how to reborn from dead seo?

Less SEO more Wisdom

Upload: deepraj-das

Post on 05-Apr-2017




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Less SEO more Wisdom

Is SEO Dead?

SEO dies year after year, with the updates of Google algorithms.

I’ve seen it time and time again and read people proclaim the end of the world for SEO has come. The fact of the matter is, SEO doesn’t die, it merely changes and adapts into what Google dictates when it comes to how they display organic searches.

There are types of SEO work

• White Hat

• Grey Hat

• Black Hat

White Hat SEO

It refers to the usage of optimization strategies, techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience opposed to search engines and completely follows search engine rules and policies.

For that you need to go through a no. of Google Algorithms..

What Algorithms.???

Popular Google Algorithms

Google HummingbirdGoogle Mobile Friendly UpdateGoogle Panda Google Penguin Google Pigeon Google Payday Google Pirate Google EMD

Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO is the practice of using technically legal methods to improve your site rankings, but which are ethically dubious, and could one day become black hat.

Let’s have few Examples…….

SEO SquattingBuy up expired domains which are relevant to your keywords and then add some pages of content with a few well-placed backlinks to your site.

Spun ContentThis is copying content from another site but changing some words around so search engines cannot automatically spot the plagiarism.

Link yourself HigherWhenever you put a comment on any blog, always make an excuse to link back to yourself. While you're at it, get into the habit of being very helpful.

Redesign your website at regular intervalsEven if the content is more or less the same, because the code and text changes, google thinks that this is fresh content.

Black Hat SEO

It's a shady set of deceptive practices that degrade the user experience and in this technique the focus is only to fool search engine bots with a number of activities.

Let’s have few Examples…….

Keyword Stacking and Keyword Stuffing

Repeat keywords to the extent that it reads like gibberish in a sentence or image alt text.Example: "Picture frames picture frames pictures pictures pictures."

Tiny Text, Hidden Text, and Hidden LinksThe tiny page content may be about vacuum cleaner but a good amount of hidden text with same background colour may be about pets. So, search engine bots will value the website more often when someone will search to buy or to have a good pet.

Doorway Pages or Gateway PagesHaphazardly stuff pages with keyword phrases with the primary goal of achieving a high ranking and then automatically redirect visitors to a separate page.

Are These Tactics Not Known to Google..?

Through Black Hat SEO and Grey Hat SEO techniques we webmasters try to fool Google bots.

But when it comes up with a new vaccine of its algorithm update.Most of the webmasters say SEO is Dead.

Actually we are becoming dead with result of our own action.

PPC takes the Market of SEO

This is so wrong. WHY?When you are running an ad word campaign with a list of keywords. Quality Score plays a major role there. A Quality score can lead Lower cost and better Ad position.

So, How to Improve Quality Score?• Adding Positive keywords from Search Term Query• Adding Negative keywords to reduce irrelevant impressions• Make Ads relevant to keywords• Use relevant Landing Page

So, what Google says when we come to the last point.

How to Reborn from DEAD SEO?Here we can take help of Wisdom. Here I would like to take help of Arnold Schwarzenegger, greatest bodybuilder of all time.

There are NAYSAYERS, who dint break any rules to find out anything out of box and will tell you that no one achieved so you can’t..

Don’t be Afraid to Fail, FAIL = First Attempt In Learning..we can fail but can understand and adapt new technologies and ways before saying SEO is Dead.

The Right AttitudeBefore saying it is dead, work on it. If you don't work and fail, you will not find out other ways to get the success.

Thomas Alva Edison is the inventor of electric bulb.

He failed more than 1000 times before he got success. But he carried the right attitude and said he had discovered 10,000 ways that won’t work.

In case of SEO, the action needed to take is not same for all projects. So, R&D must be a part of work otherwise we can’t grow and find a new path to beat others who follow the traditional ways.