how to - postbank...tion should be redirected to, click the edit icon and then update the oauth...

How to ... User Guide For TPP

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Page 1: How to - Postbank...tion should be redirected to, click the Edit icon and then update the OAuth Redirect URI field. Step 9: Optional: To change the application name or description,

How to ...User Guide For TPP

Page 2: How to - Postbank...tion should be redirected to, click the Edit icon and then update the OAuth Redirect URI field. Step 9: Optional: To change the application name or description,


1. The Developer Portal user interface ..............................................................................................................3 1.1. Home ........................................................................................................................................3 1.2. Getting Started .........................................................................................................................3 1.3. API Products ............................................................................................................................3 1.4. Apps .........................................................................................................................................3 1.5. Support .....................................................................................................................................3

2. Creating a new developer account ................................................................................................................4

3. Changing your password ..................................................................................................................................5

4. Change user settings .........................................................................................................................................6 4.1. Changing your account settings ...............................................................................................6 4.2. Changing your timezone setting ..............................................................................................7 4.3.Changingyourapplicationnotificationsettings.......................................................................8

5. Applications in the Developer Portal .............................................................................................................9 5.1. Registering an application ........................................................................................................9 5.2. Editing an application ............................................................................................................12 5.3. Deleting an application ..........................................................................................................13 5.4. Changing an application image ..............................................................................................13 5.5.Settingupnotificationsforanapplication.............................................................................14

6. APIs in the Developer Portal ..........................................................................................................................16 6.1. Browsing available APIs, code snippets, and example operations ........................................16 6.2. Selecting a Plan ......................................................................................................................17 6.3. Signing up to use an API ........................................................................................................19 6.4. Viewing application subscriptions .........................................................................................19 6.5.UnsubscribefromaPlan........................................................................................................20

7. Developer organizations in the Developer Portal .....................................................................................21 7.1.EditingthenameofaDeveloperorganization.......................................................................21 7.2. Adding users to a Developer organization .............................................................................22 7.3.RemovingauserfromaDeveloperorganization..................................................................23

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Page 3: How to - Postbank...tion should be redirected to, click the Edit icon and then update the OAuth Redirect URI field. Step 9: Optional: To change the application name or description,

1. The Developer Portal user interface

Usethemenu itemsintheDeveloperPortaluser interfacetoregisterapplications,workwithAPIs, and obtain support.


1.1. HomeTheHomelinksdirectlytotheAPIspage.

1.2. Getting StartedTheGettingStartedpagedescribesthetasksthatyoucompletetobeginworkingwithAPIsinthe Developer Portal.

1.3. API ProductsTheAPIProductspageshowsalltheAPIsthatareavailableforyoutoworkwith.ClickthenameofanAPItoseethedetailsofthatAPI,andtotestit.

1.4. AppsFrom the Apps page, you register new applications so that you can use the APIs that are avail-abletoyou.TheAppspageshowsalltheapplicationsthatyouhaveregistered.Clickthenameofanapplicationtoseethedetailsofthatapplication,andtomodifyit.

1.5. SupportFromtheSupportpage,youcanviewfrequentlyaskedquestions,andsubmitaquestionorfeed-backbyemail.

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2. Creating a new developer account

You can create new developer accounts in the Developer Portal.

Step 1: From the Developer Portal home page –,clickCreate an account.

Step 3:ClickCreate new account.Step 2: Populate the available fields withthe details of the developer account youwant to create.• Name *

• Last Name *

• Company name• Username *

• E-mail *

• Password *

• Confirmpassword*• Terms & Conditions *


* mandatory field

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Step 2:ClickPassword Step 3: Enter your current password, then enter your new password in the Pass-word and Confirm pass-wordfields.

Step 4:ClickSave

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3. Changing your password

You can change your password in the Developer Portal password.

You need to login to view this content!

Step 1: From the Developer Portal home page, select My account.

Page 6: How to - Postbank...tion should be redirected to, click the Edit icon and then update the OAuth Redirect URI field. Step 9: Optional: To change the application name or description,

4. Change user settings

You can edit user settings in the Developer Portal, including timezone and account settings.

You need to login to view this content!

4.1. Changing your account settings

You can edit your Developer Portal account settings.

Step 1: Select My account in the Developer Portal home page.

Step 2: Select Account,andthenclickEdit.

Step 3:Fromthisviewyoucanchangemultiplefeaturesofyouraccount.

Step 4:ClickSave.

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4.2. Changing your timezone setting

You can change your timezone setting in the Developer Portal.

Step 1: Select My account in the Developer Portal home page.

Step 2: Select Account,andthenclickEdit.

Step 3:Youcanchangethetimezonefromthisview,undertheLocaleSettingstab.

Step 4:ClickSave.

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4.3. Changing your application notification settings


Step 1:FromtheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickApps.

Step 2: Select the target application.

Step 3:ClickNotification settings.

Step 4:Enablenotifications,andthenconfigurewhatyourequirenotificationfor.

Step 5:ClickSubmit.

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5. Applications in the Developer Portal


5.1. Registering an application


WhenyouregisteranapplicationyouareprovidedwithaclientIDandclientsecretfortheap-plication.YoumustsupplytheclientIDwhenyoucallanAPIthatrequiresyoutoidentifyyourapplication by using a client ID and client Secret.

Step 1:ClickApps. The Apps page opens.

Step 2:ClickCreate new App.

Step 3:Completethedisplayedfields.

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Step 4:ClickSubmit. Your application is displayed.

Step 5:Makeanoteofyourclientsecretbecauseitisonlydisplayedonce.YoumustsupplytheclientsecretwhenyoucallanAPIthatrequiresyoutoidentifyyourapplicationbyusingaClientID and Client Secret.

Step 6:Optional:TheclientIDishidden,todisplaytheclientIDforyourapplication,selecttheShow check boxforClientID.TheclientIDisdisplayedandcanbehiddenagainbyclearingthecheckbox

Step 7:Optional:Toaddanimage,clickUpdateunderthedefaultimage.Anewwindowopens;clickBrowse,selectanimagefromyourdirectory,andclickSubmit.

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Step 8: Optional:TospecifyorchangetheURLthatauthenticatedOAuthflowsforthisapplica-tionshouldberedirectedto,clicktheEditiconandthenupdatetheOAuthRedirectURIfield.

Step 9: Optional: To change the application name or description, click the Edit icon.

Your application is registered!

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5.2. Editing an applicationYoucaneditapplicationsintheDeveloperPortal.Ifauserhasthecorrectpermissions,theycaneditthecontentofanyapplicationintheirorganization.

Step 1: FromtheDeveloperPortalhomepage,click Apps.

Step 2: Select the target application.

Step 3:ClickEdit.

Step 4:Makeanyrequiredchanges,thenclickSubmit

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5.3. Deleting an application

You can delete applications in the Developer Portal.

Step 1:FromtheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickApps.Step 2:Selecttherequiredapplication.Step 3:ClickDelete.

5.4. Changing an application image


Step 1:FromtheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickApps.

Step 2:Clicktheapplicationforwhichyouwanttochangetheimage,andclickUpdate.

Step 3:Browseforthetargetimage,thenclickSubmit.


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5.5. Setting up notifications for an application




Ifyouhaveoneorbothofthefollowingconditions,thenyoucannotreceivenotifications:• TheAPIdeveloperdisabledtheactivitylogpolicyforanoperation.• Thenameoftheratelimitplanthatyouaresubscribingtoisnotoneofthenamesthatis



Step 1:ClickApps. The Apps page opens.

Step 2:Selecttheapplicationthatyouwanttoworkwith.

Step 3:ClicktheNotification settingstab.Thenotificationsettingspageisdisplayed.

Step 4: Select the Enable notifications for this application checkbox.

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Step 5:Bydefaultyoualwaysreceivenotificationswhentheratelimitisexceeded.Ifyouwanttobenotifiedbeforetheratelimitisexceeded,selectoneofthefollowingoptions:• 50%oftheRatelimitisreached• 75%oftheRatelimitisreached• 90%oftheRatelimitisreached

Step 6:Selecthowfrequentlyyouwanttoreceiveanotificationfromoneofthefollowingop-tions. • Every minute• Every hour• Every day


Step 7:Afteryouenablenotifications,youalwaysreceivetheminthebuilt-inactivityfeed.Ifyoualsowanttoreceivenotificationsbyemail,selecttheEmailcheckbox.

The notification settings for your application are defined!

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Page 16: How to - Postbank...tion should be redirected to, click the Edit icon and then update the OAuth Redirect URI field. Step 9: Optional: To change the application name or description,

6. APIs in the Developer Portal

6.1. Browsing available APIs, code snippets, and example operations

You can browse available APIs and their code snippets through the Developer Portal. CodesnippetsaresamplecodefragmentsthataregeneratedautomaticallyfromRESTAPIs.TheydemonstratehowanAPIconsumercaninvokeanduseanAPIoperation.

Step 1: FromtheDeveloperPortalhomescreen,clickAPI Products.

Step 2:Toseemoredetails,clicktheProductthatcontainstherequiredAPI,thenclicktheAPI.Youcanseethefollowinginformation:• Anyadditionaldocumentationavailableforyoutoread.• IfyouneedtoprovideaClientIDorClientSecrettoaccessthisAPI.• TheauthenticationrequirementsthatarerequiredtoaccesstheAPI.• The operations or WSDL operations that belong to the API.• The Plans that the operations belong to, including any pricing details.

Step 3:Toviewtheexamplecodeofanoperation:Clicktheoperation’stabtoexpandandshowitsdetails,includingcodeexamples.Youcanviewtheexamplecodeforyouroperationinseverallanguages:• cURL• Ruby• Python

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• PHP• Java• Node• Go• Swift• C• C#

6.2. Selecting a Plan

APlanisacollectionofRESTAPIoperationsandSOAPAPIWSDLoperations.IntheDeveloperPortal you can browse and select the most appropriate Plan to use with your application.

You must register an application to use with a Plan.


Step 1:IntheDeveloperPortal,clickAPI Products.

Step 2:ClicktheProductthatcontainsthePlanthatyouwanttoworkwith.

Step 3:InthePlansectionoftheProduct,clickthePlanontheleftthatyouwanttouse.ThedetailsoftheselectedPlanaredisplayed.

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Step 6: Optional: To view the operations for the APIs that are included in the Plans to which the appli-cation is subscribed, click the name of the API.

Step 7: If the Plan is not restricted, you can use it immediately. If the Plan is restricted, the Plan is shown as Pending Approval, and you cannot use the requested Plan until the administrator approves your request.

You have selected a Plan!

Step 5: Select the application that you want tousewith thisPlan,andclickSubscribe. The application details are displayed.

Step 4: After you have identified the planthatyouwant touse,clickSubscribe.TheSubscribe dialog box is displayed.

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6.3. Signing up to use an API

You can sign up to use an API in the Developer Portal.

You must have registered an application in order to sign up to use an API.

Step 1:FromtheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickAPIProducts.

Step 2:ClickthenameoftheAPIyouwanttoworkwith,andclickDetails.

Step 3:InthePlanssection,identifythePlanthatyouwanttoworkwithfromthelistofPlansavailableontheleft,thenclickSubscribe.

Step 4: Use the radio buttons to select the application with which you want to use this Plan, then clickSubscribe. You have signed up to use an API.

6.4. Viewing application subscriptions

You can view which APIs your application is subscribed to in the Developer Portal.

Step 1:FromtheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickApps.

Step 2:Clickthenameofthetargetapplication.DetailsofthePlansandAPIssubscribedtobyyour application are displayed.

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6.5. Unsubscribe from a Plan

You need to login to view this content!

Step 1:FromtheDeveloperPortalhomepage,click Apps.

Step 2:Clickthenameofthetargetapplication.DetailsofthePlansandAPIssubscribedtobyyour application are displayed.

Step 3:TounsubscribefromaPlan,clickUnsubscribe alongside the Plan name.

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7. Developer organizations in the Developer Portal


7.1. Editing the name of a Developer organization


Step 1: OntheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickMy organization.

Step 2: In the Managetab,clickEdit Organization.

Step 3:EnterthenewnameforyourDeveloperorganizationintheOrganizationnamefield,andthenclickSubmit.YouhavechangedthenameofyourDeveloperorganization.

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7.2. Adding users to a Developer organization

If theAPIproviderorganizationadministratorhasgrantedyoupermissiontocollaborate,youadd users to your Developer organization with the Users panel. Those users can then access the Developer Portal and use the APIs that have been made available to the Developer organization.


TheUserspanelisonlyvisibleiftheAPIproviderorganizationadministratorhasgrantedyou permission to collaborate.

Step 1:OntheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickMy organization.

Step 2:ClickAdd a user.

Step 3:Enterthee-mailaddressofthenewuserintheNew user’s e-mail addressfield.

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Step 4:UndertheRoleheading,usetheradiobuttonstoselectaroleforthenewuser,therolesare: • App Developer - Can create and edit applications and subscribe to Plans.• Viewer - Can only view applications and application activity.

Step 5:ClickInvite new user.

The user is added to the Developer organization, and they are sent an email with the subject line: “Welcome to developer_organization_name”.Theusermustclickthelinkthatisprovidedtoacti-vate their account and complete the setup.

7.3. Removing a user from a Developer organization



Step 1:OntheDeveloperPortalhomepage,clickMy organization.Step 2:ClickManage in the menu.Step 3:ClickRemove user fortheuseryouwanttoremove.

App Developer ViewerView and create applications View applications

View Products and APIs View Products and APIsView subscriptions and subscribe to

use APIsView subscriptions

Use the Developer Portal test tool Use the Developer Portal test tool

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