how to sell products online!

How to Sell Products Online! eCommerce Software for Indian SME’s

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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There are many ways to sell online products and e-commerce website is one of the ways.


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How to Sell Products Online!

eCommerce Software for Indian SME’s

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5 rules you should follow if you want to be a successful businessman in the eCommerce industry.

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I assume that you already have an eCommerce website where you want to sell your products. (If not, check to create your eCommerce website). So now when you have your website ready, you are absolutely ready to rule the world of e-commerce and there is no stopping you. But wait. Just because you are so sure shot and full of life, does not guarantee excellent sales and assured wins at all. The kind of presence that you generate in the market decides what amount of sales you are going to get. Its like if you grow, you grow. And if you remain unknown, that is how you end up being: unknown. So you just got to grab attention and do what you have to, to make the best of prospective customers all over the internet.

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Getting customers to go from clicking to buying — can be difficult. There are billions of people out there, but the fact is you need to reach the optimum amount of people if you wish to succeed as a business at all. The fact is there are a few simple tricks that can improve your site’s revenue-generating capabilities.

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Here are five tips that can help turn a business website into a sales machine:

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1. The cart speaks to the heart

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You are an online store. So definitely you are a wee bit different than the normal physical stores at the next crossing down the road. But that wee bit should not be too different so that people panic and just back out. Your enterprise should make life easy for eager buyers. Provide them with an exclusive shopping style cart that makes shopping an experience they like. That is one way to make sure they keep coming back too. After all if they like what they get only then will they come back to you. Maintain an effective shopping cart to get better participation from people. Some small businesses use services such as PayPal for making and receiving online payments. But building a full-featured shopping cart directly into your website might be a better option. Shopping carts allow for more customization and the potential to provide more product information.

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2. if you got it, flaunt it!

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What exactly does a sales manager do? He puts his best stuff in the best light possible and makes sure people see it in all its glory. But in the end the thing is that it sells and people buy it. Now as a site, you can no longer showcase yourself in the best light possible. But its not like you can do absolutely nothing about it all. You can still represent yourself just the way you wish to even online. Yes, I am not even kidding here. You can bring up a recommending list that suggests what is the hottest or the latest product in your store. And that it sells with the greatness of the best product available.

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Not only that, but you can also suggest complementary products, upgrades and additional services. For example, if a customer puts a dining set in his online shopping cart, he can also be asked to consider buying new crockery and glass sets. Paid plug-ins or some existing softwares can also be used to generate recommendations based on sales data. In fact getting people to write reviews too, is a good way of appealing to other people’s likings. They adore it when they read good words from unknown sources. The genuineness gets more customers than you can possibly imagine.

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3. Search Engines: The sites to impress.

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People try the stuff that they can find. You cannot probably try something that you don’t even know about. That is utterly obvious, of course, but painful in case you are an entrepreneur too. this is because as a businessman you want your work identified and used by people; but it is difficult to be recognized at all. There is tough competition in all fields and people usually stick to the stuff they find in the first try and on the top of the result too. So in any particular field, if your site features low on the list of search results you have a very high possibility of not being found at all. And if a website can’t be found it can’t sell.

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You must aim at online search optimization since featuring on search results is the best shot you have at luring people in your ecom site. You might even consider trying some free tools offered by Google that can help your site show up more prominently in online searches. To use them properly, however, you will need both time and expertise. But both ways are perfect in making friends with the search engines. After all if Google shows you up first on a search there is no regular person who will doubt using your site at all. And since that is strongly related to sales (obviously) getting the right footage from search sites is more important that you can ever think off.

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4. When people win, your sales win too

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okay so here is the deal with people. They love free stuff. And they love winning things. Combine those two together and you get the perfect combination to get customers to your store. Put on display a really desirable item and throw forth a contest that gtes people to participate in. it attracts attention in social media channels and lures potential customers to your site.

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Giving away a high value item can stir up the most attention but frequent, simple contests with smaller perks can also be effective. it shouldn’t be too difficult or else they will snub it (because they won’t win you know) and shouldn’t be too easy either (because if everybody wins; your gifts aren’t so elite or special anymore). There are various sites and platforms which exclusively design such promotional contests and those that even use algorithms that calculate winners to special bumper prizes.

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But why stopping just there? You can experiment with coupons and free gifts and goodies too. you just want people to really trust you and buy with you. And if you want to win them over offering some of the best stuff you have is the best way to go about it.

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5. Develop a smart shipping strategy.

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When it comes to e-commerce, free or steeply discounted shipping is quickly becoming the standard. Yes. People don’t really think that shipping should cost them at all. It is like they take the whole double bubble wrap it and carry it safely to the other end of the country without harming it even remotely and get it perfectly working as a very ordinary task. So trust me when I say that they will ignore you if you charge them extra money on account of shipping charges.

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So if you want to compete with big online retailers, you’ll need to ship strategically. Instead of opting for either costly or completely free shipping, you might consider something in between. Set a minimum purchase amount to qualify for free shipping. Or limit the area uptill where the shipping is free. After which the shipping can cost as the area starts increasing. Customers may look really silly, but they understand when you charge with basic grade 2 mathematics.

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