how to study the bible lesson 1 new bethel mbc pastor toby t. philpart

How To Study The Bible Lesson 1 New Bethel MBC Pastor Toby T. Philpart

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Page 1: How To Study The Bible Lesson 1 New Bethel MBC Pastor Toby T. Philpart

How To Study The BibleLesson 1

New Bethel MBCPastor Toby T. Philpart

Page 2: How To Study The Bible Lesson 1 New Bethel MBC Pastor Toby T. Philpart

Why People Don’t Study The Bible?1. The Bible will keep you from sin or

sin will keep you from the Bible. 2. The Bible is the most sold book.3. The Bible is the most neglected


Page 3: How To Study The Bible Lesson 1 New Bethel MBC Pastor Toby T. Philpart

How often do you read the Bible other than in Church on Sunday?

Why should we study the Bible? Is there anything to gain?

1 Peter 2:2 (we spiritually grow)1. Our Attitude (New Born Baby)

2. Our Appetite (Long For) Ps. 19:103. Aim (We might grow not know)

Page 4: How To Study The Bible Lesson 1 New Bethel MBC Pastor Toby T. Philpart

Why should we study the Bible? Is there anything to gain?

1 Peter 2:2 (we spiritually grow)Hebrews 5:11-14

• Believers are suffering with a spiritual learning disability

• We have been bad stewards of TIME as it relates to our Bible Learning

Page 5: How To Study The Bible Lesson 1 New Bethel MBC Pastor Toby T. Philpart

Why should we study the Bible? Is there anything to gain?

• 1 Peter 2:2 (we spiritually grow)• Hebrews 5:11-14 (essential to growth)

• 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (It is how we hear from God)All Scripture

Is Profitable (doctrine/teaching)(rebuke/keeps me inbounds)

(correction/cleanses)(training in righteous living)

That We May Be Equipped for Every GOOD Work

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Can We Trust the Bible?

The Bible is Inspired by God Inspired (1 Timothy 3:16-17) means

God BREATHED2 Peter 1:21 – “men moved by

the Holy Spirit”

Page 7: How To Study The Bible Lesson 1 New Bethel MBC Pastor Toby T. Philpart

How then do I study the Bible?

1. I must have a strategy2. I must have a method

3. I can not be lazy4. I must have an openness to God

5. It will change your life (Romans 8:29)

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Let’s Get Started1. Set Goals

2. Adjust Expectations3. Choose a Study Bible

There is a Method to the Madness4. Observation (What do I see?)

5. Interpretation (What does it mean?)6. Application (How does it work?)

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How To Study The BibleLesson 2

Observing a Verse1 John 3:12

Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil,

and his brother's righteous.

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Questions to ask the text:1. Who is the author? John

2. Who is he addressing? Believers 3. Important Terms or Concept?

Not as Cain, Of the evil one,

Deeds (performance, actions, activities)

4. Main Verbs, and tenses?who was, and slew, works were evil

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Do we need to define terms?Evil (wicked, sinful, immoral)

Righteous (moral, good, upright, honorable)

Do we need to identify any persons or places?What do we know already about the persons or places?

Do we see any cause and affect relationships?slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his

brother's righteous.

How does the test apply to my personal life?

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What are things to look for Observation?

1. Things that are Emphasized2. Repeated3. Related

4. Alike or Unlike5. The Big Picture

6. The Summation of our Observations.The who, what, when, how and where (s)

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How to Study the BibleBible Study Series

Lesson 5 Chapter 6 WorkbookPg. 25

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Anybody ever fallen in love?You ever got a love letter, a text, a face-book inbox, etc from the

person you love? How much of it did you read?

God’s Word is a Love

Letter to Us!

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Quick Review Lessons 6 & 71. We’ve started with Observation

The importance observing Scripture before attempting to interpret.

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The Most Quoted Scripture in all the Bible talks about the Love of God

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How to Study the BibleLesson 8

Reading ThoughtfullyGenesis 5:21-31:7:11

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The Step of observation requires you to assume the role of a biblical detective, searching for

CLUES that will help you understand the meaning of the text.

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Reading RepeatedlyLesson 10 pg 83Exodus 20:1-21

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Thoughtfully = StudyRepeatedly = Repetition

• Read Entire Books at one setting• Read again in a different translation

•Listen to it read to you• Read it aloud

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1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any

graven image, 3. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a

jealous God,

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4. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain;

5. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

6. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land

which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

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7. Thou shalt not kill.8. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy

neighbour.10Thou shalt not covet

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“You may be an expert in a given field. If you read a book in that field two or three times, you’ve got

it. You can put it on the shelf and move on to something else. But that’s never true of the Bible.

Read it over and over again, and you’ll still see things that you’ve never seen before” (page 83)

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Next Week Lesson 12 pg. 37 -38 in the workbook

O/T Monthly Study:The Book of MalachiN/T Monthly Study

1 JohnWe will spend an our on each and then a night

to review them coming up to the 1st Sunday