pierce the exact center of one of the wheels with one of the skewers. Glue the skewer in place at the end of one of the wheels. Repeat with the other skewer and another wheel.

7. 7

Slide both skewers into the straws at the bottom of the car base.

8. 8

Pierce the center of the other two wheels with the exposed ends of the skewers. Glue them into place, but be careful not to glue the straw to the skewer. Slide the wheel close to the car, so you can trim off any excess axle.

9. 9

Pierce the middle of the car base with a skewer and glue it into place poking upward. The bottom of this skewer should more than clear the floor.


Design and draw a sail on the construction paper. A larger sail will catch more wind, but you can make it any shape that you want. Mark the point at the top and bottom of the sail where it will attach to the mast.


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Slide the sail into place on the mast. Pierce the marks and make it curve forward. If the sail starts to slip, tape it in place.

Read more: How to Make a Wind-Powered Car |

How do I Make a Science Project of Mini Windmills Powering Mini Cars?

By Taylor Divico, eHow Contributor updated: December 5, 2010

Windmill school projects showcase solar energy.

Creating a science project with mini windmills and cars tests wind power. The wind source generates energy from the windmills, forcing the cars to move. The experiment can include comparisons by supplying variables such as different fan sizes, amounts of windmills used and windmill blade alterations. Conducting trials with variants demonstrates the properties of wind power that increase or decrease the energy supply and propulsion needed to move the mini cars.Difficulty: Moderate


Things You'll Need:

Construction paper Ruler Pencil Scissors Metal fastener Glue Straws Plastic cup

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Clay Pebbles, soil or sand Hand-held fan Household fan (optional) Plastic matchbox cars

1. 1

Gather or purchase small plastic, matchbox-sized cars and all materials needed to complete the project. Find a flat surface to work on.

2. 2

Place the ruler on the construction paper. Draw a square with a pencil by connecting four straight lines of equal measure to create a 6x6 in. square.

3. 3

Cut the squares out using the scissors. Measure the square horizontally and place your finger at the midpoint of the horizontal line. Place the ruler vertically where your finger rests and find the midpoint of the vertical line. Make a dot at the midpoint of the vertical measurement using your pencil. Follow this step to find and designate the center point of each square you cut out.

4. 4

Start from one corner of the square. Cut one diagonal slat in the direction of the square's center point, stopping within 1-inch of the center point. Repeat this step for the other three corners so that your have four triangles attached by the center point.

5. 5

Fold ever other corner of the triangles in toward the center point to create windmill blades. Hold the corners in place at the center point with one finger while pushing a metal fastener through the corners and the center point with your free hand to keep them in place. Pull the fastener tabs through the back of the center point and flatten the tabs outward. You now have the blades and top of your windmill made.

6. 6

Glue or tape the top of your windmill to one end of the straw. Place the other end of the straw into your plastic cup.

7. 7

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Pack clay around the end of the straw that is in your cup so that two inches of the straw is submerged in clay to create a sturdy windmill base. Press the clay into the bottom of the plastic cup so that the straw sticks out upright. Pour pebbles, soil or sand into your plastic cup until it is approximately 1/2 filled to weigh down and immobilize your windmill pole (straw) and base (clay).

8. 8

Place a hand-held or household fan in various locations around your windmill so that the wind hits your windmill blades, causing them to move in a circular motion. Place your cars in front of the windmill at the same level that the blades of the windmill and fans are positioned at. The wind energy from the fans will cause the blades to spin, generating kinetic energy to propel your cars forward.

9. 9

Create multiple windmills for your experiment. Consider creating a smaller square such as a 4x4 in. and a larger square such as 12x12 in. to allow for variations.

Read more: How do I Make a Science Project of Mini Windmills Powering Mini Cars? |

How to Build an Electric Car

By an eHow Contributor

The origins of the electric car parallel the humble innovations that led to the internal combustion engine.

Engineers, car lovers and amateurs around the world build electric cars to improve driving distance and

durability. A combination of the right parts and plenty of patience can help you build an electric car.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

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Things You'll Need:

Gloves Goggles Electric motor Electric car batteries Solar panels Torque wrench Engine crane White tags

1. 1

Protect yourself from harm while building an electric car with safety gear. Wear goggles, gloves, boots and old clothes to stay comfortable while avoiding electrical shocks.

2. 2

Choose a traditional car body to convert into an electric car. Think about the body profile, frame weight and axle type to make your electric car conversion easier.

3. 3

Select an electric motor for your car that is easy to assemble without professional assistance. The standard motor for an electric vehicle conversion is a DC motor with a diminutive body.

4. 4

Compile specialty tools needed to build an electric car in your own garage. You will need a torque wrench and an engine crane to remove old car parts before installing electrical components.

5. 5

Purchase a primary and backup battery before you build your electric car. Hunt down a VRLA or gel-cell battery with the help of an electric vehicle retailer like EV Parts (see Resources below).

6. 6

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Install passive-energy tools, such as solar panels, as you build your electric car. A series of solar panels from BatteryStuff can help recharge your batteries and power accessories in your car (see Resources below).

7. 7

Place a motor controller between your motor and battery to control electrical flow. The controller acts as a middleman between the motor and battery by providing sufficient current to move the car forward.

8. 8

Connect a contactor to your ignition to start your newly built electric car. The contactor activates the motor as you turn the key in the same way as an ignition switch starts a gas-powered engine

Read more: How to Build an Electric Car |

How to Build Your Own Electric Car

By jeffbeer, eHow Member User-Submitted Article

Building an electric car is a very popular topic as of late, with a push for a more environmentally conscious

society. As we all must do our part to go green, building an electric car has numerous benefits.

Difficulty: Challenging


Things You'll Need:


1. 1

Get a car. Go for smaller, compact cars that would need less energy to move.

2. 2

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Remove anything gasoline related. This includes Gas tank, Exhaust, muffler, Engine, Starter, Radiator, Coolant tank, Fuel lines and filter.DO NOT TAKE APART ANYTHING OF THE TRANSMISSION, for you will need it.

3. 3

Attach the motor to the transmission?

4. 4

Connect the electric motor to the transmission to power the car via rotary power.

5. 5

Install the motor.

6. 6

Figure out what batteries you will need, which will be determine by the battery system.

7. 7

Acquire a controller that can control the power between motor and batteries. The controller should run on at least 48-72 volts.

8. 8

Set up the gas pedal cable to the potentiometer, which will send the signal to the controller.

9. 9

Get the car registered and insured through the DMV.

Read more: How to Build Your Own Electric Car |

Page 11: How to Make a Wind Car

How to Build a Toy Electric Car

By an eHow Contributor

Build a toy electric car from an old candy tin. This toy is great as a project for a mature teenager to learn how to

use a soldering iron and a drill safely (under adult supervision). The car uses a 9-volt motor to cruise the floor

at high speeds. Button wheels add a touch of whimsy to the project and elicits comments about how creative

the project is.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

Candy tin (like a standard Altoids tin) Clothes hanger (wire) Four identical buttons with a 1-inch diameter (or larger) Small rubber band 9-volt DC hobby motor 9-volt battery 9-volt battery connector Piece of string (optional: see tips section)

1. 1

Pull the lid off of the tin and cover any sharp edges of the tin in glue from the glue gun.

2. 2

Drill four holes in the candy tin for the front and back axles to go through. Make the hole 3.5 millimeters in diameter to accommodate the clothes hanger wire axle. The four holes also need to be 2 centimeters from either end and drilled at the very bottom of the tin wall next to the corner.

3. 3

Cut two axles for the car from a straight portion of the clothes hanger. The axle needs to be 2 millimeters wider than the tin. If you are using an Altoids tin, the length of the axle should be 59 millimeters for each hanger. Hot glue a button wheel at its center to one end of each axle. Make sure that the buttons stay lined up so that the car moves straight. Insert the axle, with the rear one passing through a rubber band as it goes in one side hole and out the other. Use the hot glue gun to put on the other button wheels on each axle.

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4. 4

Put glue on the shaft of the motor axle that sticks out so that the axle has some grip. Glue the motor into the tin so that the small rubber band is firmly held against the axle of the rear wheels and the axle of the motor. The rubber band acts as a belt to transfer power between the motor and the rear axle. Solder the wires from the motor onto separate terminals on the back side of a 9-volt battery connector so that the wires do not interfere with the connection to the battery.

5. 5

Snap the 9-volt battery connector to the 9-volt battery. The motor will start up immediately. Use a rubber band to hold the battery in place. Run this toy indoors first.

Read more: How to Build a Toy Electric Car |

How to Make an Electric Car for a Science Project

By Enzo Silvestri, eHow Contributor

Electric Car

The main key for building an electric car for a science project is the weight to power ratio. A vehicle will need to be light enough to be able to be moved by a relatively small electric motor. The smaller the motor, the less power required to the electric motor, and subsequently, the fewer batteries needed.From Essentials: Basics of Electric Cars

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The time is coming for the long-awaited, efficient all-electric car. The technology is improving… More

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Page 14: How to Make a Wind Car

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Page 15: How to Make a Wind Car

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Page 16: How to Make a Wind Car

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Page 17: How to Make a Wind Car

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How to Make an Electric Car for a Science Project

The main key for building an electric car for a science project is the weight to power ratio. A… More

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Page 18: How to Make a Wind Car

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


Things You'll Need:

Light gasoline car 24 volt electric motor 24 volt batteries Electrical control components

Don't Build it, Convert it

1. 1

When building an electric car you don't need to reinvent the wheel so try to use an existing vehicle and simply do a conversion. Find a light aerodynamic gasoline car and take out the engine assemblies. This on its own will significantly reduce the weight.

2. 2

There are conversion kits available online and since the cost of these is upwards of a few dollars, then for a high school project it is best to stick to the cheapest ways possible. Surplus aircraft starter motors are 24 volt motors and these are becoming popular to use in small car conversions.

3. 3

Remove the combustion motor and replace it with a 24 volt motor. These are available at any aircraft junk yard or Air Force surplus store. When obtaining the motors you should take the opportunity to buy a number of 24 volt aircraft batteries as well. The room under a small car's hood would probably hold 4 batteries, once the motor is in place.

4. 4

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Mount the electric motor so that it turns the gearbox of the car. The gears are really unnecessary in this case, unlike with an electric motor you can start in top gear and it will have no ill effect. You should, however, leave the gearbox in situ as removing it will just increase the work involved in converting the car.

5. 5

Build a bank of batteries to power the engine with the applicable switches and rheostats to control the speed. Connect the rheostat to the accelerator pedal and it will function as well as the gas pedal. Make sure you connect the batteries in parallel as this will make them last longer. To connect them in parallel connect positive to positive and negative to negative, and then to the control rheostat and then the motor, thus the power output will still be 24 volts but it will last significantly longer.

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Read more: How to Make an Electric Car for a Science Project |

How to Make a Simple Electric Car

By Elizabeth Chapin-Pinotti, eHow Contributor

An electric car is just a car powered by an electric motor rather than a gasoline combustion engine. In fact,

many electric cars are designed by stripping a gasoline-powered car's interior and converting the motor to run

on electricity. Thus, the two are indistinguishable except for the silence of the one powered by electricity.

While there may be no visible exterior differences, there are major differences under the hood. The combustion

engine is replaced by an electric motor; the electric motor, in turn, is powered by a controller and the controller

gets its power from a battery. Finally, the battery, which is rechargeable, gets its power from the electric grid.

An electric car is a simple concept and actually quite easy to make, as it is just a series of batteries attached to

an on-off switch, which is attached to a motor.

Difficulty: Challenging


Things You'll Need:

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Old manual car, such as a Volkswagen bug Custom mounting brackets to mount the motor Controller Converter Batteries Battery box #00 gauge welding cable Wrenches and other hand tools Car jack Pot box

1. 1

Put blocks under the engine compartment to catch the engine. Jack up the car high enough to slide the motor out from under it. Remove the bolts from the engine completely. The engine should drop onto the blocks. (Be careful not to be under the engine when it falls.) Slide the old engine out from under the car.

2. 2

Remove the gas tank. Remove the exhaust system and the clutch.

3. 3

Attach an adapter plate to the transmission and mount the motor. This may require custom brackets.

4. 4

Create a reduction gear by pinning the manual transmission in first or second gear. You can buy a special reduction gear that will be lighter, but it is more expensive and unnecessary. Pinning the transmission in first or second will work just fine.

5. 5

Mount the controller and the converter. This is the power circuit unit that lets you switch from AC to DC.

6. 6

Take out the back seat of the bug. If you are not using a bug, you may want to use the trunk for the battery box. Build a battery box and install the batteries. Wire the batteries and motor to the controller with #00 gauge welding cable.

7. 7

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Install a charging system. The onboard charging system allows the car to be plugged directly into grid power so that the batteries can be recharged.

8. 8

Install a volt meter; this replaces your gas gauge. Install a pot box or potentiometers and attach to the accelerator pedal and the controller. Install a contractor or relay to turn the car on and off. Hook the contractor or relay to the ignition switch.

9. 9

Test to make sure everything works. Test the brakes and tires as well. It never hurts to be safe.

Read more: How to Make a Simple Electric Car |