how to unlock and use the power of the new...

1 HOW TO UNLOCK AND USE THE POWER OF THE NEW MOON Includes self meditations Burt Goldman Copyright 2014, Palm Desert

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Page 1: HOW TO UNLOCK AND USE THE POWER OF THE NEW · the New Moon the waxing phase produces a stronger and stronger pull. This is




Includes self meditations

Burt Goldman

Copyright 2014, Palm Desert

Page 2: HOW TO UNLOCK AND USE THE POWER OF THE NEW · the New Moon the waxing phase produces a stronger and stronger pull. This is


Lunar Phases and the Law of Attraction

All things that consist of matter attract all other things that consist of matter. That

is the very essence of Newton’s law of gravitation. It’s a simplification but is correct in

the essence. All things attract all other things. The Sun attracts and holds in place all the

planets of our solar system. Each moon of every planet is held in place through the

attraction of the larger mass of the host planet. Our moon is attracted by the mass of Earth

and orbits around our planet every 28 days just as our planet, attracted by the mass of the

Sun orbits around our star every 365 days. With this work I hope to enlighten you to a

little known fact. By combining the power of the physical, gravitational pull of the moon

and the sun, at the right time, with the meta-physical properties of mental control, you

can use that great power to attract the things you wish to come to you.

Fishing is better during the three days of the waxing of the new moon, hunters do

better going after quarry during the three days of the waxing of the new moon, wounds

heal faster during the waxing of the new moon as blood flow is stimulated, a cut will

bleed more during the waxing of the new moon, the ocean is lifted and produces the

highest tides during the waxing period of the new moon, good people are better during

the waxing of the new moon, and bad people get worse during the waxing period of the

new moon. In other words, the waxing period of the new moon has an effect on virtually

all things on the planet Earth. Sound like something from out of a science fiction book?

Well it’s not, it’s actually scientific fact.

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There are two basic periods of the moon, waxing, and waning. When the moon is

waxing, it is coming into; when it is waning, it is going out of. It takes a bit less than 28

days for the moon to orbit the Earth and so there is a change from waxing to waning

every 14 days. At the height of the full Moon the moon begins to go into the last quarter

phase, the full Moon is waning. Now it is 7 days and the waning of the full moon is

complete and the waxing of the new Moon begins. Now, three days prior to the height of

the New Moon the waxing phase produces a stronger and stronger pull. This is the period

and the facts that you want to know about.

There are many other scientific facts regarding the moon that have an effect not

only on your daily life but also on your consciousness so let me explain the phases of the

moon as we know it through the science of astronomy. We are basically interested in

four moon phases, the Full Moon, the New Moon, and the two quarter moons. There are

more; other phases are know as crescent moons, as every hour that passes puts the moon

in another position with regards to the Earth. This is due to the moon constantly moving

around the earth.

When the moon is aligned on the same side of the Earth as the Sun, in other

words, the moon is between the Earth and the Sun, the sun is shining on the side of the

moon away from you and you cannot see that side, the side towards you is dark and

cannot be seen, that is called the dark of the moon, old moon, or more commonly, the

New Moon.

When the moon is alongside the Earth, either on the left or the right side, the sun

shines on the side facing it and we see only the half of the moon that is lit, this is known

as the half moon, and then the quarter moon.

When the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth with respect to the Sun, the

sun shines on the face of the moon that we see, this is of course the full Moon.

To simplify, Moon, Earth, Sun = Full Moon

Earth, Moon, Sun = New Moon

Moon on either side of Earth = Quarter Moon

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You can easily get the phases of the moon for the current month in any area by

simply searching the words: lunar phases.

The reason we are interested in the phases of the moon, is for the same reason that

fishermen, farmers and boat owners are interested; that is because the moon has an effect

on things on earth. We all know that the moon has an attraction, or pull on the Earth, this

is what causes the tides. There are higher tides during the New Moon than there are

during the quarter moon phases. This is due to the gravitational pull of the moon

attracting the waters of the ocean. This pull affects all things.

During the new Moon the pull is strongest because you have the pull of the Sun,

which is constant, plus the pull of the moon when it is between the Sun and the Earth.

Consider this. A farmer plows his field; he then plants a seed and waters it, this

softens the coat of the seed. If he does this during the waxing of the new moon he will get

a better yield than doing it during a quarter or full moon. Now why would that be? Allow

me to use a metaphor. You are walking up a hill; it’s getting steeper and more difficult.

Suddenly you feel a hand pushing you. The hand is at the small of your back pushing you

forward and the walk gets easier. Well it’s the same thing with respect to that seed the

farmer has put into the ground. It is easier for the root tip to break through the coat of the

seed if there is a force pulling from outside the seed. The root and tip, when breaking

through will automatically head, root towards the gravitational pull, tip in the opposite

direction of the gravitational pull of the Earth, that’s nature. With the additional pull of

the new moon, when the pull is strongest, the root grabs hold, tip heads upward more

quickly and like a new born who is nourished well, grows into a bigger, healthier plant.

An old veterinarian friend told me something I wasn’t aware of. He said, as I

explained the New Moon concept to a class some time ago, that he never would de-horn

an animal during the new moon as the wound would bleed too much. Apparently the pull

of the moon would cause the blood to flow too freely.

The facts that arise from this knowledge is that the moon, especially during the

phase when it is between the Earth and the Sun, has a strong attraction for all things on

Earth. Knowing this you can use that knowledge to your advantage. Let’s get into a bit

more scientific fact.

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Not only the moon, but all things that occupy space attract all other things. That

attraction is commonly known as gravity. To put it in its simplest form, it is that mass

attracts mass. The greater the mass, the greater the attraction. The earth has a great mass

and that mass attracts a lesser mass, a satellite that we call the Moon. In turn, the Sun has

an even greater mass and that mass attracts all the planets in our solar system. But a

person has mass also, as does a lima bean, infinitely smaller but then the attraction is

smaller as well; all physical things have a mass. Mass is any body of matter or to put it in

a way that is more understandable, any thing that occupies space. A lima bean occupies

space, as does the sun—as do you. A seed occupies space and so has mass, small yes, but

it is there.

That’s scientific fact, gravity affects all things in the universe, and it always has,

from the instant of the so called ‘big bang’ to the present. The closer you are to the

greater mass the stronger the pull of gravity. When you are standing on the earth the pull

of the sun and the moon is constant and not noticeable, however when an astronaut is

many miles away from the massive pull of the earth, gravity is seemingly gone and the

astronaut floats, unbound by the pull of earth which is far below him. Then, landing on

the moon, with its lesser mass, the pull of gravity is less and the muscles of the astronaut,

used to the stronger pull of the mass of the earth, makes him seem like a superman and he

can take great leaps into the distance with ease.

But what about the mind, and what about this law of attraction that we hear so

much about? A mind doesn’t have mass, so how can adjusting thoughts be the cause of

attracting something? If mass attracts mass and if the mind has no mass then logically

this law of attraction coming in to play by thinking about a thing must be a bunch of

hogwash. Now this brings up an interesting question because we know that often thinking

about something does cause it to happen, so the question is this, if the equation of mass

attracting mass is correct, and thinking about something can attract that thing, then does

the mind have mass?

And that is the big question. The answer is very important to you, to your

lifestyle, your attitude towards things and life in general. The answer is yes, and I can

show you simply by applying logic. We know that the brain, stimulated by thoughts of

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the mind, creates waves of brain energy; measurable, electromagnetic energy. That

energy has mass, or does it? Brain waves don’t really transmit mass. A wave transmits

energy, sometimes an immense amount of energy, without transmitting mass. The water

an ocean wave travels through only moves up and down as the wave creates a second

generation of energy, the movement of the water, but the wave itself is without mass.

And so we see how the wave can create a new generation of energy through its receptor,

in this case the receptor is water. In the case of the wave produced by an earthquake the

receptor would be the land. The wave produced by the slippage of an earthquake fault

creates a wave that travels through the earth for hundreds of miles. The mass is the earth

itself which moves but doesn’t travel.

While the pull, or attraction of the moon has no mass, it does, like the wave of the

ocean, travel, sent out by the mass of the moon itself seeking a receptor. That receptor

can be the ocean, the cut horn of a bull, a seed, or your mind. This energy formation

cannot be seen or felt, only the result of it. When you utilize this wave of energy created

by the mass of the moon and control it even to a small degree you have a better chance of

seeing your goals and desires come to fruition. By utilizing this energy form coming from

a particular phase of the moon you have a new and powerful resource at your disposal.

Ancient Greek Astrology

The ancient Greeks who had a hand in the business of the moon’s effect on us

creatures, believed that all the stars and planets in the universe revolved around the Earth.

They were correct only with respect to the Moon which is the only celestial body to

revolve around the Earth. Aristotle, Plato’s pupil believed the heavens were composed of

spheres to which the stars and planets were attached and Plato called the planets, great

visible gods who existed in the dimension of the ether. Now these were pretty smart guys

but not having our technological skills were also ignorant with regards to the basics of

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astronomy. Socrates, the teacher of the great Greek philosophers believed that the Sun

and the Moon were gods, and later suffered for that belief. The skies at the time of these

giants of 470 B.C. were viewed only by the means of the naked eye and only the most

visible planets were studied and seen, and then usually during the time of the new moon

when the background was not diluted with the reflected light of the Sun.

According to the thinking of the time, the gods of the moon to irritate Neptune,

the god of the sea, created the tides keeping the creatures of the Earth both confused and

busy trying to figure out how to get their boats out of the harbors during an incoming

tidal flow. These beliefs, primitive and quaint though they may be gave some sort of

meaning to all those things of mystery that mankind was confronted by.

Today we have science. Science shows us how the mass of the Moon sends out an

energy flow, waves of energies that attract all things physical. Gravity. This is science.

We know that the moon has a definite pull on the earth and on the waters of the Earth.

That being so consider what a person is made up of. Organs, and veins and bones and fats

and blood and muscle and so on but the primary ingredient to every human is water. Take

out all the water and you would fall into a pile of dust. That being the case and with the

knowledge that the moon has an effect on all the waters of the Earth it would stand to

reason that the moon also has an effect on the waters of a person.

I recall a morning in Athens; I was strolling along a street in the Plaka; an area of

coffee shops, restaurants and small shops just below the Acropolis. I was nibbling on a

chunk of bread and a few olives thinking that Plato may well have walked along this

same street, eating the same thing, thinking great thoughts but what I had that Plato did

not was the knowledge of modern science. Whereas to him the Moon was a place where

gods resided, to me it was an airless, barren place that man had trod upon and

investigated. I knew the moon was just an empty globe stuck by gravity to a particular

position in the sky, I also knew that the moon’s pull on our planet did more than try to

confuse mankind. I must admit however that just being in Greece got me to thinking

about how those ancient beliefs brought about our present ones.

One of the posters that I hung on the wall of my hotel room was that of the planets

and the moons of the planets. I remember thinking how would the moons of Jupiter affect

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us if indeed they did at all. Jupiter has 63 moons in orbit, some of them would be

considered planets if they revolved around the Sun instead of Jupiter; two of them,

Ganymede, and Callisto are each larger than our own moon. Would they have any effect

being so far from us? Ganymede has twice the mass of our moon but the distance would

prevent any but a metaphysical attraction. I decided there in my room, as I looked at the

Acropolis sitting on the highest point in the city, that I would investigate this business of

the moon’s pull on all things on Earth to see if that information could be useful and so

when I returned to my home in Tarzana where I lived at the time, I got together with my

good friend Ove Sehested, who had written an encyclopedic work on the basics of

astrology and did research on the Moon and its effect on Earth.

Gathering much material I then decided to test it. I was presenting a seminar in

New York at the Gramercy Park hotel and that seemed the likeliest start. And so that

month in 1984 we began. Two hundred people attended and as there was a new Moon

that weekend it was a perfect time for the test. Everyone received a sheet with

instructions and were told to send in their results after a month had passed. I received

forty two replies all of them attesting to the facts that the new Moon programming did

indeed work better than programming with no outside influence to help the program


One man in particular comes to mind, Bill Randall. He called me about three

weeks later to tell me of a few ‘coincidences’ that happened after that New Moon

Programming class. He had used the technique he had learned not only in the class but

actually waited until the thirty minutes before the height of the Moon which happened to

be at two o’clock in the morning. Bill didn’t mind, he told me he wanted to get as much

attraction of his message as possible. And so at 1:30, the moon would be waxing for

thirty minutes more, and then, after reaching its peak, it would then commence with the

waning and would lose power every minute instead of gaining power every minute as

during the waxing time. Bill used the ten to one count down method of reaching a deep

meditation and when he was deep and concentrative he used Luna Programming as

everyone else did as it was important that everyone use the same technique to see the


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When deep in meditation Bill stepped through the imaginary door as he had

learned and sensed with his day dreaming mechanism, creating a mental image that he

was successful at what he wanted. What Bill was programming for was a house. He

imagined, ‘day dreamed’ himself buying the house, decorating the house with furniture

and accessories, and mentally went through each room and the yard. He created a

scenario that he wanted to come to be. He observed the scene he had created as though he

was the director of a play, with himself as the star. So far Luna Programming is similar to

a dozen other programs but here is where we depart from the norm. After visualizing all

this, Bill imagines the moon, but this time he imagines the full moon, he senses the

reflected light of the sun, bouncing off the moon, energizing the scene. He bathes

everything in the moon light. And he does all this during the three day period of the

waxing of the New Moon.

The coincidences that ultimately got him his house were almost exactly as Bill

imagined it when he did the Luna Programming but Bill wasn’t the only one.

People started reporting having health problems resolved, one person found a job

a week after the class, another woman after trying for a year, found herself pregnant, five

people reported money coming from strange sources, another had a brother he hadn’t

spoken to for months call, and on and on it went. Apparently the new Moon

programming gave the goal setter a real kick up the scale. After that I started to teach the

concept once a month for years; it works; it doesn’t work every time; nothing I know is

one hundred percent, but it works enough of the time to give hope that all things are

possible. But let’s examine why it works when it does.

When you want something and program for that thing to take place you create an

image in your mind, a thought. Always, and every single time. Nothing that you do ever

takes place until you have a thought that you are going to do that thing. This is automatic

and generally happens without your knowledge of the thought. As example, a ball is

laying on the floor, you bend over and pick it up. Before you picked it up you had to

think about picking it up, before you thought about picking it up you had to have a desire

to pick it up, you created a thought, fleeting yes, but there. It had to be there as you

directed yourself to pick up the ball. All physical things that you do are preceded by a

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thought, the thought is preceded by desire. This thought has energy in it. We know this

because your thoughts can now be measured while you think them. Modern technology

can look into your brain and get a general idea of what you are thinking. These thoughts

happen in wave lengths. And like a wave, it has no mass of its own, but affects mass by

traveling through it. This thought is an energy form similar to an ocean wave that affects

the water it travels through disturbing the water, moving it up and down and it passes

through but not causing the water to travel. The thought, like the wave, just keeps

traveling touching every other mind on the planet, just as a wave moving through the

ocean passes through all the water.

Let me repeat that sentence in the previous paragraph. A thought has no mass of

its own but affects mass by traveling through it. Just as an ocean wave affects the water

as it travels through it.

If a pebble is dropped in the ocean it causes ripples throughout the ocean but so

small that the furthest rippling cannot be seen. But take something like a great mass, say a

meteorite slamming into the ocean and the effects of the wave created by that mass of

energy will be seen thousands of miles away. Or an earthquake far out in the ocean that

creates a tsunami affecting a shore a thousand miles away with its wave.

Now let us take that same concept and see how the waves of the mind work.

Every thought that you have leaves your mind like a wave of energy. Some thoughts are

stronger than others and cause a manifestation of sorts. Your desires are the pebbles that

create the thoughts. You do nothing until you desire to do the thing. The stronger the

desire, the stronger the wave of energy. But, you may say, I have a strong desire to win

the lottery, why don’t I win it? You have a strong desire but so do a million other people

and those people also produce waves of energy that co/mingle with your own and like a

hurricane of wave action with a disturbed ocean, waves of energy clash and the

movement is extreme. First you must calm the receptor of the energy. With a million

people programming for a winning ticket some are calm some disturbed and your

chances of being the key thought are very slim. But let’s take a thing you want that only

you are programming for. Your thoughts, that travel out into the sphere are like a key that

seeks a lock; the thoughts will only manifest when it gets a fitting.

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Here’s a anecdote for you. Let’s say that you own a paper company in

Philadelphia and need more business. You program using all your resources; Luna

Programming, and the New Moon. Your message goes out almost like the transmission

of a radio station broadcasting a news bulletin. But the bulletin will only be heard by

those people who are tuned into that station, the message is the key to unlock the station

frequency that is tuned to the same channel.

Like the radio transmission your visualization is sent out as waves of energy on a

particular frequency. Just as a radio transmission hits all radios whether they are tuned in

or not, so your visualization hits every person on the planet but so does every other mind

on the planet. What makes your visualization different are three basic things; first your

intention; that is you intend for something to take place when the visualization goes out,

and second the power of the new Moon. The power of the new moon increases the

strength of the wave you send out immensely.

And third, meditation. Programming is enhanced when the mind is passive,

relaxed, and concentrative. That is the meditation state. And that is where the

programming and visualizations are there strongest.

Here is something like what happens during the programming.

As the owner of the paper company you program for new business during the

height of the new Moon and the waves of energy your visualization has created is

enhanced. It covers the globe and some how, coincidently, just about that time a peasant

farmer in a small village near Beijing, China is plowing a field. The plow hits a rock and

breaks, the farmer goes to the head of his commune and the leader notes that it’s the tenth

plow to break that year. He submits an order for more plows. The maker of the plows

orders steel from a company in Ohio. The head of that company has been getting a lot of

orders from China lately. China demands all orders be confirmed in writing on the

original paper. The steel company puts in an order for more paper but in his haste forgets

his normal supplier and calls your company instead. Your card has been on his desk for

months without having been noticed. The order you receive is the largest in the history of

your company.

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Now that metaphor seems far fetched but programming is like flinging out a web

that touches all minds, all events. The broken plow in China appears to be a long stretch

from a paper company in Philadelphia but it’s all connected. And that is pretty much the

way that coincidence and programming work.

Following these words is a meditation for you. I’m not there to read it as I would

if this were a physical seminar instead of a book but I designed the meditation that that if

you read it a few times you can memorize the highlights. It isn’t important to memorize

every word, it is only a guide.

Luna Meditation.

For the most effective use of the following meditation please reserve it for

anytime during the 36 hour period that precedes the new Moon in your area. 24 hours

prior is better, and the period 12 hours or less before the height of the new moon the best

of all.

First of all get comfortable and relax,

Start with a 3 to 1 count.

Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath and, as you

exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 three times.

Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the

number 2 three times.

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Take another deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally repeat and visualize the

number 1 three times.

Then count from ten to one slowly as follows.

10 - 9 feel going deeper,

8 - 7

6 - deeper and deeper,

5 - 4

3 - deeper and deeper,

2 - 1

You are now at a pleasant, relaxed level of mind where you are able to

concentrate fully, on one subject; at this time concentrate on my words.

You are now and always in complete control of your state of mind. You can open

your eyes and be fully alert any time you wish to be.

Every time you enter this relaxed meditation state, know that you are getting

better and better in every way. Whenever you enter this relaxed meditation state, you


BETTER." When you say these words, sense yourself improving in all areas of your life.

Sense yourself getting better and better.

Visualize improvements in your life as you mentally repeat the words, "EVERY


Relax. Relax and direct your attention to your eyes. Now direct your attention to

your lips and jaw. Relax your lips and your jaw. Direct your attention to your head and

neck. Relax your head and neck. Direct your attention to your body. Relax your body.

Direct your attention to your arms and hands. Relax your arms and hands. Direct your

attention to your legs and feet. Relax your legs and feet. You are now completely


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Repeat mentally, "My body rests and refreshes itself when I consciously relax. I

am relaxed now."


Repeat mentally: "Every day my image of myself gets better. I can do anything I

have a desire to do. I am a wonderful human being; there is no one else on earth exactly

like me. Every day I grow stronger knowing that I can: I can think; I can create; I can do.

I can do anything I have a desire to do.”


Relax and imagine that there is a white velvet curtain in front of you. Next to you

is a box filled with black wooden numbers. The numbers are from one to ten. In a

moment you will reach into the box and remove a number. First the number ten and then

the number nine and so on until you have taken each of the ten numbers. As you remove

a number from the box hang it on the velvet curtain. The numbers are made so that they

will stick on the velvet curtain.

Now take the black numbers out of the box one at a time and hang them all on the

white velvet curtain. Start with the number ten and continue until you reach the number

one. Begin.

Pause ten seconds.

Relax, and now remove the ten numbers and put them back in the box. Take them

off one at a time. Start with the number ten and continue with the number nine and so on

until the ten numbers are back in the box.

Pause ten seconds.

Relax. Very good, you are now at a deeper more concentrative level of mind.

Now then, as I use the mantra Om, you mentally follow along with me. Each Om will

take you deeper into the meditation and you will be more concentrative so that the

programming you will be doing is more likely to be successful.

Relax. Om, om, om, om, om.

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Relax. Imagine now the moon, visualize the great moon that is between the Earth

and the Sun. Imagine the pull of the moon. Imagine the tides of the ocean driving the

water higher as the new moon’s gravitational pull attracts. This pull will enhance all of

your programming. Especially that program that we will now be doing. Think about the

program, about what you want to come to be what it is you would like to attract, or repel;

think about that now.

For this, use a standard programming device to enable you to saturate the universe

with your thoughts. You needn’t consider the moon at this time, because you are in

meditation close to the height of the new moon your programs energy will float from

your mind and saturate the universe automatically.


Imagine that you are standing in a hallway, a small hallway with a door at the

opposite end of where you are standing. Create the door. Make it ornate. On the other

side of that door is your heart’s desire, the thing that you are programming for. What is it

that you desire? What is it that you would like to manifest? Think about that thing that

you want to achieve, to get, to attract, to have.

Count from one to three and mentally walk through the door and you will see a

scene, some action will be taking place. You will be part of that action. You will observe

the scene as though it were a play. You are the director of that event and the observer.

You can watch it as it unfolds. What you will create on the other side of the door is what

you are programming for. You will see the goal as already accomplished, with you happy

with the result.

Think, one, two three, the door is opening. The door is open, walk through the

door and imagine the end result of your goal accomplished.

Now imagine the moon. This time it will be the full moon. Imagine the reflected

light of the full moon brightening the entire scene. Imagine the entire scene is bathed in

the light of the Moon. Allow the light of the full Moon to permeate the entire scene.

Now back into the hallway and allow the door to close.

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Whenever you think of the thing that you are programming for think of the event

as already accomplished. Every morning when you think of your goal repeat the phrase,

every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

You may program for your goal at any time but be sure to program during every

new Moon.


Now count yourself out or simply squeeze your eyelids together.

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Using the Power of the New Moon to attract abundance.

There are many different ways, and many different things that people program

for. Most of them are done subconsciously. But the number one item that people in

general seem to want above all others is abundance. That is one of the main things people

in general would like; more of things. This is the one object that everyone seems to be

interested in, having more.

More friends, better health, more acknowledgement, and most of all, more money.

Abundance is so often intermingled with affluence people forget they are not quite the

same. Affluence is wealth, prosperity, riches; abundance is simply more of some thing.

So let us see about the programming of more. Abundance. What is it you want more of?

Let’s just say that it’s money, and of course the things that money can buy. Aside from

health and relationships; and money does help to some degree with health and

relationships as well, better care as example; wealth is what people want. Or at least

enough money so that it no longer becomes a concern. So then, as this program is about

using the new Moon to attract; how about attracting affluence?

Let’s see how this new resource of programming with strength of the new Moon

behind you can pay off. Before we can use it however you must clarify your intent, what

is the purpose of your programming; what do you want out of it? Let’s use the general

factor and say that your intention is to send out a message to the universe that you want

money -- OK, that’s the first step, you want to get the message out so that you will attract

that affluence through a series of coincidences.

There’s a story that I tell during my seminars of a good man who constantly prays

for some money to leave his children as he has been told that he only has two weeks to

live. His time is short and the only way left for him is to win the lottery. He prays to win

the lottery. He says in his prayer that he has always been a good person, charitable, with

never a harsh word for anyone and if any body deserved good fortune it was him. Why

couldn’t he be allowed to win the lottery for his children before he leaves the world.

Again and again he prays until there are only a few days left for him on this earth. And

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then, just before his demise he hears a booming voice saying, ‘Carl, do me a favor, buy a


There is much to that somewhat amusing tale; you must have a ticket if there is

any chance at all of winning. But what is your ticket to affluence? What you want is the

universe to notice you, one manner in which to do that is to broadcast your needs and

wants through the faculty of meditation, and then to enhance the outgoing forces with the

power of the moon.

There are two basic ways in which to send your message out; the message saying

that you want something, and can the ‘universe’ help you to get that thing.

Let me compare the thoughts that you send out with a radio transmission. A

station that sends out a song played by a musical group as example; let us call the group

the ‘Songsters.’ The Songsters sing into a microphone and that is send out via radio

waves, but the station that is broadcasting the song is only operating at 5,000 watts as the

station is in a small town. The radio waves go out but as it is only 5,000 watts it gets very

weak with distance and doesn’t get into the large city not far away. If you were in the city

and tuned in to that station you may hear a static filled song but barely, and chances are

you’ll tune in to a different station. The radio waves go out and permeate the entire globe

but they are so weak the only people that can hear the station clearly are those in the

small town where it is being broadcast.

In the nearby city the radio station broadcasts at 50,000 watts. That broadcast

sends out radio waves in a much wider net. It can be heard hundreds of miles away and

under the right conditions, people tuned into that station thousands of miles away can

hear it, and they hear it in the clear. The more wattage the further the reach and the

clearer the sound.

In a similar manner the mind’s transmissions, as indicated by brain waves, send

out messages as you think. Every thought is a transmission but most of them, transmitted

as weak emanations go nowhere. But every now and again your thoughts are intensified

by your emotions. As example when you are angry, fearful, guilty, resentful, or as with

positive thoughts, loving, kindly, and thoughtful, the strength of the thought carries the

waves of energy—created by the enhanced degree of the thought—further out into the

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universe. This is one of the reasons that people who are angry all the time live in a

different world than the person, who might be right next to them, a family member as

example, who has loving thoughts. The thought attracts a like response. Change the

thought and you change the reality the thought naturally attracts.

All this is on the outer conscious level. You have thousands of thoughts each day

but most of them just dissipate and do not attract a response, but when a coincidence, or

accident, or even a déjà vu occurrence takes place you can bet that it was preceded by one

of your thoughts. Your thoughts, every single one of them, go out into the universe. Some

of them attract a response and some just keep on traveling and like a pebble dropped into

a lake cause a series of ripples.

When you consciously create a thought with intent behind it the thought

strengthens and seeks manifestation; the thought touches everyone, but so do all other

thoughts, so why should your thought have any more effect than any other thought? First

of all there is the vehicle the thought is carried on; our vehicle will be Luna

Programming, the goal setting device. Luna programming will be carried out during a


When you think thoughts at the outer conscious level those thoughts are like the

5,000 watt station, but during meditation when you are highly concentrative the minutiae

of thoughts that flit through your mind are gone, and that concentrative state we call

meditation enhances your thoughts and suddenly you are turned into a 50,000 watt station

and the thought is more likely to manifest as it now touches every person but this time the

intent is carried along with the thought as well. Remember the story of the paper

company business person programming for more business whose thoughts ultimately

reached a farmer plowing his field in China.

Let’s extend the metaphor by taking an ordinary thought; you have tons of them

every day; and say that those ordinary thoughts are like the 5,000 watt station. They leave

your mind obviously because you have indeed thought them; but there are no emotions

involved, nor were you concentrative when you thought them, so we’ll call those

thoughts the 5,000 watt variety. Now think those thoughts when you’re highly emotional,

as when you’re furious, scared, resentful, in a panic or any other emotional thought,

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including positive thoughts; your brain waves are enhanced, say like the 50,000 watt

station but they are out of control and may attract things that you really do not want. But

what if that 50,000 watt thought could be controlled? What if you could turn it into a

500,000 watt thought; wow. You might just surprise yourself with your goal getting


Let’s see how you can do that. Still using the same metaphor, let’s say that the

5,000 watt thought, the thought that you want to use to attract something to you, is

something that you desire but you don’t have a vehicle to get that thought working for

you. Desire can be strengthened by utilizing your day dream mechanism and creating

mental images of the thing you want. That would be the first step, now then what do you

intend to do with the subject of the thought. Is it money you intend to attract? What’s the

money for? What do you intend to do with the money? Intent and desire intensify the

thought. Add the attraction and pull of the new moon and that 50,000 watt thought is

really intensified. Now you may very well be sending out a 500,000 watt thought. A

thought that will reach everyone who could possibly be influenced by the thought; clear

and static free. That’s power; and it’s under your control and your programs are more

likely to come to be.

Everyone programs, even people who have never heard of the word. Everyone has

a goal. For some in poverty stricken societies the goal is to drink clean water, or find a

few grains of rice. For the affluent the goal is a larger house, a luxury car, luxurious foods

expensive clothes, and for those in between they yearn for better things then they already

have. Behind all those conscious and subconscious programs are two emotions that either

help or hinder; and those are motivation and resolve; and the way that I am defining the

word resolve is that of making a decision. Another word for this is Intent, what is your

intention? But let us use ‘resolve’ in the manner of ‘making a decision.’ This is most


OK, you’ve decided to use the New Moon process for your goal. Fine; don’t

question it, just do it. But to do it you have to have a vehicle. You may want to go from

New York to Los Angeles but there are many means for you to use to get there. You can

walk, run, drive a car, take a bus, take a train, or fly. You could even go around and

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through the Panama Canal by boat. All those means will get you from the east coast to

the west coast but in all probability you will fly as that is the safest, and the quickest

means to accomplish your goal. Your goal is to get to Los Angeles, your intent is that you

resolve to fly, and so a jet plane is your means.

Now your goal is to attract money, affluence, and as you want more, abundance

as well. You can use any of dozens of devices, there’s goal setting through meditation,

there is Qi Gong, Feng Shui, prayer, labyrinths, candles, icons and many others. But they

are only the means. In addition to all those devices there is intent. Without intent it would

be a foolish preoccupation. Just by utilizing a device indicates intent and so the device

that we will be using is the Luna Meditation once again.

And so to sum up: When you want to use the law of attraction to bring affluence

and abundance to you the best way to do that is to activate the law. The way to activate

the law of attraction is to send out a message that you want something. The most

effective way of sending that message out is through meditation. While at the meditation

state of mind, with body and mind relaxed and concentrative, you utilize a device to get

that message out. The device is a goal setting channel, Luna Mediation. When you are

meditating and concentrative you are like the difference between the 5,000 and the

50,000 watt radio station. You are broadcasting at 50,000 watts metaphorically speaking

when you do it at the meditation level of mind.

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Using the Power of the New Moon to attract abundance.

The Process

The best ways to use Luna Programming would be to strengthen resolve, enhance

your motivation, and energize desire. But first decide on what it is that you want. Before

you can program for a thing you must have a desire for whatever it is you believe that

you want. Say that wealth and abundance is your foremost desire at present. Very well

then that is your goal, wealth and abundance. But simply desiring it won’t necessarily

bring it to you unless your desire is so strong that you shove all else out of the way and

make it a need above all others. Let me tell you a story about desire so that you will have

a better understanding of it.

A disciple goes over to his guru and asks, ‘Master, how do I achieve


The guru says, ‘Simply desire it and it shall be yours.’

The disciple says, ‘But I do desire it.’

At one end of the ashram in which they lived and studied was a trough brimming

with water for the sacred cows that would occasionally stroll to and drink from. The guru

directed the young man to that place.

“Come here and hold your head over the end of the trough.”

The obedient disciple did so.

The guru then shoved the young man’s head under the water, holding it there with

a grip of iron. The disciple struggled for a moment and then was still. After a minute he

renewed his efforts to breathe and began to flail about with vigor. To no avail; the grip

was relentless. His head remained under the water. A minute and a half went by and the

young disciple was desperate for breath. He struggled and tried to withdraw his head, all

to no avail. The hand of his master held him still. When the disciple ceased his struggle

and began to lose consciousness, the guru released him. Sputtering, choking, taking huge

gulps of air, the young man looked at his guru, feeling an emotion as close to anger as

was possible for him.

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Finally the wise one spoke “When your head was under the water and just before

I released you, what was it you wanted most in all the world?”

The young man, chest heaving, replied, “To breathe.”

“Yes,” said the Yogi, “to breathe. When you desire enlightenment to the same

degree that you desired breath just now, then it will be yours.”

It is unlikely you will ever want anything to so strong a degree, but if you did

you’d get it. At the other end of the scale would be a desire so weak that you would not

walk across the room for the object of that desire.

Without desire, achievement would be impossible, so first determine how strong a

desire you have for your goal. It is unlikely your desire for wealth and abundance will

ever be as strong as your desire for breath and for food, but then again it must be stronger

than walking into the kitchen for a glass of water. Luna programming helps in that the

energy created by a strong desire is implemented by the strength of the pull of the new


Let us use the exact time and date of the first new moon of 2015, which would be

on January 20, at approximately 5:00 a.m. universal time. This is the time you may use in

whatever time zone you are in as it would vary with your location but for our purposes

using universal time as a target is fine. Of course, I am using this only as an example.

You can use this same process for any new moon. For dates and times of upcoming new

moons, just search on any search engine the words Lunar Phases. If you were in Los

Angeles at 9:03 a.m. on that day in January, and I was in London, for me the time would

be 6:03 p.m. But the moon would be in a different position relative to my place on Earth.

Use the times you see on the Luna phases you get off the internet would be the easiest

way. Or check your local newspaper; virtually all of them have the moons position in the

weather sections for your area.

Ok, so now we know the time and day of the apogee, or the height, of the new

moon. Incidentally, just in case you were wondering, apogee means the apex of gravity.

If you were to do your programming at say 5:00 a.m. on January 20 you would be in the

highest stream of gravity with regards to the moon however you don’t have to be quite

that precise. With many students reporting, mainly from that original class in Manhattan,

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I’ve come up with a larger window than that. During the 72 hour period prior to the new

moon you have a good chance of having your program succeed. Personally I use the 24

hour period as a programming period but if for some reason you cannot hit the 24 hour

period, 48 or 72 hours before the time of the new moon will do.

When you program, or pray for that matter, you are sending out waves of mental

energy, these waves of energy have different strengths depending on your attitude, your

beliefs, and your desire for success. What I mean by your desire for success is this.

Sometimes you getting your goal will cause a negative effect in other people; friends or

family members so to speak. Say that you are programming for money and get it and

because of your new found wealth friends or family members become jealous or

resentful, want things from you. Even on a subconscious level it could have a negative

effect on the program. Before you program it would be helpful to consider the effect of

you getting the thing that you want would have on other people and how you will feel

about that. And here as well you can use one of the phases of the moon; the moon phase

for considering other people and the effect your program will have is the first quarter

moon after the new moon. That would be 7 days after the height of the new moon; or

with respect to the January 20, 5:00 a.m. new moon; it would be on January 27.

O.K., so then, say that it is January 19, early evening; that’s well within the strong

period of the new moon, and you have decided to do some programming. Let’s just walk

through the entire process of Luna Programming. You’ve decided to program specifically

for money. Say that the amount you are programming for is $5,000. You might say that it

is kind of a test for you to set the process in motion; but that’s the amount you will be

setting your goal to get.

You find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed and go to your meditation

level of consciousness. You can easily do this the first time simply by listening to the

next module which is a program for money. But before you do that you want to learn the

process so that you may program for money or anything else that you believe you need,

or will be needing or wanting.

As you meditate think of the moon, a full moon, a moon that is reflecting the light

of the sun from where all energies flow. Imagine being bathed by the reflected light of

the sun as it is absorbed by and reflected from the moon. As you visualize the moon

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imagine that you are basking in the light of the full moon. As you sense the light of the

moon permeating you, mentally say, ‘I want $5,000—allow me to attract it’ or whatever

you do want.

Then visualize yourself with the money, and spending the money. Money is not

the end but a means to the end; what is it you want to do with the money? Visualize the

thing or things you want to buy with the money. You are sensing the full moon’s

reflection on the mental level, and now you are going to send out your programming

message on the physical level where the new moon is pulling at its strongest. To do this

imagine your entire program, the $5,000, and you mentally saying, ‘I want $5,000 and

then fling it out into the universe. The general idea of this is that with the help of the pull

of the new moon’s attraction the energy of your thought will leave you and permeate the

universe. And that basically, is new moon programming.

Let me tell you how Paul Compagna does it. Sometimes people modify the

concept and add a few things of their own choosing. As long as you stay within the

parameters of the concept that is fine. When you do that the concept truly becomes totally

your own. Here is what Paul did.

His program was for a new car. He wanted a clear visualization and so went to a

dealer and looked over the car he wanted. He sat in it, got a brochure featuring it and

studied the brochure. That allowed him to have a good memory of the auto. He waited for

the day of the New Moon. When he was ready he went to a quiet corner of his living

room and meditated as he was taught. Deeper and deeper he went and when he felt he

was ready he visualized the full moon with its reflected light bathing him.

Finally, he felt ready to program. He visualized himself in the car of his choice.

He sensed the smell of it, the color, he felt his hands on the steering wheel, and looked

out the window at the familiar landscape he was passing by as he drove on. Then he took

an objective view of himself driving the car. He switched the scene and saw friends

congratulating him on his beautiful new car. He then did something he hadn’t learned

from me, he imagined the entire scene of him in the new car, and stuffed the scene into a

ball, like a baseball. He then flicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth in a Bagha

movement and mentally said ‘multiply a thousand fold’, he then saw thousands of balls,

each one with his message in it, and then he flung them all out and away from him. Then

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he imagined each ball splitting open and the image of him in his new car coming out

thousands of times permeating the universe. He imagined the new moon pulling his

message out into the universe so that everyone on the planet was affected by it.

After he did all that he asked me if he did it right because he had made it up while

he was in the meditation state. Well that sounded good to me. Get creative with your

programming; the main idea is to get the message out into the universe and that’s one

way to do it.

During the quarter moon, while at the meditation state, Paul imagined two of his

relatives who needed money badly and were resentful and jealous of the fact that he had

purchased a new car. He saw himself telling each of them that he had a bit of luck and

would like to share it with them. He saw himself giving each of them five hundred dollars

so that they were then participants in his good luck. That took the guilt out of the


I use a different, simpler method of getting the message out. During the day

before the height of the new moon I go to the meditation state and visualize the thing that

I want. Then I pause for a moment and visualized things going away from me. I imagine

throwing a ball, shooting an arrow, a car rushing away from me, anything that is moving

away from me; that puts me in the outgoing mode; and then I think about the thing that I

want. The last thing I do is to imagine myself at some future time with the thing that I am

programming for. I see myself from an objective view and then a subjective view. The

objective view is when I’m looking at myself doing something; the subjective view I’m

doing the thing. If it were a car I would see myself in the car from an objective view, and

from a subjective view I would be looking out of the window of the car.

If this sounds similar to a technique that you are already using, it probably is. The

beauty of New Moon Programming is that it enhances whatever program you are using.

If you are happy with the goal setting technique that you have now continue to use it. But

when you do use it be sure to use it at least once, sometimes during the 24 hour period

preceding the new moon.

People often ask if Luna Programming will work just as well when programming

for other people. Yes it will. It is a wonderful way to help other people. Just visualize

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them having overcome whatever problem they have and do it during the new moon


In the next module there will be a Luna meditation exercise specifically designed

for affluence, for money.

Affluence Meditation.

First relax and count yourself into a meditation state, then imagine the moon,

visualize the great moon that is between the Earth and the Sun. Imagine the pull of the

moon. Imagine the tides of the ocean driving the water higher as the new moon’s

gravitational pull attracts. This pull will enhance all of your programming. Especially that

program that you will now be doing. Think about the program, about what you want to

come to be, what it is you would like to attract, or repel; think about that now.


Now imagine the full moon. For now it will be the full moon. Imagine the

reflected light of the full moon brightening the entire scene. Imagine the entire scene is

bathed in the light of the Moon. Allow the light of the full Moon to permeate the entire


As you visualize the full moon imagine that you are basking in the light of the full

moon. As you sense the light of the moon permeating you, mentally say, ‘I want $5,000

or whatever amount you want—allow me to attract it’.

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Then visualize yourself with the money, and spending the money. Money is not

the end but a means to the end; what is it you want to do with the money? Visualize the

thing or things you want to buy with the money. You are sensing the full moon’s

reflection on the mental level, and now you are going to send out your programming

message on the physical level where the new moon is pulling at its strongest. To do this

imagine your entire program, the amount of money you want, and you mentally saying, ‘I

want $5,000 or whatever amount, and then imagine that you fling the thought out into the

universe. The general idea of this is that with the help of the pull of the new moon’s

attraction the energy of your thought will leave you and permeate the universe.

Now just count from one to three, at the count of three visualize the full moon,

imagine bathing in its light and then mentally say the amount of money you want. See

yourself with that .

Whenever you think of the money that you are programming for think of the

event as already accomplished. Every morning when you think of your goal repeat the

phrase, every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

You may program for your goal at any time but be sure to program during every

new Moon. That way you get the physical attraction of the new Moon, and the

metaphysical attraction of the full moon.

Then to come out of your meditation just squeeze your eyelids together and open

your eyes.

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Parallel Universe Moon

The power of an alternate universe Super sized Moon.

So far we’ve utilized the best of the scientific world of physics to gain the

strength of the new Moon and now we get into the world of quantum physics to utilize

the strength of the moon of a different Earth, a different world, a different universe, a

different dimension. In the world of Quantum Physics where anything is not only

possible but a certainty due to the magic of infinity. To put it in a nutshell the quantum

physicists tell us that in an infinite greater universe there are other universes, an endless

number of universes with galaxies, solar systems and planets beyond counting. Take all

the grains of sand of all the beaches on Earth and multiply that number by a trillion and

you would not begin to have the number of universes in one that was infinite. As a matter

of fact, the physicists insist that whatever you can imagine is in one of those universes.

There are countless you’s, duplicate selves of you, in those other places. One of

you is a king, another a queen, another a billionaire, another homeless. The countless

number of you’s in that world of infinity contain artist you’s, musician you’s, politician

you’s, and every other you that can be imagined. During our Quantum Jumping course

we tap into those other selves to bring back their energy, their rhythm for talents that we


Well for now we are not going to address these other selves but rather the solar

system that closely corresponds to ours except for one thing, the moon on that other solar

system is larger than ours is, much larger. The moon in that other solar system is double

the size of the moon in our system, and being larger it has more mass. More mass means

more drawing power; more power to attract.

In an infinity of universes there are solar systems yet to be developed, there are

some already in their prime, contracting, expanding and all other possibilities that can be

conceived. There are duplicate universes exactly like this one we are in at present except

the time is different. In an infinity of universes every conceivable time period from the

big bang of our expanding universe to the ultimate snap back of a crashing universe is

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happening now. That is the concept of Quantum Jumping and we are going to utilize this

concept on the meta physical plane rather than the physical; here is where we leave the

world of physics and enter the field of meta physics, or beyond physics.

For this employment of the moon you once again utilize the power of your mind

but this time you enhance the pull of the new Moon many times by bringing in the power

of an alternate universe moon. Now this one will no doubt stretch credibility and batter at

the wall of your belief system. I am going to ask you to imagine a world where the moon

is twice the size of the moon revolving around our planet and you may well ask, and

rightly so: ‘How can I believe that?’ Well before I answer that let me explain just what a

belief is.

A belief is simply the acceptance of something as being true. Long ago I adapted

the premise of ‘What you believe to be, is,’ and even wrote a book titled ‘How to Better

Your Life with Mind Control’ the first sentence of which are those six words, what you

believe to be, is.’ Allow me to go further into this and we will see how it relates to New

Moon Programming.

A belief is mental acceptance of something as being true. That acceptance can be

based on trust for an authority, on reason, or on prejudice. A belief can also be a thing

that has been programmed or conditioned by outside agencies so that the acceptance is

not supported by reason but acted on nevertheless as though the thing were totally

reliable. A belief system is a series of frames of reference by which an individual lives,

accepting information that reinforces beliefs, and rejecting information that conflicts.

There have been cases of multiple personality where medical people have found

that it is not uncommon for one of the multiples of that person to have diabetes, and a

second or third personality, of the same person, who displays a normal production of

insulin and blood sugar showing no signs of the disease at all.

Another case noted is that of personality number one who had a case of the flu

with all it’s attending symptoms, difficulty in breathing, congested chest, running nose,

and laryngitis. When personality number two came out, all the symptoms disappeared in

just about six seconds. No congestion, no running nose, no symptoms of the flu. Same

body, two different beliefs, consider the implications of that. If your mind can clear the

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flu from your body in six seconds — if your mind can normalize your blood sugar in six

seconds, then your mind can free your body of virtually all problems. All you have to do

is to learn how to control it. Central to that control is the understanding and control of

your belief system.

Now then, what does that have to do with new Moon programming? One of the

difficulties that people have with a unique program such as this one, a program that defies

logic, is one of belief. How do you get the belief that a moon in another world, twice the

size of this one, in a world that is the exact replica or duplicate of this one, is believable?

Well first of all with the trillions of stars in our universe, logically it would be beyond

belief that there weren’t billions of solar systems similar to our own. And with that many

solar systems it would also be logical that there will be larger moons then our own.

Mathematically it does make sense; and that is in our universe alone. When you add an

addition trillions and quadrillions of alternate universes it would be impossible to believe

that there aren’t duplicate worlds—out there. That part is definitely believable, where we

bump into your belief system is you tapping into that alternate universe with the moon

that is twice the size of our own moon; but that is where your mind comes into play.

But what about belief? You may ask. Aha, and that is the question; what about

belief… I’m not going to ask you to believe it, only to do it, to do the meditation and act

as if it were so.

When you do the meditation just act as though it was an exercise that will indeed

bring you the thing that you are programming for because of the enormous pull of that

super sized moon. After all people act as if things that are unbelievable for some people

are perfectly acceptable for them all the time. Just look at the many people who challenge

the concept of evolution. In spite of all the scientific evidence they act as if there were no

such thing as evolution and the world began thousands of years ago, not billions.

People have all kinds of beliefs and they are correct in their beliefs—correct that

is for them; but not necessarily for you. Once again, what you believe to be—is. For you.

So for the alternate universe super moon, and it will be at the new Moon stage for

the most effect, just go through the meditation and don’t question it—just do it. But

before we get to the actual meditation let’s go through the process as this meditation is a

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bit different then you are used to doing. With the super Moon meditation you are going to

get out of the bubble of our universe the only way possible with the current state of our

technology, using your mind to do so.

Picture our universe as a bubble floating in a world of universe bubbles. Large

bubbles, small bubbles, all sizes of bubbles. Bubbles as far as your imagination can take

you. Our universe is in one of those bubbles; a bubble in a vast ocean of bubbles.

Incidentally, this is a concept that is currently held by a number of highly intelligent

quantum physicists.

Because we are in a bubble, there is no way out; except with the mind. You can

think yourself out of our bubble and into another one. You can think yourself anywhere.

As example, think now about your bedroom, or if you are in your bedroom, think about

your kitchen. When you do that you have visited that other room mentally. Now think

about a person who is far away from you—perhaps in another country. Think about a

fictional character. See there; you can move your mind around anywhere, and belief

never enters into it; you just do it.

That is how you are going to reach this alternate universe with its super Moon and

get a positive effect from that reaching out mentally. Once you get the hang of reaching

out mentally beyond the bubble, you can connect with any place, or person, you wish.

For now, during this meditation that is coming up soon, you will simply be reaching a

duplicate planet, exactly like ours in every respect, including the people, and of course

yourself as well. The only difference in this duplicate planet will be the moon, the moon

there is a super moon, with super attraction powers and those powers of attraction will

help to get the message that you are sending out to the universe of the things you are

programming for; the things that you want.

In the next chapter I will be very specific as to how to reach this alternate universe

and bring back to this one, the power to reach every person on Earth who can be of

service to you in accomplishing the things that you want, and are programming for.

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Parallel Dimension Moon

Utilizing the power of the Super Moon.

Jerry Goldsmith is a friend of mine. When I told him about this business of using

the power of the super Moon in an alternate universe to help him to achieve success in his

business he laughed. Then I asked him to suspend his belief and just act as if the super

Moon actually had the power to help him if he used it at the right time. I told him it didn’t

matter if he was skeptical, being a skeptic put him in a place of neutrality with respect to

his emotions and that was a good place to be when programming for a goal to take place.

Actually I prefer it when a student doesn’t feel as though the programming is the most

important thing in the world, be skeptical, but do it.

Jerry had been through a number of my seminars and he programmed all the time;

not only for business but for his family, relationships, health and numerous other things.

He was happy with his life but like many wanted more. He may have laughed at the

concept of using the power of a super moon in an alternate universe but he couldn’t wait

to test it out. He did understand that a Moon that was double the size of our Moon would

have an immense mass and the difference between that Moon and ours would have a

significant effect on programming if one could only get to it; and here was I showing him


Jerry worked for the city and had a job as a parole official dealing with released

prisoners still on parole and overseeing them. He wanted to do something else after eight

years on the job and thought he would like to own a beauty shop. He didn’t know

anything about the business but figured he could hire people who did. Well anyway, that

was his goal. Fine, I always like it better when a person has a definite and specific goal in

mind. Wanting to program at the best time we waited for the next new moon which came

about on a Thursday, at one o’clock in the morning. I asked Jerry to meet me at eight

p.m. on Wednesday night, just 5 hours before the height of the new moon.

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We met at my office and Jerry was ready. I wanted as much information as I

could get as the process and hopefully, Jerry’s success would be in the book I was going

to write about using the super Moon.

The Moon was new, Jerry knew what he wanted, and he was in a deep meditation.

I asked if he was ready and he just mumbled a grunt. I told him to relax and in a moment

would count from one to three, at the count of three he would find himself in another

dimension, another universe. A universe where the Moon was also a new Moon but that

this dimension the Moon was twice as large as our Moon, a super moon.

I counted and Jerry relaxed even more. I told him to nod when he was there, he

nodded and later told me that he felt the larger pull; it was almost as if his hair was being

pulled slightly, that’s how strong the pull was.

Good, that was good. I then had Jerry visualize his goal accomplished. The end

result of his programming. And here was one of the important parts. He imagined himself

getting money from his manager. He saw himself making deposits at the bank. He

imagined people happy with the service he was supplying. And with each visualization

He imagine a gigantic moon in the sky. He saw the Moon as a super magnet, pulling all

things on earth toward it, the moon. He imagined that things were floating off the Earth

towards the Moon. He imagined his imagery as an energy form floating out and away

from him into the universe. He imagined that every person on earth would feel this

energy and be affected by it. Most people would not even know that the energy of his

program was getting too them but those who could be of service to him would be affected

in a positive manner.

That was basically that. I’ll go through the method in a moment but the end result

of the story is that Jerry now has a successful beauty shop in Indio, a suburb of greater

Palm Springs. It’s quite a stretch to go from parole officer to a beautician shop but that’s

what he wanted and it came to him in a series of coincidences. Jerry loved basketball and

went to every game played in Los Angeles that he could afford. After the Super Moon

programming he was cheering on the Lakers and a person sitting near by got to talking to

him about the game; one thing led to another and after the game they went out for a slice

of pizza and a drink. It turned out that the fellow Jerry met owned a number of beauty

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salons and Jerry said he was interested in getting into the business. The rest of the story

could make an entire chapter if not a whole book, with the help of Frank, the man he had

met, Jerry bought the shop in Indio and last I heard was very successful and where he had

dreaded Monday mornings he now looked forward to them.

You might say that it was just a coincidence and you would be right. That’s what

New Moon programming, indeed I should say all programming is all about—setting up

these series of coincidences for a desired conclusion.

The basic difference between this meditation and all the others is the Quantum

Jump which is necessary to get to the place of the massive, double size, super Moon. If

you have gone through the course and are already a Quantum Jumper you can skip the

next few minutes and get right on to the meditation; if you have not been quantum

jumping then this is for you. Here is how you get to the universe and the planet with the

super Moon as its satellite. Here is how to take your first jump.

Go to your meditation level and when you are totally relaxed imagine that you are

in a small hallway with a large door at one end of the hall. It’s your visualization and so

you make the hallway however you like. It can be decorated or plain, the color is one of

your choosing. Make the door elaborate and concentrate on the hallway. Your intent is to

go through the door and on the other side of the door is the dimension and the universe

that you are looking for. That is your intent and that makes the act automatic. When you

feel like you want to jump into another dimension imagine going to the door, opening it,

and stepping or jumping through. On the other side of the door is the dimension you are

looking for; the one with the super sized moon. It will be the time of the new moon

because that is what you want the time to be. Whatever you want with respect to

visualizations will be; it’s your image making facility, your imagination that is doing it.

When you are on the other side imagine making yourself comfortable and

programming for the thing you want. After the programming process come back to the

hallway and when you are ready to come out of the meditation squeeze your eyelids

together and relax them and they will pop open. Following is the exact method. Read it

over a few times before you go into your meditation state.

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Quantum Jumping Luna Meditation.

For the most effective use of the following meditation please reserve it for

anytime during the 36 hour period that precedes the new Moon in your area. 24 hours

prior is better, and the period 12 hours or less before the height of the new moon the best

of all.

Relax and go into your meditation state by counting yourself down with a three to

one and then a ten to one count. Imagine the moon, visualize the great moon that is

between the Earth and the Sun. Imagine the pull of the moon. Imagine the tides of the

ocean driving the water higher as the new moon’s gravitational pull attracts. This pull

will enhance all of your programming. Especially that program that you will be doing.

Think about the program, about what you want to come to be.

Now imagine the full moon. For now it will be the full moon. Imagine the

reflected light of the full moon brightening the entire scene. Imagine the entire scene is

bathed in the light of the Moon. Allow the light of the full Moon to permeate the entire


As you visualize the full moon imagine that you are basking in the light of the full

moon. As you sense the light of the moon permeating you, mentally say, ‘I want to go to

a parallel universe where everything is the same as it is here except that the Moon in that

universe is twice the size of the Moon in this universe and has twice the gravitational pull

on all things on Earth both physical and mental.

Now imagine that you are in a small hallway. There is a door at the end of the

hallway and when you open the door and step through you will be in a parallel universe.

It will appear that you are in the same room you are in now as it is a duplicate world in

every sense with the exception of there being a super Moon on that world; with a superior

attraction and all the things that you send out through your mental imagery are doubly

enhanced. It’s your visualization and so you make the hallway however you like. It can

be decorated or plain, the color is one of your choosing. Make the door elaborate and

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concentrate on the hallway. Your intent is to go through the door and on the other side of

the door is the dimension and the universe that you are looking for. That is your intent

and that makes the act automatic. When you feel like you want to jump into another

dimension imagine going to the door, opening it, and stepping or jumping through. On

the other side of the door is the dimension you are looking for; the one with the super

sized moon. It will be the time of the super sized new moon because that is what you

want the time to be. Whatever you want with respect to visualizations will be; it’s your

image making facility, your imagination that is doing it.

Count from one to three and at the count of three you will imagine that you are

opening the door and stepping through it into the exact same place that you are now in,

except you will be in a parallel universe with a super sized Moon.

Imagine that you are in a parallel universe with a super sized Moon. Imagine it.

Act as if it were so. Know now that you are there.

You are in this parallel universe because you want something. It may be money

you want, it may be a relationship, it may be friends, it may be to resolve a health

problem, it may be to bring out and enhance a hidden talent. Whatever it is that you want

think about that now.

You’ve taken a quantum jump through the doorway and now it is time to meet

your twin self; your doppelganger who has all the things that you want. Your twin self in

the parallel dimension will help you to get the things that you want.

Count from one to five, at the count of five say to yourself that your twin self will

appear. The self of the parallel universe who has the things that you want. Talk to your

twin self if you like and then merge with your twin self. The merger will enable you to

take your twin self’s rhythm and some of the energy back with you.

Use your great imagination. Greet your twin self. What would you expect your

twin self from a parallel universe say to you? How would you expect your twin self to

help you.

Now it is time to program. There is a new moon in both universes, both

dimensions but the parallel has a super sized Moon with a much larger pull.

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Visualize the things that you want, the things your twin self already has; and after

visualizing imagine the thoughts floating out and away from you affecting all people on

the parallel universe and in this universe.

Whenever you think of the things that you are programming for think of the event

as already accomplished. Every morning when you think of your goal repeat the phrase,

every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

You may program for your goal at any time but be sure to program every now and

again during a new Moon.

And that is how you unlock the power of the new moon.