how to: the agenda

The Agenda Thursday, 25 February 2010

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Page 1: How to: The Agenda

The Agenda

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Page 2: How to: The Agenda

Step ONE:

Establish Topics:Determine the reason for your meeting and list the topics that must be discussed. Remember, the other councillors can also suggest topics which they would like to see included in the agenda. Give them a deadline by which you must receive those suggestions in order to have them included for that particular meeting.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Page 3: How to: The Agenda

Step TWO:

Establish Priorities:Now that you have your preliminary list of items, simply spend some time prioritising them in order of importance or by deadline dates. Remember, you may not have time to touch on every item on your list, so setting priorities will help you decide which items definitely make it onto the agenda. This should be the order in which you discuss your points at the meeting.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Page 4: How to: The Agenda


Establish Presenters:You may not be presenting on every item or leading each discussion. In fact, a good leader will allow others to take a share of the leadership role. Award participants for their performance and show them the confidence you have in them to lead. Maybe someone approached you about including a certain agenda item for the meeting. Take that occasion to give them an opportunity to present at the meeting. Bottom line, include on your agenda who is leading what discussion. Assign presenters.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Page 5: How to: The Agenda

Step FOUR:

Establish a Schedule:Determine the appropriate length of your meeting and then estimate time needed for each individual agenda item. Don't pretend to accomplish too much in one sitting. Make sure you allow extra time for each topic.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Page 6: How to: The Agenda

Step FIVE:

Establish Consistency:

In other words, stick to the agenda. Don't add or skip items. Don't go over the time allotted to specific topics. Don't butt in and present when someone else was scheduled to lead that particular discussion. An agenda is only as effective as the extent to which it is followed. Over time, your council will come to respect and expect a well written agenda.

Thursday, 25 February 2010