how to remove cryptolocker ransomware from pc?

Download How To Remove CryptoLocker Ransomware From PC?

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How To Remove CryptoLocker Ransomware From PC?

In this article, you will get the much-needed information about the CryptoLocker Ransomware. Read on to know how to remove the CryptoLocker from your PC.

What is CryptoLocker?

CryptoLocker is the file-encrypting virus which encrypts all the vital files of your computer with a strong encryption key. It is also known by the name of Troj/Ransom-ACP aka Trojan.Ransomcrypt.F. It is a type of ransomware. As you must be already aware, the ransomware infiltrates your PC and encrypts your essential files.

How Does CryptoLocker Affects Your System?

When the CryptoLocker infiltrates your system, it scans all the drives on your PC. As soon as it finds the files with extensions like .doc, .docx, .xls, .jpg, .png, .pdf, .txt, .wav, .bmp etc, it encrypts them with a complex algorithm. You will not be able to access the files the way you used to. The ransom note will be displayed on your desktop.