howdoesshe family dinner questions

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  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


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    What sport (that you haven't tried) do you think you

    would be good at? Why?

    20 Questions! Think of an object, animal, or thing

    and have your family guess what it is. They can onlyask yes/no questions.

    What was your “high” for today?

    What was your “low” for today?

    What kinds of things get you angriest? Why?

    Which is your color that best describes you or 

    stands for your personality?

    Do you have many friends?

    If you were to be reborn, who would you want

    to be born as?

  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    If you could have picked your own name,

    what would it be?

    If you could be an animal, what animal

    would you be?

    Which is your favorite cartoon character?

    Which character in a book best describes

    who you are?

    If you could cook anything for me,

    what would you make?

    If you were granted three wishes from a genie,

    what would you wish for?

    Do you dance crazy when no one is looking?

    Why do you think the alphabet in that order?

    Is it because of that song?

    What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how

    you would use it.

    Which of your friends do you think I like

    the most? Why?

    Tell me the five best things about you.

    What does the word “success” mean to you?

    Who would you rather be: an NBA ballplayer,

    the mayor, a famous explorer, or a movie star? Why?

    What are the qualities that make a good friend?

    If you could keep your room any way you wanted,

    how would it look?

    What punishment have I given you that you

    thought was really unfair? Why?

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  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    What was your favorite toy when you were little?

    What do you think of my driving?

    What is the most enjoyable thing our family has

    done together in the last three years?

    What do you think is beyond the stars?

    Name two things we should do as a family

    this weekend.

    If you were going to have a weird, unusual pet,

    what would it be? Why would you want that pet?

    How do you describe me to your friends?

    What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

    How long is a dragonfly’s lifespan, in hours?

    Answer: 24 hours 

    How far can large kangaroos travel with each jump?

    Answer: 30 feet 

    Do you think any of our neighbors are scary?

    What helps to keep you from crying when you

    are chopping onions? Answer: Chewing gum

    True or False: Dalmatians are born without spots.

    Answer: True

    Ben and Jerry’s sends the waste from making ice

    cream to local pig farmers to use as feed. Pigs love

    it, except for which one flavor? Answer: Mint Oreo

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    Only one insect can turn its head. Which is it?

    Answer: The praying mantis 

    True or False: The world population of chickens is

    about equal to the number of people. Answer: True

  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    Which of the following choices do you thinkwould be best, and why?a. Dinner with everyone at the table and the TV  on with your favorite programb. Dinner in which everybody took what they wanted  from the fridge and no one had the same thing

    c. Dinner with the whole family together and no TV on

    If you are feeling sad, what meal that I could make

    or order would be the one that would cheer you up?

    Are you afraid when we fly?

    If you had to have one of these, which would pick,

    and why: really long nose hairs, hair in your ears,

    hair above your lip, or massively hairy armpits?

    How much privacy would you like? What time of the

    day would you like to be alone, and why?

    Which one of our friends is the funniest looking?


    If you could arrange it, what time would I come home

    from work? Then, what would we do together?

    What kinds of lies do your friends tell their parents?

    If you could change three things about yourself,

    what would they be?

    How much money could you use a week? Why?

    Have you ever imitated something you saw in

    a movie? What was it?

    What do you think are the characteristics that make

    a good parent?

    If you had to have a disability, which one of these

    would you pick, and why: blindness, deafness, or 

    an inability to walk?

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    If a genie would give you only one wish,

    which would you pick, and why?

    a. Being world-class attractive

    b. Being a genius

    c. Being world famous for doing

      something great

  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    Name a TV or movie star that you think is lame.

    Do you think it’s important to get physical

    education in school? Why or why not?

    Do you think I lose my temper too often?

    If so, how often?

    What do you think is the right amount of hugging

    and kissing that should go on between kids and their 

    mom? How about kids and their dad?

    A giraffe can clean its ears with its own tongue.

    How long is a giraffe’s tongue? Answer: 21 inches 

    A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a

    child inside. How wide is that, in feet? Answer: 4 feet 

    A hummingbird weighs less than a what?

    Answer: A penny 

    A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 

    a very long time. Guess how long? Answer: 6 years 

    Most Americans’ car horns beep in which key?

    Answer: The key of F 

    What color toothbrush do most people use?

    Answer: Blue

    How many grooves does a quarter have around

    its edge? Answer: 119 

    A skunk can spray its stinky scent more than how

    many feet? Answer: 10 feet 

    True or False: Every year, more Monopoly money is

    printed than real money printed throughout the world.

    Answer: True

    A goldfish has a memory span of how many

    seconds? Answer: 3 seconds 

    Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but

    what facial features never stop growing?

    Answer: Nose and ears 

    True or False: Most cows give more milk when they

    listen to music. Answer: True

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  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    What is the only state in the country with a

    one-syllable name? Answer: Maine

    What is your favorite room in our home? Why?

    How would the world be different if animals

    could talk?

    Name three words that describe you very well.

    If you could make a rule that everyone in the family

    had to follow, what would that rule be?

    True or False: It is physically impossible for pigs

    to look up into the sky. Answer: True

    What was Mickey Mouse’s original name?

    Answer: Mortimer Mouse

    If you were a teacher and the kids in your class

    wouldn’t listen to you, what would you do?

    If you could tell me never to serve two vegetables

    again, which two would you choose?

    Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?

    Do you like to sing in the shower?

    What’s your favorite season?

    What sports do you like best?

    Which day has more collect calls than any other 

    day of the year? Answer: Father’s Day 

    What was the first novel ever written on a

    typewriter? Answer: Tom Sawyer 

    On a scale of one to nine – one being not at all and

    nine being totally – how strict do you think I am?

    Where on the scale would you like me to be?

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  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    What kinds of things on TV and in movies make

    you laugh?

    What is the grossest thing you can think of?

    How long does it take the average person to

    fall asleep? Answer: 7 minutes 

    How many dreams does the average person have

    in a year? Answer: Over 1,460 

    Which creature has the largest eyes in the world?

    Answer: Giant squid 

    Which way do bats always turn when exiting a cave?

    Answer: Left 

    True or False: Roosters cannot crow if they cannot

    extend their necks. Answer: True

    What color has a calming effect? Answer: Blue.

    It causes the brain to release calming hormones.

    How long does it take for a red blood cell to circle

    the whole body? Answer: 20 seconds 

    How many steps are there from the bottom to the

    top of the Eiffel Tower? Answer: 1,792 

    True or False: Every time you sneeze some of your 

    brain cells die. Answer: True

    True or False: When you blush, the lining of your 

    stomach also turns red. Answer: True

    When hippos are upset, what color does their 

    sweat turn? Answer: Red 

    How long did the oldest known goldfish live?

    Answer: 41 years of age, and his name was Fred 

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    How old is the world’s oldest piece of chewing gum?

    Answer: 9,000 years old 

    True or False: Tigers have striped skin, not just

    striped fur. Answer: True

  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    Do you feel you are as intelligent as most of your 

    friends? Why or why not?

    What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Why?

    Have you ever gotten really lost? If so, tell me

    about it. How did you feel?

    How much TV a day do you think a kid

    should watch?

    At what age, if any, do you think a kid should be able

    to watch any TV show no matter what is in it?

    Do you think you live in a dangerous neighborhood?

    Why or why not?

    What is the grossest thing you can think of?

    Has an adult ever hit you that you haven’t told

    me about?

    Has anyone ever tried to sell you drugs? If so,

    what did you say to that person?

    What kids are popular in your grade? What do

    you think makes a person popular?

    Is there anybody in history that you have read

    about that you would like to be?

    What do you think is the right age for marriage?


    Tell me three things you remember 

    about kindergarten.

    If you could trade lives with somebody you know,

    who would it be?

    Do you feel close to any of your grandparents,

    aunts, or uncles? If so, to whom do you feel closest?

    If you knew a friend of yours had stolen something,

    what would you do about it?

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  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    How do you think you would feel if you thought you

    were going to be the first person to meet someone

    from outer space? What would you say or ask?

    How many eyelids do camels have to protect

    themselves from blowing sand? Answer: Three

    True or False: Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

    Answer: True

    During your lifetime, how many pounds of food does

    the average person eat? Answer: 60,000 pounds.

    That’s the weight of about 6 elephants!

    Einstein couldn’t speak fluently until he was how old?

    Answer: Nine. No one could tell he was a genius!

    True or False: Every person has a unique tongue

    print. Answer: True

    How many times faster do fingernails grow than

    toenails? Answer: Nearly four times faster 

    True or False: Hershey’s Kisses are called that because

    the machine that makes them looks like it’s kissing

    the conveyor belt. Answer: True

    In the White House, how many knives, forks and

    spoons are there? Answer: 13,092. How many 

    do you think we have? 

    True or False: Sharks can swim backwards.

    Answer: False. They can only swim forwards.

    True or False: Honeybees have hair on their eyes.

    Answer: True

    Human teeth are almost as hard as what object you

    can find outside? Answer: Rocks 

    Human thigh bones are stronger than what

    building material? Answer: Concrete

    What can happen to kids under 15 years of age in

    Bangladesh for cheating on their finals?

    Answer: They can be sent to jail!

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    True or False: Thomas Edison, who invented the

    light bulb, was afraid of the dark. Answer: True.

    True or False: Spiders have six legs.

    Answer: False. They have eight legs.

  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    Is there anything you pretend you understand, but

    you really don’t? What is it?

    Who do you think you are most like in our family?


    Do you ever have a dream that comes back over 

    and over? If so, what is it like?

    Why do you think some people don’t like animals?

    What is your very earliest memory as a very little kid?

    Why are sports so important to kids?

    How many pounds of poop does an elephant poop

    in one day? Answer: 80 pounds 

    Do you think “honesty is always the best policy”?

    Why or why not?

    Can you describe the most beautiful place you have

    ever visited?

    Have you ever had a dream that really scared you?

    What was it about?

    What have you done in school, sports, or anywhere,

    that you are especially proud of?

    Do you think girls look better with or without

    makeup? Why?

    Which of your friends are you proudest of? Why?

    How many times do adults laugh in a day?

    Answer: 15 to 100 times per day 

    How many times in a day do six-year-olds laugh?

    Answer: 300 times per day 

    What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done

    for you?

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  • 8/18/2019 HowDoesShe Family Dinner Questions


    The human heart creates enough pressure while

    pumping to squirt blood how many feet?

    Answer: 30 feet 

    How long can a cockroach live with its head cut off?

    Answer: Several weeks 

    True or False: A company in Taiwan makes

    dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate.

    Answer: True

    How much more gas does a cow produce per day

    than a human? Answer: 200 times more

    How many ridges are there on the edge of a dime?

    Answer: 118 

    If you could have one of the following two things

    which would it be and why: trust or love?

    Why do we park on a driveway and drive on

    a parkway?

    Why is there Braille on a drive up ATM machine?

    When and how was the last time you told someone

    HONESTLY how you felt?

    What do you think would be the hardest thing for 

    you to give up on?

    OK, so what’s the speed of dark?

    Why are builders afraid to have a 13th floor, but

    book publishers aren’t afraid to have a Chapter 11?

    Why do they report power outages on TV?

    Why isn’t there a mouse-flavored cat food?

    Designed exclusively for HowDoesShe com by Chickabug com ©2013

     You are walking down the street on your 

    way to work. There is a cat drowning in the

    canal on the side of the street. If you stop

    to save the cat you will be late to work, but

    your boss has told you if you are late one

    more time you get fired. What do you do?