how to write cvs that generate interviews 2

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  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How To WriteCVs ThatGenerate

    InterviewsThis FREE Special Report is Brought to You By:

    Edwin Akpan Joel

  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel


    Thank you for downloading this special report. Feel free to pass thispowerful report to a friend who may need it. They will thank you for it.

    When you send this ebook to a friend or recommend a friend to me sothat I can send it to him or her, youll get your CV evaluated absolutelyFREE by Edwin A. Joel, author of the groundbreaking ebook, How to WriteOutstanding CVs that Make Employers Excited to Meet You!PLUS youllget FREE breakthrough tips and recommendations on how to improveyour CV for maximum impact! And that is just for forwarding this specialreport to a friend or recommending them to me.

    Attach your CV in Microsoft Word and send it to [email protected]

    with the subject: Please Evaluate My CV. Send it along with yourfriends name and email. Do that right now!


    You may reprint or photocopy this ebook for others. You may even give itaway as bonus or as part of bonuses, but you do not have the rights toalter its content in any way. 2009 Edwin Akpan Joel. All rights reserved.


    The information contained in this report represents the view of the authoras of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditionschange, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinionbased on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposesonly.

    While every attempt has been made to accurately and authoritativelypresent the information provided in this report, neither the author nor hispartners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

    This report is designed to provide information in regard to the subjectmatter covered. It is not the purpose of this report to reprint all theinformation that is otherwise available to authors, printers and publisherbut to complement, amplify and supplement other texts. If you do notagree with the above then you may return it to the publishers. Period.


  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel


    Why Most CVs End Up In The


    Ever came across this shocking statistic?

    CVs ev

    I mean the statistic that recruitment firms review thousands ofery single day on computer and only 1% get selected out of the lot

    and given a careful reading.

    Thats right thousands of CVs end up in the wastebasket every singleday. If you havent been called up for interview, then your CV is amongthe 99% that end up in the trashcan.

    Care to know why? Come along.

    The #1 reason why most CVs fail is because they dont address the needsand concerns of the employers. Most jobseekers shoot themselves in thefoot by writing only one CV and send the same CV to different job

    vacancies they come across. How funny!

    The #2 reason why most CVs end up in the trashcan is because of poordesign and formatting. Most jobseekers in Nigeria leave their CVs to thetypist at the business center to write, format, and design. The result is aCV that puts off reviewers at first glance.

    There are other reasons which youll learn as you read this special report.

    When it comes to the subject of CV or rsum writing as it is called in

    American English, there are many opinions flying around the wholeplace. Some of the popular ones border on the use of objectives andsummary statements, designs and formatting, references, hobbies andinterests, responsibilities and accomplishments, font style, and notforgetting the length of the CV.

    Then the burning issue the CV format is not left out. Should ajobseeker use functional or chronological CV format, or both? When youadd this to the issue of whether you should pack your CV full with

    keywords then you get really confused.


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Most of the opinions are CV writing fads that will soon vanish with thetime. I am a firm believer that CV writing should be based on sound andtimeless principles. Whatever the so-called experts may say on thesubject, everything still boils down to the fact that your CV must sell you

    well enough to get you an interview. Every single item included in yourCV must be engineered to earn you an interview. It must persuasivelyanswer the key questions always asked by employers. Questions like

    How can you solve my problems?

    How can you help me achieve my goals?

    How can you help me take advantage of new opportunities?

    If youre ready to learn the insider secrets of making the most of everyitem on your CV to package a CV that makes impact, generate interviews,and get you the jobs of your dreams, then read on!

    - Edwin Akpan Joel


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Step 1: Understand that employers decide to read CVsbased on emotion and later justify with logic


    ith thousands of CVs to review every single day, hiring

    managers depend on their instincts to select those to interview.I really dont blame them because most CVs look alike with

    nothing to differentiate them from the competition.

    To write a CV that generates interviews, you have to first understand this basic fact: Employers decide to read CVs based on emotion and laterjustify with logic.

    So, you must write a CV thats emotionally appealing and has the ability

    to hold attention at first glance. From your header graphics to yourchoice of font and down to formatting must be done in such a way as topractically grab attention, generate interest and keep the employerreading till the end.

    Step 2: Do a self-assessment


    o may jobseekers experience writers block where they dont know

    what to write. Id admit: it is not easy. Distilling your life historyinto a two or three-page document is no easy task especially when itis not something that one does everyday like brushing of teeth.

    The solution to this problem is to do a self-assessment. Get a neat sheetof paper and a pen and answer these self-assessing questions.

    What are the great and exciting things I have achieved in life?What educational qualifications do I have?Are my qualifications relevant to the job being sought?What work experience do I have?Are my work experiences relevant to the job being sought?What great things did I accomplish in my previous workplace(s)?Where does my greatest strength lie?What can I do better than anybody else?What soft skills do I possess?What value can I add to the organization I want to work in?

    What relevant awards have I won?


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Honestly answer these questions, and before you know it, youll havepages full of exciting ideas about you that you can use to write CVsguaranteed to generate interviews and win you the best job.

    The self-assessment will reveal your weaknesses and strengths so thatyoull find ways to work on how to improve in your areas of weaknessesand build on your strengths.

    I prepared a worksheet titled Personal Brand Profile Worksheet,this worksheet forces you to think through and through about yourselfand help you to develop a clear, complete, strong and valuable personal

    brand that tells employers in compelling terms the great things to expectfrom you as a result of having a relationship with you. Request for a freecopy of the worksheet when you buy the ebook, How to WriteOutstanding CVs that Make Employers Excited to Meet You!Ill tell you more about this groundbreaking ebook later on.

    Step 3: Research the company you want to work for

    fter doing a thorough self-assessment, your attention should shiftto your potential employers. Conduct a research on them todiscover their needs. Remember I said the #1 reason most CVs

    end up in the trashcan is because they dont address the needs of theemployers.

    If you broke into sweats when you heard the word research, relax and wipe the sweat off your face because it is fun and simple if you knowhow.

    All you do is take a look at the advertisement and right in there are theneeds of the employers. For example, TTC Mobile Limitedwrote this in

    their job advertisement in the Tuesday Guardian of September 23, 2008,for the position of a General Manager:

    You will be responsible for generating, developing and implementingideas to help the company continually retain its position as the leadingtraining and recruitment company. Ideal candidate will have a strongmarketing background, and will be familiar with the telecom industry. Agoal getter with the ability to work independently, supervising andmotivating the entire staff to meet set targets.


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    From the above ad, you dont need any soothsayer to tell you that thecompany wants to take advantage of the new opportunities emergingfrom the fierce competition in the telecom industry to maintain itsleading position. Your CV must address this need.

    Additionally, you noticed the terms goal getter, work independently,supervise and motivate. If I were to write a CV targeted at this position,I create a section for core skills and mention the above soft skills andhow I have used it to solve problem in the past. Ill tell you more aboutsoft skills later on. But for now I hope you get the drift know the needsof your would-be employers and write your CV to address the needs.

    Step 4: Write a simple outline to fill in the blankspaces later

    ou now have your content ready plus you now know what theneeds of your potential employers are, its time to do a sketch of

    what your CV will look like. This entails choosing the sections toappear on your CV. Below are most of the sections CVs contain, make themost of every item

    Objective statements Summary statements ProfileWork Experience Educational Qualifications Special Trainings Professional Memberships Professional QualificationsAwards Received Hobbies and InterestsAccreditations References

    And so on.

    These are headings your content will fall under. Every section must be

    written with the needs and concerns of the employer in mind. In myebook, How to Write Outstanding CVs that Make Employers


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Excited to Meet You!,I listed the absolutely required items your CVmust contain. When you get a copy, youll discover them.

    Step 5: Start your CV with a professional header


    his is the first thing employers will see. Do it professionally. Itshould contain your personal details, name, email, phone andcontact. Your name should be bold and a bit larger than the rest of

    the text. But be careful not to make your name too large.

    I developed different CV structures that show how your header shouldlook like so as to arrest attention at first glance. I call it My Winning

    CV Structures; it is only for investors in my ebook,How to WriteOutstanding CVs that Make Employers Excited to Meet You!Ill tell you more in a moment.

    Step 6: Tell employers why they should employ you


    f employers dont see why they should employ you, they simply

    wont. Youve got to tell them why in your CV.

    How ? Glad you asked!

    In marketing parlance, it is called Unique Value Proposition or UVP. Bigcorporations use it to get customers, and savvy marketers adopt it to sellout their products quick. What are you waiting for? Develop yours andstand out of the competition.

    There is a certain bank that says, Your Bank Next Door; another says Experience Peace - these are value propositions, they state what to

    expect as a result of you having a relationship with them. Whats yourown UVP? Develop one now and use it to add power to your CV.

    For example my own UVP as an infopreneur hasnt changed over theyears, To help individuals and organizations solve their problems andachieve their goals by providing proven information leveraging on mydynamic technology, research and excellent communication skills.

    Notice that my UVP is client-centered and mentions by unique skills,

    plus how I am going to add value. I didnt focus on myself or what Iintend to get from other people (my customers).


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    I laugh when I read CVs that contain the worn-out My Objectivesection that states what the applicant hopes to get without mentioning

    what the employers stand to gain.

    In my ebook, How to Write Outstanding CVs that Make Employers Excited to Meet You!, I outlined 4 checklist questions your value proposition must run through to produce a persuasive andpowerful value statement, plus examples of powerful value statements.

    Step 7: Write your educational qualifications in a waythat looks believable

    H ow would you feel when you say the truth, but the person youre

    talking to says because of what youve said youre notstraightforward? If youre like most people, youll feel awfully

    bad and want to discontinue the relationship.

    You see, there is a way you say something and people will think youreeconomical with the truth. You want to avoid this when writing youreducational qualifications in your CV. To sound believable, say the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    To put it in another way, be specific; include dates, class of degree,names of institutions and location of the institution. That will make yousound believable. Everything is based on perception until they are


    Step 8: Also write your work experience in a way thatlooks believable

    pply the same principles in Step 7. Include the name of thecompany, what they do, their location and your post there.

    Try to be as specific as possible. There is a big difference between I worked in Toyota Nigeria Limited and I worked in Toyota NigeriaLimited, Lagos Branch, as an accountant from year 2000 2004.


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  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Step 10: Include valued soft skills you have and proofthem on your CV


    oft skills are highly-valued skills like leadership skills, self-management skills, creative skills, ability to work with others,communication skills, networking skills, goal-setting skills and so


    If youre an employer, wont you value these skills? Sure, you will!

    So impress your potential employers with them by writing thempowerfully in your CV. Create a separate section for it and title it Core

    Skills or any other catchy name.

    Ensure you prove them on your CV because just including them like thatwont make much impact. Here is an example:

    Dynamic Leadership Skills Lead and mentored a new team tomeet and surpass organizations goals for 2006.

    Excellent Communication Skills Negotiated and compelledbank to reschedule debt financing that kept company afloat during aserious economic recession.

    Use bullets as shown in the examples above.

    Step 11: Action-pack your CV with power words


    o back to the examples in Step 10 above: Dynamic LeadershipSkills and Excellent Leadership Skills. Notice the wordsDynamic and Excellent. Remove them and what you have are

    weakened words.

    Undoubtedly, Excellent Leadership Skills is more powerful than justLeadership Skills.

    I have laboured enough to point this out to you. There are other wordsyou can use to add more power to your CV like transformed, designed,solved, reorganized and so on. Use it to start your accomplishment

    statements, use it in your profile, soft skills, and value statements.


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Youll find over 20 outstanding power-words your CV must contain inmy ebook, How to Write Outstanding CVs that MakeEmployers Excited to Meet You!

    Step 12: Use symbols and figures to attract attention


    udge it yourself: Which would attract more attention in a sentence?

    One hundred and seventy per cent or 170%? Seven hundred Naira or N700? Two hundred Dollars or $200?

    No doubt, symbols and figures attract more attention than mere wordsand they save space. Use this principle in your CV and stand out from thecrowd.

    Step 13: Use bullets to draw attention to keyinformation


    ust take a look at the examples in Step 12 above. Again, judge foryourself. Which will attract more attention Writing One hundredand seventy per cent or 170%? Seven hundred Naira or N700? Two

    hundred Dollars or $200? in a sentence format or listing them in bulletslike these

    One hundred and seventy per cent or 170%? Seven hundred Naira or N700? Two hundred Dollars or $200?

    Im dead sure the examples in bullets attracted your attention. Bulletssimply work no argument. Use them in your CV in sections likeaccomplishments, summaries, and so on.

    Step 14 is next; lets see what it has for us in our drive to write CVs thatgenerate interviews.


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Step 14: Avoid vague and ambiguous words

    mbiguous words cause confusion. Vague words are still and

    lifeless. Avoid them!


    like assisted, successful, can type fast, can keep account, can write, and so on are vague. They beg the question, By exactly howmuch?

    For example, instead of writing can type fast, you could write, can type50 words per minute without any error. Sounds more like it, huh?

    Step 15: Never lie to sound very qualified


    elling lies is the hallmark of people who are failures. Championsdont lie, circumstances regardless. They make the most ofeverything they have.

    Employers do so many background checks to verify the information yousupplied in your CV. So, be warned! Never be tempted to lie so that youll

    be looked upon as being very qualified. On this, I rest my case.

    Step 16: Keep your design and formatting simple KISS is the key

    our designs and formatting should follow the KISS principle. Know what KISS stands for? Okay, Ill tell you. KISS is an acronym forKeep it Simple Stupid.Yes, keep everything so simple that even

    an idiot can see, read, and get the message quick.

    If you know how to use Photoshop, Corel Draw, PageMaker, and the like,keep them till a competition is organized for best designers. Avoid floral

    borders, stylish fonts and graphs; they make your CV look like a bush.Just keep everything simple. Allow for enough white space. Dont clutterup the whole pages with unnecessary information.


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Step 17: Be consistent in your layout and generalpresentation


    here is power in consistency. If you centered your first section

    heading, the remaining sections should be centered. If you use aparticular bullet style, let it run through the whole document. If

    you use Arial as the font, for heavens sake, let all your text be Arial.

    Being consistent will make your CV easy on the eye and lookprofessional.

    Step 18: Make your CV attention-grabbing by applying

    bolding and italic to key information

    ey information like section headings, titles of your former job,degrees, soft skills, and so on, should be bold or be in italic tostand out.

    Go through your CV, which words would you like to stress if given theopportunity. Italicize them and apply bolding. For example, notice that

    throughout this report, I applied bolding and italic to my ebook titledthus: How to Write Outstanding CVs that Make EmployersExcited to Meet You!I did that because I wanted it to stand out somuch so that even if you were just glancing through, it would attract yourattention. And it worked, didnt it?

    Step 19: Make the most of every item by focusing onthe employer


    o matter the item you choose to put on your CV, you can makethe most of it by simply focusing on your CV, even your hobbies.

    It is not a question of what to include, it is a question of whether it

    addresses the needs and concerns of the employers. Thats the secret.

    We are all selfish beings, employers inclusive. So even if you mentionyour waist size and show employer on your CV how your waist size will

    help them achieve their goals, they will fall in love with you.


  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Step 20: Proofread, proofread, and proofread again!

    Grab you pen and write out in bold text what Im about to tell you.

    One of the ways employers determine your personality is throughyour spellings and grammar. Did you get that?

    A CV riddled with spelling errors and grammatical blunders gives you way as a careless person. On the other hand, a CV devoid oftypographical and grammatical blunders promotes you as a personcommitted to excellence.

    So proofread your CV for typographical and grammatical errors. If

    possible, do it twenty times, and even give it to another person to help you do the same.Warning! Dont depend on your computers spellchecking tool alone. Aha!

    You Can Get the Job of Your Dreams

    All you have to do is write powerful CVs that generate interviews; thenprepare to answer the questions youll be asked during the interview in agreat way, and pronto, the job is yours. Its simple, but it is not easy. It

    requires discipline, persistence, and know-how.

    Youll succeed!

    Additional Resources Available At

  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Some Powerful Thoughts to Live By

    "Anything in life worth having is worth working for." - Andrew Carnegie

    "Success is never ending, failure is never final." - Dr. Robert Schuller

    "Success often comes to those who dare to act. It seldom goes to thetimid who are ever afraid of the consequences." - Jawaharlal Nehru

    "Obstacles are those frightful things you can see when you take your eyesoff your goal." - Henry Ford

    "It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one canfloat with it." - John Crowe

    "You will never find time for anything. You must make it."- Charles Buxton

    "Remove failure as an option." - Joan Lunden

    "There is no one giant step that does it. It's a lot of little steps."- Peter A. Cohen

    "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars." Les Brown

  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Are You One of Them?

    Probably. I mean do you belong to the vast group of people who pay little or noattention to writing a good CV? It beats my imagination hands down that so

    many people dont take their CV writing serious.

    Now listen. Your CV is probably the most important document you will ever write and that is far as your career is concerned. Tell me which otherdocument will help you get a job that will provide the money to

    Pay your transportation Pay your utility bills Put food on your table Buy or rent you a house Enable you invest for the future Take care of your family Get you insuranceAnd so many other things

    Tell me which other document plays such a key role in your financial security?If you think you can be completely happy without a job, think again!

    Youve probably heard of the old saying, "You never get a second chance tomake a first impression", I have not seen a truer than that when it comes to jobsearch.

    When you send out your CV, it must sell you well enough to earn you aninterview. You never get a second chance to explain anything. No employer

    will write back to you or call you to write another CV!

    So your CV just has to grab attention at first glance and make a powerful salespitch in the few CRITICAL seconds. If it does that, an interview is pretty muchguaranteed. But if it doesn't, then you will continue to send out CVs upon CVs,

    then youll wonder why you dont receive any response.

    So what is the best solution, you ask? With all I have seen, I believe thebest solution is to hire a professional CV writer like me to write your CV. Buthow many jobseekers have the wherewithal to pay me thousands to write theirCVs? Thats why I wrote the ebook:How to Write Outstanding CVs thatMake Employers Excited to Meet You!

    This 65-page ebook is an idea whose time has come. The search for job is over!Learn more about it in the next page. Caution: This ebook will cause a

    serious and dramatic change in your job search campaign!


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  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Youve posted your CV on countless job search websites and gaveyour CV to every job headhunter you came across, but youre stilljobless!

    Youve prayed and prayed and prayed, and even backed it up withfasting but heaven seems to be turning a deaf ear.

    Youre not alone. Getting the job you desire is like playing the lottery.According to statistics, if you gather all the CVs being circulated todayand put them together, end to end, they would go round the earth over26 times!

    Truth be told, good CVs are rare. Research has shown that about 98% ofCVs end up in the trashcan! And yet another research reveals that over90% of jobseekers have no idea of how to sell themselves to get theresults they desire in their career.

    Sometime ago

    TheSociety for Human Resource Managementconducted a

    survey and the result showed that hiring managers spend less than 3minutes on the average CV.

    I strongly disagree!

    Maybe that was 10 years ago or perhaps that is when employers havedecided to read the so-called average CV at all.

    Why do I say this?

    Because with the advent of computer and Internet, the job market hasbecome more competitive than ever and its now extremely difficult tostand out of the crowd and be heard above the noises.

    With 1,000s of CVs to review for a single job position, employersspend less than 3 seconds to determine whether to read a CV or send itto the trashcan. Yep! Less than 3 seconds!

    With that said, a basic truth, thus, presents itself


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Employers decide to read CVs based on emotion and laterjustify with logic.

    That's right youre at the mercy of the gut feeling of hiring managers.

    No doubt, employers can spend 3 minutes or more on the average CV,but thats after they have made up their minds in the first few seconds.That tells you howCRITICAL it is to spend the time to write a CV thatsemotionally appealing and impressive enough to grab attention at firstglance.

    So, for your CV to get you an interview, it must absolutely do 3CRITICAL things for you:

    1. Grab attention by being emotionally appealing,2. Induce interest,3. Present solid reasons for employers to call you up for interview.

    So, if youve sent out scores of CVs and didnt get any response, itsbecause your CV failed to do the above 3 CRITICAL things.

    But do you know that

    There are people who dont struggle like you to get interviews andconsequently get hired for the job they want, and go on to live the lives oftheir dreams?

    Is it because they are better than you? No, its not because they are betterthan you; its just that their CVs are better than yours.

    Having been writing CVs for people that got them the jobs of their dreamcombining my skills as a Web copywriter and experience as a personal

    development consultant and business owner, I am qualified to teachanyone how to write knockout CVs that can get even a bum the best jobin the land!

    I have graciously taken the time to put together a masterpiece of aninformation to teach you how to write better than the best CVs thatinstantly grab attention, generate interviews, and get managers excitedto meet you! Its a documentation of the same principles and secrets Ihave been using to write deadly effective CVs for my clients that

    generated countless interviews and won them their dream jobs.


  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    This is Introducing

    The groundbreaking, action-packed, no-nonsense e-book: How to Write

    Outstanding CVs that Make Employers Excited to Meet You!

    The Search for Job is Over!

    In this ebook, the essential and basic things you need to know to packagean impressive, attention-arresting CVs and sell yourself beyond thecompetition are captured and delivered in a simple step-by-step formatthat anyone can understand and use to generate endless job interviewsand consequently get hired quicker than a jet on a suicide mission!


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    Tell Me Which of these Guaranteed Secrets YouCould Use to Land Your Dream Job Quicker

    Than You Ever Thought Possible?

    The 3 absolutely essential things you MUST do beforewriting a single word of your CV (See Stage 1, Step 1, 2, and 3).

    The powerful principle that every successful CV is basedon when you know this principle, then you have the key in yourhand to make employers finally see you as the perfect solution thatthey just can't afford to miss. (See Stage 1, Step 2)

    The one all-important question that employers askas theyread every part of your CV. Every single part of your CV mustclearly answer this question or else it will end up in the waste

    basket! (See page 13).

    3 ways to discover the needs of your potential employersand how to specifically address them in your CV to give you theedge over thousands of other applicants. (See page 14).

    The 2 basic things that employers hire new employees todo regardless of the position they are to fill whether an entry-level position or an executive position. (See page 15).

    What to do if you dont have the required experience.Youll be amazed when you discover the simple secret ofsurmounting this obstacle and how to go about it in your CV insuch a way that puts you head and shoulders above even the mostexperienced individual! (See Stage 1, Step 6).

    Which CV format should you use? Functional?Chronological? Both or Professional? Okay, Ill tell you now. It alldepends on your situation. What situation? (Find out in Stage 1,Step 4).

    How to develop a winning strategy for your CV using theOBT formula. This is the all-important strategy that makes theBIG difference between those who get called up for interviews andthose who never get called up. By the way, what is OBT and howcan it help you to land your dream job? (See Stage 1, Step 6).


  • 8/7/2019 How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews 2


    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    And that is Just the Beginning

    When you grab your own copy. Youll also jealously learn

    The key question that must be on your mind as you writeevery section of your CV. This question serves as a guide to

    writing outstanding CVs that employers fall in love with. (See Stage2, Intro).

    How most jobseekers mess up their CVs with their emailaddresses and what you MUST do to avoid it. (See Stage 2, Step2).

    A simple natural principle that got a certain group ofjobseekers interviewed and employed while another groupnever got interviewed even though they all had the samequalifications. This principle works like a miracle that I wasshocked to discover that CV writing experts didnt talk about it itis one of the powerful secrets that get employers excited to meet

    you! (See Stage 2, Step 3).

    How to powerfully tell employers why they must employyou using the same principle that savvy marketers have been usingfor centuries to capture tons of customers and sell out theirproducts You see, CVs look alike and when there is nothing toclearly differentiate them, employers choose to interview based ontheir prejudices thats gambling. This principle will allow you totake control of the process and stand you head and shouldersabove the competition. (See Stage 2, Step 4).

    How to write your work experience and educationalqualifications in credible and believable terms. Listen,there is a way you can honestly write your qualifications but wouldmake employers think that youre economical with the truth. Findout how to avoid this in Stage 2, Step 6.

    Which should you focus more on in your CV Previous jobresponsibilities or accomplishments? Which of them will make allthe difference? (See Stage 2, Step 7).


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    The 7 core needs common to all businesses These are thebasic needs that employers generally want to see happen in theirorganizations. When you know these core needs, you have a solidfoundation to write your CV on. (See Stage 2, Step 7).

    How to jazz up your CV and make it a hitwith hiringmanagers by adding just a few words! (See Stage 2, Step 8).

    How to wow your potential employerswith your repertoireof soft skills. You see, there are some soft skills that employers

    value a lot in the workplace. Discover 5 of the most common softskills that employers want their employees to have, plus how topowerfully present them on your CV. (See Stage 2, Step 9).

    How to breathe life into your CV and make it livelybyaction-packing it with power-words. What are these power-wordsand where will they appear on your CV? Find out in Stage 2, Step10.

    13 commonplace, worn-out, all-too-familiar words yourCV must be without. These words are vague and they weaken

    your CV and put it in jeopardy. You simply must avoid them. (See

    Stage 2, Step 11).

    How to design and format your CV to grab attention andmake a good impression in the very CRITICAL first 3seconds. Learn how I almost joined a high yield investmentprogram because of the tantalizing design of the programsprospectus and how you can use the same principles and make

    your CV stand out. (See Stage 2, Step 1).

    Which font should you use? Is it okay to use two or tree typesof fonts? What size is advisable? Relax! You see, there are safe andprofessional fonts and there are also unsafe and unprofessionalfonts. Your choice of font speaks volumes about you.Warning! If

    youve been using Times New Roman, youve been giving yourselfaway as a primitive person and its been costing you your dream

    job. Find out the safe and professional font that even the soar-awayNOKIAuses on their phones thats so clear that even yourgrandpa can read without any need for lenses. (See Stage 2, Step3).


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    A basic formatting principle that if used would enable youstress key information, keep out long and unnecessaryparagraph and free up white spaces to make your CV tantalizingand easy to read. (See Stage 3, Step 5).

    How long should your CV be? 1 page? 2 pages? 3 pages? Ormore? (Find out in Stage 3, Step 8).

    The 3 crucial steps you must take to ensure that your CVis devoid of both typographical and grammatical errors,and costly inconsistencies. (See Stage 4, Step 1, 2, and 3).

    23 flaw-checking questions your CV must run through toensure it is flawless and error-free You probably already knowthat mistakes and inconsistencies can cause you your dream job.

    You want to avoid them. (See how in Stage 4, step 2).

    10 common stupid mistakes CV writers make to mess uptheir CVs and scuttle their chance of getting their dream jobs.(See Page 57).

    The 7 absolutely required items employers want to see inyour CV. (See Page 21).

    Is it okay to include your hobbies and interests in yourCV?Wrong question! The question should be: Would includingmy hobbies and interests get me an interview? Get the eye-openingexplanation on how to make the most of every item on your CV in(See Stage 2, Step 14).

    If you think thats all youre going to benefit from this ebook,

    then be prepared for the most pleasant shock of your life!

    Im sure, by now, you cant wait to lay your hands on this powerfulresource, BUT WAIT for this


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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

    When You Order For Your Own Copy NOW,Youll Receive 5 Exclusive, Turn-Around,

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    How to Write CVs That Generate Interviews by Edwin Akpan Joel

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