how to save journalism

(In Five Minutes or Less!)

Post on 17-Oct-2014



News & Politics

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How to Save JournalismDan PattersonIgnite NYC 10.9.09


Page 1: How to Save Journalism

(In Five Minutes or Less!)

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The act of adding meta-data to an event.

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Okay, so here’s the thing: proposing a thesis like “How to Save Journalism” is presumptuous as hell. Right. And “How to Save Journalism in Five Minutes or Less?” Stupid stupid stupid. This is a text slide because this idea like many, is complicated. Only a jackass would claim to have The Answer, and a short deck can’t replace a long articulate argument. But I have a few ideas and I’d like to talk about them. Thanks for humoring the text slide.

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Journalism is a Human act. Brands are not Humans.

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Journalism is Human. Brands are Functional.

Inherently Curious (news gathering)

Profit Motive (content monetization)

Inherently Social (sharing of information)


Inherently Lazy (fast and easy) Branding and Marketing (product creation)

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…and it does not need to be ‘saved.’

Remember: - Who - What - When - Where - Why…. are Human actions.

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Content companies perform functions…

Old and New: Gather and produce content Provide analysis DistributeDifferentiate: The FUNCTIONS have not changed. The MODELS have changed.

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It’s okay to let some institutions fail.

We’ll be okay. Really.

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Humans evolve. So too can brands.

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Some ‘old media’ gets it.

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Companies Need People.

People Are: Talent, Skills, Knowledge, Resources

So: A talented journalist is a valuable Human

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What News Companies Should Do to Survive.

Be a Platform Be Distributed Be Nimble and Transparent

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What We Can Do to Help Journalism Thrive.

Thoughtful Critical Accurate and Articulate

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